Kyle's Story - Book Two - Cover

Kyle's Story - Book Two

Copyright© 2024 by JTrevor

Chapter 19: One More Four-Letter word

Coming of Age Sex Story: Chapter 19: One More Four-Letter word - Life is a funny journey. Come with Kyle for a crazy last summer with his longtime buddies, including plenty of one-on-one time with very special female friend who enjoys a "deeper connection" with Kyle. Then pack your bags, it's time to go with Kyle to college where new challenges and chance meetings await him on life's funny, and often erotic, journey.

Caution: This Coming of Age Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Teenagers   Consensual   Romantic   Heterosexual   Fiction   Humor   School   Anal Sex   Cream Pie   Masturbation   Oral Sex  

“Are you awake, Kyle?” Abby whispers.

“Um mmm,” I mumble.

Abby and I dozed off in each other’s arms for a couple of hours. It was a needed wind-down of mutual satisfaction; we were a couple of busy people this afternoon. It’s about 10:00 pm or so and we’re pretty hungry.

Her head is resting on my chest, “Mmmmm ... This is nice...”

“Yeah, it is...” I say rubbing her back.

Out of the blue, Abby giggles about something.

“What?” I ask.

“Earlier today, when you came jogging up the sidewalk, I could see the shape of your thingy jiggling around in those running shorts you had on.”

“Oh, you could?”

“Yeah...” she smirks, “I liked that...”

“Well ... It was hot out and I wanted to wear something light.” Here I am, Mr. Uncomfortable about going around shirtless in public, but I guess I gave the whole town a good view of my thingy flopping around in my shorts.

“Just so you know, you can wear those thin shorts for me any time.”

“For you, I will,” I smile, “Are you hungry? Do you want to go out and get something to eat?”

“Yeah, I’m pretty hungry...” she sighs, “But, that means we would have to get out of bed and get dressed. I just want stay right here,” she snuggles up tight, “And, be with you.”

“Yeah, that sounds better to me too ... We could order delivery?”

“Nah, it’s Saturday night, it will take them forever to get here. I might have some leftover Chinese in the fridge, would you like that?”

“That would be good. Do you need help with it?”

“No, it won’t take long to heat up.”

“Would it be ok if I grab a quick shower while you do that?”

“Sure, I’ll put on my pajamas and see if Belinda came back first.”

Abby comes back in the room, “‘Ol Bitch-Face isn’t here, the place is all ours.”

“Bitch-Face,” I laugh, “That’s perfect!”

“Yeah, it is! Fits her too!”

When I come out of the shower, Abby has the Chinese food for us in her room. We eat in bed and look to see what we can find on TV. She asks, “Have you ever seen any of those Fifty Shades of Grey movies?”

“No, have you?”

“No way! My parents would have killed me if they caught me watching something that! It’s supposed to have a lot of sex and nudity.”

“Wanna see what it’s about?”


Half-way through the movie, an appalled Abby asks me, “Why would people want to do that to themselves? Whips, chains and pain? How is that even remotely a turn-on? I thought sex was supposed to be sensual, about love ... and feeling good?”

“I don’t get it either...” The whole domination, submission and slave/bondage thing has never made any sense to me, but, hey, whatever turns you on, I guess...

“Well, you sure made me feel good today,” she says, hugging me.

Before the movie is over, we are both starting to nod off. We shut the TV off and let sleep come. As Abby dozes off, she whispers, “I’ve never slept naked before, I like this...”

I don’t know what time we woke up, but it’s morning and we both had a good sleep. Abby leans over, we kiss and she whispers, “Mmmmm ... It was so nice having you with me all night.”

“Yeah, I like this...” I whisper back, in between kisses.

Slipping her hand down, she blurts out, “Oh my! You’re hard as a rock, Kyle!”

“Yeah,” I laugh, “Morning-wood. I wake up like that every day.”

Abby’s first learning of this common guy-thing-occurrence makes her eyes go wide, “Really? Every morning?”

“Yup,” I nod.

“Does that mean you want to have sex again?” she says, stroking it.

“I would love to, but I think we should probably give your body some time to rest.”

“Okay...” she sighs. “Does it get hard like this at random times? Cuz, I’ve heard these things can do that.”

“Yeah; and, it’s quite embarrassing when happens at the wrong time or place.”

“Well, if does when we’re together, I’ll help by standing in front of you, or something...”

