Kyle's Story - Book Three - Cover

Kyle's Story - Book Three

Copyright© 2024 by JTrevor

Chapter 7: Making Memories

Coming of Age Sex Story: Chapter 7: Making Memories - Love, such a small word but with so many big emotions attached to it. As everyone knows, falling in love quite often involves plenty of “making love” and that is something Kyle is definitely open to explore. Come with Kyle for more fun and adventure as he continues to navigate college life. New characters and interesting situations are presented, some of which will have Kyle realizing that his studies into human psychology will be more than he originally imagined.

Caution: This Coming of Age Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Consensual   Romantic   Heterosexual   Fiction   School   Workplace   Cream Pie   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Sex Toys  


“Yes, Kyle?” she says, looking up from her pastrami sandwich lunch.

“I was able to switch shifts with one of the guys at work for the weekend of your birthday to go home to Spring Haven with you.”

“That’s great! I’m so happy.”

“Yeah, me too. I have one other question.”

“What’s that?”

“How would you feel about missing your Magic Club meeting next Saturday and spending it with me?”

“Sure, I can do that. What’s going on?”

“Well ... since we’ll be back home on your birthday with our families, I thought we could celebrate it a week early, just you and I.”

“I like the sound of this,” Abby perks up, “What do you have in mind?”

“I want it to be a surprise. On Saturday, can you pack a change of clothes for an overnight getaway, a bathing suit, and something more formal you would like to wear to a nice dinner?”

“I can do that. Oh, Kyle, now I’m really curious! Please tell me where we’re going.”

I smile, “I can’t tell you that.”

Abby is giddy, “This is going to drive me crazy all week, and it’s only Tuesday!”

That afternoon, while I’m at work, Abby kept texting me, creatively trying to get me to slip up and drop a hint about this weekend, but I kept my texting fingers sealed about it. I know it’s driving her nuts, but that’s the fun of it.

At the dorm that evening, Alex and I finish up an intense round of X-Box gaming before calling it a night and turning in. “Hey Kyle, remember the other day when that Leena, or Lorna, or whatever her name is, seen us?”


“Yeah, the blow-job woman.”

“What about her?”

“Do you think she was serious with her offer?”

“‘Offer’ of what?”

“Didn’t you see the way she was blowing kisses, calling us ‘Hot-Stuff’, and saying she would ‘shine our baseball-bats?’”

“I wouldn’t think too deeply about anything she says...” I blow it off.

“Yeah, but that’s the closest invitation I’ve ever had for anything sexual; you can see why I wonder if she’s actually serious?”

“She’s probably just pulling your chains, Alex.”

“But, what if she wasn’t and all I have to do is ask? Have you heard the way Connor talks about how she does it to him? He says she could suck the chrome off a bumper.”

“I think everyone in this building, probably the whole damn campus, has heard Connor spill the details.”

“I tell ya, just once, I would like to experience some lips, or a pussy, something other than my hand on myself...”

“Well, I guess you can ask her if you want to.” I shrug. I don’t think there’s any trying to talk sense into a horny sex drive that strong.

“I just might...” Alex muses to himself.

Even if I was single, I would probably steer clear of the likes of Leona. As enticing as a good blow-job sounds, there’s just a level of nastiness here I wouldn’t be comfortable with. Alex will have to make up his own mind about it though, I don’t want to preach.

I do find myself wondering why she does all this? It’s one thing to enjoy casual sex, but to run around, shamelessly offering to suck the cum-gun of any guy she crosses paths with? I don’t get it. Does something like that come from low self-esteem or lack of morals? Where does a little self-respect come into play? Here I am, probably over-thinking things again, but I do find her motives intriguing. I guess that’s the work of the budding psychologist in me...

A short while later, I hear Alex and his hand, he’s fwip, fwip, fwipping himself again. At the very least, I’m pretty sure his mind is on Leona’s lips and not Gail anymore...

By Thursday, Abby figured out I’m not going to budge on dropping any hints about our upcoming weekend. I give her credit for some of her attempts though. Things like, “Are we staying in town?”, “Should I make sure the gas tank is full?”, “Is there going to be anyone we know there?” Even, “Do we need to bring food?” Fair questions, sure, but I knew she was using them to try to get me to slip up.

She said the guys in the Magic Club agreed to meet on Friday evening, that was nice of them to accommodate her for being away on Saturday.

