Kyle's Story - Book Three - Cover

Kyle's Story - Book Three

Copyright© 2024 by JTrevor

Chapter 6: Time for a Talk

Coming of Age Sex Story: Chapter 6: Time for a Talk - Love, such a small word but with so many big emotions attached to it. As everyone knows, falling in love quite often involves plenty of “making love” and that is something Kyle is definitely open to explore. Come with Kyle for more fun and adventure as he continues to navigate college life. New characters and interesting situations are presented, some of which will have Kyle realizing that his studies into human psychology will be more than he originally imagined.

Caution: This Coming of Age Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Consensual   Romantic   Heterosexual   Fiction   School   Workplace   Cream Pie   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Sex Toys  

At work on Thursday afternoon, I have an annoying headache, a sure sign that rainy weather is coming our way. One of the other guys wanted to switch shifts with me so he’ll work my Friday shift tomorrow and I will work his on Tuesday. It was pretty busy, people must be stocking up so when it does rain they don’t have to go anywhere; you would think we have a major snowstorm coming.

Alex and I worked the same shift, Mr. Curtis got after him about his shirt being untucked and forgetting his nametag. The same kind of things he ragged on me about my first days. On the bike ride back, I tell Alex not to sweat it, it’s just Mr. Curtis’ way of breaking in new workers.

Abby and I were going to do our homework later at my dorm today, but she texted saying she was feeling rather blah herself and wanted to stay in. In our room, I change out of my work clothes and put my sleep pants on. Climbing up my bunk, time to put my nose into these assigned chapters of General Psychology, Alex is buried in his work on his laptop at his desk. An hour later he asks, “Hey Kyle, wanna give our brains a rest and play on the X-Box?”

“Nah, I think I’m just gonna finish this reading and get some sleep. You go ahead though.”

“Okay, I’ll keep the volume down.” After a few minutes, he says, “Zach texted me earlier, I guess that blow-job woman came by to see Connor again.”

“Oh, really?” I laugh.

“Yeah, Connor’s walking around like he’s King of the World these days.”

“Well, I guess such attention can do that to a guy...”

“But still, it would be great to get all those blow-jobs.”

Alex goes back to his game and I resume my reading. My phone on the headboard shelf bloops from a text, it’s Abby, “Hi Kyle. What-cha doing?” with a kiss emoji.

“Not much, reading for my Gen Psych homework.”

“Wanna talk?”

I reply, “Sure. What are you doing?”

“Oh, nothing, finishing my homework ... kinda bored.”

“Yeah, me too.”

“Do you still have a headache?” she asks.

“A little bit, but it’s going away. How are you feeling?”

“Not bad, I took a nap earlier. I’ve been thinking about you...”

“You have?” I ask.

“Yup. Can I show you something?”


My eyes pop wide-open in complete surprise. Abby sends me a picture with her shirt lifted up showing me her bare boobs!

“Wow!” I text, “I LIKE THAT!”

“LOL! I thought you might! Kiss, kiss.”

“I sure wish I was there making your nipples hard.”

“Me too!”

Next, she sends me a picture taken by holding her phone between her legs to show me the crotch of her light purple panties along with some laughing face emojis.

“I’m liking this,” I text, “You’re making me hard right now.”

“Giggle, giggle,” she texts back.

I quietly look over the side and see Alex concentrating on his game. I scoot closer to the wall, away from the rail, and lift the waistband of my sleep pants to take a picture of my bulging underwear. I send it with the text, “See.”

Abby ups the ante by sending another picture between her legs, but this time she’s pulling the crotch panel of the panties aside giving me a peek at her pussy lips. Wow! What a great picture! Is it me, or did it just start getting warm in here?

“Okay, I’m hard now!” I text.

She replies with, “Show me!” Followed by, “Please?”

Making sure Alex is completely occupied, I hook my thumb in the waistband of my underwear and pull them down to take a pic of my stiffy. This is the very first picture ever taken of my naked private parts. When she receives it, Abby texts, “Oh yeah! You sure are nice and hard and making me wet! Wanna see?”

