Kyle's Story - Book Three - Cover

Kyle's Story - Book Three

Copyright© 2024 by JTrevor

Chapter 5: The Legend of the Super Sucker

Coming of Age Sex Story: Chapter 5: The Legend of the Super Sucker - Love, such a small word but with so many big emotions attached to it. As everyone knows, falling in love quite often involves plenty of “making love” and that is something Kyle is definitely open to explore. Come with Kyle for more fun and adventure as he continues to navigate college life. New characters and interesting situations are presented, some of which will have Kyle realizing that his studies into human psychology will be more than he originally imagined.

Caution: This Coming of Age Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Consensual   Romantic   Heterosexual   Fiction   School   Workplace   Cream Pie   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Sex Toys  

“Hey, Sport!”

I turn around and here is Renee. She must have been sitting on a couch with her back to me when I walked by and I didn’t notice her.

“Renee? Hi!” we exchange hugs. “When did you get here?”

“A few minutes ago. I was just about to text and here you are.” She steps back with her hands on my arms, “Look at you! And, what’s this?” she playfully pulls at the dark hairs growing on the end of my chin.

“Yeah, I haven’t shaved in a while...”

“Have you been working out? You look great, Kyle.”

“I’ve been running a lot, I want to try out for the Track Team in the Spring.”

“Good for you! You’ve toned up, I can tell.”


“I mean it, Sport, you’re lookin’ good!”

Renee’s compliments are nice, but I’m sure I’m turning some vibrant shade of red. She tells me, “I’m sorry for coming unannounced, but I needed to see you.”

“Oh, that’s fine.”

“I’m heading home for the weekend and it wasn’t too far out of my way to drop by. I thought you might want to go out to eat or something?”

“Sure, we can do that. What do you feel like having? There’s a cool brick-oven pizza place in town I like.”

“Sounds good to me.”

I hop in the car and off we go to Tony’s.

Seated in a booth and waiting for our pizza, Renee says, “The reason I’m here is I wanted to talk to you about something in person.”

“Sounds important...”

“Yeah ... it kind of is...”

“I hope it’s nothing bad.”

She pauses, takes my hand, and looks me in the eye, “Kyle, I’ve met someone.”

Renee’s trepidation comes from knowing this is news I probably wouldn’t want to hear. I take a huge breath of relief, it’s like a heavy weight has been lifted. I’ve been dreading the thought of how I was going to approach Renee about my own relationship with Abby.

I smile, “I’m so happy for you! Tell me all about it.”

She looks at me a little confused, “You’re not upset?”

“Well ... I also have news I wasn’t sure how to talk to you about...”

“Oh? Have you met someone too?”

“Yeah...” I smile.

“Oh, Sport,” she breathes a sigh of relief, “I can’t tell you how happy I am to hear that! I was dreading this meeting the whole drive here. I thought for sure you were going to hate me after today.”

“Renee, I would never hate you, you know that...”

“Tell me all about her, who is she?”

“You first.”

“Okay. His name is Carlos, he’s a business grad student like me. We met and started going to lunch, then dinner, and then ... well, things just progressed. It’s so funny because all these years I kept telling myself not to fall in love until after college. I wanted to wait till I was done with school and settled in with life before that step in my life. Then along came Carlos...”

“That’s great, Renee, I really am happy for you. What’s he like?”

“Well ... he’s really quiet, kinda shy and down to earth, you know how I like that in a guy. His family is from Mexico, but he grew up here. He lives outside of Lansing, about a half-hour from home. I think you’ll like him, he has a dry sense of humor like you have.”

“He sounds nice, I’d like to meet him someday.”

“Absolutely. Oh, and he even laughs about farts, you two should get along great over that.”

“Yeah, maybe we’ll eat a pile of sautéed onions together.”

“Not when I’m around!” Renee laughs. “Okay, tell me about you, who’s the girl you met?”

“Her name is Abby, we met at a party on Labor Day weekend.”

“Is she the virgin you called me about?”


Renee grins and gently asks, “So, did you ... and her?”

“Uh-huh,” I nod, “it all went great. I did everything we talked about.”

“Good for you. I knew you’d be fine. Was it good for her?”

“Yup, I was gentle, we took our time and everything went smoothly.” Something about describing having sex as going smoothly makes me snicker to myself. “I even stayed the night with her.”

“That’s awesome, Kyle. If I could turn back time and do it over again, I would have loved to have lost my virginity with you ... or a guy like you.”

“Was it not so good for you?”

