Kyle's Story - Book Two - Cover

Kyle's Story - Book Two

Copyright© 2024 by JTrevor

Chapter 2: Happy Trail

Coming of Age Sex Story: Chapter 2: Happy Trail - Life is a funny journey. Come with Kyle for a crazy last summer with his longtime buddies, including plenty of one-on-one time with very special female friend who enjoys a "deeper connection" with Kyle. Then pack your bags, it's time to go with Kyle to college where new challenges and chance meetings await him on life's funny, and often erotic, journey.

Caution: This Coming of Age Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Teenagers   Consensual   Romantic   Heterosexual   Fiction   Humor   School   Anal Sex   Cream Pie   Masturbation   Oral Sex  

I spent the day on Saturday getting those chores done around the house that my parents asked me to do. I have to say, it was not fun working with a headache all day. I definitely need to learn some moderation when it comes to mixed drinks. Beer is one thing, but liquor is a whole different animal. By the afternoon, I was feeling better, I think I sweat most of it out be doing all that work.

At 7:00, I received a text from Renee saying that Bill has called an impromptu employee meeting tonight at Pizza Depot, after the store closes at 11:00. I texted back that I will be there.

We all gather in the dining area and Bill begins, “Thank you everyone for being here on such short notice, I apologize for that. I wanted to have this meeting in a couple of weeks, but things have changed, so we are having it now.”

People murmur, we are wondering what is up.

Bill continues, “We need to have re-roofing maintenance done on the building. This work is scheduled to take two days to complete. For that time period, the contractor has asked if we can close to the restaurant for liability reasons, as in customers and employees coming and going while the job is being done. This will also allow them to have full access to the parking lot for staging materials.

“This work was originally going to be done at the beginning of August, but the contractor has an opening to do it now. So, we have moved up the schedule and will be closing the store on Wednesday and Thursday of this week.

“Okay, so that is the news about roof. The next thing I would like to talk about is you, the employees of Pizza Depot.”

We look around at each other. Bill takes a moment before he continues, “I want you all to know that you are the best crew we could ever ask for. You run this place efficiently as well as profitably. We would like to share those profits by offering all of you an Employee Appreciation Day of a prepaid trip to Cedar Bay Roller Coaster Park.”

This sends up a round of cheers and applause. “I thought you might like that,” Bill says.

“The trip will be this Wednesday, when the roof work is being done. We have reserved rooms at a nearby hotel, so you can stay till the park closes and not have to drive home.”

Renee stands up, “I want to second what my father just said, you are all fantastic!” This brings another round of applause. Renee continues, “Okay the plan is to meet here at quarter-to-six in the morning and we can carpool. It’s a 3-hour drive, so if we leave by 6:00, we can make it to the park as they open at 9:00. Can I see a show of hands of who like to stay overnight? We have a block of rooms reserved at the Hanover Suites, a few miles from Cedar Bay.”

Pretty much everyone raises their hand.

Renee says, “Come see me after the meeting, if you would like to stay overnight. I need to contact the hotel ASAP with a count of how many rooms we will need. I will pair people up, boys with boys and girls with girls, two to a room.”

This is really cool, I haven’t been to Cedar Bay since I was 11 years old, at that age I was too afraid to ride any of the big coasters.

After the meeting, I see Renee, “I will have to clear it with my mom and dad, but I’m sure they will let me stay.”

“Okay, Kyle, let me know. I will go ahead and mark you down to share a room with Albert, is that okay?”

Albert is the guy they hired to replace me in the general clean-up duties when they moved me up to a cook. He is not one of my favorite people, seems a bit stuck on himself, but sharing the room with him for one night should be fine. “Sounds good.” I tell her.

My parents are fine with me going to Cedar Bay, they did ask who I was going to be sharing a room with. When I told them Albert, they were fine and told me to have a good time.

On Tuesday, my mom dug out a duffle bag to help me pack a change of clothes. “Kyle, where is your bathing suit? I’ve looked anywhere and can’t find it.”

“Oh, I ripped it that day I went to the pond with Marc and Jeff, I threw it out.” I hate to lie, but telling her the truth that I was skinny-dipping and some strangers took it would just not work.