As I am getting ready to leave work that afternoon, Meredith waves me over. She hands me a bag with a bottle inside, “Here’s a little something for you and your sweetheart, might go good for your romantic weekend.”

I look inside, it’s a nice bottle of red wine, “Are you sure, Meredith?”

“Yeah, go on and take it, Hun,” she smiles, “It was an extra I had; you two can put it to better use than I will.”

“Thank you!”

“You are most welcome.”

Throughout the week, Alex and I have been consistent with our work-outs. I give him a lot of credit for continuing to get up early with me and sticking with it. Rachel is proud of him too, she moved him up from a beginner’s routine to an intermediate regimen. He told me he can now fasten his belt one loop in, a good sign of progress that he’s already dropped a few extra pounds.

Also throughout the week, when I have a private moment here and there, I find myself accessing the pass-worded file on my phone to look at the pictures Abby sent me. I really do like looking at them, they get me so hard. I think this taps into the visual aspect of sex that I enjoy, all part of how I love watching when we do it. Being able to see her beautiful pussy any time I want really turns me on.

On Saturday after lunch, I text Abby that I have my duffle bag packed and will be riding to her house soon. She texted back saying that I don’t need to do that, she can pick me up with her car at the front doors to Everett Hall. She said I can drive to our destination since she doesn’t know where that is.

Our trip is about 15 miles according to the G.P.S on my phone. Abby is so excited, she admitted she’s happy I kept this a surprise, despite her attempts to extract info from me.

We arrive at the Valley Pines Resort and I pull under the canopy at the entrance. The place is an extravagant four-story rustic-looking lodge, framed with large timbers. Very old and tall pine trees surround the place, and there’s a beautifully manicured golf course on the grounds behind the hotel.

A bellhop is on hand to help us with our luggage, which for one night isn’t much, but they don’t want us to strain ourselves in any way. A valet takes the keys and parks our car for us. First-class pampering begins the minute we arrive.

“Wow! Kyle, this place looks amazing.” Abby is impressed.

“Yeah, it does. It looks even better than the pictures I saw on the website.”

“I’ve never stayed at a place like this before. All our family vacations were always to relative’s houses.”

We enter the main doors to the lobby; the inside is even more impressive than the outside. The room is in the center of the building and is the full three stories tall with hanging chandeliers and huge timber supports framing the upper reaches. In the center of the room is a massive, natural-stone fireplace, surrounded with comfy looking leather couches and chairs. Past the fireplace are large windows looking out onto the golf course with doors leading to an outdoor deck filled with tables and chairs.

To the right, is the entrance to the Green Pines Tavern & Grille, the restaurant where we’ll have dinner later. On the left is a Gift Shop and a passage that leads to the spas, saunas, an exercise room, and the indoor pool.

We step up to check in, the lady behind the counter smiles, “Hello! Welcome to Valley Pines Resort. My name is Glenda, how can I assist you?”

“Hi, we have a reservation for Stevenson.”

She looks it up, “Ah, yes, a Wyoming king, hospitality suite with a Jacuzzi. Is this correct?” Abby is impressed, her eyes grow big as she looks at me.

“Yes, Ma’am.”

Once the check-in procedure is complete, Glenda hands us our room key cards. “Okay, Mr. and Mrs. Stevenson, you two are all set. If you will follow William, he will show you to your room. We hope you’ll enjoy your stay with us and all our fine amenities. If you need anything at all, please don’t hesitate to ask any of our helpful staff.”

William has our bags on a cart, we follow him to the elevator. He asks, “Is this your first time staying with us?”

“Yes, it is.”

“Wonderful, we’re happy you choose Valley Pines. We will go up to the 3rd Floor, I’m sure you will enjoy your stay, your room is a favorite with many of our frequent guests.” William leads us to Room 310. I slide my key-card in the lock mechanism and the light turns green signaling the door is unlocked.

The room is gorgeous and bigger than I was expecting too. To the right is a huge king-sized bed and to the left is a sitting area with a couch and two stuffed chairs facing a stone fireplace, a smaller version of the one in the main lobby. Further in, glass doors lead to a small outdoor balcony with a beautiful view of the fairway and wooded grounds.

“Wow! This is nice. I can’t get over how huge that bed is.”

“Yes, that’s a Wyoming King, measuring at a seven-feet, by seven-feet,” William explains, “The only bed larger is an Alaska King that measures in at nine-feet by nine feet, we don’t have any rooms with one of those here.” William sure knows his beds!

