Kyle's Story - Book Three - Cover

Kyle's Story - Book Three

Copyright© 2024 by JTrevor

Chapter 13: Can’t Be Too Careful

Coming of Age Sex Story: Chapter 13: Can’t Be Too Careful - Love, such a small word but with so many big emotions attached to it. As everyone knows, falling in love quite often involves plenty of “making love” and that is something Kyle is definitely open to explore. Come with Kyle for more fun and adventure as he continues to navigate college life. New characters and interesting situations are presented, some of which will have Kyle realizing that his studies into human psychology will be more than he originally imagined.

Caution: This Coming of Age Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Consensual   Romantic   Heterosexual   Fiction   School   Workplace   Cream Pie   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Sex Toys  

Abby and I arrive back at Northbrook in the early evening. On the drive, she told me she was anxious to try out her new toy and asked if I was going to break mine in. Break mine in, I like her choice of words for something that requires me to push my cock into. For me, sharing a room, it all depends on if I have any privacy. I can only imagine the look on Alex’s face if he caught me fucking a latex plastic device.

I park the car in one of the temporary spaces in front of Everett Hall and Abby helps me take my belongings up. “Hey, you two! Long time no see.” Alex’s face lights up when we enter the room, he’s playing a game of Magic with Zach.

“We’ve only been gone a few days.”

“I know, it just seems like you’ve been gone a really long time.” It’s good to know we were missed.

“Did we miss anything exciting?” I ask.

“Not much. Connor got his dick sucked on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday,” Zach says, rolling his eyes. “How much cum can that woman swallow?”

“Zach, dude!” Alex jumps in, motioning to Abby, “There’s a lady in the room. We can talk about that later.”

“Oops. I’m sorry...” Zach apologizes.

“It’s okay,” Abby giggles, “It’s funny the stuff you guys talk about.” I could say the same about what she talks about with Caroline, but choose to keep quiet.

“There’s been talk about some guy who flashed a girl last week. Right here on campus,” Alex tells us.

“Oh, really?” I ask.

“Yeah, she’s over in Simmons Hall. Apparently, when she was walking back from a cafeteria, some dude approached her with his...” Alex waves his hand in the general area below his belt, “With his ... ding-dong ... hanging out.” Ding-dong, I haven’t heard it called that in ages. Alex probably chose the cute term because Abby is here.

“Did they find out who it is?”

“No, the girl told the police it was dark and couldn’t get a good description.”

Zach tells Abby, “Until they catch this creep, just make sure you’re not out walking alone. Especially at night, okay?”

“I won’t,” she takes my arm, “I have him to protect me.”

“With something like this, you can never be too careful. If Kyle’s at work or something, call any of us,” Alex offers.

“Thanks. When’s our next Magic meeting?” Abby asks.

“We had one on Saturday, but we were thinking of having another on Wednesday night. You and some of the others weren’t here so it was just three of us.” Zach explains.

“Let me know if you do,” Abby tells them. To me, she says, “I should probably get home, will you walk with me to my car?”

“Absolutely!” I would have anyway, flasher creep at large or not.

“See you guys later,” Abby waves as we leave the room.

In the hall and in reference to trying out our toys, I whisper in her ear, “Well, no such luck of me milking any cream out of my ... ding-dong tonight.”

“Would any more even come out after what you did in your bedroom this morning?” she whisper/giggles.

“Oh, yeah. I have plenty,” I snicker.

“Maybe you should come over tomorrow afternoon and we’ll try it out, see how it works? How about we both try our new goodies together?”

“Sounds good to me.”

We kiss and Abby hops in her car to go home.

After Zach leaves, Alex and I turn the lights out and climb into our beds.

“Did you have a good trip home?” he asks.

“Yeah, we did. Had some car trouble on the way down, seen my family, got mixed up in a brawl at the pizza place I used to work, caught my younger brother smoking weed, hung out with my friend Jeff, went to Abby’s birthday party, and met her parents.” I left out the experience of our trip to Lovers in Eden, but he doesn’t need to know that part anyway.

“Wow! Pretty full weekend.”

“It sure was. Did you get a chance to ask Nicole out?”

“I could have on Friday night. We were playing pool, but I chickened out...”

“You chickened out? Why?”

“I don’t know, too many people around, I was nervous...”

“It happens. I’m sure you’ll find the right time.”

“Yeah...” he sighs, “It’s good to have you back.”

“Thanks, it’s good to be back.”

I sure could have slept a few more hours, travelling can take a lot out of a person. It’s not like we had a strenuous weekend, but I sure could have used more rest. I didn’t get up early enough to work out, so I got dressed and headed out to my morning class.

I tell ya, listening to Professor Havelina drone on and on in Economics 101 would easily put someone with ADHD (Attention-Deficit/Hyperactive Disorder) to sleep in a heartbeat.

“And so, we can clearly see that the impact of over-regulation has a direct, and often negative, effect on the overall economy. But do we need regulation? And how far should we take it? That is the argument...” on and on she goes. I know we need to know this stuff but talk about boring.

“An easing back of regulations has been recently proven to promote positive economic growth. Of course, some will argue that strict regulations are enacted to protect the air we breathe and the water we drink, even taking it so far as to say that without them we will all cease to exist. Others will rightly counter that we can be mindful of industrial effects on our environment and still be a productive nation with sensible regulations.”

I look at the time on my phone, it’s only 9:45, (sigh) another hour and 15 minutes of this...