“Yes!” is my immediate reply.

She sends me another picture of her pussy, this time with her fingers spreading open her lips. Yup, she’s glisteningly wet! I so want my face, my cock, my tongue, my anything, in there!

Alex at his desk below is so engrossed in his game, he has no idea what I am doing up here, it’s pretty funny. I send her a few more pictures, various angles of my cock standing up at full attention. I hear Alex’s chair slightly shift and quickly pull my pants up being extra careful not to laugh.

“I love these!” Abby texts, “And, I’m touching myself looking at you!” She sends three more beautiful pussy images showing how she’s wiggling her fingers and rubbing her clit. In the final picture, she’s slipped her finger deep inside her hole. That one puts me over the edge. This is getting me so worked up, I can’t take much more of this kind of arousal and not be able to do something about it ... I need release, I need to blow off if you know what I mean.

I text, “I love this, but you’re driving me crazy! I’m gonna have to go jerk-off in the shower. This sucks not having my own room!”

“LOL, I’m sorry, Kyle, I’m just so horny right now...”

“It’s okay, I love that you are, but let’s do this when I have some privacy.”

Abby and I text back and forth for a while about non-sexual things to cool ourselves down. I send, “I forgot to tell you, I have the whole day off tomorrow, I switched shifts with one of the guys.”

“Oh, that’s good. Would you like to visit my Uncle Larry and Aunt Maureen again? They called the other day wanting to know if we would like to come out one of these days.”

“Sounds good to me.”

“Uncle Larry asked me to ask you if you would want to help him fix some loose shingles on the barn roof.”

“Sure, I can do that. What time should we go?”

“How about after lunch?”

“Do you want to come to get me early and we can eat in the cafeteria first?”

“Okay. They said we could stay for dinner.”

“Are we going to have more sausage conversation?” I ask.

“LOL!” she replies, “Kyle’s Sausage! I’m telling you, it’s the best!”

“If you say so.”

Abby replies, “I’m an expert on Kyle’s Sausage. Get it? On Kyle’s Sausage as in, when I’m ON Kyle’s Sausage! LOL!”

“Yes ... I get it. Thank you for that visual, LOL! You’re making me horny again.”

“Sorry, I’m getting slap-happy ... and tired ... Yawn.”

“Me too ... We better get some sleep. Love you, Abby.”

“I love you too!”

We send a mess of kissy-face emojis back and forth, I finally found where they are...

Laying in bed, I spend a considerable amount of time admiring the pictures Abby sent, especially that one where she has her finger in herself; I could look at that one for hours! In no time, my cock is hard again. No one has ever exchanged nude pics with me before, it’s definitely a kinky, taboo, kind of fun; I can see why people do it. I make sure to save them in a pass-worded file so they aren’t accidentally seen by anyone but me.

Abby arrives to pick me up at 11:00 and we walk over to the Student Cafeteria for lunch. I tell her I got an “A” on my Creative Writing assignment, “Professor Eskins liked how I wrote, he said I’m developing a style he likes.”

“That’s great, Kyle! Maybe you can write about us sometime?”

“Maybe I can,” I smile. “Should I include all the details?”

“Oh yes, don’t leave anything out!” Abby laughs.

“If I did that, it would have to be for our eyes only.”



“In a couple of weeks, I’ll be making a trip home for the weekend of my birthday. Do you want to come with me? You could see your family too.”

“Yeah, that sounds great, what day are you leaving?”

“I was thinking of that Friday morning and coming back Sunday afternoon.”

“I’ll have to see if I can switch those shifts at work with someone.”

“Okay, let me know, I would love to have you with me for the long drive.”

We arrive at Abby’s Aunt and Uncle’s farm at 1:00. The sky is becoming quite dark and overcast, the rain will be here soon. Abby stays in the house to visit with Aunt Maureen while Uncle Larry and I go out to the barn. He has ladders set up and wants to fix several shingles on the roof that have blown loose or broke off over this last year or two.