“Oh, you should have let me look it first, I may have been able to fix it with my sewing machine.”

“It’s okay mom, I needed a new one anyway. I’ll pick one up later today.”

Normally, getting up at 5:00 am just plain sucks ass, but getting up this early because I’m going to Cedar Bay, well, that’s a different story. I showered, ate some cereal, grabbed my duffel bag and was out the door just as my dad was getting up 5:30.

I pull into the Pizza Depot lot and see Renee and few others are already here.

Renee comes over, “Hey, Kyle do you want to drive or ride?”

“It doesn’t matter to me. I’ve never driven that far before though.”

“Do you want to ride with Benny? He brought his van?”

“Okay, I can do that.”

“Alright, park in the back, out of the way, so the contractor has lots of room for the roof work.”

At 6:15 we are on the road, Ohio here we come. Benny’s van holds six, it’s him, Eric, Albert, Greg (the lunch cook), myself, and a new guy they hired last month.

The new guy is named Kamalaksh Balakrishna (say that 10-times fast), we call him Kam. Kam is a couple of years older than me and he moved here from India few years ago. He’s a nice guy and speaks English well, but with an accent.

“Have you been on beeg roller coaster before, Kyle?” he asks me.

“No, not yet. I was at Cedar Bay when I was kid, but I was too scared then.”

“Are you scared now?”

“Yeah, a little, but I’m going to see how it goes.”

“We don’t have such teengs were I’m from. All of dis is will be very new to me.”

“Well, how about we try it together?”

“Sounds very good to me.”

We arrive at 9:30, god, this place looks huge. We make our way across the expansive parking lot to the entrance gates. I can hear the screams from the coasters from here. Since our passes have been pre-paid, we don’t have to wait in line at the ticket windows.

Kam is in awe and fascinated with this spectacle, I’m quite giddy myself. Once we are in the park, we decide to break off into groups of two. Eric and Benny want to hit the biggest coasters first. Albert and Greg have a plan of their own, also involving the big rides first. Kam and I think it will be best for us to work our way up.

We decide to get our coaster-feet wet on the Blue Flash first. It’s an older wooden coaster that does not look nearly as intimidating as the monsters waiting for us deeper in.

Clickity-clack, up the track, we climb the first hill. Kam is looking pretty nervous, I tell him it will be alright and to hold on tight. We crest the hill and-

“YEeeeaahhhhHHHH!”, we crest the second hill and, “Oh, my GOD – Holy Shit!”, this thing is roaring, my stomach comes up into my throat and I am out of my seat for half the ride. This coaster is much more intense that it looks. But, wow, what an awesome rush, I love it.

We get back to the station and I look at Kam, his hair is a mess and he has a glazed look in his eyes. He turns and looks at me, “Let’s do eet again!” he shouts.

“Yeah, let’s do it.” We get back in line and ride it one more time.

Next, we try the Flying Dragon, it’s a coaster with the tracks over-head and the cars are suspended below. Talk about a smooth ride, it felt like we were flying. I really liked that one.

As we continue, our apprehensions diminish and we become braver with each coaster, but still aren’t ready for the giant steel goliaths.

While we are in line for Screaming Twins coaster, we see Renee and Allison.

Renee sees us, “Hey guys!”

“Hey Renee. Hey Allison, how’s it going?”

“Good, but I’m having a hard time convincing Allison to go on the crazy rides with me.”

“I’m just not ready for those yet.” Allison blushes.

The Screaming Twins is a wooden coaster with side-by-side, twin-tracks, the trains race each other. Kam and I are in the blue one and Renee and Allison are in the red one. We had them beat after the first drop, but they caught up and just beat us into the station.

We meet up with the girls after the ride. Renee asks, “Do you guys want to get something to eat, it’s getting near noon?”


We learn that everything is extremely expensive food-wise here; $5 for a hot dog? That’s how it is at theme parks, they can charge whatever they want with trapped, hungry patrons. We find a table in the shade.

Renee asks me, “Hey Sport, how are you about riding the big rides?”