“Meh, it was okay,” she shrugs. “The guy was cool, but we had quite a few drinks and were in too much of a rush in some bedroom at a party. We just wanted to do it and then get back out. I don’t know why we were rushing, I guess we thought other people were waiting to use the room and would start banging on the door or something stupid.”

Our pizza arrives and I tell Renee all about Abby, how we went to high school together, how we met, about the Abby/Gail misunderstanding with Alex, her roommate Belinda, how wonderful Abby makes me feel when I’m with her. Renee is smiling the whole time, “You really do love her, don’t ya Sport?”

“Yeah ... I do.”

“I can tell! You have a real sparkle in your eye when you talk, and from what you’ve told me, she sounds like a real sweetheart. Show me a picture, what are ya waiting for?”

I pull one up of us on my phone.

“Oh, wow, she’s a real cutie!”

We talk about all kinds of things. Renee’s dad is doing well; his blood pressure is back to normal. Things are going good at Pizza Depot and the Fairlawn Apartments. Sonia and Rodney are still seeing each other and everything is going great for them. Sonia will be a grandmother again when her son and his wife have their first baby in a few weeks. Kam and Allison are still dating. She did say that Benny told her they had to get after Luke and Albert a couple of times for goofing off in the back room. I told her I’ll talk to Luke about it.

When we left the restaurant, Renee drove me back to the dorm, she needs to start her trip home. I can breathe easier now, I was so worried Renee would be upset and hurt with me for falling in love with Abby, she thought the same with her meeting Carlos.

Renee and I will always have each other in our lives. Our life paths have crossed in so many wonderful ways and with so many good times, we’re true lifelong friends. Most importantly, is our happiness for one another.

At the dorm, Alex is gathering his Magic Card decks to go to his meeting.

“Hey, Alex?” I ask.

“Yeah, Kyle?”

“How would you like to work at the grocery store with me?”

“Really? They’re hiring?”

“Yeah, I’ve been moved up to look after the Bread Aisle. They want to hire another stock guy. Are you interested?”

“Hell yeah, I am!”

“Okay, go over to the store and fill out an application, I’ll put in a good word for you. And, Alex?”


“Mr. Curtis, the owner, he’s not easy to work for. You’ll need to be on time, every time, and no goofing-off, okay?”

“I will, Kyle. Thanks!”

That evening after Alex and Zach left for their meeting. Connor came by, he invited me to go beer drinking with him and his brother at a house party on 4th St., I said, “Sure!”

It turns out that this party is at the same house as the party the night Abby and I found each other. It’s the exact same kind of a rowdy, loud, beer-fueled bash. The music is pounding and lively, good rockin’ party jams, many I’ve never heard before, but it fits the mood perfectly.

Connor told me he would love to get laid one of these days, he hasn’t had any pussy since a high school party last Spring. There’s plenty of girls at this party, maybe if he plays it right he can get lucky. While we are filling cups at the keg, a half-drunk dude we’ve never seen before comes over to us, “Hey, have you guys ever heard of the Legend of the Super Sucker?”

We look at each other laughing and shaking our heads, “No.”

“Well, get this,” he lays it out for us, “there’s this chick named Leona. Apparently, once a month she shows up at a party, sucks off a few random guys and whoever’s cock and cream she likes best will get blow-jobs from her for a whole month!”

Connor and I look at each other, “Wow! She must really like sucking cocks,” we laugh again.

The guy confirms, “To say she loves sucking cock is an understatement! Rumor has it, she may show up here! At this very party! Tonight!”

Connor’s face lights up, “Wow, even if I don’t win a whole month’s worth, I could sure use a good BJ, been a long time for me.”

The dude agrees, “Yeah, you and me both! I’ve heard she sucks it so hard, she pulls every drop of jizz right outta your nuts!”

“Well, she can deflate my ball-bag anytime!” Connor high-fives the dude.

All around the party, there is plenty of conversation about a possible Leona, The Super Sucker appearance. The girls here are rolling their eyes, they aren’t impressed in the least by the special talents of this mythical Goddess of Sucking Semen-Lollipops who might make her presence.

Several beers in and I’ve got a pretty healthy buzz going now. We played a variety of drinking games, Beer Pong, Chandeliers, a game of bouncing quarters into cups of beer, and a card game called Screw Your Neighbor. You don’t want to end up with the lowest card when the round is over or let’s just say, you won’t go thirsty.

I hear commotion and shouting erupt around the place, at first I can’t make out what’s going on, then it becomes clear, “She’s here! She’s here!” they’re yelling. I stand up and see a bleach blond with humongous boobs coming in the front door. The crowd of guys is parting like the Red Sea, making way for her like she’s arriving royalty.