“Do heights bother you, Kyle?” he asks me.

“No, I should be okay.”

“Thank you so much for helping me, I wanted to get these fixed before winter sets in.”

“No problem, I’m happy to help, but I don’t know much about fixing shingles.”

“I can show you, there’s not much to it. Let’s get a move-on before the rain.”

Uncle Larry and I haul up replacement shingles and the tools we’ll need. The damaged ones that need fixing are higher up, on the part of the roof that isn’t so steep. He shows me how to carefully lift the surrounding shingles, remove the broken pieces, position the new ones and secure them in place with nails.

It takes us a couple of hours to get them fixed and in perfect time too. As we are coming back down the rain starts to patter around us. In the barn, I take another look at Zoe’s piglets in the pen, they’ve really grown in the last two weeks. Uncle Larry tells me they’re about 12 to 15 pounds now. The same little piglet I held a couple of weeks ago comes to me sniffing around the rail, she must remember me. Larry reaches in, picks it up, and lets me hold her again.

“Thank you so much for your help, Kyle. It’s the hauling-up of those shingles that’s hard on my knees and back.”

“You’re welcome. I’m glad we got it done before the rain.”

“I can pay you for your time, couple of hours of work; how does $50 sound?”

“It’s okay, Larry, you don’t have to pay me.”

“Are you sure?”

“I’m sure.”

“Well, thank you, Kyle, you’re a good man. Why don’t we go see what those pretty ladies are cooking up for us in the house?”

In the house, we dry off and sit down in the living room. Aunt Maureen pops her head in from the kitchen. “Did you boys get all the shingles fixed?”

“We sure did, in just a nick of time too. Kyle here is quite the roofer.”

“Well, I’m sure all that work has made you hungry. Abby and I are heating up some Kyle’s Sausage for dinner. All that talk about it the last time got me wanting some.” Behind Aunt Maureen, I see Abby holding up and wiggling a sausage while grinning at me, Oh, boy, here we go again, gonna have to fight to keep a straight face...

“That sounds wonderful, Dear,” Larry says.

Larry and I find a show on the History Channel I like, the one about supposed lost treasure on some island off Nova Scotia, he likes watching it too. “Do you think there’s anything buried out there, Kyle?” he asks.

“I don’t know, but they sure love to make a big production and drag this show out.”

“You got that right.”

Twenty minutes later, I see Abby waving for me to come to her in the hall by the front door. She whispers, “Should we ask what Uncle Larry thinks about you maybe being my roommate next year?”

“We can. Can’t hurt to ask,” I shrug, “but even if he’s okay with it, doesn’t mean our parents will be.”

“I know, let’s just see what he thinks first, okay?”

Traditional flavored Kyle’s Sausage is what we are having today. Abby grins at me as she makes a little show out of slowly sliding the sausage inside her bun. She gives it a good wiggle to make sure it’s inserted well. Next, she holds it up and makes sure I’m watching how she opens her mouth extra wide to slowly take the sausage in. I make little nodding motions for her to knock it off, she just smirks back at me. I’m never going to live this down...

“Uncle Larry?” Abby asks.

“Yes, Pumpkin?”

“I don’t want to sound like I’m complaining, but Belinda is driving me nuts, she’s so obnoxious and hard to live with. Even Kyle has seen how she is...”

“I know, Abby. I never took much of a liking to that girl, even when she was young. I was sure hoping she would have grown up by now; but, what you’re telling me is, that’s not the case.”

“‘Not the case’ by a long shot...” Abby mumbles.

“Do you think you make it through the year, or should we look at other arrangements sooner?”

“I’m going to try to talk to her, but I don’t know if it’ll do any good.”

“Well, if that doesn’t work, I’ll talk to Donald and explain that this isn’t panning out. He knows how Belinda is and always says his wife pampered that girl too much, he’ll understand.”

“Let me see how it goes with talking first. I don’t want to make trouble between you and your friend, Uncle.”

“Donald may be my friend, but family comes first. We’ll get you another roommate if need be.”