“I haven’t been on any of them yet, but I’m willing to try.”

“I want to get in line for the Top Thrill Racer, but I don’t think Allison is up for that yet.”

“I’ll go with you.”

“Great! Hey Allison, Kyle said he will go with me on Top Thrill, do you want to go off with Kam?”

“Yeah, you two go crazy, Kam and I need more time to work up to something like that.”

“Are you alright with that Kam?” I ask.

“Oh yes, very much so.” he winks and give me two thumbs up. He is thrilled with the opportunity to hang out with Allison. Maybe he has a crush on her?

After we eat, Renee and I make our way to the Top Thrill Racer. What a mean looking machine this is, it hisses and roars as cars are dispatched at super-fast speed. There is quite a line, but Renee assures me it will be worth the wait. The cars are shot out on a straight path to a vertical climb of 420 feet. The track arcs back down, like a vertical U-turn, to a 90 degree straight drop and back. I’m not so sure about this, I hope I don’t pee my pants.

Now it’s our turn, it’s go-time. Renee is excited as hell as we are secured in, “You’re gonna love this Sport. It’s almost as good as sex.”

“Oh, really?”

“Yeah, really!” she winks and nods.

Strapped in, it’s going to happen and there’s nothing I can do about it now. The tension is high and waiting seems like an eternity, but in reality, the wait is only a few seconds. I sense every single beat of my heart, (bump-bump, bump-bump) will this damn thing just go already? (bump-bump, bump-bump). What the hell have I gotten myself into, (bump-bump, bump-bump) I think I’m about to die, (bump-bump, bump-bump... -

With a deafening roar, my breath is instantly taken away as we are blast-accelerated from 0 to 120 miles an hour in 3.8 seconds. “Ahhhh-FUUUCCKKK!” I scream as I am pushed back into my seat with incredible force, I couldn’t lean my head forward even if I wanted to.

Before I know it, we are pointing straight up, looking at the blue sky. The car slows as it crests the top, I can see far out onto Lake Erie and I notice a few big ships out there.

“Oh shit...”, I mutter, because what goes up must come down, we begin to gather speed for the straight descent. My stomach lurches as we drop into a free fall that has a wicked spiral before we level out. 30-seconds of pure adrenaline, my guts are scrambled and that was fucking cool as hell! Miraculously, my pants are still dry.

Renee and I spend the day together riding everything. There was plenty of coasters I am surprised I didn’t shit my pants on, but they were so awesome.

In the early afternoon, it was getting pretty hot. The water rides are perfect for cooling down and we got soaked to our underwear. I could feel my inner thighs getting chafed from walking around in wet shorts.

“I feel like I’m getting diaper rash.” I complain.

“I know just what to do about that,” she says.


She grabs my hand and pulls me, “The swings, let’s go.”

This ride has swings suspended from arms sticking out from a tall center hub. The ride spins and centrifugal force makes the swings sway out. We ride this a few times spreading our legs to let the rushing air dry us out. We aren’t the only one to have this idea, we see others from the water rides doing the same thing. The park designers put this ride here for a reason.

It’s getting late in the day and the park will be closing soon. We are exhausted. I tell Renee, “I need to text Benny and Albert for when and where we are meeting up to go to the motel.”

“Do you want to ride with me? I drove.”

“Yeah okay. Who are you rooming with?”

“It was going to be Sonia, but she cancelled this morning. Her allergies were driving her nuts.”

“Oh, that’s not good, she missed a great time. You should have told me you were driving alone, I would have ridden with you.”

“It’s okay, Allison rode with me and you guys had already left. I figured you boys would want your male-bonding time.”

“Is that what you and Allison did, a little girl on girl, female-bonding?”

She laughs, “God, when you say it like that, it sounds so sexual.”

“I guess it did, huh? That’s not what I meant.”

“I know, Sport.”

“Do we need to wait for Allison before we go?”

“No, she texted that she’s riding to the motel with Kam and the guys.”

“Okay, cool.”

“Hey, do you want to pick up a pizza? We can eat in my room, being that I have it all to myself.”

