Perks of Teaching - Cover

Perks of Teaching

Copyright© 2024 by brabo1978

Chapter 1

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 1 - Mr. Adams is a bisexual high school teacher. He gets to know some of his students more intimately, some more willing than others.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/ft   Ma/mt   Mult   Teenagers   Coercion   Consensual   Reluctant   Gay   Heterosexual   Interracial   Black Male   White Male   White Female   Hispanic Female   Exhibitionism   First   Facial   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting   Voyeurism   Teacher/Student  

Author’s note: Of all the codes for the story as a whole, only Ma, mt, coercion, masturbation and teacher/student apply for this chapter.

It wasn’t for the money, nor for the lots of free time most people seem to think it gives you, but I love being a teacher. Already as a teen I couldn’t think of anything else I’d want to do with my life, and that’s still very much the case. This lead to being a history teacher in a small town high school. After a few years of awkwardness and clumsy teaching, I got the drift of it and managed to ignore all feelings of self-consciousness when in front of a class room. It resulted in being one of the more popular teachers in school, despite the fact that I require my students to work very hard, and making them fail any time they feel they can cut some corners. From my own experience I knew that a willingness to work hard is the key ingredient to success in life, and I wanted to teach my students that lesson even more than I wanted to teach them actual history.

Even though college has a reputation of being the largest wedding agency of all, I finished my education still being single, and except for a few short flings, I have remained single up to today. I don’t know if that has anything to do with it, but as soon as I actually started working as a teacher I noticed a difficulty in teaching I never anticipated: when you have over a hundred students every year sitting in front of you, there’s bound to be some attractive ones among them. Now I do consider myself to be a respectable teacher, so naturally I never tried hitting on one of them. Though of course the danger of jail and my life being over helped in this regard. As such my escapades with any student were limited to an occasional fantasy while jerking off.

After a few years, when I was 28, I was asked to join the traditional senior trip to Italy, where we’d visit the highlights of western history and art. I had some very fond memories of the time that I went to Italy as a senior myself, so I was very excited that I’d get an opportunity to go back. As it turned out, my excitement wouldn’t remain limited to history and art.

With a total of four teachers and 64 students, we left school on a Saturday afternoon in April for the overnight bus trip that would take us to our first stop, Florence. The atmosphere on this kind of senior trip is completely different from a class room, obviously, and even from a regular field trip. The relationship between students and teachers is less formal. Students are allowed to talk to us on a first name basis and alcohol is permitted as long as it remains within decent limits (most European countries have a lower age restriction for alcohol than 21). For everyone involved, it feels more like vacation than like a school trip, even though 18 year olds would rather prefer to go to a beach on a vacation than look at some art stuff, and teachers are not used to supervise a whole bunch of teenagers when on vacation. Still, the relaxed rhythm, the sun, having lunch on the terrace of a little restaurant makes up for a lot.

We arrived in Florence in the morning with a lot of tired kids, so we took it slow the first day. We visited the cathedral and went for a small climb to get a panoramic view of the city, after which we released our students for a free afternoon. The braver ones use the opportunity to explore the city on their own, but most students will find the nearest park and just get some rest while lying in the sun.

In the evening we reached our hotel and assigned everyone a room. While teachers are given double rooms, students have to share a room with three up to five persons, depending on the hotel. Everyone got installed, and, teens being teens, very hungry. A good thing for us, because this would be our students’ first taste of cheap Italian food of mass production. The hunger would make up for the lack of taste, and decrease the amount of complaints. After their first diner, most of them will have learned that they shouldn’t count on diner for the good Italian food, but instead go find it during their free lunch time.

After dinner everyone was happy just to chill in the hotel bar. No doubt starting tomorrow students would be asking to go out, but this first evening it was silently agreed that a more relaxing activity was in order. The teachers used this occasion to mingle with the students and get to know them a little. Around 10pm the first ones started to retire to their room and about an hour later we decided to call an end to the first day.

Being the newbie in the team, I got the first shift of evening patrol. This mostly means keeping horny boys away from the girls’ rooms, and making sure they don’t disturb the silence. Usually the first shift is a very calm and boring one, as most students are still tired from the bus trip. Mischief can wait another day. The hard part for the supervisor on this night is to actually stay awake long enough to make sure all students are sleeping.

After the other teachers went to bed, I decided to take a book and settled myself on a chair in the hallway where the boys’ rooms were located. Every now and then I’d lay down my book and go check the girls’ hallway to make sure everything over there was calm as well.

Of course some of the students who used their afternoon for resting, were more intent to get active when a normal person would go to sleep. At some point, I looked up when I heard someone trying to softly open a door about 15 feet from me. Tom’s brown haired head carefully stuck through to check whether the coast was clear. I suppose he wanted to sneak up his girlfriend’s room. As soon as he noticed me sitting there staring at him, he quickly retreated. “No luck this time,” I thought, “but no doubt, this won’t be his last attempt for the week.” I smiled when I noticed Tom’s red face, quickly disappearing back into his room. He would try again tomorrow, of that I was sure.