Past the bed, we see a whole separate room with a Jacuzzi-style tub that looks big enough to accommodate four people. There are two sinks, a separate shower, and the toilet is even in its own little room. This bathroom is as big as my family room back home.

William tells us there’s another elevator at the far end of the hall that leads directly to the pool, spas, and saunas so we won’t need to traverse through the main lobby in swimsuits. Hanging on hooks, he shows us large fluffy white hotel bathrobes we can use for those facilities.

Next, he shows us how to work the fireplace, it’s gas-fed so we don’t need to actually burn wood. He also shows us the instructions on how to work the Jacuzzi tub and water jets.

On a writing desk, he shows us a binder with all the hotel’s phone numbers, amenities, restaurant menus for in-room service, golf course scheduling, spa treatments, pool hours, everything we need to know about this place for a complete pampering.

William asks, “Being that this is your first time here, would you like me to take you on a tour of the resort? Or, would you prefer to explore on your own?”

I look at Abby, she shrugs, “We can explore on our own.”

“Very well. Once again, welcome to Valley Pines.”

I’ve never stayed at a fancy place like this. I understand it’s customary to tip the porter so I hand him $10 hoping it is an appropriate amount and I’m not insulting him. He smiles and thanks me with no sour looks, so I guess it’s adequate. “Enjoy your stay.”

Once William leaves, Abby comes over and hugs me tight, “Oh Kyle, I can see why you wanted to keep me in suspense. This place is really, really nice!”

“It sure is.”

Abby grins, “Did you hear the lady at the counter call us ‘Mr. and Mrs. Stevenson?’”

“Yeah,” I snicker, “she must think we’re married.”

Abby leads me to the bed, I sit and she straddles her legs on each side of me, sitting on my lap, kissing me. She whispers, “Would you like me to be your Mrs. Stevenson this weekend?”

“Absolutely...” I whisper back. Back to kissing, we slip our tongues in each other’s mouths. When we break our bond, I lay out a plan to see what she thinks, “Okay, here’s what I was thinking. We could go swimming in the pool, then put on our nice clothes and go to dinner, then we could-” I stop and see Abby’s eyes welling up with tears. “What’s wrong?” I quietly ask.

“Oh, Kyle ... No one ... no one has ever done anything this special for me before...” She puts her hands behind my head and looks at me, “You are so wonderful to me, I love you ... love you so much...”

“And, I love you, Abby,” I whisper, “you really are everything to me, I mean that.”

We sit holding each other for a while, I wasn’t expecting this little emotional moment, but it happens. She takes a few deep breaths and calms. “Are you okay?” I ask.

She nods, “Yeah, it just all kinda hit me, I’m sorry...”

“It’s okay...” I gently rub her back.

Holding her close is what she needs right now. At times, I forget that Abby doesn’t have past romantic relationships; I’m her first boyfriend, I’m the first guy she trusts to love, and I’m the first guy to fall in love with her. Things I do for her sometimes have more impact than I expect.

When she’s ready, she sits up, “I’m okay now. Let’s go back to what you were trying to tell me.”

“Well, I thought maybe we could swim in the pool, then go to dinner, after that, we can set you up with a spa treatment.”

“I like that, but I’ve never had a spa treatment before...”

I reach for the binder, “Let’s see what they have.”

We read through the spa menu, Abby sees something and asks, “What’s a Brazilian Wax?”

“I don’t know. Where do you see that?”

“It’s right here,” she points it out, “it’s just below something called a Bikini Trim.”

“Hmmm ... These items are under Hair Removal. Could a Bikini Trim have something to do with armpit or pubic hair?”

She giggles, “They actually do that here?”

“They must.” I look up Brazilian Wax on my phone, “It says here that a Brazilian Wax is a complete removal of feminine pubic hair.” I’m starting to laugh now too. I’ve never heard of such things being done other than by oneself, or with a significant other; this is all new to me.

Abby is astonished. “Who would want a stranger messing around down there? That close to my...? I only want you looking at my hoochie, thank you,” she laughs.

We put together a list of non-private area things she would like. Starting with a face deep-cleansing, eyebrow trimming, a hot towel hand and foot massage, a body massage, and some sauna time. “Are you going with me?” she asks.

“I thought I would just hang out here.”

“Oh, come on Kyle. At least come to the sauna and get a massage with me?”

“Okay, we can do that.”

After I call down to make our reservations in the spa, we change into our bathing suits, Abby has a cute one-piece violet-colored swim-suit that looks nice on her.

