Kaylee's Mexican Vacation - Cover

Kaylee's Mexican Vacation

Copyright© 2024 by callmeQ67

Chapter 12

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 12 - While visiting Mexico with her parents, an innocent young teenager is abducted by sex traffickers of a very particular sort. Fearing for her life, Kaylee must perform or be punished. Her sexual boundaries are expanded daily and she quickly becomes immersed in a world of hedonism. She even begins to identify with some of her kidnappers. Will Kaylee be returned to the bosom of her family, or will she spend her youth in Mexico having sex on camera?

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Ma/ft   ft/ft   Fa/ft   Coercion   Consensual   Drunk/Drugged   Rape   Reluctant   Lesbian   Heterosexual   Fiction   Crime   MaleDom   FemaleDom   Humiliation   Rough   Spanking   Gang Bang   Group Sex   Interracial   Black Male   White Female   Hispanic Male   Hispanic Female   Analingus   Bestiality   Exhibitionism   Facial   Lactation   Oral Sex   Squirting   Voyeurism   Water Sports   Doctor/Nurse   Small Breasts   Revenge   Violence  

When Kaylee awoke the next morning, she was alone in the bed. Did she instantly think that this might be a chance to escape? Did she long for the protection of her parents? Did she miss her home in snowy Wisconsin? No, Kaylee’s first thought was of her friend and lover Natalia.

Her next thought was about breakfast.

She put on a long t-shirt and walked into the kitchen, where she found Carmen and Natalia sitting at the counter drinking coffee. “Why didn’t you guys wake me when you got up?”

The two Mexicans glanced at each other and smiled. “You looked so adorable in your sleep that we didn’t have the heart to wake you,” Carmen said. “Would you like something to eat?”

“Yes, please. I’m starving.”

“Have a seat and I’ll get you a plate of chilaquiles. Coffee or hot chocolate?”

“Hot chocolate, por favor.” Kaylee sat next to Natalia and they kissed.

“Are you ready for your big day?” asked Carmen.

“What?” said Kaylee, looking first at Carmen then at Natalia. “What’s happening today?”

Standing at the stove, Carmen grinned. “You tell her.”

Natalia was smiling slyly. “Today is the day you become a woman.”

“What? You mean...”

“Yes! You’re going to lose your virginity today.”

“But I don’t want to! I only want to do that stuff with you.” Carmen turned to frown at her. “And you too, of course. But I don’t want to do it with any creepy old guys.”

She was afraid that she would be forced to lose her virginity to Señor Vásquez. Or even worse, José.

“Do not worry, little one,” said Carmen. “He is not creepy. He’s very handsome.”

“And he is young,” said Natalia. “The same age as me.”

That was a relief—no creepy old men. Kaylee peppered the two Mexicans with questions until her breakfast was served, but they didn’t tell her much.

The questions came to an abrupt halt when the chilaquiles were placed in front of Kaylee. She’d tried them once before, and she loved them. Carmen’s version had scrambled eggs on top, and the hungry teenager dug in.

Her heart might have been filled with dread for what would happen later in the day, but it didn’t affect her appetite.

“We have another surprise for you,” said Natalia while Kaylee ate.

“Oh? A good surprise or a bad surprise?”

“A very good surprise. We don’t shoot until tonight so we’re going to a cenote this afternoon. Have you been to one yet?”

“No. I was supposed to go with my mom and dad, but then ... well, here I am.” Natalia squeezed her hand in sympathy, but Kaylee was only feeling guilty for not missing her parents more than she did.

“You’ll love it. And we have the whole place to ourselves so we can swim naked. That’s the best.”

Natalia was right—Kaylee did love it. The bottomless water hole appeared like a shining gem in the forest and it was the perfect temperature for swimming. The blonde American had never swum in the nude before, and she had to admit that the feeling on her bare skin was wonderful.

After a quick lunch in a nearby village, they headed back to the city. “I’m sleepy,” said Natalia when they arrived. “Do we have time for a nap?”

“That shouldn’t be a problem.” Carmen looked at her watch. “They will be here in two hours, so you can sleep for one hour and still have time to get ready. I’ll wake you if you ‘re not up.”

The two teens cuddled naked together and slept. They looked so cute spooning one another that Carmen simply had to take several photos. They were still in that position when she went into the bedroom to rouse them.

“It’s time to get up and shower, you two. Your co-star will be here soon. Kaylee, make sure you’re clean shaven for the scene.”

The girls got in the shower together. “Tell me about this guy,” said Kaylee. “Is he nice?”

“Oh yes, he’s a very sweet boy. His name is Luis. He ran away from home when he was twelve because his stepfather was abusive. Señor Vásquez found him on the street in Mexico City and has been helping him ever since.”

Kaylee found this a bit hard to believe. Señor Vásquez was helping someone?

“Have you, uh, done it with him?”

“Yes, many times,” Natalia said. “He’s very good at his job and he has the right equipment.” She laughed and held her hands about a foot apart.

That bit of information was not reassuring to Kaylee. She fell silent as she considered what would soon happen.

When they were done showering they found their costumes laid out on the bed. They consisted of navy blue skirts, white blouses, white knee socks, and black Mary Jane ballet flats—typical Mexican school uniforms.

“It’s not too different than the one I wear at home,” said Kaylee as they donned their sensible white cotton underwear and bras.

They could hear activity in another part of the house as they finished dressing. Carmen entered the room a moment later.

“You two look wonderful,” she said. “Let’s give you a little eye makeup, Kaylee.” When that was done, Carmen said, “One more thing.”

