Assorted Flash Fiction Writings - Cover

Assorted Flash Fiction Writings

Copyright© 2024 by Chaon

Don’t Give Humans Total Freedom of Choice During War

“Humans, the Council of Trevalast has called your representative here to answer for your crimes.” was the beginning of the broadcast being sent out across the settled systems of the galaxy that were tied in to the Council’s broadcast network.

Most members of the human race were surprised to find out that the Council had specifically called their representative in and that they as a species were being accused of crimes. A lot of questions were being asked on all forums and discussion groups and around the tables in the bars and rooms where people were gathered to find out what crimes and discuss if they really had done any of them.

“Humans, you stand accused of crimes against your war opponents in that you did bring weapons of mass destruction and indiscriminate usage of these weapons in your war with the Jurrila conglomerate on Hagreth II.”

At this announcement, a lot of people turned to their friends and asked what was going on because there had been no notification that they were going to deploy any weapons of mass destruction in any war, especially the little skirmish against the Jurrilan forces.

No one could work out where humans had decided to deploy any nukes, implosion bombs or planet crackers anywhere in the last 150 or so years. Hell all the human factions had agreed to stockpile them in need and only deploy them with a species wide vote in greatest need, which this Jurrilan skirmish wasn’t even close to.

The human Representative, Kelly Parker-Stokes spoke up, “Honorable Council members. I am appalled that we as a species have been called here and these serious accusations made against us when we have outlawed the use of weapons of mass destruction for over 150 years unless a species wide vote allows use of those weapons in great need. The skirmish we had against the Jurrilans was not even close to meeting the threshold of asking for a vote let alone getting permission to unleash our most deadly weapons. So I ask that you detail what weapons you accuse us of using that meet the definition of weapons of mass destruction we are alleged to have used.”

“We have examples of some of the weapons used by your forces in the war against the Jurrilans. The guards will bring in the weapons captured on Hagreth II. And then we will see how you explain how your species could ever develop and use such abominable weapons.”

A squad of Council guards started wheeling in a trolley with a bunch of shapes under a cover. Kelly was trying to get a good look at the trolley and she was confused about what was on it because nothing appeared to be large enough, the right shape or bulky enough to be a nuke or implosion bomb and there simply wasn’t enough room in the Council chambers to hold a planet cracker. So she was extremely confused about what was on the trolley.

The guards halted in the center of the chamber and the lens of the vid-system focused on the trolley as they removed the cover. Kelly was looking at her video feed and was shocked to see a couple guns, and a box of grenades. She asked one of the military advisors to focus his feed on the weapons and work out what they were and how any of them could be claimed to be a WMD.

Colonel Hargreaves-Singh had his aides verify what they were looking at and confirmed the weapons and the make and model of them. The weapons were a SMG, heavy MG and a shotgun. The grenades were a collection of shrapnel and concussion grenades along with a few smoke grenades.

“Terrans, here are the weapons that were discovered on Hagreth II and under investigations we have determined that they are all weapons of mass destruction. How do you explain usage of these weapons against the Jurrilan forces? Be warned that you risk extreme measures if you fail to explain why these weapons were used to our satisfaction.”

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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