Kyle's Story - Book Three - Cover

Kyle's Story - Book Three

Copyright© 2024 by JTrevor

Chapter 1: That’s What Friends Are for

Coming of Age Sex Story: Chapter 1: That’s What Friends Are for - Love, such a small word but with so many big emotions attached to it. As everyone knows, falling in love quite often involves plenty of “making love” and that is something Kyle is definitely open to explore. Come with Kyle for more fun and adventure as he continues to navigate college life. New characters and interesting situations are presented, some of which will have Kyle realizing that his studies into human psychology will be more than he originally imagined.

Caution: This Coming of Age Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Consensual   Romantic   Heterosexual   Fiction   School   Workplace   Cream Pie   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Sex Toys  

Sunday evening, after Mom, Dad, and Luke left to return home from their visit, I spend time with Abby watching American Pie together. She asks if I would like to stay overnight again, but we both knew our hormones would probably get the better of us and we’d be having sex before the clock struck midnight. It’s not that I don’t want to have sex with Abby, it’s that her body needs a few days to recover. The first time is a big deal for anyone, and for a girl, not only is it emotionally huge, but physically as well.

The facts are that certain muscles in her vagina were stretched and worked in ways they never were before, they just need time to relax. Think of it as when you begin a new workout regimen, muscle groups that haven’t been worked very hard will be sore for a few days. You need to let them rest, get accustomed to the new activity, and everything will be fine.

And before you say it, this dialogue is not designed to serve as a clever way for me to tell you that I have a huge member, because I don’t; I’m an average guy. I’m perfectly happy with what I have and not endowed with, how did Belinda put it - some sort of super-cock.

“Hey, Kyle,” Alex greets me as I let myself into the room.

“Hey, Alex, how’s it going?

“Ah, not too bad.”

“Sorry, I haven’t been around much this weekend. Seeing Abby, my family, you know...”

“It’s okay, man, you have your life to live too.”

“So, what’s new?” I ask.

“Not much, hanging out with Zach mostly” he replies. “Oh, my breathing machine comes next week, it should help with my snoring.”

“That’s good. Hopefully, you’ll get better sleep too.”

“Yeah, I wake up so tired all the time.”

While I’m thinking of it, I grab my backpack and stuff a couple of boxes of condoms in the side pocket to keep with me. I want to be prepared because I know as soon as Abby is feeling up to par, we’re definitely going to need them. Alex is watching and laughs. “So, I take it things must be going very well with your friend Abby?”

“Yeah ... kind of,” I admit with a smirk.

Alex and I play the Star Wars Battlefront XBox game that Luke bought me for my birthday, but soon we’re both yawning and decide to call it a night. Lights out and getting into our beds, it’s back to the grind tomorrow. I still have an assignment to finish after getting side-tracked on Saturday, but I should have enough time between classes to get it done.

As I’m drifting off, Alex asks, “You still awake, Kyle?”

“Yeah, what’s up?”

“Last week Gail told me she just wants to be friends only.”

“Aw, man, that stinks...” Relegated to the friend zone. Isn’t that just the suckiest thing to hear when you like a girl? A true buzzkill if there ever was one.

“Tell me about it. Saturday afternoon she called the guys and said she wasn’t going to make it to our Magic Club meeting, something came up again.”

“Well, sometimes people do have things they need to do.”

“I know, but ever since that night of that party, it’s like something has changed and now she’s not interested in me anymore.”

“I thought you apologized and worked things out from that fiasco?” I ask.

“So, did I ... but I’m getting a bad feeling she met another guy.”

“Why do you think that?”

“Call it a hunch ... a gut instinct.”

“Anything is possible I guess...”

“She was like the perfect girl, Kyle, kinda geeky like me, loves playing Magic, and cute as ... cute as hell. She even told me she’s never had a boyfriend before so she’s probably a virgin like I am.”

“I know saying this is so ... what’s the word ... cliché? But try not to get hung up on just one girl.” I stop and think to myself. Isn’t this the exact same advice I heard, for how many years, waiting for Tiffany to finally come around? It’s just a variation of the ‘ol plenty of fish in the sea speech, but I honestly don’t know what else to say.

“I know, but most of the girls around here are so ... out of my league, do you know what I mean?”