Natalia rolled her eyes at Kaylee as the older woman added a big white bow to each of their pony tails.

They went out into the living room to find umbrella lights set up and two cameramen getting instructions from Señor Vásquez. “Ah, there you are,” he said. “Has anyone explained the scenario to you?” he asked Kaylee.

She shook her head.

“Muy bien. You are an exchange student from America and you attend school with Luis and Natalia, who are lovers. They speak English at times for your benefit, but they also speak Spanish for the benefit of our audience. Keep the talking to a minimum, though, and get to the action as soon as you can.”

Kaylee was suddenly very nervous. She’d never had anything bigger than a finger inside her before, and Natalia’s comment about his size wasn’t helping. “Is it okay if we get high before we start shooting?”

“I don’t want you to smoke. You might get too fucked up and it will make your eyes bloodshot. But you can have an edible.”

The two girls went into the kitchen where Carmen gave them each a gummy candy. “These ought to kick in about the time we start shooting,” she said. “But if you’re really nervous we can drink a little mezcal.”

It was Kaylee’s first time drinking the fiery beverage straight with only a slice of orange to mitigate the heat. She didn’t care much for the taste, but she was feeling a bit more relaxed when Luis arrived.

He was a handsome lad with a clear olive complexion and jet-black hair. He looked even younger than his sixteen years. He, too, was wearing a school uniform—navy blue trousers and a white polo shirt.

Kaylee instantly felt relieved. He was cute! She would have gone out with him if they went to the same school and he asked her on a date. That is, if her parents allowed her to date, which they didn’t. Kaylee found the thought rather amusing.

Luis was friendly as well as good looking. He introduced himself to Kaylee and said he was honored to be her first. They were just getting acquainted when Señor Vásquez ordered everyone to be quiet.

“Now listen, Kaylee,” he began, “Natalia has invited her boyfriend here after school he she encourages him to be your first lover. You two will be sitting on the sofa when Luis knocks on the door. Natalia teaches you how to suck his cock and then she helps him penetrate you. After that, the three of you can improvise.”

Luis went outside and the two girls sat. Señor Vásquez looked at the cameramen and at Natalia. “Is everyone ready? Muy bien. Action!”

Natalia wasted no time on idle chat. “I can’t believe you’re still a virgin,” she said. “You’re so pretty. Do you like any of the boys at school?”

“No, not really.”

“Nobody? Are you serious?”

“Well, Luis is cute but he’s your boyfriend. You’re very lucky.”

There was a knock at the door and Natalia got up to answer it. The lovers shared a brief kiss and he sat between the girls. Natalia and Luis spoke to each other in Spanish for a minute and then they both looked at Kaylee and smiled.

“What? Why are you looking at me like that?”

“Luis says you’re pretty. He wants to know if he can kiss you.”

“Um, I guess. But are you okay with that?”

“Sí, claro. Yes, of course. But you have to promise to give him back when you’re done.”

Kaylee laughed. “Okay, I promise.”

When his lips met hers she realized that the gummy had started to take effect. His lips were very soft and it felt wonderful. She looked up at him and smiled. “That was nice,” she said. “Can we do it again?”

When they kissed again his tongue slipped into her mouth and Kaylee was amazed that she became aroused so quickly. She wondered if Natalia had taught him to kiss because he was so good at it.

While they sucked each other’s tongues, Natalia moved to Kaylee’s other side and began to kiss the side of her neck. It sent a shiver down the younger girl’s spine.

“I think you should let Luis be your first,” Natalia said. “And I’ll be here to hold your hand.”

“Seriously? You would be okay with that?”

“Yes, absolutely. I like to help my friends. Besides, I know you will return to America soon and Luis won’t be going with you.” Both girls laughed.

Natalia began to unbutton Kaylee’s blouse. The blonde youngster feigned shyness. “Gosh, I don’t know about this...”

Señor Vásquez gestured his encouragement. He could hardly believe how well Kaylee was playing her role. “The kid is a natural,” he thought. He didn’t know that she was the star of her school play back home in Wisconsin.

Natalia soon had Kaylee’s blouse off and began to work on Luis’s shirt. “Wow,” said the American when it came off. “You have a nice body.”

She wasn’t kidding. His arms and chest were well-muscled and his abs fairly rippled. Until that moment, Kaylee had thought that she might be a lesbian, but now she wasn’t sure. It aroused her to feel the strength in his arms.

“You’re very sexy,” she said.

“He is, isn’t he?” said Natalia. “And you haven’t seen the best part yet.” She said something to Luis in Spanish and he stood. Natalia unbuckled his belt and lowered his zipper. She fished around inside his trousers and pulled out his semi-erect penis.

Unlike the men she had fellated against her will, Kaylee actually thought his cock was attractive. It was long and thick and nicely shaped.

“Have you ever kissed one?” asked Natalia.

Kaylee shook her head.

“Just give it a little kiss, like this.” The Mexican teenager demonstrated.

Kaylee followed her example. “Like that?”

“Sí, now lick it like an ice cream cone.” Both girls licked up and down the sides of his thick shaft. It was growing harder by the second.

“Now put your lips around the head and suck gently.” Natalia sucked the fat crown as Kaylee watched.

This was nothing like what she had done in the garage and on the fishing boat. This was sensual and loving. And it was making her incredibly horny.

When it was her turn, Kaylee took his cock in her mouth with only the slightest hesitation. She licked the underside of the bulbous head and heard Luis groan with pleasure. He said something in Spanish and Natalia laughed.

“Luis said he needs to sit down,” she told Kaylee. “And he wants to see our tits.”

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