Captain Scarlett vs. the Scrapper - Cover

Captain Scarlett vs. the Scrapper

Copyright© 2024 by Duleigh

Chapter 23

NSS Naha, September 3, 2161
Martian Orbit

“Permission to come aboard,” said Admiral Hilmers.

“Permission granted,” said Colonel Vermillion, and she saluted Admiral Hilmers and Captain Lutz as they came aboard. The admiral and the captain looked around the bridge in awe as Pandora welcomed them aboard the Naha. The lighting on the bridge was gentle, and the people on the bridge spoke softly and professionally. Unlike a carrier, the bridge on this bomber was the Combat Information Center, and at a glance Admiral Hilmers and Captain Lutz could determine the full status of her operation.

“We like to think of the Naha as a hole in space. On the Naha and the Krakow, we try to be as electronically silent as possible. We can hear other ships out there, making their electronic noise, and if we can hear them, they can surely hear us, if they knew how.”

“What do you think Dennis?” asked Admiral Hilmers.

Captain Lutz had a look on his face like he found a cat turd in his oatmeal. “Are you sure this is Navy? The Navy doesn’t sit and hide like snipers, waiting to strike at the moment of weakness. The Navy is iron ships and iron men. Ready at a moment’s notice in all types of weather, fair or foul. This ... thing is not Navy.”

“What say you Captain?” said Admiral Hilmers with a grin.

Pandora kept her calm. She thought again of Little Gerry smiling at her, his crop of carrot colored hair just beginning to come in, his mirth filled green eyes. He’s going to be a handful soon! Finally, she turned to Captain Lutz and said, “This is a Marine bomber. Our job is to kill in the most efficient means possible. We only parade around and swagger at award ceremonies.”

“You are so related to your father,” muttered Admiral Hilmers.

“Have you caught the scrapper yet?” demanded Captain Lutz.

A marine handed Pandora a report that she reviewed before answering Captain Lutz. “We have stopped his attacks on civilian shipping, it’s just a matter of time before we have him trapped.” She signed the report and handed a copy back to the marine. For a long moment, the only sound on the bridge was the whir of cooling fans on the different components, and the rip ... rip ... rip of the crew’s Velcro boots as the crew moved around the Velcro carpeted bridge.

Captain Lutz shook his head and sighed, then addressed Pandora as if he was lecturing a petulant child. “My dear Captain Vermillion, I regret to inform you that the pirate that is known as The Scrapper is actually your twin sister Eris Carmine!”

Pandora merely chuckled and said, “Good one Dennis.” She thanked the marine orderly for the report and turned to a plexigraph map and circled large asteroids in the asteroid belt. “We have located and neutralized three caches of weapons and equipment here at Rocking Bird mine, here at Eagle Claw mine, and here at the Amundsen and Sons mine. I don’t think the Scrapper has discovered his cache at Amundsen has been cleaned out.”

“How big is this operation?” asked Admiral Hilmers.

“It’s a lot bigger than we expected. And the ties into the Eastern Bloc is incredible, even though he’s attacking Western Alliance shipping, most of the currency we’ve confiscated has been Eastern Bloc.” She drew circles around three large asteroids. “We think he has more coaches here at United Lithium, here at the Pendulum and Pit mine, and here at Dragon Rider.”

“It sounds like your sister has been busy,” said Captain Lutz.

“Indeed, she has Captain,” said Pandora proudly. “Alan says she is coming along in her training and should be fully qualified to pilot the F-733 and ready to take the Navy pilot’s examination in a week or two.”

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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