Kyle's Story - Book Three - Cover

Kyle's Story - Book Three

Copyright© 2024 by JTrevor

Chapter 3: Kyle’s Sausage

Coming of Age Sex Story: Chapter 3: Kyle’s Sausage - Love, such a small word but with so many big emotions attached to it. As everyone knows, falling in love quite often involves plenty of “making love” and that is something Kyle is definitely open to explore. Come with Kyle for more fun and adventure as he continues to navigate college life. New characters and interesting situations are presented, some of which will have Kyle realizing that his studies into human psychology will be more than he originally imagined.

Caution: This Coming of Age Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Consensual   Romantic   Heterosexual   Fiction   School   Workplace   Cream Pie   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Sex Toys  

The bike ride leading out of Milverton to Abby’s aunt and uncle’s farm is a nice one, I like that there’s a nice wide shoulder on this country road.

“Do they know we’re coming?” I ask Abby who is ahead of me. I let her ride in front and set the pace because I tend to ride faster than she does. This way she doesn’t have to keep yelling for me to slow down so she can keep up.

“Yeah, I talked to them on the phone a few days ago and mentioned we might be riding out.”

“Do they know you’re bringing me?”

“Yup, I told them I have a true sweetie for a boyfriend I want them to meet.”

I pull up alongside, “Oh, I’m a sweetie now, huh?”

“You are my sweetie, my awesome guy, my handsome boyfriend ... my sexy lover,” she grins.

“Wow, and here I thought I was just some dude,” I joke.

“Oh, Kyle, stop it,” she laughs.

“Were you close with them growing up?”

“Yeah, they’re my favorite aunt and uncle. You’ll like them.”

“That’s cool.”

“I have to warn you though, Aunt Maureen will probably talk our ears off when we get there, but once she’s spilled all her news and gossip, she’ll be fine.”


Abby turns into a long gravel driveway that leads to a beautiful farm. They have a white traditional farmhouse, trimmed in dark red with a big porch. There’s a red barn out back and a couple of silos. Her aunt and uncle are sitting in the shade on the porch in rocking chairs and wave when we ride up.

“Hi Uncle Larry, Hi Aunt Maureen,” Abby gives each of them a hug.

“It’s so good to see you, dear,” Aunt Maureen kisses her cheeks.

“This is my boyfriend, Kyle.”

“Pleased to meet you, Kyle,” Uncle Larry shakes my hand.

“Abby has told us so many good things about you.” Aunt Maureen approaches with her arms out. “Let me give you a hug.” Okay, they seem quite friendly, this is nice.

“Here you two, have a seat.” Aunt Maureen motions for Abby and me to sit together on the porch glider.

“Would either of you like some lemonade?” Uncle Larry offers. “I’ll bet that’ll hit the spot after your long ride.”

“Yeah, that sounds great,” we agree.

“How long did it take you two to ride out?” Aunt Maureen asks.

“A little more than an hour,” Abby answers.

“Oh, that’s not too bad, and on a lovely day like this, we won’t be getting too many more once Autumn sets in.”

“No, we probably won’t.”

“How’s everything at the house, Abby?”

“Everything is great, Uncle Larry.”

“That’s good, let me know if any issues come up. How are you getting along with Belinda?”

Abby just rolls her eyes. Uncle Larry nods, he must know what Belinda is like. “Hang in there, Pumpkin. We’ll see about getting you another roommate next year. You know I had to keep my word with Donald.” Belinda must be his friend Donald’s daughter.

“I know, Uncle, we’ll be fine.”

Aunt Maureen brings out a pitcher of lemonade and I quickly learn how right Abby is, this woman sure loves to talk. She wastes no time to begin prattling on and on about everything from the best sticky-bun and bread dough recipes, to how their neighbor’s dog is healing after being grazed by a car out on Highway 12, to Uncle Larry finally fixing the drain pipe under wash-tub that she’s been pleading with him for three months to repair, to the Ladies of Milverton Quilting Club news, especially that nosy Marge Callup who never knows when to mind her own beeswax - anyhow, you get the idea.

