Just When I Thought It Was All Over, It All Starts Again - Cover

Just When I Thought It Was All Over, It All Starts Again

Copyright© 2024 by Greven

Chapter 3

In the month since I finished the smithy Alfreed and I have been out and about collecting iron sand. When you remember that Iron is one of the most common metals around it shouldn’t have taken long right? Wrong. Why? Because as we searched for iron sand, and hematite, for the forge we turned up more and more mineral treasures. Whatever ancient landslide flowed through this little valley, it was a treasure trove of metal deposits. Gold, silver, and copper were abundant in a single layer deep beneath the surface, though it was all crushed sands and rough ore. Along with the iron sand there was hematite, the most perfect iron ore possible according to Alfreed.

I already had a large kiln set up for making charcoal, and the woodcutters were already out staking out tons of hardwood for charcoal production. While I could of course transmute the ore into steel and iron, Alfreed told me that teaching the villagers the process could be a boon for all. Thus the ancient method of smelting, brought about because of my obsession with samurai swords, was to be taught in this world. The difference was going to be that the smelter, usually made of clay, was being created and managed by stone mages. After learning how to make charcoal, the processes needed to turn iron ore into high carbon steel, and the results of their labors turned into billets of metal ready for forming, this village would be able to expand from a simple farming village. After all forges were not the only place people used charcoal for. Stone fireplaces, baking ovens, and stoves were all well suited for the hot burning material. Just a small amount could create a lot of heat quickly. The work we put in now may just see a lot of people through the winter with better heating and cooking.

One day as we harvested ores Alfreed explained how much I had changed our little village. What was once a small farming collective now has a nearby rock salt deposit, a trading center, an orphanage, and the start of a foundry and smithy. Natural and mage made iron and copper deposits were now being marked on a map we were making so others could find what we did on their own. The gold however, well that was our secret, especially since we never left them intact. We pulled them up condensed them into pure gold, and formed them into coins. Right now I calculated we had more than our local lord probably had in his own stashes. Alfreed and I had been slowly filtering them from the field and into a vault we had created within the wall of the smithy. If you didn’t know it was there, and weren’t a stone mage, that gold would stay there forever. As it was the vault was over ten foot on each side and lined with shelves filled with sacks of gold and silver coins.

It was mid-summer now and life was grand. Not just for me but the whole village. One thing I had no clue of was the way my personal life was the talk of the village women. It seemed that during the chat sessions the women had while sewing someone asked about what it was like to live with me. Everyone gave me nothing but praise, but one of my lovers mentioned how the sex was so different with me. Well that caused a flurry of questions and despite Bethany trying to keep our private lives private the girls bragged about my abilities and talents. It seemed to most women sex was for making children, and a means to keep men happy. The idea of sexual joy for a woman was almost foreign it seemed.

Now one thing I did ask Bethany one night as we relaxed in each other’s arms was about masturbation. I mean a woman can do it for herself after all. She told me that such things were forbidden and immoral. I told her that I saw that as bullshit and she gasped. “My love, wouldn’t it be better for a woman to be able to please herself when her husband can’t just to make a marriage a bit happier?” She gave me a deep kiss. “Thank goodness none of us had to even think about it with you around.” I shook my head. “Are you kidding? How much happier would you ladies be if you could get some pleasure while waiting for a turn?” She stroked my face and smiled at me. “You would approve of your women creating their own pleasure?” I nodded. “Of course I would. The smiling faces, the flushed cheeks, and the joy filled feelings would make me feel less pressured than that my women were going without.” I took her hand in mine and guided her fingers to her center. “Now take your middle finger and stroke between your lips.” She never took her eyes off of mine as she did what I asked. I saw her eye grow when she hit her clit. “Now that little happy button is how I make you orgasm and get that joyful feeling. Now you can gently stroke it, barely letting your finger graze it.” She began to pant a little heavier. “You can press harder.” She tried it and she gave a little shiver. “You can even lightly pinch and twist it.” Well that caused her hips to rise up. “Now close your eyes and just focus on what feels good, explore changing what you do, and let the feelings build.” After a few minutes she looked at me with love in her eyes. “Are you sure this is what you want? Are you sure this is a good thing?” I guided her free hand to my erection and her eyes flew open. “Yes I love it. I want to see you explode my sweet love. I want to be here when you bring yourself off.” She nodded as she stroked me and herself. Then she threw her head back and cried out in her orgasm.