“Now you’re just being self-defeating, Alex. And I know I probably sound like your mom when I say this, but maybe the perfect girl is here and you just haven’t met her yet.”

“Yeah...” I hear him choke back a sniffle.

I know he’s upset, and it is hard, trust me, I know that hurt very well because I’ve been there too. Sensitive guys tend to set our hearts on that one someone and when it doesn’t work out, it destroys us. We really do feel lost and hopeless.

A few minutes of quiet time pass, then Alex says, “She doesn’t need to stop coming to the Magic meetings, she’s a great player. I can stop going if she’s uncomfortable with me being there.”

“Did you say anything that might make her feel that way? Like when she told you she only wanted to be friends?”

“No, not at all. I was nice, I told her it was okay, and that I understood.”

“Then don’t stop doing something you enjoy. Give it time, Alex, maybe she’ll come around.”

“Yeah ... maybe she’s just a nervous type about dating or something?”

“Could be ... In the meantime, let’s see what we can do about getting your mind off things. How about we do something tomorrow, just you and me. Who knows, maybe we’ll get lucky and find a girl that would love for you to ask her out.”

“Thanks, Kyle. I’m not holding my breath on finding my Miss Right that easily,” he forces a small laugh, “but I appreciate you trying to make me feel better.”

“That’s what friends are for. I’ve gone through this same thing too, everyone has.”

You might be thinking, who am I to talk after how easily Renee and Tiffany worked out for me. Yes, Renee certainly did, but remember, I had my heart set on Tiffany for years before she saw me as more than just a guy-friend. There were also other girls through high school that caught my eye, got my heart beating, and ended up leaving me where Alex is right now; Karla Whittington in 10th Grade English Class comes to mind.

As I’m just about to drift off into dreamland, Alex disgustedly asks, “Damn, Kyle, what the hell did you eat today?”

I’m smelling something pretty rank in the air too. “That ain’t me, dude!” Oh my god, this stink is beyond awful, worse than the raunchiest farts I’ve ever smelled! What the hell is going on? A major sewer-line backup caused by too much semen in the drains or something?

I hop down out of bed and flick on the light. Nothing appears out of order in the room, but I do hear a very faint hissing sound. There’s a small plastic hose sticking in from under the door, I grab the knob and fling it open. And here it is, an aerosol can of Frank’s Big Can-’O-Farts on the floor. It has a small plastic tube attached to the nozzle with tape over the top to keep it depressed. I quickly reach down, pick it up and pull the tape off to stop the noxious emissions.

“It’s gotta be those stupid fuckers in 408,” I mutter.

“Oh, god, I gotta get out of here or I’m gonna puke!” Alex says, flinging off his blanket and jumping out of bed.

Opening the window and leaving the door open to air the room out, we go to the Common Room to wait. Staying out here for a half-hour we keep a close eye on our open door down the hall. I gotta laugh to myself over this childishness and wonder how that bologna I stuffed in their air vent is smelling these days.

On Monday, it’s raining. Abby and I have lunch together and work on getting caught up with our homework in the Study Area, she’s a little behind from the weekend too. I tell her how my roommate is feeling down and that I have plans to do something with him later; she thinks that’s very nice for me to do.

We make plans to see each other tomorrow after I get off work at 8:00, maybe we’ll watch the second American Pie movie, Abby really liked the first one. With a smirk, she tells me how she feels like a naughty girl watching those kinds of movies and that doing naughty stuff with me is something she’s liking.

After dinner, it’s still raining, so Alex and I stay at the dorm. We play some games of pool in the First Floor Common Room. Well, he plays pool, I knock the balls around like an idiot. I’m not very good at this game, but he’s patient and shows me a few pointers. Tonight, there are a lot of fellow Everett Hall residents gathered here including plenty of girls. As a matter of fact, there are two cute ones playing Pool at the other table. I nudge Alex that maybe he should go see if they want to join us.

He’s nervous about approaching them, which I can understand, it’s always awkward, but he’s a true trooper and invites them for a four-player game of Eight-Ball - girls against the boys. I have a feeling that I won’t be a very good teammate, but this is about him meeting people, not about us winning the game.

The girls are Nicole and Maria and they’re roommates on the 3rd Floor. We play several games and have a fun time. It doesn’t necessarily mean anything, but from what I could tell, neither of them talked about any boyfriends.

