Captain Scarlett, Martian Envoy - Cover

Captain Scarlett, Martian Envoy

Copyright© 2024 by Duleigh

Chapter 2

“Carmesí is captivating and full of allure, carmesí is the color that sets your heart ablaze lighting a fiery passion that cannot be ignored.” He leaned her over backwards and gave her a kiss that almost made her drop her helmet, which could have caused hundreds of dollars of damage. “It is my new pet name for you.”

“Ok, so what is carmesí?” asked Eris.

Alex put his arm around her shoulders and gestured off into the distance as if pointing out a spectacular sunrise. “Red.”

“You’re a nut, I love you. Help me out of this so I can go clean up.” Alex helped her open the environment suit and soon she was naked, carrying her underwear and the environment suit’s inner lining to the laundry. Eris was slim enough to be a Martian, but she and her twin sister Pandora were born on Luna to Earthling parents. Both Eris and Pandora were small girls, short with pale white skin and freckles, narrow waist with round hips and cute round asses. Both girls have small, firm breasts whose nipples were almost always erect. The main difference between Eris and Pandora is their hair. Both have flame red hair, but Pandora lets her hair grow long and braids it, while Eris cuts her hair short, giving her the look of a pixie. As for their pubic thatch, both girls keep themselves trimmed with the help of their husbands. Pandora’s husband Alan prefers a bikini trim to point the way, and Alex prefers a landing strip of red to guide him in.

Eris ducked into the bathroom and checked their current water allotment. They were almost up to forty liters! Alex and Eris made a promise that when they hit fifty liters, they were going to take a shower together, a real one, a long hot soaking shower. She set the water temperature and climbed in the shower and turned the faucet on as she twirled around, then she shut it off. Eris scrubbed down with soap and a damp cloth, then rinsed off, then she checked their water allotment. She only used two liters, she’s getting better.

“Hurry up and dress, we have company coming for dinner,” called Alex from the kitchen.

“Ok, I’m drying my hair!” she called. A few moments later, she heard the doorbell ring, and she stepped out of the bedroom in a t-shirt and shorts.

“You look so much like your sister,” said the President of Mars.

“Mister Clark,” she gushed as she plotted to kill her husband.

“Please, it’s Ray, or as I prefer, Uncle Ray.”

“I’m sorry I dressed like a slob, I didn’t know,” sputtered Eris.

“Please, I told Alex to avoid telling you because I hate big events and being gushed over. I’m just a guy who knows how to get things done, so they put me in charge, kinda like your brother-in-law.”

Eris looked around the tiny apartment. It usually looked like Laundry Day in their house. Both she and Alex get bored with folding laundry quickly and they end up screwing instead of folding. But the apartment looked great. Alex clearly spent his day off folding laundry, cleaning, and cooking. Eris had to laugh at Ray’s words. Her brother-in-law, Captain Alan Scarlett, was the most disorganized organizer she’s ever met. He rarely disciplines his troops, and he lets them do what they feel is best, and somehow it works out in the end. “Alan has a method to his madness,” she said.

“Whatever it is you’re cooking smells incredible,” said Ray.

“It’s my favorite,” said Alex. “My dad said this recipe came from earth and followed us to the stars. It’s called Carnitas.” He set out dishes and serving bowls of yellow rice, refried beans, and carnitas, broiled to perfection so the edges were crispy and the rest of the meat was tender and juicy. They sat and Alex loaded up Ray’s plate with the delightful smelling food. “This is how I was brought up to eat this meal,” and Alex took a tortilla that he made earlier, tore off a portion and picked up the carnitas with it and ate it that way.

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