“Okay. I’ll text the guys and tell ‘em not to wait around for me.”

Renee and I leave the park, we have to do a bit of searching to find her car in this massive parking lot, she forgot what section she was parked in.

We find a pizza joint in town called The Pizza Train. We laugh about that, here is The Pizza Train and we have The Pizza Depot. We order a large pepperoni, onion and mushroom, our favorite combo, to go.

At the Hanover Suites, we check in and get our room key-cards. Renee’s room is on the second floor of this 2-story motel. We let ourselves in, it’s clean, nothing fancy, but nice. It has two queen-size beds, a dresser with a TV on it and a small table with two chairs. We sit down at the table to eat. We skipped dinner because we were so busy riding the rides, I didn’t realize how hungry I got.

We dig in and she asks, “So, how are you?”

“I’m fine. Today was so totally awesome! Thank you and Bill so much for this.”

“You are welcome.” She looks down, “What I was getting at is ... I’m wondering how you are doing?”

“Oh ... well ... you know ... Not bad, I guess.”

“I hope I’m not being pushy, it’s just that ... well, I care about you and I know you’ve been going through a tough time.”

“It’s okay,” I tell her. “Yeah, Tiffany going away has been hard, but I’m doing better now. It’s kind of funny, but the other night, Sonia and I got a little drunk at her place and –”

“You and Sonia? Got drunk?” she laughs.

“Yeah, I gave her a ride home because her car died. We ended up talking a lot, and drinking her home-made margaritas, quite a few margaritas, actually! Talking to her really helped me.”

Renee nods, “She has a way of doing that, doesn’t she?”

“Yeah, she does.”

I tell Renee all about Prom and everything that happened at the end of the school year. She also thinks that allowing ourselves to have fun and seeing where it goes in the future is the best approach.

Renee told me she will be going back to college in the Fall, even though she has four years complete, she wants to keep going for her Graduate’s Degree in Business Management. I tell her that I will be going to Northbrook in the Fall to pursue Psychology. She laughs and tells me that’s perfect and that I can treat her when she goes crazy.

We talk about Cedar Bay and what rides we liked best. I tell her how nervous I was at first, but grew to love the big coasters.

We finish the entire large pizza, it was pretty damn good. She asks me, “Do you want to hang-out? Watch a movie or something?”

“Yeah okay, let me see if Benny is back with the van. I’ll throw my stuff in my room and come back.”

I get up and walk towards the door, she calls to me, “Kyle?”


She walks over to me, “How would you feel about texting Albert and letting him know that he can have your guy’s room to himself?” she pauses, fearing that perhaps she just came on a little strong, “Or you don’t have to, if you don’t want to, I understand, the last thing I want to do is -”

I put my hand up to stop her, “I would love to.”

“Are you sure?”

I put my arms around her and whisper, “Let me get my duffle bag, I’ll be right back.”

She kisses me, “Hurry back, Sport!”

I run down to the Benny’s van to grab my stuff. Albert sees me and comes over, “Hey Kyle, I got your text, what’s going on? Aren’t we supposed to share the room?”

“Renee told me there was an extra, unused room, so I’m going to take it; I thought you’d like the room to yourself.” I hand him my room key-card.

He takes it and shrugs, “Cool, works for me, dude.”

I grab my duffle and go back up. I take quick look around to make sure no-one is watching and let myself back into Renee’s room. Once inside, I lock the door and drop my duffle bag on the bed. Renee takes my hand and leads me to lay down with her.

We get right to hugging, kissing and groping. It feels good to lay down with Renee after this long day of walking, hot sun and adrenaline rushes. I run my hands all over her and feel her nipples getting hard.

“I’ve missed you so much,” she says, smothering me with kisses.

“I was only gone a couple of minutes.”

“I meant these last six or seven months.”

She runs her hands up and down my sides and back. Next, she reaches behind me, grabs and pinches my ass. Being the funny, sneaky girl that she is, she stealthily reaches up inside my shorts and tickles my balls, this makes me jump and squirm around. “What’s the matter Sport? Are you ticklish?” she giggles.