Well that spread like wildfire with the women and was made the center of one of their sewing circles. More than a few asked the women in private how to do such a thing and soon most women seemed much happier in our village. I was talking to the doctor one afternoon and he mentioned that lately women were buying the shaving cream that he made, and not only the women from the hold. It was going up in consumption that soon he would need to go to the capital to buy more ingredients and possibly in bulk. Alfreed told me that a man had asked him if he knew of women that removed their hairs from their nether region. It seemed to have caused quite the stir, both in the village and the married couples, but in a very positive way.

One night I came to bed and the woman there had damp hair. “Forgive me for being wet my lord, but I had to bathe after a spill in the kitchen.” This gave me a new idea. “So did you wash all over or just wipe down?” She looked at me curiously. “I bathed in the tub properly like you showed us to do.” I pulled the blanket back and she acted coy and covered her good spots. I laid down and she opened her legs and arms to me. We kissed until her hips began to move and then I shifted and began feeding on her well-shaped breasts. I teased her hard nipples and she began to let out little whimpers. I began to kiss my way lower and lower, stoking her body to keep her relaxed, before I stroked her pussy with my tongue. She gasped at the new sensation and looked down at me. I was laying on my belly looking up at her and she really didn’t know what to do. “Close your eyes and relax, or watch me, but don’t stop me.” She nodded and watched as I closed my eyes and really started to let my tongue stroke her like I often did with my fingers.

Eventually the newness and fear was replaced by overwhelming sensations of pleasure. I reached inside of her with a finger and found her inner magic button and stroked it as well. She suddenly covered her face with my pillow and let out a howl of pleasure that made my heart skip a beat. Her legs were shaking and her hips were vibrating. Then all was quiet and she was completely limp. As I rose up I pulled my blanket with me and pulled her into my arms as I found my own oblivion. When I woke up I found my lover wrapped around me and awake. “Sir, last night was something new and so exciting.” I gave her a tight squeeze. “Well it wasn’t new to me, but it is something I both love and somehow missed doing.” She looked at me with deep love in her eyes. “You don’t find it wrong or dirty?” I made it look like I was thinking about it. “It’s only dirty if you haven’t cleaned down there well or are in the bleeding times. As to it being wrong, loving one of my wives in every possible way is not wrong unless it is something she doesn’t enjoy.” I looked at her. “Did you not like it? I can stop if you want.” She frantically shook her head in the negative. “No my lord, it was truly a special kind of love you showed me. All my life I thought laying with a man was him getting above me and moving till he stopped. Now I know that there is so much mutual pleasure to be shared. I feel like I was not a good wife since you were not pleased as well though.” I looked in her eyes. “Well I am not like other men. Last night was a long denied pleasure for me to have, and I slept very well with your taste reminding me of your joy.” She blushed and swatted at me. “Oh my lord, you make even a woman of my age feel like an untried virgin sometimes.”

After that night I always came to bed to find a freshly washed woman in my bed. Each and every one of them learned of my love of licking them to an orgasm. Often my morning started off with said women making sure to give me their all so I didn’t feel chested of an orgasm inside of my wife. Oh, did you notice? I finally acknowledged the social norm and accepted all the women over eighteen as my wives both privately and publicly.

Once the smithy was producing iron and steel, and I was secluded below with only Alfreed to swing a hammer to make some noise, I was producing pots, pans, knives, and other household items needed by people. I was building up a stock of goods to sell at the gathering, but once news spread from our little village to the others, we had visitors hoping to shop for their needs. I went from thinking about traveling around to having working smithy below and a sales floor above. I also began to take orders in the form of requests for different implements for the upcoming harvests. Thus I began making sickles and such that were needed by everyone.

