Kyle's Story - Book Two - Cover

Kyle's Story - Book Two

Copyright© 2024 by JTrevor

Chapter 1: Margaritas

Coming of Age Sex Story: Chapter 1: Margaritas - Life is a funny journey. Come with Kyle for a crazy last summer with his longtime buddies, including plenty of one-on-one time with very special female friend who enjoys a "deeper connection" with Kyle. Then pack your bags, it's time to go with Kyle to college where new challenges and chance meetings await him on life's funny, and often erotic, journey.

Caution: This Coming of Age Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Teenagers   Consensual   Romantic   Heterosexual   Fiction   Humor   School   Anal Sex   Cream Pie   Masturbation   Oral Sex  

“Kyle, I need them done by tomorrow so we can get them into the mail. How many times do I need to keep telling you this? They should have gone out weeks ago!” Mom is getting frustrated that I haven’t done my part in filling out and mailing the invitations to my Graduation Party at the end of the month.

“I know, Mom, been kinda busy...” under my breath, I add, “ ... in case you haven’t noticed.”

How is it that whenever you try to mutter something even mildly snarky under your breath, your mother is sure to tune right in and catch it? “Yes, I have noticed, young man! And I’ve also noticed that for the last several weeks you have all kinds of free time for moping around.”

“I have not been moping...” I mutter.

“Look, Kyle, if you want to have a Graduation Party, I need you to do this. If not, that’s fine too. No party is less hassle for me.”

“Okay, I’ll have them done by tomorrow.” I grab my keys, a beach towel, a cooler filled with water and pop, and head for the door.

“And where are you running off to now?” she asks.

“Marc, Jeff, and I are going out to Fucker’s— I mean Tucker’s Pond.”

“You know I don’t like you going there,” she tells me, planting her hands on her hips.

“It’s okay, we aren’t going to get into any trouble.” Sheesh, I think to myself, being careful to not risk any more under my breath muttering.

She gives it a thought and then grumbles, “Go on, get out of here ... before I change my mind.”

I know I’m still my mother’s little boy, but I think she’s having a hard time accepting that I’m technically an adult now. I still obey the rules of the house, but I also need a few freedoms allowed as well.

Hopping in my Jeep, I’m off to pick up the guys. Arriving at Fucker’s Pond, we park in the small clearing. There’s only one other car, a silver Chevy Impala that must belong to the four people, two guys and two girls, already here on the grassy shore area. We hike around to the sandy beach on the far side by the diving rock.

“Well, Kyle, I guess I’m joining you in the ranks of being single again,” Marc sighs.

“Why? What happened?”

“Veronica and I broke up.”

“Aw, that sucks, sorry to hear it, man,” I tell him.

“It’s alright, she was getting to be too much, way too demanding. All we did was fight every time we tried to figure out what to do or where to go.”

“I feel bad for you, dude,” Jeff tells him.

“I should have known she was outta my league...” Marc sighs again.

“Don’t say that ... Try your best to let her go and move on,” I offer.

“I was really hoping to have a girlfriend by this summer ... ya know?”

“Yeah, I know...” Trust me, I know...

The people across the pond are screaming and splashing around in the water, they’re certainly having a fun day.

“So, if you guys know of anyone you could ... maybe, hook me up with— Whoa! Did you see that?” Marc sits up, focusing his attention across the water.

“See what?” I ask.

“Looks like one of those girls over there threw the top of her bathing suit up on the shore!” We watch and sure enough, the other girl chucks the top of her bathing suit up by their towels. They’re in deep enough water to be up to their shoulders, so we can’t actually see anything interesting - as in, boobs.

“Are they skinny-dipping?” Jeff asks.

Next, the two guys fling their swimming trunks up onto the shore, this is followed by the girls tossing the bottom portions of their bikini’s out.

“Yes, Jeff, I believe they are,” I say, now fully focusing my attention on this spectacle.

“Well, holy shit,” Marc is in awe. “You know they’re going to have to get all the way out of the water to get their suits back.”

“Do they even know we’re over here?” Jeff asks.

“They have to, we walked right past them,” I answer.