“Yeah, kinda...”

She hops on top of me, pinning me down, and begins tickling me like crazy. I try to tickle her back, but she has the high-ground advantage on me. I scream and holler for her to stop, but I really don’t want her too, this is too much fun.

After the tickle-torture session, that she clearly won, is over, she asks, “Do you want to take a shower? Then we can watch a movie or something ... and maybe a little...?” She doesn’t need to finish, I know what “a little” means.

“Okay,” I get up and undress over by the bathroom door.

Renee sits up on the edge of the bed, watching me take my clothes off. She tilts her head like she’s noticed something, “Come over here a minute, Sport.”

I walk over, standing naked in front of her. She runs her fingers through my pubes, “Someone hasn’t been keeping himself trimmed up, look at this wild garden you have going on!”

“Yeah, I’ve guess I’ve been letting it go, huh?”

“Oh look! You’re getting your happy trail, you didn’t have that before.”

“My ‘happy trail?’”

“Yeah, see this thin line of darker hair from your belly-button down to your patch? It’s called a happy trail, I think it’s super-sexy.” She traces her finger on it, “See, it starts right here ... and leads on down to...” Yeah, I’m happy she’s on that trail.

Renee whispers, “Come ‘ere Sport.” and pulls me to her. She kisses my belly-button and then wiggles her tongue down my trail. When she gets to my hairy triangle, she burrows her nose in deep and explores. She explores up, then down, side to side, and everywhere in between.

“I just love how fluffy your pubes are, and so soft too” she tells me.

Once she’s sniffed her way through every inch of my unkempt garden, she plants kisses all over my hanging cock and even a few on my balls underneath. This is a major turn-on having her nuzzle and kiss me all over my privates.

I ask, “Um, would you like me to shower? I’ve been sweating a lot today.”

“In a minute, I like your scent. It’s not stinky or anything ... I don’t know how to describe it, but your so ... so sexy to me, it really turns me on.”

She opens her mouth takes me inside. As you know, I have a thing for being sucked on before I get hard, it feels especially nice. Receiving this pleasure when I’m soft never lasts very long and I really enjoy feeling myself get hard in her welcoming warmth.

Renee remembered everything from the last time we did this. Flicking her tongue in that little divot below my head and all over my sensitive spot, tickling my pee-hole and twirling it around my shaft. This makes my legs start to quiver.

Renee looks up, “Here, sit on the bed.” She remembered that I have a hard time standing while receiving this kind of stimulation.

I sit down at the edge and she gets on her knees between my legs. She happily resumes sucking on me, thoroughly sucking. “Ahhh-mmmm.” I hum. This is so much more comfortable and it feels, oh, so good. At this rate, I know I am not going to last very long before I blow.



“You’re gonna make me cum.”

“It’s okay,” she shrugs like it’s no big deal, “Just let it happen.”

Just let it happen, I like the sound of that. Okay, she’s fine with me cumming in her mouth and just as we are getting started. We have all night and I’m sure I will cum again before too long.

I lay back, propped up on my elbows, and let her do as she pleases with me. Her tight lips sliding on my length feels beyond amazing. I like watching her enjoy my cock, it’s shiny, wet with her saliva as it appears and then disappears back into her mouth. I love when she takes pauses to suck really hard, so much so, that I can feel the skin at the base of my shaft being pulled taught.

I feel her hand between my legs, she gently rubs my tight ball-sac. This time, not to tickle, she knows it feels good to me. It’s when she starts caressing my inner thigh with the fingertips of her other hand that I just can’t hold off any longer. All this intense sucking, rubbing and touching going on in this sensitive area of my body feels wonderful, it puts me over the edge.

I let it happen and shoot my seed. “Ohhh-ahhh” I moan, as my cum surges and flows.

Renee makes a happy, “Mmm-Mmm,” sound as she welcomes my creamy release.

When my erupting spurts subside, I let my elbows go and fall back on the bed. I’m looking up at the ceiling and taking in deep heavy breathes. I remember something I should have said, “I forgot to tell you when I was going to cum, I’m sorry.”

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