Abby is nodding and trying her best to follow along with Aunt Maureen’s onslaught of local gossip, but I can tell her thoughts are wandering. She’s listening, but obviously her mind is on something else. I learn just what that something else is when Abby leans over and quietly whispers, “I really liked sucking on your thingy last night, let’s do that again later.” And, of course, she pulls this stunt just as I take a big gulp of lemonade. It goes down the wrong way and I almost spit it out all over the place in a small coughing fit.

“Now, Abby,” Maureen gently scolds, “you’re not ten years old anymore, you know it’s impolite to tell secrets when you’re in a group.”

“I’m sorry, Aunt Maureen.”

“Well, it must have been a doozy the way poor Kyle almost choked, and his face is as red as a barn!”

“Oh, it was nothing. I was just telling him how I want sausage for dinner tonight.”

There she goes again! And it gets worse when Maureen follows up with, “Oh, that sounds delicious! You kids need to go over to the Milverton Marketplace, they have the best sausage in town. Your Uncle Larry and I like Farmer Kyle’s brand. We always ask for Kyle’s Sausage.”

“Oh, yes!” Abby nods in full agreement, “Kyle’s Sausage is the best! I’ve already figured that out!”

“And, when they bring out fresh, you better get your hands on it and grab it quickly.”

“Yup!” more vigorous nodding from Abby, “That’s exactly what I do. I definitely grab it every chance I get.” Is this for real? I’m starting to wonder if this conversation was pre-planned as a prank on me, but something tells me that, no, it wasn’t.

“Bless that Harold Curtis, he insists they carry only the best.”

“My Kyle actually works there,” Abby informs her.

“Oh, isn’t that wonderful!” Aunt Maureen affectionately looks at me, “That should be an easy one for you to remember, with your name being Kyle and all. You make sure Abby is taken care of, I’m telling you, nothing compares to Kyle’s Sausage.”

“You couldn’t be more right about that! He takes extra good care of me like that.” Abby pats my arm, “Don’t-cha, Kyle?” Oh my god, this is too much. How in the hell is she saying all this and keeping a straight face?

Aunt Maureen tilts her head at me and asks, “Are you feeling okay, Kyle? You look a little flushed.”

“Excuse me, I have to use the bathroom,” I meekly say, fighting to hold back a fit of laughter.

“Go straight in the front door, dear, you’ll see it past the stairs on the left.”

“Thank you.”

I really didn’t need to use the bathroom, but I knew if I sat there any longer, I would burst out laughing myself to tears. How would I explain that to her aunt and uncle? Have they never heard of sausage being a common slang term for cock? Either they’re playing me, or, no, they honestly are unaware. I guess the same could be true of some of my own elderly relatives not being up on all the naughty terms with dual meanings. In all my life I’ve never heard a double entendre conversation play out as well as that one.

When I come out and rejoin everyone, Abby is smirking at me. I shake my head and give her a look that says I am so going to get you for this.

“Kyle, I’m willing to guess you’ve never held a live piglet before?” Uncle Larry asks.

“Uh, no, I haven’t.”

“Come on out with me to the barn. Zoe just had her litter two weeks ago. I’ll show them to you.”

“Zoe is our favorite pink sow,” Aunt Maureen adds.

“Go on, Kyle, I’ll be out in a little while,” Abby tells me, still smirking over the Farmer Kyle’s Sausage conversation.

I walk with Uncle Larry around back. “Nice farm you have here.”

“Why, thank you, Kyle. It’s a lot of hard work, but it’s all worth it.”

“It shows.”

I follow him into the barn, “Ah, here we are.” The mother pig, Zoe, is resting and she has five piglets scurrying around, they really are cute. Uncle Larry lets himself into the pen and gently picks one up all the while watching Zoe’s reactions. Mama pig looks up and then returns to resting her head, she seems okay. Larry tells me, “You never want to just walk in on a mother pig and her litter without consent. She just gave me the okay by putting her head back down. Zoe is a calm sow.”