Doc came to me one day and asked if I was ready to head to the capital with him. He had mentioned a need for more ingredients and I figured I could use this time to stock up on items I didn’t have for sale, or that people had said they were needing. This time when it was announced through the grapevine of a buying trip the ladies were filling out pages of paper with items that people requested. As I looked at it all I began to wonder if my already huge wagon was going to be enough to haul it all home. Since my last trip I had added a safe to the wagon. Most people would never notice as it was small, and blended well with the overall look, but with the right key a box that extended the width of the wagon had been built to hold our currency. The morning we left it was me, Doc, and one of my wives headed to the capital. Zenda had been raised as the fifth daughter of a commoner so being shipped to a farm was considered the best way for her to have a good life. When she had lost her new husband in the sickness she had no idea what to do or what would come of her. Thus my presence in her life was a rebirth filled with hope and love she never thought she would know.

It was a three day journey for us, but the days were filled with talk of the capital, the places to go and the things to see. She knew of some good places to stay for traders, the best stables to use, and few back alley places to find good deals. At night we would pull the wool mattresses out, which were considered the height of decadence, which he was glad for. Zenda hoped we would stay together and I was glad to share her warmth at night. Waking up spooning with her was the best part of the trip without a doubt. As we dropped over a rise I had the experience of seeing my first medieval castle. Like some kind of fairy story image there was the large central castle surrounded by a high wall. Outside that wall was a large expanse of urban development, and another high wall surrounding that. The outer wall was for everyone, but the inner wall was for the royals and the aristocracy only. Three roads led into and out of the capital and all roads were filled with traffic.

We eventually made the gate, paid the tax, and found our home for our visit. It was afternoon and Doc was hoping to relax after the long trip. Zenda asked if she could if she could go visit her family, and after agreeing, went with her. I wasn’t hot to meet her family, but leaving one of my wives to walk alone in the city was not something I would do. She tried to walk behind me on the way but when I looked at what seemed to be couples walking, hand holding seemed normal. I stopped and looked around for a moment and then took her hand in mine and asked her where we were going. She didn’t try to pull away but she was blushing and seemed a little light headed from our casual contact. As we got close to her family home, off the main street that is, I noticed a lot of food vendors setting up. She told me that many workers in the area used them for their meals. When I asked if it was a safe and good practice she smiled and nodded. “Well it is impolite for a son in law to appear empty handed isn’t it? I mean we are not beggars after all, so what say we see how much food we can carry to feed your family?” Zenda smiled widely and agreed.

Well two good sized baskets filled with bread and goodies were in my hands as she knocked on her families door. A large older man looked out, saw her standing there, and the door was thrown open. “Zenda my sweet, welcome home!” he shouted. Then he saw me standing there and seemed curious. “Forgive my excitement, you are?” Zenda took my arm in hers and smiled. “Father, this is my husband Mikael.” “Well please come in.” he said with some confusion. A stout woman with a still youthful face came over and gave her daughter a strong hug. “Oh darling, we were so worried when we heard the sickness had spread to your area. I am so glad to see you alive.” Then she turned to me and tried not to be rude. “Welcome to our house.” She said and I held out the baskets to her. “Thank you for such a warm welcome. I hope you don’t mind that Zenda and I bought dinner for all of you.”

Well breaking bread really broke the ice. Zenda explained to her parents and two younger sisters that the sickness had made her a widow, but that I had taken her and others in before anything could happen to her. Then she told them how we had also taken in the orphans and others from out laying villages. Her father Jin looked at me and asked how I could do all of that and I explained that I was a stone mage. Well that caused some major shocks to their system. Their widowed daughter was now the wife of a stone mage? That was a far cry higher on the food chain than a simple farmer. Zenda went on to make me look like some story book knight in shining armor who not only saved women and children, but slew dragons, built homes, and was even a blacksmith with a working smithy. She bragged that we worked a total of five farms together as well which really dazed them. I understood that no farmer actually owned the land they farmed. So the fact I had control over that many farms meant I could earn that much after a good harvest.