We drape on the big white fluffy bathrobes. “I love these great big robes, Kyle. I want to get one just like it, so soft and cozy.”

“We can look around for one, or we could ask the hotel people where they get them.”

The indoor pool is in a huge room with the window walls looking out on the hotel grounds. In one corner of the pool, there’s a bubbling, inviting-looking, hot tub. A few elderly people are already here, but that’s about it. Most of them smile when they see us come in, but one couple sitting in lounge chairs give us sour looks that say, “Oh good lord, here comes a couple of rowdy kids who’ll probably get loud and splash water everywhere.” To me, they look like they could be related to those crotchety Kransen’s at the Fairlawn Apartments.

Abby and I find a table to set our towels and robes. We dip our toes in the pool, the water is a perfect temperature, no easing in, one timid-inch at a time is needed today. I start to swim to the deeper part when Abby calls to me. “Kyle?”


“I can’t swim very well. I’m afraid to go to the deep end.”

I swim back to her, “Hold onto me, I’ll take you.”

Abby puts her arms around me as we move into deeper water, the deeper we get, the tighter she clings to me. “Do you want me to teach you to swim?” I ask.

“Okay,” she nervously agrees.

I hold her up, but she keeps her arms secure around my neck, not ready to let go just yet. Have you ever noticed how easy it is to hold someone up in water? It’s like they’re a mere fraction of their weight. I remember as a little kid, I loved how I could pick my mother up in the water, she said I was her little He-Man.

“Okay Abby, you can let go of my neck, I’m not going to let you go under.”

She hesitantly releases her grip, but I make sure she knows I am supporting her as she gets used to kicking her feet and stroking with her arms. Before long, she’s doing it on her own and I can free my hold of her. I make sure to stay close in case she needs me.

“Okay, Kyle, you can let me go now. I want to try it on my own.”

“I’m not holding you, you’re doing it!”

“I am?”


Abby and I have fun for a while in the water, she swims from one side to the other several times unassisted. Swimming to me, she wraps her arms and legs around, kissing me for teaching her the basics of swimming that she never learned before and was too afraid to try on her own.

We swim over to check out the hot tub, there’s an older couple already enjoying it, but it’s big enough for twelve people at least. We ask if we may join them, they say, “Sure, hop in.” We sit down and get comfortable, the nice lady smiles and asks, “We’ve been watching you two, you look like you’re in love.”

“Yeah, you could say that,” Abby blushes.

“I hope I’m not being too forward, but are you two sweethearts on your honeymoon by any chance?”

Abby and I smirk at each other, this is the second time we’ve been mistaken for being married today. “No, Abby and I are just staying overnight,” I answer.

“Kyle brought me here for my birthday.”

“Oh, how wonderful! Happy Birthday to you, Abby.”

“Thank you.”

The man asks, “Do you play golf, Kyle? I could sure use a partner; my friend Darryl canceled at the last minute this weekend.”

“No, Sir, I’ve only played putt-putt.”

He tilts his head confused, his wife says, “He’s talking about mini-golf, Gerald, you know like they have at the ice cream shop back home.”

“Oh, yes, yes. I never was very good at that ... Damn ball always gets hit by the windmill blades.”

“You were never very good at regular golf either...” his wife rolls her eyes.

Gerald scoffs at her, “Oh, stop it, Peggy, I haven’t bent a club over my knee in years.”

“Thank god for that, or we’d be in the poor house by now with how many perfectly good clubs you’ve broken or threw in the pond.”

“Water hazard, Dear, it’s called a water hazard.”

“Oh, whatever,” she poo-poohs him, “looks like a pond to me.” These two are cute, the way they bicker and tease each other, you can tell they’ve been together for decades.

Peggy asks us, “Where are you two lovebirds from?”

“We go to Northbrook University over in Milverton, but we’re both from Spring Haven a few hours south.”

“Okay, we know where that is. Gerald and I are from north of Detroit, we like to come up whenever we can.”

“You must really like it here,” Abby says.

“Oh, yes. We noticed you two because normally we don’t see young people here too often, mostly middle-aged, or older folks like us.”

“And, just who are you calling ‘old?’” Gerald mutters.

“Oh, don’t listen to him,” Peggy laughs. “Well, how about those two over there?” she motions her hand at Mr. and Mrs. Grumpy in the lounge chairs that gave Abby and me the dirty looks earlier. “They’re here all the time, but I have yet to see either of them smile...”

