Perks of Teaching - Cover

Perks of Teaching

Copyright© 2024 by brabo1978

Chapter 3

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 3 - Mr. Adams is a bisexual high school teacher. He gets to know some of his students more intimately, some more willing than others.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/ft   Ma/mt   Mult   Teenagers   Coercion   Consensual   Reluctant   Gay   Heterosexual   Interracial   Black Male   White Male   White Female   Hispanic Female   Exhibitionism   First   Facial   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting   Voyeurism   Teacher/Student  

Author’s note: Of all the codes for the story as a whole, only Ma/ft, coercion, petting, oral sex and teacher/student apply for this chapter.

We came back from Italy the first Monday of Easter break. The class, restless and sated, spilled out of the huge bus in high spirits, chattering among themselves, shaking off the residue of another overnight bus trip. Our last job as teachers was to made sure no student was left stranded at school. Then we could head home ourselves.

I’ve been on many senior trips to Italy since, and it’s always a relief when you finally open the door to your house again. These trips are always fun, but they’re also incredibly tiring. On top of that comes the reduced privacy that doesn’t allow many occasions to release some tension. Obviously, this time around, I had found some relief, big time, but at the same time playing with the boys had me all fired up.

So, pretty soon after I came home, I fired up my home computer for a desperately needed solo session. Going through my list of bookmarks, I decided I was in the mood for amateurs. Amateur websites have the distinct disadvantage that it’s harder to find something good, but when I do, I usually like it a lot. No breasts that are fake or out of proportion, much less vulgar poses, and a hint of innocence that allows me to construct a believable fantasy.

I went through some thumbnails of different teen girls, thanking modern technology that allows those girls to send their boyfriends nude selfies. Somehow a lot of those ended up on sites like the one I was checking out ... Occasionally, a face would appeal enough for me to click on the thumbnail. I scrolled through the enlarged images, my cock already anticipating which of these beautiful, barely legal nymphs would be my companion for the next half hour or so. Every now and then, one of these images got saved to my hard drive.

I had folders filled with photos of the girls that I found particularly attractive over the years. Some pictures were not particularly arousing, but the girl was so beautiful I couldn’t help but save it. A few times, I even googled the name of those girls in the image to find more of them. That’s what got me started with the whole amateur porn webpage thing in the first place.

After browsing like that for a while, I stumbled upon a thumbnail of a girl that seemed attractive. It was a classic pose, topless, looking in the mirror as she took a selfie. I clicked on it for the full picture and was happy to see that she was indeed very beautiful. She had auburn hair, worn in loose waves around her shoulders. Her eyes were brown and sparkling with a mischievous glow. Her lips were full, and the slight smile on them was on the verge of breaking into a full grin. The skin of her small but perfectly formed breasts was creamy and soft-looking, and her delicate pink nipples were already hard.

“Damn! She looks a lot like Kate!” I thought. She had figured in a jerk off fantasy before, so this was definitely a nice find. I stared at the image, still a little surprised by the resemblance. The more I studied the picture – and yes, even though her breasts were perfect, I gave her face the most of my attention this time – the more I became convinced it wasn’t just a similarity. This was Kate. The resemblance was too good, I couldn’t find any difference, and even her expression, the way she smiled was just like her. It was impossible to distinguish the picture from a real photo of her.

I stared at the photo for a moment longer, then glanced at my dick. It was hard as a rock. I grabbed it, wrapping my fingers around its girth. In my aroused state it felt massive. I was eager to have some release, to end this sweet torment that started as soon as I recognized the girl on the picture. I started pumping my cock furiously. It had been way too long since I last came and this picture had all the triggers I needed to blow my load. The very thought I was actually looking at the breasts of one of my prettier students sent me over the edge almost instantly.

I came in a powerful explosion, and it felt so good, like a release of pure energy, a pressure-valve opening, as I spilled my load in long, satisfying streams. My whole body shuddered as I took in the sight of Kate’s breasts, and the high I was experiencing was unrivaled.

Once I caught my breath and cleaned myself up, I returned to the photo. I couldn’t help but stare at it for a while longer, captivated by Kate’s beauty. The picture actually got me so hot I contemplated having a second go, but in the end I decided against it. For the remainder of the vacation though, I took my time jerking off regularly while looking at it. I even tried to find similar pictures of Kate online, but to no avail.

The more I admired this nude picture of Kate, the more determined I became to turn my fantasy into a reality. I wanted to see her naked, the real her, not just a photo. I wanted to feel the softness of her skin. I wanted to explore every curve, every angle, committing it all to memory. Her breasts weren’t big, but that never mattered to me. They would fit into my hands perfectly. I wanted both to caress them softly and to knead them like dough. I wanted to run my fingers over the hard surface of her nipples.

