Assorted Flash Fiction Writings - Cover

Assorted Flash Fiction Writings

Copyright© 2024 by Chaon

Everybody has a limit, do not mistake the lack of immediate action for forgiveness

Humanity, or the Terrans, were seen as a passive species by the vast majority of known species in the galactic conclave. They would rather talk a problem out and reach a bargain than fight.

Even when conflicts arise, they would try to talk it over and get an agreement to stop the fighting than escalate the conflict and win through combat alone.

This is why they were seen as a passive species by so many, even when in those small conflicts, more of the attackers ended up dead or injured, than any Terran fighters.

This was until the massacre of Pollux station. An attack on a civilian retirement and tourism hub from a sneak attack by a fleet of Grandaruan warriors looking for a new planet to set up their training pools.

Thirty seven million civilians killed on the station and the planet below by a species who gave no warning of wanting the planet nor of trying to negotiate with the Terrans.

After the news of the atrocities that occurred on the planet and station was broadcast through the galaxy news services, all Terrans seemed to stop then leave where they were living and headed to Sol.

The Grandaruan species all laughed at the Terrans running away and a lot of others laughed with them. The Terrans were scared and too shocked to try and bargain with a warrior species was heard all across the galaxy.

Five years later, not a single Terran was found outside their space and they were considered a joke, soon to be forgotten. But there were strange rumors going around of space craft vanishing if they tried entering Terran space. Not just trying to get to a Terran planet or system, but just crossing into the volume of space they said was theirs.

A collection of species, including the Grandaruans, were now talking about sending fleets in to absorb certain systems that belonged to the Terrans, because obviously they no longer needed them. Typical warrior arrogance.

They sent their fleets off to various star systems owned by the Terrans expecting a quick little massacre and possession of valuable systems in a short time.

These fleets vanished without a trace. No communications or wreckage, they just vanished.

But this shock had no time to do more than worry a few admirals and leaders, because at almost the same time, various systems belonging to the aggressors, went silent. And the numbers kept climbing by the day.

Fleets, squadrons and single scouts were being sent out to try and find out what was happening but they vanished just as silently.

Within a month, the various species had lost more than 1/3 of their known star systems to the silence. No communications was coming from their planets, colonies, stations or ships in the systems. No ship or fleet sent to investigate replied or communicated again. They all just vanished.

Finally after two and a half months, a message came from the Conclave calling the affected species to a meeting.

With fully 2/3’s of their empires missing, and 85% on average of their fleets gone and with other ‘hungry’ species looking at their remaining systems like a plump fruit, they sent their remains leaders to the meeting.

The Conclave was filled to the brim with all known members and onlookers, all looking at the group of leaders in the witness zone.

The Conclave speaker started speaking to all; “You have been summoned here to answer for your crimes Granaruan, along with your fellows who were going to compound those crimes. The Terrans issued an ultimatum that we are going to obey because to do otherwise will subject our species to the punishment they have inflicted on you.”

At this announcement, the leaders started to speak but were overwhelmed by a shout from a hidden figure close to the witness zone.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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