“Okay,” I grin, “Thanks.” Wow! She must the first person in history to offer help with an unpredictable male predicament that occasionally occurs in our pants...

Abby’s having fun combing her fingers through my pubic hair again. “I really like that you have these, they tickle when you’re all the way in. Belinda told me I should shave mine...”

“Why would she say that?”

“Her words were, ‘No guy likes hair down there on a girl.’”

“Oh, Geez-us ... You have got to stop listening to her,” I shake my head, “Personally, I love pubes, I think they’re sexy. If you want to shave them, it’s fine, if you want to grow them, it’s fine too. What’s important is, you do what you want, Abby. I’m happy either way.”



Abby sits up and grabs a book off her dresser. “This is my diary. Yeah...” she lolls her head, “I’m one of those girls that keeps one ... Sometimes I have a hard time saying the things I want to, like how I trip over my own words, ask silly questions and babble, so I write them down. I want to show you what I wrote in here last night.”

“Abby, your diary is for you and your private thoughts...”

“I know, but I would like to share this with you. It’s what I was feeling, I want you to read it.”

She sets the book on the bed and gets up, “I’m going to take a quick shower, I’ll be back in a few...”

I look at the book and see a pink ribbon marking a spot. Opening it to the selected page, she wants me to read it with her out of the room.

Dear Diary,

September 15th (It’s technically very early on the 16th. Sorry, I didn’t write earlier, but I was a little “busy”.)

Well, the big news is, I’m a “woman” now. Yay!

In a way, it’s like having a Birthday; I don’t necessarily feel any “older” or more “mature” overnight, but what is different is that I now feel really special, really great in such a wonderful way. I’ve never felt like this in my whole life.

It’s not necessarily the action of having sex for the first time (although, that did feel really, really good!), but that Kyle feels the way he does to share something so special with me.

When he came up the sidewalk this afternoon, I had no idea that this was going to be, “the day”. While he was sleeping-off his heat stroke, something inside me told me, “Abby, get ready.”

I made a couple of phone calls to let my friends know that I won’t be joining them later tonight. Next, I took a couple of things that I might need from ‘Ol Bitch-Face’s room (that’s Belinda’s brand-new name, by the way.), and I laid down next to Kyle. I just wanted to be close to my guy...

I listened to him breath, I listened to his heart beating in his chest, I enjoyed his scent and his warmth ... I was still so unsure of myself, but when his arm wrapped itself around me while he was sleeping, holding me close, I knew everything was going to okay. Whenever his arms are around me, I know everything is going to okay...

I’ll spare the details, but I will say this. Kyle was so gentle, so sweet, and so patient. He made me comfortable, he made me laugh, he kissed me, he touched me, he made me moan out loud with pure joy ... and then, he held me close to him.

He made me feel like a real woman, he made beautiful love to me...

I will never forget this day. Thank You, Kyle! Thank you so much for being the wonderful man that you are! You gave me something so beautiful today. I will always cherish this moment between you and I for all my days.

You came to me, out of breath, with your beet-red face, messed-up, sweaty hair; and, why you didn’t get water to take on your run on such a hot day, will always be a mystery to me ... But that lapse of better judgement brought you to my street, to my house, to my bed, ... and to me.

Kyle, you make me feel so beautiful, so precious, and so loved. No one has ever done that before ... You are my rock star!

It’s the middle of the night and you’re sleeping, but I wanted to put these thoughts into writing while they’re fresh in my mind. I’ll be right back to lay with you under the covers in a minute here... (I really like hearing myself think that... )

Sorry Diary, I guess I switched up by writing this to Kyle when I’m supposed to be writing this to you ... oops.

Love, Abby

I feel an indescribable warmth course through my body and my being, a very special and loving warmth. I re-read these beautiful words three times. All I can think is ... Wow! A tidal wave of emotions sweeps over me and a few tears come. They are not sad emotions, but a combination of many good ones. Her feelings, spelled out like this, moved me like nothing ever has in my life.

Abby sits on the bed next to me and puts her arm around my back. I look her in the eye, trying to find my words, but I can’t. I finally whisper, “Abby ... I ... I don’t know what to say, I...”

