Kyle's Story - Book Two - Cover

Kyle's Story - Book Two

Copyright© 2024 by JTrevor

Chapter 3: Helicopter

Coming of Age Sex Story: Chapter 3: Helicopter - Life is a funny journey. Come with Kyle for a crazy last summer with his longtime buddies, including plenty of one-on-one time with very special female friend who enjoys a "deeper connection" with Kyle. Then pack your bags, it's time to go with Kyle to college where new challenges and chance meetings await him on life's funny, and often erotic, journey.

Caution: This Coming of Age Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Teenagers   Consensual   Romantic   Heterosexual   Fiction   Humor   School   Anal Sex   Cream Pie   Masturbation   Oral Sex  

I’m working a long shift on Friday because I won’t be available this weekend. Saturday is Jeff’s Graduation Party and Sunday is mine. Eric and I are in the kitchen cranking out the pizza orders. In a low voice, Eric leans over and says, “So, Albert tells me that you spent the night in Renee’s room at Cedar Bay. Is that true?”

“What? No. Why would he say that?”

“He said you didn’t share the room you were supposed to with him and that he seen you coming out of her room, with your stuff, in the morning.”

Time to repeat my little white-lies, “Renee told me there was an extra unused room and offered to me. In the morning, before we left, she asked me to reach a bag of hers that she threw on a high shelf and couldn’t get down. That’s it.”

“I don’t know, Buddy, I’ve always thought something was fishy between you two.”

“Nothing fishy about what I just told you, or Albert, for that matter.”

“Come on, just between you and me; have you tapped her? You can tell me.”

“We get along, that’s it, there’s nothing more.”

Eric drops the subject and we move on. I’m going to have to have a little talk with Albert, I don’t like him talking behind my back like that.

A few hours later, I catch Albert in the back room, wasting time on his phone again. “Dude, what’s your problem?” I ask.

“What do you mean?”

“You’re going around telling people that I stayed in Renee’s room at Cedar Bay.”

“I just know what I saw...” he shrugs.

“Yeah, and I told you why you saw what you saw.”

“You’re getting a little defensive there, Kyle; maybe I had it right all along?”

“No, you don’t. If I seem defensive, it’s because I don’t like people going around and talking behind my back after I explained to you what happened.”

“Okay, whatever you say. I can understand why you wouldn’t want it getting all around this place. You know, with her being the boss’s daughter and all.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“Nothing.” He flicks his hand for me to go away, “Why don’t you go back to what you were doing, I’m on a break.”

“Yeah, you take a lot of those, don’t you?” I mutter as I go back to the kitchen. What a fucking little asshole.

On my way home, I’m still pissed about Albert and his attitude, he’s never been a very good worker here, no matter how much praise Bill wants to give everyone.

The truth is, I have both Bill and Renee on my side. Bill even told me last year that he’s fine with Renee and I being together, I make her happy and Bill likes that. Renee, obviously, has no issues with spending time with me. I can also understand the reasons for being discreet about this, our sexual relationship getting all around the store would definitely not be good.

Albert has no proof of anything, so technically, my little lie can hold up. The problem is Eric, he’s always thought there has been something more going on. Even Sonia quickly recognized Renee’s attraction for me when she started working here. If Eric and Sonia could pick-up on it, who else around here has?

I’m don’t like having to tell these little lies, but I don’t know what else to do.

The next day, Saturday, Jeff has his Graduation Party at his house. Marc is here, Bethany, and a few others from school. There is also has a lot of Jeff’s relatives, people I’ve never meet.

I wasn’t sure what to get Jeff being that he is staying in town and going to our community college, he won’t need anything for a dorm room. I got him a gift card to Target. Later, I told him he can use it to replace the swimsuit he lost (along with the rest of us) at Fucker’s Pond, he laughed about that.

Sunday morning, I wake up early to help get everything ready for my Graduation Party. We set up a tent canopy in the backyard for shade, or if it should rain. My dad cleaned the gas grill while Luke and I set up the tables, chairs and yard games. Mom is busy in the kitchen, preparing sides for the hamburgers and chicken we will grill.

The party is starting at 2:00. My Aunt Marylyn and Uncle Frank showed up first, Uncle Frank asked how I’m liking the Jeep, I told him, “I love it!” My Aunt Betty, with the loud, annoying, cackling laugh, and Uncle Glenn came with their kids. My grandparents, cousins and family friends all are here including Marc, Jeff and Bethany. I invited Donny Melman too, but I didn’t hear back from him, so I’m not sure if he will show up.

Things are going well and everyone ate their fill. My parents bought me a new laptop computer, but I knew I was getting that because they asked me to research one I would like. I received several gifts that I can use in my dorm room for when I go away to school. I got a toaster oven/coffee pot combo appliance, a Ramen noodle cooker (something every college student can use), a big box of snacks, and a dirty clothes hamper. I also got a new backpack and a cool portable charger for devices, it looks like a slice of pizza with USB ports. Others gave me cash or gift cards, I am very grateful for all of this.

At 4:00, I see Donny come in the backyard, “Hey Kyle, sorry I didn’t back to you, I wasn’t sure if I would be able to make it.”

I shake his hand, “That’s fine, it’s good to see you. How have you been?”

“Not bad, not bad at all. Get this, I ran into Dirk at the Mall the other day.”

“You did?”

“Yeah, he apologized for what happened with Tyler last April.”

“I never told Dirk that you were with me that day, just that Tyler was seeing someone.”

