Kyle's Story - Book Three - Cover

Kyle's Story - Book Three

Copyright© 2024 by JTrevor

Chapter 15: Tuna Taco Surprise

Coming of Age Sex Story: Chapter 15: Tuna Taco Surprise - Love, such a small word but with so many big emotions attached to it. As everyone knows, falling in love quite often involves plenty of “making love” and that is something Kyle is definitely open to explore. Come with Kyle for more fun and adventure as he continues to navigate college life. New characters and interesting situations are presented, some of which will have Kyle realizing that his studies into human psychology will be more than he originally imagined.

Caution: This Coming of Age Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Consensual   Romantic   Heterosexual   Fiction   School   Workplace   Cream Pie   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Sex Toys  

All day I’ve been hearing stories of flasher incidents and they all seem to be in the same vein. A girl was out by herself at night and some dude, wearing dark clothes, approaches them with his dick exposed. All the descriptions of the creep match in that he has a big hoodie, pulled low covering most of his facial features.

The sprayed painted vandalism Rachel and I saw this morning on the Sigma Zeta Kappa sorority house is disturbing. To me, that is a bold, in-your-face threat. This is more than a pop out from behind a bush and take a gander at Russel, my love muscle, kind of move.

After my shift, I’m riding my bike from the grocery store to Abby’s, we have homework to do together. While I ride, it seems I’m paying more attention to the people I see out and about. The thing is, at this time of year most people are wearing sweaters or zip-ups, with hoodies, it is the keep-warm clothing of choice for college students.

Trying to spot one suspicious-looking dude with a hoodie pulled low is like trying to find a needle in a haystack. Even if I was to spot a suspicious-looking person, what am I going to do? Call the police so they can harass some innocent guy who’s out for a walk to cool down because he just had an argument with his girl?

For shits and giggles, let’s say I was right; is the real flasher going to simply put his hands up and say, “You got me, put me in cuffs!”? No, he’s gonna lie and say he’s out for a walk because he just had an argument with his girl. They’re going to need a more definitive description, or to catch this pervert in the act, before we can hope he’s put behind bars.

I park my bike in the garage at Abby’s and go in the back door. Belinda is in the front room, it looks like she has a friend over. From this girl’s muscular looks, I’m guessing she’s on the wrestling team.

“Abs is in her room,” Belinda says, nodding towards the hallway.


Abby is already deep in her work as I enter the bedroom, “Hi Kyle, I got started, I hope you don’t mind, this way I can help you with yours.”

“That’s fine.” I nod my head towards the front room, “Who’s the friend out there?”

“Her name is Tanya, Belinda’s been hanging out with her quite a bit lately, she’s a friend from the wrestling team.” Did I call that or what?

Abby and I spend a couple of hours over-exercising our brains, but we get everything done. She proofreads my assignments and only finds a few minor corrections, but other than that, it looks good.

We go out to the kitchen to see what there is munch on. Looking in the fridge, she asks, “I have some spaghetti, does that sound good?”

“Sure, works for me.”

“And, to drink, do you want iced tea, pop, or a beer, or something?”

“Beer sounds good.”

“Are you going back to the dorm tonight?”

“Yeah, I didn’t bring a change of clothes and I have some laundry to do.”

“Only one or two beers then.”

“Only one or two?” I questioningly whine.

“Yes, Kyle. I don’t need you getting drunk and wiping out on your bike.”

“On second thought, who cares if I wear these clothes tomorrow morning?”

“I sure as hell won’t!” Belinda laughs from the front room. “Stay and keep her happy, Kyle. Hey, Abs when you come back, can you bring Tanya and me a couple of beers too?”


Abby heats up two plates of spaghetti in the microwave and we join them. “Did you two have some good ... homework ... in there?” Belinda smirks.

“That is what we were really doing,” Abby sighs, rolling her eyes.

“Tanya and I were just talking about Saturday night. Did you check the flyers at your dorm for any good Halloween bashes this weekend?”

“Yeah, I did. There’s a lot of masquerade parties at the Frats and Sororities. Also, some on 4th Street.”

“Do you have costumes?” Belinda asks.

Abby and I look at each other, “No, not yet anyway.”

“There’s not much time,” Tanya says, “What about the bonfire at South Hill?”

“That would work,” Belinda shrugs, “You guys wanna go with us?”

“We can do that.”