This must be the Legendary Leona, also known as The Super Sucker. She’s different from what I was picturing in my head, in reality, she’s not very tall or particularly good-looking. Her butt is a little too big and her face is on the homely side, but I guess it’s what she does that gains her such high regard.

Guy’s mouths are dropping open over Leona’s super-sized tits, they are almost an entity unto themselves, looking like they’re ready to explode out of her overstrained black t-shirt. I swear you could lose a pick-up truck in that cleavage. I’m sure the fact that she loves to suck cock like nobody’s business has everyone overlooking how much make-up she has caked on her face.

Leona makes her way through the crowd, blowing kisses and waving like a true Hollywood celebrity; and these guys are eating it up. No explanation is needed, everyone knows exactly why she is here. Dudes are tripping over each other to bring her drinks with the hopes of gaining her favor, and having their cocks in her mouth before the night is over. It’s funny to watch this, these guys are literally salivating, panting like hungry dogs with their tongues dangling out.

The girls are standing back, disgustedly watching this. I overhear one of them say, “Willya look at this! This ridiculous slut, with a nasty reputation for swallowing, enters the room and these guys suddenly lose their last remaining brain cells.”

Leona walks up to various guys, eyeing them up and down, especially down as in admiring our below-the-belt bulges. I hear them calling her, “Gorgeous,” “Beautiful,” “Sweetheart” and, “Hot as hell;” anything to stand out and get those lipstick-covered lips of hers wrapped around their poles.

Connor is giddy with excitement, he leans over and whispers, “God, I hope she picks me!”

“Good luck, man,” I give him a half-hearted thumbs-up. Personally, even if I was single, I could care less. Maybe I’m becoming a prude, but this whole scene has a raunch factor that’s not appealing to me, drunk or sober.

“I’m gonna get another beer,” I tell Connor.

He grabs my shoulder, “Hang on a minute Dude, she’s coming this way.”

“I’ll let you guys fight over Leona. You need a refill?” I ask him, as I turn to make my way to the keg.

A female hand on my waist stops me, “And, where are you running off to, Hot-Stuff?”

Leona is eying me up as her fingertip slowly travels down my chest and continuing below my belly button. “Let’s see what you have in here ... shall we?” she says, cupping the palm of her hand for a curious squeeze on the front of my jeans. “Hmmm...” her eyebrows raise. “You’re a real possibility,” she says, grinning.

I gently move her wrist away from my private area, “Look, sorry ... I’m sure you’re a lot of fun, but I have a girlfriend.”

“Awww, that’s too bad for me then; isn’t it, Hot-Stuff?”

A simple smile is my reply as she moves on to Connor, “And, how about you, Hot-Stuff? Do you have a ‘girlfriend’ too?” I guess every guy is Hot-Stuff to this big-busted guest of honor.

“Nope, I’m as solitary-single as you can get!” he answers overeagerly.

Leona lets her hand wander between his legs to check him out the same way she did me. Again, her eyebrows raise, she’s liking what she’s clutching in Connor’s pants. When she licks her lips and looks him in the eye with hunger in hers, this drives Connor nuts. She gives him a seductive approving nod before moving on to inspect more potential bulges.

Some girl standing nearby leans over to me, “Good for you. If I knew your girlfriend, I would tell her she has a helluva good guy.”

“Thanks,” I reply.

Leona is ready to make her choice of the guys she will suck off. The undivided attention of the room is on her, well the undivided attention of all the horny guys is on her. The girls are clearly nauseated by this tramp and her game of Who’s Sausage will I Suck Tonight? She walks up to some goofball with a man bun and taps his chest, “I want you.”

He jumps up, shouting, “Woo Hoo!” to a round of cheers. His friends who missed the cut are loudly booing.

The Super Sucker saunters her way to our side of the room, looks me in the eye once more, then taps Connor, “ ... And, you!” He about passes out. She takes Connor’s hand saying he’ll be first and leads him to a bedroom upstairs. Looking back at me, he’s flashing enthusiastic thumbs-up gestures. Man-bun Dude waits his turn at the bottom of the stairs. This whole thing is so ridiculous, I think to myself. Where the hell is Kam when I finally come across the closest thing to a true Blow-job Party I’ve ever seen.

Ten minutes later, Connor comes down the stairs, sporting obvious wood that’s tenting his pants along with an ear-to-ear grin. Beaming with satisfaction, “Oh my god, that was awesome! Dude, that woman can suck! It was like she couldn’t get enough, I thought she was going to suck the skin right off my shaft!”

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