“All sows are not like her?” I ask.

“No, most are very protective of their young, and, son, with her being 500 pounds, the last thing you want is her pinning you against the rail. Why, she’ll break your leg just leaning on ya.” He hands me the piglet, “Here you go, she may kick a little, but she’ll calm down.”

The piglet weighs about eight pounds and nuzzles up to my neck, sniffing and making cute little snorting sounds. She’s adorable like a happy pink puppy with tiny white hairs covering her body.

Uncle Larry pulls up a couple of stools for us to sit. “Abby comes up every summer for a couple of weeks, been doing that for years. She’s always my good little helper and never afraid to get a little dirty.”

I sit down and hold the baby pig on my lap, she lays her little body against me while I pet her. “That’s really nice.”

“I look forward to those weeks. Abby is like a daughter to me, the one we never had. Maureen and I have two boys, both grown and on their own now. Good men, they turned out to be.”

I look down as the little pig looks up, rubbing her nose on mine giving me piggy kisses.

“Abby tells me you two went to high school together?”

“Yes, sir, that’s right.”

“Call me Larry, Son.”

“Okay, Larry.”

“So, you know how ... how she used to be. Boy, did she ever blossom this summer.”

“Yeah, she did, I couldn’t believe it when I saw her.”

“Have you met her parents yet, Kyle?”

“No, not yet.”

“Well, Abby is my sister Rita’s daughter. Rita and her husband, Bert, mean well enough, but they sheltered that poor girl WAY too much. I’m not saying there’s anything wrong with protecting your young, but children need to be afforded space and allowed to grow ... grow into who they are. Do you know what I’m saying?”

“Yeah ... I do.”

The baby pig surprises me with a quick lick on the nose, I pull my head back and laugh, I wasn’t expecting that. Larry laughs, “That little one has surely taken quite a liking to you.”

“I think so.”

“Like I was saying, Abby is something special to me and her Aunt Maureen, that girl has just the biggest heart. But I’m sure you’ve figured that out by now.”

“Yeah, she does,” I agree.

The piglet is climbing up and sniffing all around my neck again, it tickles. “That baby your holding isn’t the only one that’s taken one mighty fine liking to you.”

“I know, sir ... Larry.”

“Kyle, I’ve known Abby all her life and I’ve never seen her as happy as she is right now. She has a real ... glow ... about her. She calls us often and tells us how she’s doing. She thinks the world of you, son, I hope you know that?”

“I do...” I nod and look him in the eye. “I think the world of her too, I really do.”

Larry senses my honesty, smiles, and pats my shoulder, “I know, son, it shows ... I’m not trying to lecture you, please don’t take it like that, all I’m saying is, be a good man to her, she’s growing into a fine woman.”

“There you are,” we hear from behind as Aunt Maureen and Abby come into the barn.

Abby holds her hands out wanting to hold the piglet, I gently pass it to her. “Awww ... Look at you! You’re just so cute, yes, you are!” The piglet sure likes Abby as well by the way she’s giving her little licks and kisses on her cheek.

“What have you boys been chattering about out here?” Aunt Maureen asks.

“Oh, Kyle and I were just getting to know each other, dear.”

“Come on inside. How do BLT’s sound for lunch?”

“Why that sounds perfect!”

We go to the house and have a nice lunch of bacon, lettuce and tomato sandwiches, fried potatoes, and fresh fruit. Her aunt and uncle really are such nice people, I can see why Abby wanted to come here every summer. I would have enjoyed spending time here too.

After our lunch, it’s getting time for us to head back to town. Larry asks me, “Say, Kyle, I know you’re working at the grocery store, but if you ever want to come out and lend me a hand, I can always use the extra help and I’ll pay you a fair wage. Let’s face it, I’m not getting any younger.”

“Thank you, Larry, I just may do that.”

“You and Abby come visit anytime, you’re always welcome.”

We shake hands and exchange hugs, Aunt Maureen and Uncle Larry wave from the porch as we begin our trek back to town.