“Uncle Larry?”


“How would you feel about maybe Kyle being my roommate? He’ll have his own room and everything?”

“Well, Abby, I can see why that’s an attractive solution...” Larry sits back and ponders this, “but your Aunt Maureen and I didn’t grow up with young people living together like that. With that being said, it doesn’t mean I’m so old-fashioned as to not to see that you two really care for each other. Part of me would be okay with it, but you know, as well as I, that your parents would not be keen on the idea.”

Abby looks down, “It was just a thought, that’s all...”

“I know, Pumpkin,” he pats her hand. “How about we see how things go. I can’t say that I’m okay with such an arrangement right now; but, perhaps in a few years, when you’re both upperclassmen and all is still going well, I’ll be happy to look at the idea again.”

Abby smiles, it makes sense. “Okay, Uncle Larry.”

Aunt Maureen gently says, “We can see how much you two mean to each other, but you have lots of time to think about these kinds of big decisions. I know being together every day is something you want right now, but sometimes it’s the days apart that make the days together that much nicer. Am I right?”

Abby and I nod.

“What we’re saying is, don’t rush life, live life.”

Aunt Maureen and Uncle Larry are understanding people and they make perfect sense. Abby and me? Yeah, we do have lots of time. Maureen is right, living together is a huge step for a young couple and they don’t want to see our relationship possibly fail by rushing into such a thing. I’m confident we’ll know when the time is right.

The problem with Belinda will be resolved one way or another, either she will learn to get along or she’s going to be looking for somewhere else to live.

At 7:30-ish Abby and I say our goodbyes, it’s time for us to go back to town. We thanked them for the great dinner and Larry and Maureen asked us to come back soon, they like having us visit. Larry assured Abby that everything will work out with Belinda one way or another and to keep him posted.

It’s still raining on our drive back. Abby reaches over and takes my hand, “Can you spend the night with me, Kyle?”

“Yeah, I would love to! Can you drive me by the dorm and I’ll pick up a change of clothes?”

“Sure, we can do that.”

When we reach town, the rain is really coming down hard now. I tell Abby to drop me off at the front door to Everett Hall and I’ll run up to my room, otherwise, we would have to park on a side street and both be soaked by the time we ran to the building. She can stay dry in the car and I’ll text her to pull back around the front when I’m ready.

I see Alex playing Pool with Maria and Nicole in the Main Floor Common Room, he waves and gives me a thumbs-up. I stop by to tell him I’ll be out for the night at Abby’s.

Up in my room, while I’m stuffing a change of clothes in my backpack, Connor comes by. He knocks on the door frame, “Gotta minute, Kyle?”

“Yeah, what’s up?”

“Dude, that Leona is beyond awesome!”

“That good, huh?”

“Oh my god! She is not known as the Super Sucker for nothing. By far, the BEST blow-jobs I’ve ever had!”

“That’s great, Connor.”

I didn’t necessarily ask for details, but he’s so excited, I let him share ... not like I had a choice in the matter anyway. “So, it’s like this; first off, she doesn’t waste any time. Right off the bat, she yanks my pants down, shoves me on the bed, and gets right down on it!”

“So much for the slow, romantic, build-up, huh?” I snicker, being a bit of a smart-ass.

“Ahh, who needs that anyway?” he brushes it off, “I’m telling you, she’s like a wild woman, she can’t get enough! She dives in and starts gobbling and sucking before it’s even hard, she likes feeling it grow while I’m in her mouth. And, get this; she even licks and sucks all over my balls!”

“Balls too? Wow!” I raise my eyebrows, “certainly can’t forget those...”

“Exactly! She hums and moans the whole time; and when I blow my load, I can feel her sucking it out, literally pulling it right out of my nuts! Have you ever felt anything like that?”

I think back and remember experiencing that a few times. “Yeah,” I nod, “feels awesome, doesn’t it?”

“Fuck yeah, it does! She told me she loves my cock so much she wanted some pictures of it. I felt a little weird at first, but let her take some anyway.”

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