Another half hour passed uneventful. I decided to do a final check of the rooms, just to be sure, before going to bed. I got up and stretched a bit, my limbs stiff from lying in one position for too long.

I came all the way to the end of the corridor, having checked on almost all the rooms by then, when I heard some soft voices coming from the last room. The noise wasn’t loud enough to bother other rooms, which left me with two options: I could let it pass or I could enter and tell them to go to sleep.

I hesitated for a second, weighing my options. Then suddenly a panted statement came from behind the closed door. “I’m gonna cum!” A boy’s voice, trembling with pleasure, echoed through the closed door.

I was taken aback. This was impossible! No way a girl snuck by me into a boys’ room! However, disbelief almost immediately made way for other thoughts, as the obvious noises of the boy’s orgasm were accompanied by soft laughter and someone jeering, only half succeeding in keeping his voice down: “Haha, you lose!” Now this clearly wasn’t a teenage couple going at it. It actually seemed the guys in this room were having a circle jerk.

“Who are they?” I thought. I remembered that cackling laugh, coming from Casper, a short, blue-eyed, blonde 18-year-old, known for having an endless source of energy. That probably meant that Vince and Jeff were in the room as well. I had known these three guys since they were freshmen. Vince, a tall white guy, with short black hair and blue eyes, never lacked confidence. His tall stature gave him the air of a leading figure, who was always ready to make a joke. And Jeff – a black, frizzy-haired student with dark, almost black eyes – often added a calming and steady presence to the trio’s dynamic. Jeff had always been one of my most hard-working students whom I liked quite a bit.

My thoughts were interrupted by a loud moan from the room. Someone else was close to finishing, and this time, I could hear it through the door. “Oh, fuck!” Jeff ‘s voice was suddenly louder than usual, and I could make out a slight trembling in his tone.

Don’t ask me to explain why I did what I did next. To this day I still don’t have a clue. But I was standing in the hallway, my hand on the doorknob, and without thinking, I entered the room.

My eyes widened, and my breath hitched as I took in the scene before me. Four young men were sitting on the floor, naked on their knees. Lars, facing the door, was the only one without an erection. Clearly he was the one who I had heard cumming first. The cum on the floor in front of him gave it away as well.

Casper, who was sitting to the right of Lars, had a dick of about 5.5 inches and not that fat with a head that was only slightly pinker than his skin. No matter whether this counts as average or slightly below, the whole package worked rather well on his smaller body. His balls were drawn rather close to his body, but it was hard to tell if that was the way they were or if he was getting close to cumming. He had a small smile on his face, his hand frantically pumping his cock, as he watched Jeff.

Jeff was sitting on the other side of Lars, opposite Casper. He had his legs spread wide and leaned back. His eyes were closed and his head tilted up. His hand was wrapped around a fat 7 inch rod, without his fingers being able to reach all the way around. The deep brown color of his shaft and dickhead matched the rest of his skin. His sack looked tight around his heavy balls.

Right when I entered the room a big jet of cum forcefully shot from his dick, landing on the floor. He clearly could have had a great orgasm if I hadn’t interrupted it. Now the poor boy faced the daunting task of covering up both his impressive manhood and the jets of semen shooting out of it. Panicked, looking at the source of alarm, Jeff inadvertently aimed his cock directly at Vince just as the next spurt of cum left Jeff’s throbbing head.

I didn’t get a good look of Vince at first, because he was sitting with his back to the door. Upon hearing someone enter the room, he instinctively turned around towards the door, but also covered his dick with his hands. Or at least, he tried to: the full package of his impressive cock and balls were simply too big to be hidden completely.

It was then, with Vince sitting mostly turned towards the door, that Jeff’s cum hit him in the back. Vince yelped and, caught off guard, forgot about shielding his genitals from my eyes for a moment. It was enough to see that the boy was really hung, even after losing some of his arousal due to the unexpected intrusion. His long, thick rod dropped and flopped against his thigh, a drop of pre-cum oozing from its dark red head. Despite the surreal situation, I couldn’t help but gaze at his glorious cock, feeling a twinge in my own groin.

“Mr. Adams!” Vince exclaimed, jumping up and trying to hide his erection again.

I was trying to sound angered but at the same time keep my voice down: “What the hell is going on here?” It’s a dumb question, I know, it was pretty obvious what was going on, but what else do you say in a situation like this? The same of course went for the boys, who just sat in silence, getting even more blushed than they already were, and studying the floor with seemingly great interest. An idea started to form in my head. Clearly this was not something they’d want to become public knowledge.

“Look, it’s late for all of us. Just clean up your mess and get to bed. I’ll talk to the other teachers in the morning to see how we deal with this.”

In reality I had no intention at all to discuss this with my colleagues. After all, they were 18 year olds who were jacking off. What else is new in the world? There was no harm done whatsoever. The thing is, they didn’t know I’d keep this to myself. To them, it could cause some real damage to their reputation. And that was something I could use.