This is what Alex needs, to get out and do things he’s good at - and hopefully meet some new people in the process. We can’t expect to sit back in our comfort zones and hope some girl, by chance, falls into our laps. Well, again, who am I to talk, Renee literally hopped on my lap AND on my- but that’s beside the point here. For Alex, one of his comfort zones is the Magic – The Gathering club and those tend to be a male majority activity. I’m not saying he shouldn’t enjoy his game meets, just that he would have a better chance of meeting girls if he was to broaden his horizons and think outside the box a bit. Focus on things that he likes, and things that girls like too.

Later that night in our room, he says, “That was fun, Kyle, thanks.”

“Yeah, I had fun too ... even though I suck at Pool.”

“Ahh, you weren’t that bad...” Then he adds, “Well ... maybe a little.”

“At least I can count on you being honest.”

“And those girls did say they like to play often,” he muses to himself.

“There you go! Get down there and check it out every now and then. If you see them, ask if they want to play a game.”

“Yeah...” he nods. “I will.” After a bit, he adds, “I still feel down about Gail though.”

“I know, Alex ... give it time.”

“It’s not like this is the first time I’ve had my heart broken, but for some reason, it really, really hurts this time.”

“Maybe you got your heart a little to set on her because she likes Magic?”

“Yeah, probably...”

“I know a lot of what I say, you probably already know, but I’m trying my best.”

“You’re a good friend, Kyle. Thanks for putting up with me.”

“Putting up with you? No, it’s not like that. I’m your friend and I’m here for you. As I said last night, that’s what friends are for.”

The next day, Tuesday, the rain has finally stopped, and the weather is noticeably cooler from the hot and humid weekend we just had. It’s the very first sign of autumn inching its way in after summer played one last song to say don’t you forget about me.

In the morning Rachel and I go for a good run, it feels good to work my legs after a few days of sitting around. I tell her about what happened on Saturday, well not everything, just the parts about me almost getting heat-stroke and Abby nursing me back to health. She agreed that it was pretty stupid of me to run in that heat with no water.

“So, how are you and Abby doing?”

“Great,” I nod.

“I can tell,” she smiles. “You have a certain look in your eyes, they sparkle when you talk about her. You really like her, don’t you, Kyle?

“Yeah ... she’s something special.”

“Good for you! You’re a great guy and she’s a lucky girl.”

“Thanks, Rachel.”

A half-hour before I’m done at work, I receive a text from Abby, “Can I come to see you tonight instead of you coming here?”

“Sure, what’s going on?”

“Bitch-Face is driving me nuts! I need to get out of here.” Bitch-Face is Abby’s new name for Belinda.

“I should be back to the dorm at about 8:30.”

“Perfect! Love you and see you soon!” followed by a slew of kissy-face emojis.

“I love you too!” I couldn’t find the same kissy face emojis to send back, but Abby can show me where they are later.

Back in our room, I see Alex is out, probably with Zach. That’s good, he needs to stay busy with friends to help him keep his mind off Gail. Just as I change out of my work clothes, there’s a knock on the door.

“Hi, Kyle!”

“Hi, Abby. Come in.”

We kiss, and hug - and hug and kiss. Even though we had lunch together earlier today, you would think we haven’t seen each other in months by the way we’re carrying on. “So, what’s going on with Belinda?” I ask. “I thought she was keeping her distance?”

“Me too, but that sure didn’t last long. She’s back to being her usual bitchy self again, complaining the house is a mess, dishes are dirty, all that crap.”

“Should have told her if she doesn’t like it, she can do it herself.”

“Oh, I did! And did that ever feel good! But it just led to a screaming match ... that’s why I had to get out of there.”

“Well...” I present the room with my arm out like a furniture salesman selling an oversized couch. “We’ve got this place all to ourselves.”

“I see that,” she grins. “Can I see what it’s like up in your loft bed?”

“Sure, climb on up.”

She takes her shoes off and hops up. “This is really neat, it’s super cozy up here.”

“Yeah, that’s one way to look at it.”

“Come up here with me.”

“Is there room?”

“Sure! I don’t mind you being close to me.” I climb up to and lay alongside. “See, we both fit.”