“It’s okay, Kyle,” she wipes my cheek, “Now you see why I needed you to read it. I would not have been able to say these words that I want you to know, without-” she stops, getting choked up herself, it’s okay, I understand. As people, we have the ability communicate in so many ways exactly what we want another to know. Right now, we communicate our mutual emotions by simply holding on to each other, very close.



“You are so beautiful and so amazing. I feel so lucky we found each other and I have you in my life. I think I’m ... no, I know, I’m falling in love you.”

“Kyle,” she whispers, “Everything I wrote is true. You really do make me feel beautiful and special and loved. No one has ever made me feel the way you do. I love you so much!”

Time is passing out there in the world, but who cares, our time is standing still. I’m lost, staring deep into her beautiful blue eyes and she, into mine ... I really am feeling a deep, warm love for Abby, it’s so real. She’s feeling it too; the connection that’s growing between us is beyond how I can describe. If you have been fortunate in life to experience this for yourself, then you know exactly what I am talking about. I now know why so many songs, poems and stories are written about this most unique and awesome human emotion called love.

Abby reaches for the diary, “There’s one more thing I want to add, but I wanted to add it after you read.”

She opens the book, giggles and jots a couple of lines down. I’m wondering what’s so funny? She stops, taps the pen on her lip, thinking, “Oh, and this too...” she says, writing one more thing down, this time with a big grin on her face.

With another snicker, she hands it to me, biting her thumbnail and watching for my reactions:

Sorry Diary, I guess I switched up by writing this to Kyle when I’m supposed to be writing this to you ... oops.

Love, Abby

p.s. Kyle’s “thing” is AWESOME!!! I love it!!!

p.s.s. Kyle says he’s “average”, but he feels HUGE inside me!!!

p.s.s.s. Kyle sure knows how to use his tongue and mouth on a girl!!!

I look at her and laugh, “I can’t believe you just put that in here!”

“Well...” she blushes, “It’s true!”

“Thank you...”

“Kyle, any time you want to read my diary, you can. I want you to know me, to know all of me.”

“Abby, I’m honored you would let me do that, but I think your diary should be for your private thoughts, a place where you can be free to write whatever you wish. How about this? You share what you write in there with me if and when you want to, like you did today. I really love discovering a little more of you every day, that’s exciting to me. Does that make sense?”

She smiles, “Yes, that makes perfect sense.”

My phone on her dresser vibrates from an incoming call, I look at it, “It’s my Mom! What time is it?”

“About 10:30, I think.”

I answer, “Hi, Mom...?”

“Kyle? Where are you? We’re at your dorm, Alex, said you didn’t come back last night. What’s going on? Are you okay?”

“Yeah, Mom, I’m fine, everything’s okay. I’ll be there in 15 minutes.”

“Where are you?” she demands.

“I’m on my way, see you soon!” I hate to cut my mother short, but I need to get moving.

“Your parents are already here?”

“Yeah, I totally forgot it’s Sunday,” I say, hopping up and quickly pulling my underwear on. “They must have left the house early.”

Abby gets dressed in a hurry too, “Let me see if I can find Belinda’s car keys and I can drive you back.”


She steps out into the hall and turns around, smiling and rubbing between her legs, “My hootchie is still a little sore, but it’s a good kind of sore,” she smirks, “Especially when I think about how it got this way!”

From the living room, we hear, “Oh, really?” Belinda chuckles, “Well, look at you, Little Miss Naughty-I-Just-Lost-My-Cherry!” She must have just returned and we didn’t hear the door.

“I need my keys, Belinda!”

“Just hang on a second here, this is a big morning for you, Abs!”

“I don’t have time for your bullshit right now, give me my fucking keys!”

“Whoa! Listen to you! Now you’re Little Miss Potty-Mouth too? Boy, that kid sure fucked all the sweet innocence out of you!”

Abby grabs the keys out of her hand, “Come on, Kyle. I’ll get you back now.”

Belinda looks me up and down, “You did all that to her in one night? You must be hiding some sort of super-cock in those shorts. Maybe, I was wrong about you Kid...”

Out the door and into the car, we’re our way to my dorm. Abby asks, “Do you want me to come up with you?”

“No, it would probably be best if you just dropped me off. Let me deal with my mother.”

“We could tell her we’re just friends and you innocently fell asleep on the couch while we were watching a movie.”

“No Abby, I don’t want to lie about us. If she doesn’t like that I spent the night with my girlfriend, then so be it, she’ll get over it.”

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