Once we’re a half-mile down the road and riding side by side, Abby says, “You made a great impression, Kyle. Aunt Maureen told me I found a good man.”

“And your Uncle Larry told me I have a fine woman,” I smile.

“I’m so happy they like you.”

“I like them too. But there is a ... little something ... we need to talk about ... a certain conversation on the porch?” Abby smirks knowing what I’m referring to. “Next time you want to play the sausage innuendo game, will you at least warn me first?”

“Oh, Kyle,” Abby laughs, “I really didn’t plan it, but, wow, that was so funny ... And your face was so red!”

“How the hell did you keep a straight face?”

“I honestly don’t know! It just happened and I rolled with it. Then Aunt Maureen started going on about how the Marketplace has Kyle’s Sausage, the best sausage in town, it was just too funny!”

“Yeah ... Pretty funny alright...” I roll my eyes.

“I love you, Kyle,” she winks and giggles at me; I guess that’s her way of making everything better. Ah well, works for me.

“I love you too.”

Abby and I return to Milverton and lock our bikes up to stroll around Main Street. We visit the used bookstore again; I don’t tell her, but I find an illustrated copy of The Return of the King, the last book in the series she’s been looking for. When she isn’t looking, I take it up to the cashier to hold onto for me. I’ll come back and get it later in the week to surprise Abby with it.

Around 6:00, we stop in at the old-timey soda fountain, the one with the bell over the door for a shake. We decide to eat dinner here and each order a burger.

“When is your birthday?” I ask.

“October 20th.”

“Oh, so in just a few weeks? I’m glad I asked.” Isn’t this convenient, I already have the cashier at the used bookstore holding a hard-to-find book I know she wants.

She eyes me over her shake, “Are you ... planning something special?”

“You’ll just have to wait and see.”

The waitress brings us our burgers and I note in a whisper, “Wait, I thought you wanted sausage for dinner?”

“Oh, I will ... later,” she grins.

Back at Abby’s house, we get comfortable, comfortable as in laying around in our underwear. I’m in my boxers and Abby puts my Ramones shirt back on, she really looks sexy in it. Girls always look so damn sexy in a guy’s t-shirt that’s a couple of sizes too big for them, especially when wearing nothing underneath.

Lying together on her bed, we watch the second American Pie movie; she loves the raunchy fun, lots of nudity, raging hormones, and sexual humor. Throughout most of the movie, her head has been resting on my chest. When the end credits begin to roll, she scoots down, lifts the stretchy waistband of my underwear maneuvering in to take my soft penis into her mouth.

I push my undies down and take them off. Abby has her face pressed tight to my pubes and body, I’m still small enough to take all the way in with no trouble. This feels so good, and I’m growing quickly. She notices this as well and pulls off to tell me, “I love feeling you getting bigger in my mouth like this.”

My past experiences aren’t super high in number, but I think I can make the safe assumption that a lot of women enjoy feeling their guys grow hard in their mouths.

With Abby’s body angled downward, I can easily reach under her oversized t-shirt and finger between her legs. She pops up surprised, “Oh, Kyle, I like feeling you touch me there when I’m sucking on you. Keep doing that!”

“I’ve got one better,” I tell her.


“Lay on top of me and spread your legs over my face.”

“Oh, yes! That IS better idea. You can put your mouth on me when I have my mouth on you!”

“Yup! The classic sixty-nine position.”

Abby flings the Ramones shirt off and puts her knees alongside each of my ears. Talk about a heavenly view of her glistening gorgeous flower only mere inches from my mouth. In such proximity, I’m immediately encapsulated by her radiant heat and aroused scents.

“How’s this?” she giggles and asks from above.

“Perfect! Now just lie down on top of me.”

As she lays forward, her pussy pushes down and towards me, pressing itself onto my mouth and nose. I use my fingers to spread her lips so my mouth and tongue can nestle inside her moist pink folds. Wasting no time, I lick and suck all over her clit and drive her crazy with pleasure. Along with her clit, I give a good licking on everything between her labia from top to bottom.

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