Assorted Flash Fiction Writings - Cover

Assorted Flash Fiction Writings

Copyright© 2024 by Chaon

Be careful of frightened humans

Writing Prompt: REMINDER: A frightened human should not, under any circumstances, be attempted to be subdued. If your human is under the effects of adrenaline, please call professionals to come handle the situation.

Alien screaming into communicator: I don’t care what it will cost. Get that team of humans here ASAP because we have a frightened human here who is tearing up the labs. They are literally tearing through walls and laughing at armored doors. We are in the deep bunker now and we can still ear the human screaming in fear and breaking things. We don’t want it to start breaking people so get them here now.

6 minutes later they hear a knock at the door. A glance at the video screen shows a couple humans in armor with weird looking weapons and a trio of security waiting. They unlocked the door and allowed it to be pushed open.

“Thank Jokret you got here so fast. We could hear the human screaming and getting closer and then it stopped about 2 minutes ago. What did you do?”

One of the humans spoke up; “Well we just hit them with a tranquilizer dart and they went to sleep. It’s safe and they will wake up with a bit of a headache when we inject them with the antidote. So what set them off?”

“I don’t know. We had just picked up an animal for our experiment and were going to put it to sleep to test out our new operating robot when the human just shouted ‘Not Mr Drinkies.’ and then started rampaging. They kept trying to get to us but we were able to escape to the bunker and place the lab on security shutdown. And then we called you.”

The two humans stood straighter in their armor and one asked in a low flat tone of voice; “And where is this animal right now?”

“Oh it’s just over there. We could do the experiment while we were running away and we need to get things all fixed anyway. Why?”

One of the humans walked over to where a small cage was on a counter and looked in. “Yeah, it’s the cat Sarge. Even got a collar on it and it looks to be called Drinkies. So the claim is confirmed.”

The other human turned to the crowd of scientists and removed their helmet. “What the hell do you think you were doing? That is not an animal to be experimented on. It is Lucy’s pet. She was scared for her pet because you were going to kill it just to test a blasted robot that could have been tested on a slab of meat from the butcher’s down the street. She was scared of what you were going to do and was operating on pure adrenaline. No wonder she was able to do so much damage. You were basically threatening her baby.”

At the mention of the word Adrenaline the scientists all shrunk back in fear. They forgot that humans all produced the battle drug naturally. And now they knew why Lucy was able to break through everything in her way.

The humans retreived the cat in it’s carrier and walked out with a parting message; ‘Never threaten a human’s pet with death. We don’t like to be told someone we love is going to be killed. And next time it may be someone much bigger than tiny Lucy.”


The source of this story is Storiesonline

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