My bored mind soon wanders to something hidden in my dorm room. I wonder what the Cock Creamer feels like? Does it feel like a real pussy? Or a real mouth? It’s interesting how it advertises, five exciting speeds guaranteed to milk you for all you’re worth! Guaranteeing a good milking is pretty bold, especially if the product fails to do so.

It might be different for a guy who has never experienced sex or been sucked on, so who knows. I guess I’ll find out later today. I’m thinking I should probably use coconut oil to lube up, it would make sense to slick things up a bit, more like doing it in a real pussy ... Thinking about this is making my penis grow, maybe I better think about something else.

My attention switches back to Professor Havelina as she takes on a different tone from her rambling, mono-tone monolog. “And so, while you were all undoubtedly spending your weekend supporting the local beer-halls or lighting bonfires past the park and dancing around a keg, I was at home reading and grading your assignments from last week.”

“Oh, for god’s sake,” I mutter to myself. I lean over to the guy next to me and whisper, “Is she for real? Quit your bitching, that’s what you get paid the big bucks for lady.”

He laughs, “Yeah, no shit.”

She continues, “But, don’t feel bad for me, oh no. I must say, last week’s batch, from this class, in particular, was very entertaining.”

Talk about a snarky-sarcastic way of telling us we didn’t do so good. You would think if we didn’t get it, maybe we need some help? Not so, with this professor.

“What I especially enjoyed was the creativity some of you choose to employ. You had me laughing my little hiney off!”

If you remember, Professor Havelina is a rather portly woman. I lean back over to the guy next to me and snicker, “‘Little hiney?’ Now, you’re making me laugh, lady.”

He snickers back, “You got that right!”

She stops, and dials in her aim on me. Oh no, I think I just took it too far. “I see you’re finding some humor in this Mr. Stevenson? I must say, yours was the most entertaining of all the assignments submitted. Please see me after class.”

I feel my face get hot and slump down in my seat. For being a grown-up college student now, I sure feel like a kid in middle school who just got caught shooting spit-wads.

And why did she find mine the most entertaining? Abby and I did that assignment together the day before we left for Spring haven. She always double-checks my work before I email it, I’m almost sure she did that day too. Thinking back, that was the day Belinda and Patrick got into their screaming fight when I was over, so maybe she didn’t? Even if not, I can’t see what would be so entertaining about it. Abby usually only finds minor grammar errors.

The last half-hour of class drags on for a mini-eternity with me wondering what is up with my assignment. At 11:00, the class dismisses. I text Abby that I will be a little late meeting her for lunch.

I timidly approach Professor Havelina’s desk. She’s looking down, busy searching for something on her laptop.

“Uhhh ... You wanted to see me?”

She says nothing and looks up at me with the palms of her hands together, tapping her fingers. Finally, she breaks her silence and says, “I understand economics is not very interesting to most people, but at this university, it is a required course for all students whatever their major is.”

“I understand.”

“On that, I would beg to differ.”

“I don’t understand.”

“You don’t like this course, do you, Mr. Stevenson? It’s okay,” she holds up her hand, “You don’t need to answer. The only students who appreciate it are my Economics Majors.”

“It’s not that I hate it or anything, it’s just-”

She holds her hand up again, this time for me to stop, “I’m not new to this and I’ve seen others who attempt to break the tedium of this course by trying to be creative or funny with their assignments. Maybe they think if they can get me to laugh, I will over-look poorly researched essays.”

“I assure you that is not what I was-”

“Please let me continue. When I looked at what you sent me on Friday morning, one minute before the 8:00 am deadline, let me add, I must say I was truly impressed with your creativity.”

“I’m really at a loss here. I didn’t think I was trying to be creative at all.”

“If you recall, Mr. Stevenson, the assignment was to provide an Example of Economic Reproduction in an Industrial Partnership.”

“Yes, I remember.”

“Can you explain to me then...” she pauses and I swear I could see the tiniest smirk cross her face as she says, “Can you explain why you choose to send me an Example of Human Reproduction in a Cohabitating Partnership?”

What? Now, I’m totally confused. What is this lady talking about? Has she been smoking some of Albert’s primo-shit dope or what?

She taps a key on her laptop and, of all things I never expected, I hear Abby giggling, followed by her voice saying, “Oh Kyle, this is going to be some great video, wait till you see it.”

To say I am shocked speechless would be a huge understatement. How in the hell does she have the video Abby and I made at the Valley Pines Resort a couple of weekends ago? What the fuck?

The dawning realization that Professor Havelina is witnessing my cock working in Abby’s pussy is more than my brain can process. Multiple synapses are firing off all at once in the chaos that is now my mind. One thought shines brighter and makes sense, I’m dreaming this! I must have fallen asleep in her boring class because I needed more sleep, yeah, that’s it!

But it’s not...

In moments of great revelation, we often turn red with the onrush of blood flow in our system. Then there are those times the revelation is so stunning that we turn ghost, pale-white from the lack of blood flow. Darkness creeps in from the peripherals of my vision and the room is rapidly dimming. I can feel myself become light-headed and dizzy.

“Mr. Stevenson!” she shouts, except it sounds like she’s a few hundred feet away. Then an even more distant, “You’re about to pass out!” I have just enough sight left to see Professor Havelina rush from her desk and grab my elbow, guiding me to sit down.

When light returns to my world and the room comes into focus, I see she has taken a seat next to me. “Are you, okay?”

“Yeah ... I think so...”

She does something I haven’t seen her do before, she smiles warmly at me. “I know you didn’t intend to send me that video.”

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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