The Broken Circle - Rewrite - Cover

The Broken Circle - Rewrite

Copyright© 2024 by TangoPeru

Chapter 4

Paul Exposito, Former Paul Jenkins. Age: 22 Studies: Community College Current Employment: It Support Specialist Lives Alone, No Relatives Known. No Girlfriend Known.

“No relatives known”, John read. After four years and thousands of dollars spent on private investigators, he had found his nephew. He studied the picture included in the file. He was still chubby, but not as much as before. His face was a bit less round, and his clothes, although clean, looked somewhat worn.

“Paul Exposito” thought John. An apt name, since ‘Exposito’ is the Spanish word for a ‘Foundling’, a child without a family.

After Emily’s letter, Paul had cut all contact with the entire family, him included. “If only he had answered me,” he thought for the umpteenth time. And for the umpteenth time, he thought: “Then, what?” There never was a good answer to that question. “Tell him that everything was a mistake, that the Circle wanted him?” Not after Emily’s letter. Despite her good intentions, Emily had closed that door herself. “Ask him to work out, to become buff, to change his hairstyle in order to become attractive to the girls?” That would have been worse: Those things not only take several months at least, but having to work only to get what all the others got just because of their birthright would be a humiliation by itself. Anyway, his numerous emails remained unanswered.

Long conversations were held in the Circle, and the whole fiasco was attributed to teen immaturity and callousness, combined with an emphasis on the physical gratification aspect of the circle. A big change then was that the older members started to highlight the ‘love’ and ‘safe place’ aspects of the parties. New members would be coached by their parents and older siblings, and they tried to highlight the ‘affection’ side of their gatherings. It was not always successful but, with some exceptions, the general atmosphere became more welcoming to those members who were somewhat lacking in the physical attractiveness side. However, all these changes would come later and at that time Martha and Emily had already left the circle. One of those exceptions was Mike, who was still a regular attendant to the parties, but knew better than to try to humiliate or demean the least attractive members. That was not strange because, since the day Paul left, neither Martha nor Emily had sexually touched - or allowed to be touched by- him at all.

“Hi, uncle John!” Emily greeted him upon opening the door. “Hi, beautiful! Is Martha home?” “She should arrive any time now.” Martha worked as an assistant manager in a local bank, and her hours were pretty much set.

“Great. How’s the job?” “Same-o, same-o.” Emily was a clerk in the city hall. Not the most exciting job in the world, but it was a steady one, which, considering the economy, actually was not so bad.

“Your aunt wants to start planning Lisa’s baby shower, so make sure to call her this week.” Although Emily and her mom weren’t part of the circle anymore, they were on good terms with their relatives, especially with aunt Bridget. In an ironic twist of fate, Lisa, the cousin who had started the fiasco, had married an almost clone of Paul and brought him into the circle. She was five months pregnant now.

“OK. Why don’t you sit and I’ll bring you a soda?” “Thanks”.

He sat on ‘his’ couch to wait. It used to be Emily’s father’s couch, but, after his death, John was the only older male visiting them. When Martha was in the Circle, she had no need for a boyfriend and, after leaving it, John was the only man she had intercourse with, generally one or two times a week. He also serviced Emily when she was between boyfriends.

Mike had left home after getting his degree, and now lived in a studio apartment nearby. He had said he wanted his freedom, but the real reason was that he was frustrated of living with two hot females and not having sex with either of them. Both women had cut him off temporarily because of his insensitive remarks regarding Paul’s absence but, unlike Emily, instead of showing remorse he had stubbornly refused to accept any blame for Paul’s bullying. Ironically, they had been ready to forgive him until he cursed them and left in anger. Since then, they only knew about him through other relatives, which only confirmed that he didn’t see his mom and sister as family but only as holes where to dip his wick.

“Hi, Sis!” John greeted Martha once she entered the house.

“Hi, Bro!” Martha smiled back. “Isn’t it a day early for our weekly time?” “Actually, I’m here for another reason,” he said. “We found Paul.” “Paul!” cried Emily. “Where is my brother?” Martha’s eyes started to water. “Where is my son? Is he ok? Is he happy?”

He had planned to give them a summary, but, seeing their intense reaction, he just handed them the envelope.

Martha took and opened it with trembling hands. The first thing she saw was a photograph. Yes, this was her Paul. The picture showed him dressed in a white shirt and blue tie, sitting in some kind of office cubicle.

“He’s lost weight, and his hair is different,” noticed Emily. “But that’s him alright.” “Paul Exposito? What kind of name is that?” Martha wondered aloud. “Well...” he started, but suddenly Emily sighed.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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