Abby giggles, “Do you remember our first date, Kyle? When you took me out there to teach me how to use bad words?”

“Huh?” a confused Tanya asks, “To ‘teach you how to use bad words?’ Did you just transfer here from 5th Grade or something?” These days it seems most kids are fluent in using all the ‘bad words’ by the time they start middle school. I can see how it would be a surprise to hear of someone learning the craft at college age.

“Oh, yeah...” Belinda rolls her eyes, “This kid has been a wonderful influence on Little Miss Innocent here.”

Abby shoots her a dirty look.

“Relax Abs,” Belinda laughs, “I’m just fuckin’ with ya.”

I tell them about the sinister spray-painted message on the sorority house I saw this morning. “Pffttt,” Tanya scoffs, “This whole Flasher of Northbrook bullshit is nothing but a big hoax.”

“It is? How do you know?” Abby asks

“This same scenario, almost word for word, happened at CMU (Central Michigan University) last Fall. Turned out the whole thing was a farce started by some Frat-clowns and their sister Sorority. If you notice, no one ever knows who the random victim-bimbos are and there’s never a good description of the so-called, Flasher.”

“What I saw this morning didn’t look like a hoax,” I say.

“Sure, that was nasty, but it’s just someone fucking around and jumping on the fear bandwagon,” Tanya blows it off, “You know, let’s scare people in time for Halloween, and all that crap.”

“A girl in my Criminal Law Course was cornered and shoved down by this asshole behind the Library last night. And, she wasn’t in class today,” Belinda tells us.

Tanya is still not convinced. “She probably drank too much, fell down, made up the story, and stayed in bed to nurse her hangover.”

“I don’t know about that ... I know her, she’s a straight student, top in the class; not exactly the type that would get drunk on a Wednesday night and fake something like that just for kicks.”

“Well, believe what you want,” Tanya shrugs, “I’m not getting all caught up in the hype.”

We have a couple more beers and tell them that I’ll ask Chad if people are chipping in for the kegs at the bonfire, or if we need to bring our own. Abby is leaning on me, yawning, “I can’t stay up much longer. Do you want to go to bed?”


“Nice to meet you,” Tanya tells me.

“You too,” I wave.

In the bedroom, we get naked and under the covers. Lying in bed with the lights off, Abby asks, “Could this flasher business really be a hoax like Tanya seems to think?”

“I don’t know ... In a way, I hope so ... but, it’s probably a good idea to still be extra careful in case it’s not.” Indecent exposure is bad enough, but vandalizing a house and now pushing a girl down, that’s some serious shit.

We kiss, cuddle up, and are soon drifting off to sleep.

A couple of subtle thumps from the other room wake me; I sit up, listening. I think all this creep-on-campus talk has spooked my paranoia. Abby stirs and mumbles, “What’s the matter, Kyle?”

“Nothing, I thought I heard something.”

“Probably just Tanya leaving, she and Belinda stay up late.”

The door to Belinda’s room closes, and then it’s quiet. I lie back down and close my eyes. Just before I fall asleep, I hear some moaning coming from the next room. Not painful moaning, more like pleasure moaning and it’s gently building in intensity. Probably thinking we’re well off to sleep by now, Belinda must have needed a little self-pleasure fun with herself. That’s okay, we all have urges...

Through the wall, I hear, “Ohh, oh, oh, Yesss...” I can’t help but giggle to myself. Between listening to Alex take care of his business and now Belinda, I’m getting a clearer idea of just how much masturbation really goes on.

“What now?” Abby, wakes up again, “What’s so funny? Your laughing is shaking the bed.”

“Shhh ... Listen,” I whisper.

Abby lifts her head and hears it too, “Is that ... Is that what I think it is?”

“What else could it be?” I snicker.

“Well, you know, with Patrick not around these days...” Abby giggles, “Let’s give her peace and go back to sleep”

We sleep soundly the rest of the night. In the morning, I wake up before Abby. I’m on my back with her snuggled along my side. Her hand is around my penis again; I do like her unique way of finding nocturnal security by holding on to that part. Smiling, I put my hands behind my head and look up at the ceiling. I can’t help but notice I’m growing hard and soon she’s unconsciously stroking it; mmmm ... I wonder what she’s dreaming about?