“So what brings you to the capital?” Jin asked. “Well we are building a trading company to serve the outer villages. They already come to buy iron and steel goods, so we figured that having a general store with dry goods would be a great service to the area.” Fabria, her next oldest sister, looked at me and then her sister. “How many wives do you have Sir?” This was frowned at by her parents but it seemed like a question they were wondering about as well. “Well originally we built the hold in order to give everyone a safe home to live in. I hadn’t intended for even one to become my wife, let alone more than that, but they wore me down with their love and devotion so now I am the husband to all sixteen of the women living in the hold.” Belinda looked at her daughter with some pride. “So are any children on the way?” she asked brightly. I shook my head. “Considering I already have...” I looked at Zenda and she picked up the cue. “We already have twenty two children we call our own. After the winter who knows what may happen, but that is enough hands for the hold as it is.” I smiled at her in thanks for disarming that landmine of a question.

Then a nuke was dropped from orbit. Her sixteen year old sister looked me in the eyes and asked “Would I be able to come to your village as your bridal prospect?” I waited a few second for the parents to say something, but all I got were earnest looks from everyone. I looked at Zenda and the look she gave me was one of hope. “Well, to be honest I would ask why would you want to? It’s not that I am refusing, I just wish to know why?” At this everyone actually looked away. And I felt like a total heel for some reason. “Fabria has yet to find a suitable prospect for a husband here in the capital. At her age, she should already be married, but because of our position only our first three daughters were able to find someone.” I had to recover and quickly. “You can’t be honest.” They all looked at me in shock at impugning their honor. “This lovely, and clearly sweet young woman is in this position?” Ok they are looking less hostile now. “If she is even half the woman her sister is any man should feel honored to be looked on with favor let alone as a marriage partner.” The young girl actually blushed at the level of compliments. To be secretly honest, she was a bit cuter than Zenda though I would cut my tongue out before admitting it.

Something told me that before we left I would either cause a lot of hurt feelings, or have a new bride. Well let’s get it over with. “Forgive me my ignorance, as Zenda can attest I have many holes in my memory due to the high fever of the sickness, but what is the customs around this? Is there a dowry or bride price I need to pay?” The family looked at me in confusion. “Where I come from a man had to prove his financial worth to the family before a formal marriage can start. This is to make sure that if something happens, the woman can return to her family without worry about starting over.” They looked at Zenda and then at each other. “No there is no such custom here, or anything like it that I have heard of” Jin explained. Zenda daringly took my hand in front of her family and smiled. “Sir, if you do take my sister as your wife, her life will be better than it has ever been.” She looked at her parents and smiled. “You both have always done your best for all of us, I have never had a reason to complain about my life, but since I have been with Sir my life is sublime. I help with the fields, with the children, and with the family, but I have never felt overworked or alone. I am surrounded by people who love and value me.”

Well that locked the whole thing solid. Jin held mine and Farina’s hands together. He said a little rite that turned her welfare over to me, and in doing so she was to always obey and support me. There were tears from all the ladies there, but they were tears of extreme joy. The daughter they had worried about looked to be leaving with a man who would do right by her. We arranged for her to spend the night at home so she could pack, and say any good byes. Then tomorrow we would come get her so she could stay at the inn with us. When we got back to the inn Doc was sipping tea in the lounge and looked happy to see us return. We told him what had happened and Doc looked at Zenda with a sharp eye. “Girl, did you take your lord there with this in mind?” I felt a little protective of my wife at his tone. “That was not my intent Physician. I had no idea my sisters had not already been spoken for as they are both over twelve.” Doc looked at me. “How about you, is this something you honestly want?” I thought for a second. “I will admit I did feel some pressure when the girl asked me, but in the end I couldn’t see a reason not to. I almost feel like I am the one cheating her. She is very cute, she seems as sweet, or more so than even Zenda who I love, and I have to wonder why she hasn’t pulled in suiters by the dozen.”

