Assorted Flash Fiction Writings - Cover

Assorted Flash Fiction Writings

Copyright© 2024 by Chaon

Human anger and spite

[Scene in a bar] Packed aliens are all consuming their favorite intoxicant while watching the broadcast on the viewer behind the bar.

Human: “Turn it up would you? We can’t hear the sound of them speaking.”

Bartender reaches up a tentacle and adjusts the volume. “Thanks”

Alien: “So Bob, that’s one of your species up there right? Facing the horde and their leader as they are ravaging over the moon of Swophena IV right?”

Bob: “Yeah. Right idiot he is but we are rooting for him to win even though we know he only has a faint chance of actually doing it.”

Alien: “So why is he doing it then? He had the chance to evacuate with the last of the troops and civilians before the horde came through the gap in those mountains. So why did he stay behind?”

Bob: “Because he knew they had to be stopped. And someone had to try and do it. If the horde and their master get to the spaceport then they will be able to get off that moon and who knows where they will go next?”

Alien: “But the fleet will be able to bombard the spaceport from orbit and prevent the horde from getting off. There’s no need for anyone to fight them and sacrifice himself for nothing.”

Bob: “Oh, he’s not doing it for nothing. He’s buying time and who knows. Maybe just maybe he will be able to win. This reminds me of an ancient Earth legend of a group of 300 warriors back in the days of spears and swords and armor, who held off a much larger enemy for days until they were betrayed and wiped out. Sure he is just alone up there but at the same time he is not alone at all. We are all with him in spirit and maybe that will be enough.”

Alien: “How can it be enough? That is one human alone against a horde of ravaging creatures and sapients who showed the horrors they can do to the twin cities of Draketh. That is why the fleet is going to bombard that spaceport and ensure they never leave the moon ever.”

Bob: “Yeah, that sounds great but when you do things like that, there is always something missed and we just can’t trust the destroyers will be able to completely destroy that port along with all the ships and the manufacturing plant. They don’t have enough missiles to ensure a 100% bombardment. So he is trying to buy time for the fleet to get it’s act together. Just another day will be enough.”

Alien: “They can do it. Oh look, there is the observers and the destroyers are launching on the space port with their full compliment of missiles. 14 of them and that will destroy everything. The horde won’t be able to escape.”

The viewer shows 14 streaks as the missiles are heading down towards the vast space port and manufacturing complex and then the bar gasps as the defensive systems around the spaceport open up and start picking off the missiles. Only 2 make it through and they do some damage to the space port.

Bob: “Shit. I was worried about that. Someone got through to the spaceport control room and activated the defensive system. Or there was already someone there for the horde, just waiting. Now this is what he was worried about. And the horde leader is about to confront him as they start coming down through the valley in the mountains. Oh this is going to be good.”

Alien: “What do you mean? The horde leader is genetically modified and has military grade implants and weapons. They can rip that human in half because he is only a miner. He doesn’t have a chance. This will be a slaughter.”

Bob: “Oh I know. But it might not be the slaughter you think it will be. And there it is. The leader is walking forward and right on time they start monologuing. What is it about these idiots that want to take over the universe and yet they can’t help talking at people who want to stop them?”

Bob: “Yeah, yadda, yadda, yadda, my destiny, glory, death, destruction ... the usual tripe they all go on about. And here is Shane’s reply ... Yeah that’s almost exactly what I thought he would say only without that part about the pincer and that orifice. Hey buddy, notice that Shane hasn’t moved from his spot he is standing. That is very important.”

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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