Captain Scarlett Saves Mars! - Cover

Captain Scarlett Saves Mars!

Copyright© 2024 by Duleigh

Chapter 16


June 22, 2160

Admiral Schirra walked side by side with Marine Colonel Pandora Vermillion. “Why don’t you change your name to Scarlett, Colonel,” said the admiral. “You’ve only been married twelve years.”

“I hate paperwork,” was her answer. They were walking along the old towpath of the ancient Erie Canal. Over 300 years old, but it’s still full of water and pleasure craft. It was a beautiful day. The sun was warm, and the air was filled with the scent of freshly mowed hay. It was a day for sitting in the shade and sipping tall, cold drinks.

“So you’ve made up your mind? You’re going to retire?” asked the admiral.

They stopped at a dock where a very comfortable-looking party barge was tied off and the Admiral regarded it with jealousy. They turned and crossed the lawn of a home that abuts to the canal. The house was ancient, built not long after The War and was built to look like it was built before the canal was dug. The huge, neatly trimmed lawn was filled with shade trees and grapevines on arbors that provided more shade. Pandora plucked a few ripe concord grapes and dropped a couple in Admiral Schirra’s hand. He tasted them and said, “these are good!”

“He loves them. Look at this,” she laughed. A large free-form swimming pool filled with crystal clear water shimmered in the sunlight, calling to the admiral. The edge of the pool went right up to the house. The side that abutted the neighbor’s property had a wall of enormous ancient granite blocks carved to look like they were still attached to the mountain they were dug out of. A waterfall splashed from the top of the wall and the wall supported a water slide and a diving board.

On the other side of the pool was a round, kiddy pool in which sat Alan Scarlett. Next to him sat a two-year-old girl. On his lap sat a six-month-old boy, and they splashed in the warm shallow water. Next to them lay a large golden retriever who patiently ignored the splashes.

“I can’t ask them to give this up. He finally has his own canal; he even has a dog. Mars has all the water they want. Next month we go up to re-christen the NSS Grissom, then we head over to Mars for the latest delivery. It will be his first time in space since Big Berserker.” Big Berserker had become the catch-all phrase for the operation to supply Mars with water and rid them of the Eastern Bloc military.

Admiral Schirra smiled; the Battle of Venus Prime followed by Big Berserker weakened the Eastern Bloc, their space force was falling apart and several of their colonies defected. The Eastern Bloc was on the run, and his job was getting much easier. “He likes the water?” asked the admiral, pointing at Alan.

“I can’t keep him out of it. He’s either swimming or ice skating. YOU’RE the one who told him about broomball!” Broomball is a hockey substitute for folks who aren’t inclined to partake in the fastest game on ice but still want to play on ice. “Besides,” she said coyly, “I’m grounded again.” To emphasize that statement, she placed her hand on her tummy.

Just then, the two-year-old girl saw her mother and the Admiral, and she jumped out of the pool and raced toward them shouting, “Grandpa!”

“Don’t! You’re dripping on your grandfather’s uniform!”

“It’s ok, come here Stinkerbell,” said Admiral Schirra as he scooped his granddaughter Anna up into his arms.

The colonel kissed the admiral on the cheek and said, “Dad, why don’t you and mom retire? We’re doing great with Scarlett Water Solutions. If you need a place, we can get you a place to stay. We’ll build on if you’d like. Please?”

Admiral Schirra looked around ... at the canal, the huge ancient elms, oaks, and maple trees. He looked at the pool. Alan was now in the big pool with the baby in his arms. He was holding little Wally’s hand and waving at him, Grandpa Wally. His wife, Estelle, was reclining in a lounge with a tall lemonade and one of Alan’s ancient books. The scent of beef brisket in the smoker joined the assault on his reserve. How much more could a guy take?

“Come on grandpa!” said Anna as she wriggled in his arms. She was named for a Berserker, a friend of Alan and Pandora that was lost in the battle of Venus Prime. “Stay wiff us Grandpa!” she waggled her eyebrows and said, “You can ride our boat if you stay.”

“You guys don’t play fair.”

“Nope,” said Pandora. “I never learned how.”

The End of Captain Scarlett Saves Mars!

Do you like this author’s work? Then perhaps you will consider some of his other works? Here are summaries and links:

First Love - We’re a Wonderful Wife Series - Book 1 of 4 The award-winning story of Don Campbell and Lanh Nguyen, high school outcasts, a tiny Asian genius and a lonely outcast farmboy, close to suicide and hated by all. They came from different worlds and were drawn together in a cruel high school prank, but the prank backfired on their tormenters. Somehow, Don and Lanh beat the odds as their love blossomed in high school while watched over by angels.

We’re a Wonderful Wife - Mrs. Sergeant Campbell - Book 2 of 4 The award-winning story of Don Campbell and Lanh Nguyen continues as Don and Lanh marry and celebrate their love with friends and family, then it’s off to tour the world with the United States Air Force. Don is first sent to Germany, where Lanh panics over the loss of friends and family, but their love carries them through, and they head home with joyful news. Their angels continue to follow them.

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