The more I thought about it, the more I realized that I needed to find a way to make this happen. I couldn’t just go up to her and ask her to take her clothes off for me. That would be crazy. But I couldn’t stop thinking about it either. I was obsessed. After a week my frustration and desire won from respectability. No doubt my earlier actions in Italy helped steer my mind towards the course I ended up taking.

Two days after Easter break, Kate was in my third -period history class. The subject was the progress of science in the 19th century. But I doubt anyone really cares. Even I didn’t care at the time. It was the first time since finding her picture online, that I saw her fully dressed. I tried to focus on what I was saying, but the whole time I kept stealing glances at Kate’s chest. Thinking about the breasts she was hiding under her clothes. Knowing what she looked like under her clothes. When class was over, I asked Kate to come back to my classroom when school was over.

“Do I have to? Can’t you just tell me now?” Kate asked.

“I’m sorry, Kate, but your next class is about to start, and I don’t want to get in trouble with other teachers for keeping their students away from class,” I replied in my most sincere voice.

She sighed, accepting my answer, and left for her next class. Well, if she thought her day was ruined now, wait until she found out what I wanted to discuss with her, I thought. Naturally, my own afternoon classes were even more of a drag than in the morning. The day couldn’t go by soon enough.

Finally the bell rang to announce the end of the day. I took my time to finish my last class to the joined impatience of my students and myself. When they had all left the room, I noticed Kate already waiting in the hall. Damn, she was here fast. That meant that I’d have to stall our conversation till I was sure the other teachers in the classrooms next to mine had left.

“So, Kate, I noticed your attention in class isn’t what it used to be anymore.”

No response.

“And I think your grades are starting to slip as well.”

That finally got an impatient response. “They’re still good, aren’t they? So what’s the problem?”

She was right of course. Luckily for me at that time Nick, the teacher who had the classroom next to mine, popped in to say he was going home. Finally Kate and I were alone.

“Okay, Kate, you’re right. There’s nothing really wrong with your grades. There’s actually another reason why I wanted to talk to you. I think you need to see this,” I said, as nonchalantly as I could. While I was talking, I sat down behind the lap top in my class room, opened the topless picture of Kate and motioned her to come over to my desk.

Her brows furrowed in curiosity, Kate walked closer. I gestured at my screen as in ‘take a look for yourself’ and closely watched her face. The look of curiosity quickly changed into shock when she saw herself on the screen. She gasped and turned to me with wide open eyes, while her face turned bright red.


I’m not even sure if she knew what question she had. It was more an uttering of surprise. I didn’t respond and just looked at her. She still had er eyes wide open and focused completely on her picture.

“How...” Again she didn’t finish the question.

“I don’t think the how really matters now. I’d think that what’s more important to you is what’s gonna happen with this picture. I don’t think you want this to spread over the school,” I tried to get the conversation back on track.

Kate finally turned her gaze on me. The red in her face was quickly disappearing now as she turned rather pale. I could see her eyes glossy with unshed tears.

“I may be mistaken,” I continued after I paused to let it sink in, “but I think you really want to convince me to prevent the picture from getting public. That you want to, how should I put it, give me a reason to help you out.”

Kate looked at me dumbfounded. Kate still hadn’t said anything, except for her first uncoherent reactions. Her eyes shifted between me and the screen, where her bare chest was displayed. The surprise and fear in her face seemed to make way for acceptance, or at least she was getting there. Before I continued I had to make sure of that, though.

When she still didn’t say a word, I continued. “Am I right? Do you want me to make this go away?” I asked gently. I held eye contact with Kate and gave her time to think. I could tell she was anxious, but she wasn’t throwing a fit or anything. Finally she nodded, ever so slightly.

“So you will cooperate with me to put this behind us?” I asked her again. She took another look at the erotic picture of her on my screen and at me again.

“Talk to me, Kate, do you want to put this behind us?” I pushed.

Finally, a very soft “yes” escaped her mouth.

This was it, the moment of truth. “Then how about you take of your shirt for me?” Her eyes got even wider if that was even possible. I could hear her sharp intake of breath, saw her move her lips in apparent shock, but it took several seconds for an actual sound to escape her mouth. I really doubt that she didn’t know yet by then where this was going, but actually hearing it, that was entirely different.

“What? No!” was her immediate reaction.

“Come on, Kate. Think of it this way: I’m not asking you to show me anything I haven’t seen yet,” I retorted, pointing at her picture to emphasize my point.

She considered this, and seemed to make up her mind that I wasn’t asking for a lot. Maybe she even thought, or hoped, that I wouldn’t ask for more than this. I wasn’t going to contradict that. I felt that as long as I could get her to actually show me her tits, to actually agree with the sexual nature of the situation, it would become easier to take it to the next level.

Without looking at me, she slowly lifted her hands to the buttons of her shirt. It seemed like an eternity to me before the first button became undone. Even the second one seemed to take ages to open. but after that she had made the click and just finished unbuttoning her shirt. Gradually more and more of her skin was revealed to me. I also discovered she was wearing a plain white bra.

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