The Doc nodded slowly. “Well she is getting older and for some the peak of a girls bloom is between twelve and fifteen. Sad I know but that is how it is.” He looked into his cup and sighed. “My wife was fifteen when we married just after I had finished my education. Some of my friends thought she was too old to train as a good wife, but I didn’t feel that way at all. Her family raised her to be a good and strong woman. She was my pillar of strength when I needed it the most at the start.” He closed his eyes and gave another deep sigh. “Well you know your life and needs better than I do young man. While you are not a noble, I have to say that your potential to support your family far out does any I know of. So if this girl makes you happy than let me the first to congratulate you on your new marriage.”

That night Zenda curled up with me and seemed a little scared. “My lord, you don’t think I took you to my family for all of this do you?” I pulled her into a deep kiss that left her a little breathless. “No my love I don’t. I do think you are happy about the way this is turning out though. I don’t blame you as I feel her future is in a delicate place at her age. All I can hope is that your last sister in able to find a man before your father brings her for a visit and ends up leaving her too.” I said with a chuckle. Zenda seemed disturbed that it may just happen though and something told me it just might. “Who knows, I may like having all three sisters in my bed at the same time. I can nibble each of you to sleep one after another.” Zenda gasped in shock at the thought, but it made me a little hungry. We cuddled up and I figured I would nibble that clit when it was time.

The next day we all headed out together. First we hit a chemist shop for tips on where to find a good herbalist that would be able to handle the kind of orders we were going to be making. This lead us to the merchants guild to get a small map of the trade district. Now a trade district is different than a retail district. One dealt in large orders of all kids with special prices for large quantities. Kind of like a medieval box store area. I also paid the fee to become a guild member since being a trader without a guild card could be difficult. I figured I may also register with the Blacksmiths guild, and the magic guild. It seemed that not having one could be seen as a threat and that is never good for anybody.

At the Smithing guild I was required to take an oral exam about my knowledge. I aced that when I began to explain a few newer techniques they had never heard of. Techniques such as adding limestone to the furnace when smelting to remove a higher level of impurities, and possibly getting stone mages to grind ore into sand for easier smelting and better results. I was also introduced to a new invention, the rolling mill. Ok I knew about them, but I had no way to build one because such a device was far beyond the technology I could explain away as a “simple blacksmith”. The mill was invented a few years ago by a blacksmith who usually worked for the shipwright’s guild. His knowledge in gear making was then applied to a machine to crush sugar cane, and then a smooth walled roller was created. It was crude as could be, but all that meant was I could make a refined version and that would all it would be seen as, a refinement of existing technology. I didn’t mind being seen as a rare case, but showing up with too many advanced technologies could lead to a bad end if all the movies and anime were right.

The magic guild was my only real worry. I had no idea if they could see just what I could do, and how much power I had. I knew I couldn’t show off a fraction of what I could do, and Alfreed had shown me just what I could show to get recognition without looking like some national treasure. All that worry was for naught though. The stone mage test was moronic to say the least. Can you raise a wall? Can you harden dirt? Can you move soil and make a hole? And last can I break rocks? If you can prove you can then here is your card, and here is the fee for membership.

That was one full day and then we headed to get my new wife (?) Fabria. Yes, I still couldn’t believe I collected a new wife like this, but in a different world there are different standards for a marriage. In my world it was about love, and sexual compatibility, among many things. In this one love was so far down the list for a woman that it was rarely part of a marriage. In a world where survival is first and foremost, so many “modern” concerns didn’t exist. I shouldn’t be concerned really as even back in my old life their world nations were not any different than this one. When we arrived it seemed less like I was taking their daughter away and more like I was giving her a future so there were smiles all around. Farina was surprised when I took her heavy pack from her and carried it for her, but Zenda explained that as a new wife there were many things that were very different in her new life. One of which was that I treated my wives like noble ladies rather than common wives. “But a woman is to serve her husband isn’t she?” she asked in a quiet voice she didn’t think I could hear. “And you will in many ways. Our husband is different than other men. He cares for us in ways no man ever has. He treats us like an equal, but that means we have to strive to do our best to repay his incredible love.” I can’t tell you how good that made me feel as Zenda bragged about how good I was to all my wives.