“I guess he laid into Tyler after he found out, so I’m guessing Tyler must have told him it was me. Anyhow, I thought that was pretty cool of him to try to make it right with me.”

“So how is ‘ol Dirk doing?”

“Okay from what I can tell, he’s been working with his Dad, they have a family landscape company. He told me he’s going to State in the Fall to play football.”

“That’s good. Did you ever hear from Tyler?”

“Yeah, he texted me after graduation, wanting to know if you could get back together.”

“What did you tell him?”

“To fuck off.” Donny laughs.

“Good for you.”

I spent the day telling everyone about where I’m going to college and what I will major in. A lot of them seemed happy to have a future psychologist/psychiatrist in our “crazy” family, they joke that maybe I can fix our “dysfunctionality”.

The party carried on until dark and the guests started leaving at 10:00. Aunt Betty had a few too many drinks and made a bit of an obnoxious spectacle of herself (and I thought her cackling laugh was annoying when she is sober). Uncle Glenn quietly apologized and helped her to the car.

On his way out, Uncle Frank patted me on the back and said I was taking good care of his Jeep. I didn’t feel it was necessary to tell him that the passenger side window has been replaced and the driver’s door was repainted. All in all, everyone had a good time, we pulled off a good party.

My parents, Luke and I finally get everything cleaned up by midnight. Luke told me to make sure I am home to help him with his Graduation Party in a couple of years, I thanked him for all his help and told him that I will gladly help with his.

On Monday, I am working a day-shift with Renee, Greg, Kam and Allison. After the lunch-rush, Renee and I make a pizza and find a booth to take our break.

“So, how was your Graduation Party?”

“Really good, we had a lot of family and friends I went to school with. I got a butt-load of cash, gift cards and things I can use in my dorm room.”

“That’s great. Are you excited about going off to college?”

“Yeah, but it’s all going to be so different for me.”

“It will, but you’ll find that you get used to the routine fast. Just remember to keep up on your homework, it’s going to be a lot.”

“Yeah, I remember you warning me about that.”

“What makes it hard is there will be plenty of temptation to go out and party or screw-off. Just make a rule for yourself, no partying until the work is done, that’s what I do.”

“Sounds like a good rule.”

Renee gets that twinkle in her eye, “Do you want to come by and see my apartment sometime?”

“Okay, sure.”

“It’s not like it’s anything outstanding or anything, but I did want to show you the nice new bed I just bought.”

I grin, “Does it squeak?”

“You know, that’s a very good question,” she nods, “We should put it to the test and find out; don’t ya think?”

“Absolutely, I’ve always thought being a mattress tester would be my dream job.”

“Well okay, Mister Mattress Tester, consider yourself hired. When can you come in for the job?”

“I’m not doing anything tomorrow.”

“I’m working lunch, but will be off by 3:00. Do you want to come over after?”

“Sure, what apartment?”

“Building 6, Apartment 8, on the second floor. They’re doing the city fireworks tomorrow night, we should have a great view from my balcony.”

“Awesome!” Blowing off fireworks, blowing off my ... well, you get the idea. Sounds like a perfect afternoon to me.

At 4:00, I punch out. On my way out the door, Renee calls to me, “Oh hey, Sport?”


“Food Mart has a special on fresh-pineapple today,” she winks.

“Ah yes,” I point my index finger, “Thanks for reminding me.”

On my way home, I stop by fresh-produce section in the grocery store and then swing by the Hammond’s house to check-up on things.

“Wow, you really must have a craving for some pineapple, huh?” Mom says, coming into the kitchen as I’m carving up the three big ones I just bought.

“Yeah, I heard they are supposed to be really beneficial in all kinds of ways.”

“Well, good for you. Eating healthy is important.”

“Mom, do you remember Renee?”

“Renee, Renee...” Mom thinks, “Oh yes, you work with her. I met her one time, right?”

“Yes, you did. She asked me to help her with a small job at the Fairlawn Apartments tomorrow afternoon and she said I can stay for the fireworks, so I won’t be around for dinner.”

“Okay sweetie. I like that Renee, nice girl with a head on her shoulders.”

The next day Marc, Jeff and Bethany come over at noon. We are hanging out and playing some X-Box games.

“What is it with all these zombie-killing games you guys like?” Bethany asks.

“They’re fun.” Jeff answers.

“But they are so gross and so creepy.”

“I know, that’s what makes them cool.”

“What’s up with all the pineapple, Dude?” Marc asks me. I have a big bowl of cut-up chunks I’m stuffing in my mouth, one after another.

“It’s good for you,” I mumble with a mouthful, “Want some?”

“Nah, not a big fan, too sweet.”

“Yah know, I heard an urban myth or something about a guy eating a lot of pineapple,” Bethany muses to herself.

“What’s that?” Jeff asks.

I know exactly what urban myth Bethany is referring to. “Oh nothing, I can’t remember exactly how it goes...” she diverts the conversation, “Anyhow, so, do you guys wanna go see the fireworks tonight?”

“Sure!” Jeff says.

“I’m in,” Marc adds.

“Sorry, I can’t this time.”

“Oh, why not?” Bethany asks.

“I do some occasional side work for the owners of the Fairlawn Apartments and they said I could watch from there.” What I don’t tell them about is Renee and I putting an urban myth involving pineapple to the test.

In the afternoon, I get a text from Renee telling me that she is off work and I can come over anytime. It’s a nice day, so I decide to ride my bike. I grab my container of pineapple and off I go.

I don’t know why they do it, but they put on the fireworks display a week before the 4th of July, it used to always be right on the 4th when I was younger.

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