Assorted Flash Fiction Writings - Cover

Assorted Flash Fiction Writings

Copyright© 2024 by Chaon

Human Grandmothers - Halting Alien Invasion by Feeding the Alien Shocktroopers

Babushka Latsa was cooking like usual when she heard the sound of weapons being fired. She knew the aliens had landed near her village and were pushing back the army. There had been heavy fighting and they had been ordered to leave before the aliens came to the village but she had been living here for all her life and she wasn’t going anywhere.

A crash sounded at the front door and heavy steps sounded as feet stomped towards the kitchen. She knew they were aliens as they were too heavy for humans.

Suddenly a heavy set cat like face looked in and it was followed by a tall matching body carrying a weapon in its hands and followed by a sinuous tail. No two tails. Cute.

“Wipe your feet on the mat and sit down” she said to the tall cat.

The alien stopped in it’s tracks and suddenly a crackle of sound from near it’s ears made it move. It slowly went to the mat at the back door and wiped it’s feet carefully and then sat down at the kitchen table. Two more cats walked in carefully and she told them the same thing as she turned to her stove.

“Place the weapons by the door. You are safe here. I will have some food ready in a moment. Do you like chicken stew? I have some good vegetables in it from the garden too.”

The same crackles came from the cat’s ears and they obeyed her by putting their weapons near the door in easy reach and sat down in the chairs carefully. The leader muttered something and then a voice said “What are you doing this?”

Latsa said “I always feed visitors. And I am the only one left in the village to give you food at the moment. It’s only polite.”

“But are you not scared of the fighting? Of us?”

“Yes of course I am. But I have lived here all my life. Coming up to 84 years now and I am not going to leave just because of a little war.”

At her mention of 84 years old, the three aliens shuddered and the two looked at their leader in shock.

Latsa brought over a pot filled with stew and then ordered them to pick up their bowl. As they picked them up, she started putting a healthy amount of stew in each. She then pointed at a couple loaves of bread and said “The bread there is good with the stew. I hope it is okay for you. This is all I was able to cook today since everyone left so I am sorry for not having something that might be better for you.”

The Ghaztz troopers looked down at the food and took a slight smell of it. Something in the food smelled very good to them and they started eating with hearty appetites. The bread was a hit with them as well and some water from the faucet was offered and accepted.

Latsa sat down with her meal and ate up as her visitors eventually finished their meals and then quietly talking to each other.

When Latsa finished, the three troopers stood, then knelt down, and bowed their heads to Latsa.

“Elder, you have offered us food from your own hands. You gave us honor by not showing fear when we came to you. You treated us like cubs and yet honored us with eating with us. You are now family to Clan Kolhtech. Will others like you do the same if other clan troopers approach them?”

Latsa was shocked at this speech. “Yes of course. Us grandmothers are always happy to feed the young ones when they visit. Are there a lot of young ones in your forces?”

“Yes. There are a lot of young ones. Are there a lot of Grandmothers in your villages?”

“Yes. I will have to let my friends know about this. Will this help everyone?”

“Yes. We need elders as we have lost a lot of ours over the years of travel. We must let our cousins know what to watch for to protect the Grandmothers.”

Latsa was happy. She wouldn’t have to get the grenades from her cupboard then. She picked up her phone and started to send out messages on social media, letting her friends know what to do and to pass it along. These Ghaztz might not be as bad as they thought and they might be brought over as friends rather than wiped out.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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