“Gimme your keys, Kyle, I gotta ... I gotta get something from your Jeep,” Marc asks, holding his hand out.

“Get what?”

“I don’t know, it’s just an excuse to go in and get a closer look. Those girls are hot.”

“They’re with their boyfriends, dude,” Jeff rolls his eyes.

“I’m just gonna pretend I’m checking my phone or something.”

I toss my keys to Marc; he quickly walks away and towards the Jeep. When he gets close, the people in the water seem to be waving for him to come over. He looks back at us, shrugs, and goes over to them.

One of the girls, a strawberry blonde, comes to the shore and mostly out of the water, he must be getting a great view. Marc is having some sort of conversation; we see he’s motioning in our direction and talking. Now he’s holding his finger up giving her a hang on a sec, I’ll be right back gesture just before he comes running over to us.

“Hey, guys! You aren’t going to believe this. They want to know if we want to join them.”

“Skinny-dipping?” I skeptically ask.


I look at Jeff, he looks at me, okay, this is a new one. “Uhh, dude, I just don’t know...”

“Come on, it looks like fun,” Marc presses.

It’s one thing to be privately naked with Renee or Tiffany, but taking my clothes off with my best buds ... and these people we don’t even know? I don’t think so...

“Marc, we don’t know them and neither do you,” Jeff tries reasoning.

“He has a point,” I add.

“Oh, come on, how often do we get an offer like this?” Marc is looking for approval from us that he’s not getting. Finally, in frustration, he throws his hands up, “Fine! Screw it! I’m gonna go have fun with those people. You two stay here like a couple of sticks in the mud ... and I mean that in a good way,” he smirks, grabs his towel, and runs back over to their area. Once he’s in the water, he throws his swimsuit up on the shore as Jeff and I watch him join their fun.

“I can’t believe he just did that?” Jeff mumbles.

I shake my head and let the prude in me mutter, “I know I’m not getting naked with a bunch of strangers. I don’t care how hot those girls are.”

I can say that to myself all I want, but then I can’t help but watch what’s going on. My mind goes to work and starts to wonder, hmmm, so what if we were to join them, might be fun. Just when my mind is in its questioning my better-judgment mode is when temptation comes out to play.

Temptation drops its trump card when the two girls turn, both facing in our direction, and begin jiggling their boobs quite clearly for us to see. All five of them are hollering and waving for Jeff and me to get off our asses and come over. I look at Jeff, he looks at me, and we both shrug, screw it, why not, we only live once.

When we’re in the water up to our shoulders, we slip out of our swim trunks and throw them on dry land. The strawberry blonde with wavy shoulder-length hair approaches us. She and her friends appear to be in their mid-twenties. “Hi guys, glad you decided to come play. I’m Madison, this is Alyssa, and the guys are Dylan and Caleb.”

“Hi,” I nervously wave.

“Is this your first time skinny-dipping?” Caleb asks.

“Y-Yeah,” Jeff answers.

“Feels good, huh? So free,” Dylan says, swimming around.

Are these people nudists or something? I think to myself.

Madison laughs, “It’s okay ... loosen up guys, it’s all fun.”

For the time being, I choose to stay in my comfort zone of deeper water, Jeff and Marc seem to be thinking the same. We swim around a bit; I have to admit, I do like feeling the water rushing past my dangling private parts without the restrictions of a swimsuit. It’s like a getting back to nature kind of thing. How did Dylan put it? It feels so free.

Even though I like this, I stay slightly separated from the group, I’m still assessing the situation. The brunette girl sees me off on my own and swims over, “So, you’re Kyle, right?”

“Yup, I’m Kyle.”

“I’m Alyssa,” she says, with a slight flutter of her eyelashes.


She grins and startles me by reaching out to touch me. First, I feel her fingers on my lower belly, then my eyes pop wide open as she slips further down through the soft tangle of my pubic patch to take my cock into her hand. So much for the let’s take our time and get to know each other approach. She puts her other hand on my arm. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you.”

“Oh, you didn’t scare me, I just wasn’t expecting—”

“Is this okay? Me touching you here?” she grins, gently squeezing my penis.

“Uh, um, yeah ... Sure!” I nervously nod.