When we got together with Doc he seemed pleasantly surprised with Farina and made sure to make a great first impression. Another thing I had done was to upgrade our room into a double bed room. While Farina was now my wife, any kind of physical connection would have to wait till we got home and even then nothing too intimate until her baby charm was working. We had enough children to feed as it was, ten or twenty babies would make things far too hard on all of us. So until we got home the girls could work out who got to snuggle with me at night.

The inn we stayed at was proud to have a bathing room, but it was a far cry from my home. Their idea of a bath was a room with a drain where people could strip, wipe off the day’s dirt and grime with wet towels, and then rinse off with the left over water. For an extra charge they would supply the luxury of hot water. Talk about a rip off, but then this world was rather primitive so it might be seen as a luxury after all. When we were getting ready for bed I was proud to hear Zenda carp about the bath. “Bath my barley washed fanny. Now when you come home you will be royally treated to one of our husband’s baths. Imagine a basin large enough for two people filled with hot water to simply sit and soak your body in.” She let out a sigh with a happy look on her face. I love spoiling my wives after all they do for me.

It may seem extravagant to some, but in the end I needed to purchase a second cargo wagon with a single oxen to pull it. Now our original idea would have been just fine, the list wasn’t that long after all, but with access to the merchant’s quarter there were just too many great deals to be had. Due to the sickness, warehouses were full and pockets were empty. At the same time I was making deals with other merchants for metals I had on hand. It seemed smelted iron and copper were in high demand after the sickness had such a heavy toll on skilled craftsmen. The first wagon would have my household goods and food, while our second would be filled with cloth and other dry goods the women would be excited to see. I also did a little research into things I didn’t see on shelve or in stores. This gave me some ideas of what I might be able to bring into the capital to bring in coin.

Doc did great as well. The potions we made all the time, and had used up his herb stock doing so, brought in a ton of coin, which went right back into their pockets with his large order of herbs, compounds, and chemicals. Doc told me it was nearly three times what he usually bought in the best of times, but with our skills he would be able to help out all the villages at the gathering to stock up for winter needs.

The trip back was odd. Doc and I drove the wagons, and the ladies took turns with each of us as co-pilots. Doc loved having a companion on the long drive, and privately he told me that Fabria was all questions about me and the hold. She couldn’t believe that I was for real, that there had to be something bad about me that I was hiding or something. She asked a lot of round about questions trying to find out my sins to discolor my saintly demeanor. “She really can’t understand you and I can understand her feelings. Men usually treat women well, but more as a slave with more rights than a partner that their lives and happiness depend on. I am sure she will be a good woman, but a very cautious one in the beginning.” I nodded and shrugged. “Well I hate to say it this way, but I am sure Bethany will take her in hand and teach her the same as she did with the others.” He smiled and nodded. “Yes, that woman is a force of nature. I am very glad you have treated her so well and given her the love she really needed. After all her losses in life ... Well that is not for me to speak of, just know that taking her into your heart as well as your life, solidified my friendship with you.”

As we neared the village I saw people running towards the village from every field. By the time we got there Alfreed had already erected stone tables and seating. Bethany was standing by a small one with a smile and my ledger ready. While all the women were my wives, she truly was my partner in this new life. We parked the two wagons and Alfreed quickly set up a few more tables for everything. Doc got in one wagon and I was in the other directing what was to be taken down and what was to go to the hold. No one questioned that I took care of the hold first as many good sized men had no problem hauling my goods into the hold for me.

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