“Yeah, we do.” Sharing these close quarters with Abby is nice.

“How did it go with your roommate yesterday?” she asks.

“Good, we played a few games of pool and hung out. He’s out somewhere with Zach from next door right now.”

“Why was he down in the dumps?”

“A girl he likes only wants to be friends and he’s having a tough time with it. Had his heart set on her, you know?”

She kisses me, “Well, that was super nice of you to spend time with him.”

“Yeah, we had fun and I tried to tell him it’ll get better with time.”

Abby swings her leg over me and straddles my belly, whispering, “Do you want to know what else got better with time?”

“Is it what I think it is?”

Abby smiles and nods in a very enthusiastic affirmative. “Do you maybe wanna?”

Now it’s my turn to nod a very enthusiastic affirmative. I sit up, “Hang on, let me get down a sec.”

“Where are you going?”

“You’ll see.”

I hop down, grab Alex’s medallion and hang it on the outside doorknob, take a condom out of the box and hurry back up into the bunk. As she was before, Abby swings her leg back over and lays on top of me; this time taking her t-shirt and bra off as I pull my shirt over my head. Bare chest pressed to bare chest, we kiss with our tongues and feel each other up totally letting our hands explore. Soon we’re both giggling and wiggling out of our pants.

“Can we try it like this?” she asks. “With me on top?”

“Sure, just watch your head on the ceiling.”

With her legs on each side of my hips, Abby is having fun rubbing her pussy all over my growing cock. I love how she’s getting all worked up and vigorously pushing her silky flower petals down on me. Her wettening bits and my leaking precum have both of us all slippery and ready to go in a short amount of time.

Before we get started, I nudge and pull on her ass cheeks for her to scoot up over me so I can kiss on her boobs giving each one an equal amount of oral attention. When I suck on a nipple and flick my tongue around it, she quickly inhales, purses her lips, and hums, “Mmmm.” At the same time, I feel the lips between her legs twitching and planting small, wet, pussy-kisses on my belly. I don’t remember feeling a pussy do that before - I like it, I like it a lot! When I suck her nipple, I receive a pussy-kiss, suck her nipple, another pussy-kiss; I love this!

“Oh, Kyle,” she whispers, “I can’t tell you how bad I’ve been wanting you, it’s like a deep needing to have you again. These last few days have been torture and dragging on forever!”

“Oh, I know! It’s been the same for me.”

I look at the condom and see it’s a pre-lubricated one. “Maybe I should put this on now so we don’t have to stop.”

“Good idea.”

I slip it on and tell her, “Let’s still keep it slow and easy, okay? Just because we’ve done this once, doesn’t mean it won’t still be a little uncomfortable.”

“Okay,” she nods.

I hold my cock stationary as Abby lines up and gently eases herself onto me. With her on top, she can control how much she wants to take in and how fast. She does quite well, only wincing once as she slides me all the way till her pubis area is pressed to mine - and in one smooth motion too. “Wow! That wasn’t so bad!” she exclaims.

“Do you feel okay?”

“Uh-huh,” she nods. “You still seem super-huge, but it’s way better this time.”

Abby stays put for a minute to simply enjoy feeling me inside her. When ready, she slowly moves up - and then gently back down – up - and then down. When we had our first sex a few days ago, I was on top setting the pace by her cues, today she’s in control of our action. Her pussy canal is still very snug around my shaft, but I can sense she’s already much more relaxed.

“Oh, Kyle, I really like doing it this way.”

“That’s good, I like it too.”

“Am I doing it okay?” she asks.

“You’re doing perfect!” I smile.

She pushes her pelvis down hard on me. “I like how I can rub my button in your curly hairy area.” Another round of grinding as she expresses, “Ohh ... it feels so good!” Her button and my curly hairy area - I find myself grinning at her cute innocent terms for our various sexual anatomy.

We take it easy, nothing wrong with some good slow screwing. Still paying close attention, I don’t notice any more wincing or signs of uncomfortableness. With her riding me, I have both hands free to play with her nipples. “Mmmm,” she coos, “I like it when you do that.”

“I can do this too,” I say lifting and slightly pivoting my hips in time with her motions to gently assist my cock fore and back - this way she doesn’t have to do all the work.

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