As she fondles and checks me out, she runs her tongue over her lips, “Mmm ... You have a very nice pecker, I like it.”

“Wh-What about your boyfriend over there?”

“Oh, it’s okay, he’s not my boyfriend, we’re all just ... good friends.” Wow, good friends who get naked with each other, this is a new one for me. Alyssa continues to gently pull and stroke me. Never breaking eye contact, she must be feeling me growing stiff in her hand. “Would you like to touch me, Kyle?”

“Um ... okay,” I reach down, past her belly button, and find her short pubes; they feel like they were shaved not too long ago but are growing back. Exploring between her legs, I put my hand on the slit of her pussy. She parts her legs a bit to allow easier access for my finger to slip in between her lips. Sliding it up and down the inside of her folds, I find her clit and can feel it hardening under my rubbing fingertip.

“Mmm...” she whisper-coos. “Most guys go straight for my boobs first, but you went right to my pussy. Are you a pussy guy, Kyle?”

“Yeah, I guess so...” I admit with a smirk.

“Is mine the first pussy you’ve ever touched?”

“No! I’ve touched pussies before, yup, plenty of pussies ... And had sex! Lots of sex!” I blurt out, sounding like a completely idiotic lying virgin.

“Oh, have you now...” she grins and nods. “You’re so cute. You don’t have to be nervous with me, okay?”

She continues pulling on my cock and keeping my undivided attention on her. I’m really liking this, but I’m also feeling quite awkward about this unexpected underwater hand job, in broad daylight from some girl I’ve never met before, treading water in the middle of Fucker’s Pond. And she’s doing this, giving me a world-class boner while my two best friends and three strangers are all nearby.

Caleb calls out, “Hey, new guys, let’s throw the beach ball around. You three go deep and be one team and we’ll be over here.”

Alyssa leans close and whispers, “We’ll play more touchy-touchy later, okay? Maybe, we can even find out why they call this place Fucker’s Pond. How does that sound?” If my eyes were big before, now they must look like they’re ready to pop out of my head. She giggles, kisses my cheek, and gives me a few pinches on my bare ass before swimming over to her friends.

Marc and Jeff swim out to me. This is good with us being farther from shore, I don’t think any of us want to have to get out of the water if the ball goes over our heads. Especially not me sporting some nice underwater wood right now. I sure hope the guys don’t look down and see it through the water.

Our two teams start batting the ball back and forth. I like seeing the girls jump high to hit it back. They’re boobs are bouncing and we are getting quick peaks at their pubes. Marc and I purposely spike it high to make them jump. This is quite a show here.

I’m starting to loosen up, this is fun hanging out and swimming naked with these people. I did like it when Alyssa was touching me, and her pussy felt fantastic. I totally wouldn’t mind it if she wanted to sneak off and fill me in on how this place got its namesake. I could use some good no-strings-attached sex right about now.

Dylan smacks the beach ball high over our heads causing Jeff to swim out and retrieve it. While we’re waiting, Madison calls out, “Are you guys hungry? We’re gonna get pizza.”

“Sure!” we call back.

Dylan, Caleb, Alyssa, and Madison all get out of the water. “Mm-mm, would you look at the fine asses on those two babes,” Marc muses.

They gather their swimsuits and towels. At first, I didn’t think much of it, one or two of them must be going for the pizza run. When they quickly start grabbing up our swimsuits, shirts, and towels it hits me that something is up - something rotten.

“Hey! What the fuck are you doing?” Marc calls out.

Caleb holds my keys up so I can see them and sets them on a rock. With our clothes in hand, they all pack into their car and race out of here laughing and waving out the windows. A few toots of their horn is their final adios to us three amigos who have just been left naked with no clothes whatsoever in the pond. I’m already regretting telling my mother not to worry and that we aren’t going to get into any trouble, boy, did that ever just go sideways.

“They just took our stuff and left,” Jeff blurts out dumbfounded.

“Yeah, no shit, Sherlock,” Marc answers.

“What are we supposed to do now?” Jeff asks, beginning to panic.

“At least they left my keys on that rock over there.”

