Captain Scarlett vs. the Scrapper - Cover

Captain Scarlett vs. the Scrapper

Copyright© 2024 by Duleigh

Chapter 5

“Come on,” she said, and the tiny girl led the three young men into the back of the house. The Scrapper didn’t hear their astonished cries as she looked at the tiny boy in her arms. His green eyes sought hers out as he suckled at the bottle and for a moment she felt a connection she never thought possible, a connection with another human being that went beyond midnight wrestling in some back quadrant space station hook-up. The little boy smiled around the bottle’s nipple at her and cooed.

“How’s he doing?”

“He’s uh ... fine. Look, you have to take him.”

Alan looked at The Scrapper. Her tight, athletic body was poorly hidden by the clothing she was wearing, her bright crimson hair was cut in a pixie cut and her delicate nose was decorated with freckles. Alan shook his head and thought, ‘so damn close.’ For a moment, he thought she was his. Anna’s squeals from the pool took his attention. “Let me see to our guests first,” said Alan. “He’ll be fine. He likes you.”

As Alan led The Scrapper to the patio, the sounds of the young marines reached her ears. They were having a good time in the water. Then she saw the pool, a beautiful free form ‘canal’ filled with pure, crystal clear water, glistening in the hot afternoon sunlight. A waterfall splashed down a roughhewn granite wall into the pool and a marine had climbed to the top of the wall next to the pool and jumped in. On the other side of the pool was a smaller splash pool where the children played in more water than she has seen in the past year. The Scrapper almost dropped the child at the wonder of it.

Little Wally came running from his splash pool with an inflatable porpoise that he was so proud of. He ran up to The Scrapper to show her his prized possession. Just as Little Wally held it up proudly, an exact copy of The Scrapper stepped onto the patio. “Hi baby,” the scrapper copy said. Confused, Wally looked from the Scrapper to his mother and burst into huge tears of terror and confusion. Huge heart-breaking sobs that echoed in Alan’s soul and ripped his heart in two...

“Commander! Commander Scarlett!”

Alan opened his eyes. Research Station Sigma Kai was under attack by Eastern Bloc fighters, the big, barrel shaped “Babylon style” station had no defensive weapons to fight off the bastards. Their task force arrived soon after the distress calls were received. Their carrier NSS Fettman was still running at two G acceleration when the Strike Force Berserkers launched without clearance from the Space Boss. “Bravo flight, take the right, Charlie flight, take the left. Delta Flight, cover Berserker Shield. Alpha flight on me!” said Commander Alan Scarlett and the F-724 single-seat fighters leaped from the NSS Fettman, and the Strike Force Berserkers tore into battle, their first skirmish since being formed under a young Navy Commander. He trained them. He designed their tactics. He taught them how to make their outdated fighters do things they were never designed for.

Until the “Mad Martian” was given an entirely new squadron, fights in outer space tried to emulate atmospheric aircraft, swooping and diving, trying to get on each other’s tail. “You are not birds of prey,” said Alan confidently. “You are flying artillery. When you fly past an enemy, you turn your ship and keep your guns trained on him the entire time. Let your wingman watch where you are going, you take out the target. Take advantage of everything and shoot him in the back. Learn how to lead your shots. Let your enemy maneuver, maneuvering will only bring them into your sights. You can turn in all directions when traveling, so the enemy is never behind you.”

There’s been far better pep talks, but until 2148, none have been more effective in outer space combat.

The Berserkers charged into the fray, not trying to steer or change course, each fighter was assigned a target by the flight coordinator, call sign Berserker Shield, running the show in a huge old FB-719 fighter bomber converted to do nothing but observe the fight from a distance. Berserker Shield was surrounded by delta flight who was ready to vaporize anyone that got close. The Berserkers plunged into the crowd of Eastern Block “Flagstaff” fighters nicknamed “Forklift” by the Western Alliance Navy fliers because of their odd antenna that projected from under the nose.

Half the Flagstaffs were hit by precision laser fire from the Berserkers even before the Berserkers appeared on their radar screens. Scarlett’s fighters plunged through the Eastern Bloc formations and spun one hundred eighty degrees and continued to fire as they shot past the faster and more capable Flagstaffs. Of the two dozen fighters that attacked Research Station Sigma Kai, sixteen were floating dead in space, and the remaining eight were running. The Berserkers took on an enemy with a two to one advantage and the Forty-Third didn’t suffer a single casualty. They were now the Fighting Forty Third.

Bravo flight chased the eight remaining eastern bloc ships as far away as they dared while Alan and Alpha flight stopped in tight formation at the crippled station’s main airlock. “Get me a support ship over here fast, this thing is falling apart,” called Alan into the open radio circuit.

“NSS Marshburn will be on scene in one five mike,” replied Berserker Shield. The Marshburn was a clunky old logistics freighter, but it was fully pressurized and could carry hundreds of people in the cargo bay if needed.

“Roger, thanks Berserker Shield. Berserkers One and Two are entering Sigma Kai to coordinate evacuation.”

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