“Some people are just that way,” I say.

We stay and chat with Peggy and Gerald for a while until it’s time for us to go back up to our room and get ready for dinner. Our new friends need to leave as well, they say they’ve turned to prunes in the water. Saying our good-byes, we shake hands, I’m sure we will see them around.

As Abby is stepping out of the hot tub the first thing she does is run her fingers in the leg holes of her swimsuit to pull it out of her crack. I have to keep from laughing because as Peggy stands up, she does the exact same thing! I remember taking note of this a couple of summers ago when Marc, Jeff, and I were girl-watching at the Community Center pool. I think I can safely say that all women do this instinctually when they get out of the water. I know, me and my silly observations of human habits again...

Up in our room, Abby and I peal out of our wet bathing suits and rinse the pool water off in the shower. She covers her mouth and snickers at how tiny my penis looks, I do a quick fluffing to bring shy Little Kyle back out, this makes her giggle more, “It happens to all guys after swimming,” I sigh.

“It does? It looks so small and funny!” she laughs.

“It’s called shrinkage or turtling. Hides like a turtle in his shell.”

Once we’re past discussing the particulars of what happens to my privates after swimming, I put on my black dress pants and a white button shirt. Abby brought a navy blue sleeveless dress that drapes just below her knees. This is the first time we’ve seen each other semi-dressed up. She looks really good, that shade of blue looks great on her. It’s even a close match to the tie I brought.

I’ll admit, tying a tie is something I never learned to do properly, even Dad has Mom help him when he needs to wear one. In front of the mirror, I fumble around several times, but the stupid knot always ends up looking lopsided no matter how much I try to force it into shape. Taking after Dad, I call out, “Abby?”

“What is it, Kyle?” she calls over her hairdryer.

“Would you happen to know how to tie a tie by any chance?”

“Come here,” she rolls her eyes. “I swear I have not known of a man that can do this on his own.” Why is it women know all about how to tie a man’s tie, but most men don’t?

Complete with my black formal shoes and her high-heels on, we look pretty sharp if I must say so. We’re all dressed up with someplace go. Abby and I take the elevator to the Main Lobby. She puts her arm in mine as we walk to the Green Pines Tavern & Grille like the distinguished-looking couple we are.

The restaurant is beautifully decorated in the same theme as this hotel, very rustic with stone columns supporting the log timber framework of the ceiling. The tables all have white pressed clothes, shining silverware, sparkling crystal glassware, and candles for a nice low-light ambiance. Rustic and elegance matched perfectly for a warm and cozy dining experience.

The maître d’ introduces herself as Kate and guides us to a table for two. Being a gentleman, I remember to pull out Abby’s chair for her. Once seated, Kate hands us menus and tells us our beverage waiter will be here shortly. Abby smiles at me over the candle on the table, “This is so romantic, dining by candlelight. I’ve only seen this kind of thing on TV shows.”

“It does kind of feel like that, doesn’t it?”



“I hope I didn’t hurt your feelings when I was laughing about what happens when you swim...”

“No, it’s fine. It is pretty funny how it does that.”

“Okay, I just don’t want to you feel bad or anything...”

“I know, Abby, it’s okay.” I smile.

“It looked so tiny and cute hiding like that,” she giggles behind her hand.

“That’s one way to describe it.”

I start to snicker to myself. “What?” Abby asks.

I lean in, whispering, “Here we are in this fancy restaurant and we’re talking about what happens to my penis when I get out of the pool.”

We hear an, “Ahem.” and look up. “Hello, my name is Brent and I will be your drinks waiter. Is there anything I can start you out with?”

I’m not sure if he heard what I was just telling Abby, but my face feels warm, I’m sure it’s red. Abby tells him she would like an iced tea with a lemon, “Uh, the same for me.” I meekly say.

Brent brings us our drinks, he is followed by Alana, who will be our waitress. Abby and I each ordered steak, her favorite for her special day.

Before our food arrives, I excuse myself to use the bathroom. I find our maître d, Kate, and mention to her that we are here for my girlfriend’s birthday, she smiles, nods, and says she will take care of everything. On my way back, I pass Brent, he smiles and whispers, “No worries, my friend, it happens when I get out of the pool too.” Yup, he just had to hear it...

The dinner starts with an appetizer, then a salad, followed by soup, a little sorbet to cleanse the pallet before our main course of steak, roasted potatoes, and a vegetable medley. For dessert, Abby ordered a slice of Key-Lime Pie and I’ll try the Lemon Meringue.