“Guys, we just got played...” Marc says.

“We better get to the Jeep before someone else shows up here,” I say.

The three of us get out of the water covering ourselves as best we can with our hands - it’s all we’ve got. I grab our cooler and my keys and we get in the Jeep. Marc gets in the passenger side and Jeff jumps in the backseat.

Keeping one hand covering himself, Marc checks the center console, “Whew, our wallets and phones are here.”

“We need to go after them and get our clothes back,” Jeff says.

“And if we catch them, then what? Tackle ‘em with our dicks flopping around?” Marc asks.

“They just wanted to pull a shitty prank on us, notice how they didn’t take our phones or anything?” I say.

“Thanks, Marc, thanks for talking us into this...” Jeff gripes.

“Hey, fuck off! I didn’t make you come over ... or get naked!”

“It was your idea. Come on guys, it looks like fun.” Jeff mockingly imitates Marc.

“Dude, don’t be putting ALL the blame on me!” Marc fires back.

Time for me to jump in, “Stop! Both of you! Arguing about this is not helping! We need to figure out a plan.”

With them quieted down, we can hopefully start to think rationally. “We have no clothes, no towels, no way to cover ourselves and we can’t go to a store to buy new clothes. We need to get to one of our houses. Whoever it is will have to run in and grab clothes for all of us.”

“And, which one of us is that gonna be?” Marc asks. “I can see it now, me going into the house and, oh, hi, Mom, don’t mind me, a tribe of ravenous Amazon women just ripped all my clothes off. How’s your day going?” he sarcastically adds.

“Jeff, are your parents’ home?” I ask.

“Yeah, along with a contractor working on remodeling the kitchen.”

“Okay, so that’s out. How about you, Marc, anyone home?”

“Yes, my parents and my little sister who has friends over.”

“Okay, so that leaves me. I know my mom was home when I left but I’m not sure about now, or if my dad and Luke are back.”

“Can you text and see if they’re home?” Jeff asks.

“That would look suspicious, they would know something’s up.”

Marc offers, “How about if we texted someone else, a friend maybe, who could meet us and bring towels at least?”

“Hmm ... It’s an idea, but if we involve anyone else that could mean there’s a chance this will get all around town.”

“And I really don’t need that,” Jeff emphasizes. “The last thing I need is to explain to Bethany why I was swimming naked with strange girls.”

“So, what? It’s not like any of us did anything with them,” Mark scoffs. This causes me to snort out a small laugh.

“What? What’s so funny, Kyle?”

“The one with the dark hair, Alyssa, was feeling me up and I rubbed her pussy.”

“No way!” they both say at the same time.

“Yeah, it was just before we started hitting the beach ball around.”

“You son of a bitch, I swear you have all the luck,” Marc grumbles.

“Well, how lucky would you say this day turned out?” I hold my hands out presenting our current predicament. Suddenly realizing I’m showing them everything, I quickly drop my hands in my lap to conceal myself.

Jeff steers us back on topic, “Okay guys, what are we doing? Are we going to Kyle’s house, or what?”

“I think it’s our best option at this point,” Marc agrees.

“Okay,” I sigh, “let’s go and see if my parent’s vehicles are in the driveway.” I guess I’m the lucky one who gets to dart into his house naked.

We leave Fucker’s Pond and head for home. I keep a hand on the steering wheel and the other covering myself. I didn’t realize I was speeding down Revere Road until Marc said, “Whoa-whoa, slow it down, Kyle. The last thing we need is to get pulled over by a cop.”

I bring my speed under control and not a minute too soon as we pass one of Spring Haven’s finest cleverly hidden behind some bushes. He doesn’t pull out to follow, thank god!

“Whew, that was close. Thanks, Marc.”

Slowly approaching my house from down the street, I see Mom’s car in the driveway. I quietly pull over and park off to the side of the road several houses down. “Okay, now what? My mom is home.”

We brainstorm for a few minutes, trying to come up with a Plan B. Finally, Jeff speaks up, “Okay, you know how when you go in your back door, you go through the garage first?”


“Is there anything in there that you could wrap around yourself? Like a tarp, or a blanket, or something?”

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