Abby rolls onto her back and pulls at my side, wanting me above her. Between her parted thighs, I ease myself inside. Keeping her eyes closed, she smiles and hums a warm purr. Her pussy is so silky-wet, warm, and ready. If she’s dreaming, this must be as real as it gets.

She drapes her arms behind my neck, pulling me to her, kissing me, as we’re pushing our hips together. What a wonderful way to wake up.

The only sound in the room is the slight noises of the mattress and our increasing breathing rate. The love two people communicate doesn’t always require words. I love Abby, Abby loves me and this morning’s spontaneous, unspoken sex is a beautiful example of that.

When the culmination of our efforts brings me to climax, Abby grabs my ass cheeks, pulling me in deep to place my seed. “Ohhh, Kyle...” she whispers while I’m pulsing and releasing my morning cum.

When my zenith runs its course, my backside resumes raising and descending the blankets that cover us. Soon her mouth gapes open, inhaling deeply as her surrounding muscles cinch tight and squeeze any last drops from my shaft. She clutches with her fingers digging into my lower back, holding us together as her body trembles. Several seconds pass and she finally opens her eyes, smiling.

I lay on top of her, pressing the thin sheen of sweat between us. With our faces inches apart, she whispers, “Good morning, Kyle.”

“Good morning, Abby,” I kiss her, “Were you dreaming about sex again?”

“Probably,” she says, stretching her arms high over her head, looking so totally sexy. “When I woke up, I felt you getting hard in my hand.”

“Morning-wood in-the-making,” I snicker.

With a smirk, she asks, “Did you put my hand there?”

“Nope, you hold me like that often when we sleep.”

“I do?” her eyebrows rise, learning something new.

“Yup,” I nod.

“It must be a security ... thingy,” Abby giggles at her double-use of the word thingy.

I have a little laugh over it myself.

“What do you want to do today?” she asks. It’s Friday and neither of us has classes.

“I really should get my laundry done, and I work at 2:00.”

“Do you want me to help you with it?”

“Sure, if you want to.”

“How about I follow you to the dorm, we can wash your clothes, and I’ll drive you to work?”

“Sounds good to me.”

Time to get out of bed and get dressed. For me, it’s putting on yesterday’s clothes, but who cares, I got to spend the night with my sweetheart. Eating cereal in the kitchen, Abby tells me, “I have a Magic Club meeting tonight, but it’s not till after you get off work, so I can pick you up.”


It sounds like Belinda is awake now. After using the bathroom, she pops her head into the kitchen. We hear, “Hey, you two, how’s it going?” Only it’s not Belinda, it’s Tanya.

Abby’s eyes pop wide open. While Tanya gathers her belongings in the front room, Abby mouths the words, “Did she just come out of Belinda’s room?

“I think so,” I whisper.

Heading out the door, she tells us, “Gotta get to class. See ya.”

Next, Belinda comes into the kitchen, yawning and rubbing her eyes. She stops when she sees us, “What? You two look like you’ve seen a ghost or something?”

We both utter, “Uhhhh...” not quite sure what to say.

“Oh her?” she motions her thumb to the front door, “Tanya spent the night.”

Abby leans over, looking in the front room, not seeing any blankets or pillows on the couch. I’m sure Belinda saw her do this but acts as if nothing is out of the ordinary. Instead, she grabs a bowl and plops down at the table to eat with us. Watching her shovel in the Cocoa Crispies, I recall the moaning we heard coming from her room last night. I think Abby is remembering the same thing as neither of us has eaten a bite since Tanya left; we’re both trying to fight off growing smirks. With a mouthful, Belinda finally breaks the silence, “So ... What color is the elephant in the room?”

“Huh?” I ask, “What do you mean?”

“You two are sitting here like a couple of dumb-founded idiots.”

“W-we are?” Abby stutters.

“Okay...” Belinda sighs, letting her spoon fall in the bowl. “Tanya slept with me. Is that what you’re trying to figure out?”

“Oh, no, not at all!” Abby stammers, “I mean it’s, like ... hey! Whatever ... It’s probably a good thing that she didn’t drive last night after drinking ... because ... because that would be bad ... and she could have hurt-”

“Oh, knock it off! I saw you looking to see if she slept on the couch.”

“I d-did?”

“You’re a bad liar, Abs,” Belinda grins. “So, yeah ... After you went to bed, Tanya and I talked, one thing lead to another ... And, we ended up in my room.”

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