Kaylee's Mexican Vacation - Cover

Kaylee's Mexican Vacation

Copyright© 2024 by callmeQ67

Chapter 6

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 6 - While visiting Mexico with her parents, an innocent young teenager is abducted by sex traffickers of a very particular sort. Fearing for her life, Kaylee must perform or be punished. Her sexual boundaries are expanded daily and she quickly becomes immersed in a world of hedonism. She even begins to identify with some of her kidnappers. Will Kaylee be returned to the bosom of her family, or will she spend her youth in Mexico having sex on camera?

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Ma/ft   ft/ft   Fa/ft   Coercion   Consensual   Drunk/Drugged   Rape   Reluctant   Lesbian   Heterosexual   Fiction   Crime   MaleDom   FemaleDom   Humiliation   Rough   Spanking   Gang Bang   Group Sex   Interracial   Black Male   White Female   Hispanic Male   Hispanic Female   Analingus   Bestiality   Exhibitionism   Facial   Lactation   Oral Sex   Squirting   Voyeurism   Water Sports   Doctor/Nurse   Small Breasts   Revenge   Violence  

Carmen took Kaylee to the kitchen where an older woman was preparing food. She gave instructions to the woman, then led the way to a comfortable sitting room with a view of the sea. The woman from the kitchen brought in two margaritas on a tray and handed one to each of them.

“Drink,” said Carmen. “It will help you relax.”

Kaylee tasted her drink. In retrospect, she understood that the drinks she was served at La Bianca were integral to her kidnapping. If she had been completely sober, she might have heard alarm bells ringing before it was too late.

But now? She was grateful for the buzz that was almost immediate.

“Listen carefully, little one,” Carmen began. “When you are with me, I will do what I can to protect you. But I will not be with you all the time. You must do what you are told without complaint or you will be punished.”

Kaylee shivered, though the room was not cold.

Carmen went on, in an even more serious tone. “Trust me when I say that the beating you got last night was nothing compared to what these men will do if they are not obeyed. Do you understand?”

Kaylee nodded.

“In a few minutes you will go out on a boat with Señor Vásquez. Follow his instructions promptly. I do not wish to see your beautiful body damaged further.”

“Please don’t make me go with him! I’ll do anything you ask, just let me stay here with you. Please—”

“Hush, little one. You have no choice. Now listen to me: you might not like everything the men ask you to do, but you must please them. After some time has passed, you will find that you enjoy many things that you never thought you would.”

Kaylee’s eyes filled with tears which spilled down onto her smooth cheeks.

The Mexican woman took a silk handkerchief from her pocket and dabbed at Kaylee’s tears. “Don’t cry. It’s a beautiful day and you’re going on a boat ride. Now stand up and hold out your hands.”

When she was standing, Carmen fastened leather cuffs to her wrists. “Put your hands behind your back.” Kaylee did as she was told, and her wrists were chained together.

A moment later, Señor Vásquez appeared and took hold of the leash. Kaylee could hardly believe that she once thought he was hot. Now she thought of him as an ogre.

“Come with me,” he said.

He led Kaylee outside and down a flight of stairs to the beach. There were no bathers on the beach but several small fishing boats were tied up just offshore in the shallow water. A group of men sat at a rough table under a shelter made of woven palm fronds. They ceased talking as the man leading a blonde girl approached.

“Don’t do anything foolish,” said Señor Vásquez, with a tug on the leash for emphasis.

He exchanged greetings with the men, all of whom were leering openly at the pretty teenager. Kaylee was absolutely mortified. She felt naked in the tiny bikini and collar around her neck made it clear that she was mere chattel.

One of the men said something to Señor Vásquez, and in response he took Kaylee by the shoulders and turned her so that the fishermen could see the welts on her backside and thighs. Much laughter and excited talk ensued.

Kaylee tried very hard not to cry, but she couldn’t help it—what had she ever done to deserve this?

Señor Vásquez said, “Come,” and pulled Kaylee by the leash. They followed two of the men to a boat, wading up to their knees in the calm water. One of the men climbed into the boat and helped Señor Vásquez aboard. He spoke to the other man, who unhooked the chain between Kaylee’s wrists while groping her bare bottom.

“Give us your hands,” said Señor Vásquez, and the two men lifted her into the boat. The youngster weighed only 85 pounds so it wasn’t too difficult.

The boat was about twenty feet long with an outboard motor and a canvas top for sun protection. They led Kaylee to the bow, where they fastened her wrists to opposite sides of the roof’s support frame. The leash was slung over the top bar of the frame and pulled taut, forcing Kaylee to remain standing.

She heard the engine start and a moment later they were underway. Kaylee was reminded of the scene from ‘Titanic’ where Rose and Jack stood in the bow of the ship and spread their arms wide in a triumphant gesture. But she was almost completely nude and had a dog collar around her neck. She felt anything but triumphant.

“At least there’s no one out here to see me like this,” she thought.

The boat was surprisingly fast, and after only a few minutes Kaylee noticed some dark shapes on the horizon directly in their path. She hoped they would veer away, but no—they continued straight ahead. As they grew closer she could make out a dozen or more fishing boats similar to the one she was on.

“Oh, no ... oh god, no...”

Her boat slowed as they neared the fishing fleet. Just as the teenager feared, all the men on the boats stopped what they were doing to stare at her. They slowed even further and drifted through the center of the small fleet.

Señor Vásquez shouted something which Kaylee couldn’t understand and someone in another boat replied. They turned towards one of the boats. As they approached, she could see three men on it, two men in their twenties and an older man in his fifties. They were all grinning and leering at her.

The boats came alongside each other.

The older man conversed with Señor Vásquez for a minute or two, and gave an order to his crew. They opened an ice chest and each of the younger men held up a large fish.

Señor Vásquez said something, and both of the fish were handed aboard. To her horror, Kaylee saw that several of the boats were maneuvering closer.

She heard movement behind her, and suddenly Señor Vásquez was pressed against her back. He whispered in her ear, “Raúl might be willing to reduce the price of the fish if you suck his cock, but first he wants to see the goods.”

Kaylee shuddered with humiliation as Señor Vásquez untied her bikini. The crew of the other boat applauded when her breasts were revealed, and she heard cheering from some of the more distant boats. A louder cheer went up when her bikini bottom was removed.

“Listen to me, little girl,” said Señor Vásquez in her ear. “You will please him and you will look happy while doing it, or you will pay a heavy price. Do you understand?”

To Kaylee, it felt like a nightmare come to life. She hesitated.

He yanked on her leash. “Do you understand?”

“Yes,” she answered in a tiny voice.

“Yes what?”

At first, Kaylee didn’t know what he wanted but then it came to her. “Yes, Señor Vásquez.”

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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