“Please, sir, can’t you keep this for yourself?” There it was. Jeff ‘s voice was trembling as he tried to beg me for mercy. I paused just long enough to hint at some hesitation from my part, so the boys could pick up on the chance for negotiation.

“Sorry, guys, but I really should talk this over. I mean, this kinda stuff isn’t exactly what I expected to deal with here. Right now I have no...”

Lars interrupted me. “Oh, come on, sir, please? It would just be too embarrassing for us if this got out. We’ll accept any punishment from you, but please...” His voice trailed off as he looked at his friends, pleading for them to do the same. They nodded eagerly, and it was clear that they would do anything to keep their secret from getting out.

I hesitated for a few moments longer to let the tension build up. “All right, I’ll think about it. I’ll make a decision by tomorrow evening. Now go to bed.”

I know, it may seem strange to let this rest if you want to take advantage of the situation, but it really was late. I was tired from having had almost no sleep for the last 36 hours, and if I was going to have some fun with this, I wanted to fully experience it.

The boys felt the immediate danger was gone, so they stopped pleading and started to get dressed for bed. I exited the room and after finishing the tour that lead me here, I reclined to my bed as well. Despite the lack of sleep it took me a little longer to fall asleep than expected, as I went over the past events and imagined what was to come.

The next morning we had a full day ahead. We started the day with a short visit to a small museum, where they keep the David of Michelangelo. Then we started our tour of the city, with the Palazzo and the Ponte Vecchio, the graves of the Medici family and the Santa Croce church as highlights.

For me it was a great day. Obviously any history teacher would love this. Most of our students seemed very excited and attentive as well, taking in the sights and the general atmosphere of the ancient city. I did notice Casper, Vince, Lars and Jeff were trying to stay out of my sight. Whenever our eyes did cross, they always almost immediately found something nearby or even on the ground to study with great care.

I decided to let them be, and focused on the tour. Despite my professional obligations I did pay some extra attention to the boys. I had to admit I found them all pretty attractive. Catching them naked the night before, while they were pleasing themselves, had left an indelible mark on my mind.

We got back to the hotel by 6 pm, so everyone had an hour to freshen up before dinner. I used this time to assemble the boys in the room where I caught them jerking off the night before. There I instructed them to stay behind in the hotel after dinner while the other students and chaperones went out partying.

“Just tell the others you stayed up very late last night. Combined with the bus ride, that makes for two very short nights in a row, so people will believe you’re too tired this evening. This will give us an opportunity to talk about last night without getting disturbed. Besides, you probably won’t be the only ones calling it an early night,” I finished.

They clearly didn’t like that idea, but it was the only way to avoid anyone else figuring out I was in the boys’ room or getting interrupted. So, as long as they didn’t want anyone else to find out what they were up to the day before, they didn’t really have a choice.

Dinner went by rather uneventful, though I doubt I’d have classified anything as ‘eventful’ when compared to what I was looking forward to. As we discussed the evening plans among the teachers, I naturally volunteered to stay behind with the students that weren’t coming along. They all understood being on patrol duty the night before as a valid reason to not have any energy left.

Vince actually did get a few strange looks when he announced he wanted to call it an early night. Some of his friends tried to convince him to come with them, but he stood his ground. It became easier for him as soon as his roommates ‘decided’ to stay in the hotel as well. After a few promises that they would be going out tomorrow with the rest of them, the others left the four boys in peace.

A little after 9 pm the party people had left the building. As planned, Vince, Lars, Jeff and Casper quietly retired to their room. I was glad to see that there were only three girls of Turkish descent declining to go out as well. I knew them well enough to know they wouldn’t cause any trouble. Probably they’d stay in their room and actually call it an early night. That meant my guess had worked out: no need for actual supervision, so I could spend all my time with the four boys.

I quietly joined them in their hotel room and locked the door behind me, something they had forgotten the previous night. If everything went as planned, soon there would be five naked people in here. It would be a nightmare if anyone were to walk in on us. I tried not to think about the consequences of that as I sat down on one of the three beds.

The boys were clearly nervous. They were sitting on the other beds, glancing at each other and then at me from time to time. Their bodies were tensed and their faces expressionless, as if they were trying to keep any emotion from showing. The air in the room was heavy, as if the four boys were carrying a great burden. I actually felt sorry for them, but I still let the tension build for a moment. Probably they would be more amenable to my proposition if they were sufficiently nervous and afraid.

Eventually, I decided it was time for me to talk. “Okay,” I said, breaking the heavy silence, “now that we are all here, we can talk about last night.” The four boys immediately tensed up even more. They glanced at each other nervously, unsure of what to say or do.

“I’m willing to keep what I saw a secret and I don’t intend to punish you,” I continued. The relief on their faces was palpable, and I could see them visibly relax. I let them enjoy the release of tension and fear for just a few seconds before the sting came. “But my silence doesn’t come for free,” I said, drawing the words out slowly and deliberately.

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