As we finish our slices, our table is surrounded by restaurant employees, Kate, Brent, Alana, and others, they are holding a chocolate cake with 19 candles, each lit with a small dancing flame. Abby’s eyes open wide in surprise as they all sing Happy Birthday to her, including me. Following the time-honored, traditional song of passage from one’s year to the next, we hear a round of applause from everyone in the restaurant. Abby’s face is flushed, but I can tell she’s loving it. We’re both well-fed and satisfied with our meal, but who can pass up chocolate cake?

Before we leave, Kate comes back to make sure our meal was to our liking. We tell her everything was delicious. She tells us the restaurant will be open for breakfast and lunch, but formal attire is not required at those meal times.

Abby and I take our time strolling and exploring before going back up to our room, we have a little time before we need to be at the spa for our massages. We walk over to the gift shop and see they have lots of golf-related items. Being this place caters to golfers, it makes sense. “Kyle, look what they have!” She’s holding up a white fluffy bathrobe, just like the ones up in our room.

The lady behind the counter smiles and tells us, “Everyone just loves those robes, that’s why we started offering them.”

“Would you like one, Abby?” I ask.

“Yes! Can we stop back in here before we leave tomorrow?”


We want to see what the outdoor deck off the Main Lobby looks like before it gets too dark. At the rail, looking out onto the grounds, Abby hugs me, “Thank you, Kyle. This is the best birthday I’ve ever had!”

I kiss her, “You are very welcome.”

“Look over there,” Abby points out several deer on the edge of the woods, a few does and their young. “They’re so beautiful.”

“They sure are, and so are you.”

She hugs me tight as we breathe in the crisp, cool evening air and enjoy the sweet smells of the nearby pine trees.

In our room, we kick off our shoes and I unbutton my shirt as Abby slips out her dress. When I booked our spa appointments, I asked the lady what we should wear being we’ve never done this before. She said some people wear swimwear or we could just come down with our robes, they have garments we can put on over our undergarments in changing rooms.

At the spa, they have us fill out questionnaires so they can be aware of any health issues we might have and go over everything we signed up for. They take Abby back first for her face deep-cleansing, eyebrow trimming, hot towel hand, and foot massage while I wait in the waiting room.

We have our body massages on tables next to each other, and does this ever feel good. They work our entire bodies for an hour. Every muscle group pressed and stretched from our necks to our ankles.

Once we are all limbered up, we relax in the sauna and have a healthy sweat for a while. It’s extremely hot and humid in here, but we can feel our pours opening and cleansing. When our timer goes off, we take a cooling shower and are ready to take on the world. Or, I should say, go up to our suite and unwind.

In our room for the night, I lock the door, no need to open it until tomorrow. This is our time now, just Abby and me.

“That massage felt so good, I feel awesome,” she says reaching inside her robe, undoing her bra, and slipping out of her panties. She holds them up, grins at me, and tosses them on a chair.

“Yeah, I liked it too, I feel so relaxed.” I drop my underwear and step out of them, keeping my robe on too. I never really use bathrobes much, but Abby is right, this is a really nice one, very comfy.

Time to see how this fireplace works. A turn of the knob and click the igniter and viola’, we have a nice fire, how easy is that? I adjust it to a level that looks good, not too big, not too small, perfect.

Abby sits down on the couch and motions for me to join her. Before I do, I take a couple of items out of my duffle bag. “I have another surprise for you.”

“Oh? What’s this?” she asks as I hand her my gift.

“Open it up.”

Abby unwraps the illustrated copy of ‘The Return of the King’ I picked up a few weeks ago. “You found one! I’ve been looking for this forever. Where did you get it?”

“Remember when we were at the used bookstore a few weeks ago? When you weren’t looking, I found it and took it up to the cashier to hold for me.”

“You’re a sneaky one, Kyle. Thank you!” she kisses me.

“Now you have the whole collection.”

“Yeah, I do. It’s funny because I went in there just last week and asked if they had this one, the guy told me he did but sold it a couple of weeks ago. And, this is that one.”

“I have something else too.” I pull out the bottle of red wine Meredith gave me.

“Wow! You have been a busy guy planning all this.”

I find a couple of glasses and a cork puller by the small fridge, “Okay, I’ve never done this before, so I don’t know what’s going to happen,” I tell her.

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