Assorted Flash Fiction Writings - Cover

Assorted Flash Fiction Writings

Copyright© 2024 by Chaon

I’m Not My Brother

Writing prompt: You and your twin brother were adopted by different families. He ended up to becoming a supervillain, so every other day, while going about your business, you get beaten up by superheroes. It is time to put an end to this...

I’m sick of this. This last time it was a speedster who zoomed in out of nowhere and before I even knew he was there, he had started punching me and had caused almost lethal damage before he realised that he was attacking a normal human being instead of the super powered freak who was my twin.

The speedster, Zoomer Boy, got me to the hospital with his normal super speed and inflicted even more damage to my already severely injured body because he forgot that I am normal. “My bad” he said a week later after I was healed by a super named Saint. She at least was useful and didn’t try to attack me on sight because she already knew that I wasn’t my twin, the super villain. Her healing was the only thing that allowed me to walk out of the hospital under my own effort and not be wheeled out permanently in a wheelchair.

26 years ago two babies were born to a way too young mother and she gave them up to be adopted because she was just unable to look after two babies, or any babies, considering she was just 17 years old. She thought she was doing the best for us and I think she might have, if only a freak of meta-nature hadn’t occurred and my twin younger brother ended up with powers.

He didn’t manifest them until he turned 20 for some reason but whatever it was, it changed him.

I was adopted by a family who wanted another boy to balance out the three daughters while he was adopted by a couple who simply couldn’t have kids at all. We weren’t abused or left the orphanage or any of those story tropes, we just got adopted by different families.

And they knew about the other baby and kept in touch, so we knew we had a brother and had even met a few times a year growing up. All in all we were well balanced and happy kids growing up in loving families and did everything that kids did.

Until that week, when everything changed for him.

His powers broke out while he was asleep and he had a nightmare and he lashed out with his emerging powers and destroyed his home, his family and his state of mind.

He was never the same from that week in the hospital. Hell, he was in the mental ward under sedation as he tried to kill himself. I wasn’t allowed to see him as any time he got upset, his powers would start to manifest and destroy his room.

So he was sent to a facility that could deal with his powers and they forgot that he also needed psychological help. So they taught him how to keep control of his powers but forgot to heal his mind and as soon as he got out, he went rogue.

He was hating on himself but he couldn’t keep hurting himself because he would heal almost instantly and that just made him more depressed; so he went after people who he saw as happy families.

And that’s where I came in. After they started to find evidence of his crimes and assaults, they spread his face around and the super “heroes” started looking for him and who did they find but me?

Same face, same build, same everything except no powers.

First one to spot me was an archer. Having an arrow go straight through your right lung hurts. She was aiming for my heart but I moved. That was 1 week in the hospital and my first encounter with Saint.

Next I think was just a typical super strength chad who walked up to me in a crowd and punched me and almost tore my arm off. Saint again had to be called to heal me.

And on and on. Almost every week I will be attacked by some super looking for my brother and they will hurt me and I will end up in the hospital where Saint heals me and apologises for everything the so called heroes do.

Hell you would think by now, six years later, that they would remember he has a twin who isn’t a super but just a normie. But no, they get all excited at seeing the super villain and they attack and injure me and then suddenly remember that I exist.

If I had any powers this would be my story about why I became a super villain but I’m just a normal human who is regularly attacked by so called heroes who all forget that I exist.

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