Assorted Flash Fiction Writings - Cover

Assorted Flash Fiction Writings

Copyright© 2024 by Chaon

Aliens Tricking Humans Into Marriage Rituals, Even Making Up Rituals Because of This Reason

Chatril checked her shopping bag for the twentieth time as she waited for the lights to turn and she could safely cross the road to get to their home. She was still nervous about what she was going to do but Shaun was worth it and her extended family had agreed that she should do it to bring him into the ‘Staphow pack’.

She didn’t really follow the ancient traditions of packs and leading couples but at times like now, she really understood why their ancient leaders had written the Laws and Rules of Family.

The lights turned and she hurried across and then up the stairs to the door to their 1st floor apartment. Home. This had been their residence for the last seven months together. And for the two years before that, she had been slowly getting close to Shaun in class and then in their workplace and working on him to move in together.

She had to chase off a few other females who got a little too close to Shaun but they were not serious threats and eventually Shaun had invited her to move in with him, ‘to save on money’. Yeah right. He didn’t understand that she had been subtly encouraging him to see her as ‘his’ all these years and now that they were together in their home, she had spent a lot of time setting things up with her family and organising things for this night.

She unpacked her bag and set out all the food items and the drink mixture she had spent so long trying to find, but now she had to get busy making the meal and setting things up. Shaun would be home in a couple hours and she had to get it all right so he wouldn’t suspect.

Just a few minutes past 2 hours later, Shaun put his key in the front door and let himself in. “Chatril, I’m home. Did you have a good day relaxing while I spent time working in the mines?” he called out with a laugh.

“Yes, I did Shaun. Drop your stuff at the door and have a shower to get the stink of the mines off you, okay?” Chatril called back in return laughing along with him. Secretly she was happy he was setting himself up for the ceremony.

Ten minutes later Shaun walked into the loungeroom and found that Chatril had set up a meal on a low table, removed all the chairs and placed cushions down for them to eat on the floor. The lighting was slightly turned down and Shaun glanced around, noticing that she had also placed a large jug of a drink to the side for them.

Chatril walked in and Shaun whistled at her outfit. It wasn’t skimpy or sexy, but a formfitting outfit on a woman like Chatril is always going to look fantastic. “Sit down there Shaun.” she said in a sultry voice and after he did so she gracefully sat herself.

She poured them both a drink and uncovered the plates on the table. “Here is my prey I hunted today Shaun. I cooked it afterwards and now serve it to you.” was said in a voice with subtle undertones that Shaun didn’t quite understand, but he knew that trying to make a joke would be wrong, so he simply said “I thank you Chatril for your successful hunt.”

Chatril smiled at him and motioned for them both to start eating. As they ate and drank the meal and drinks set out, Shaun was glancing at Chatril and admiring her look. She had done subtle work on the fine fur on her arms and her long fur on her head flowed down to her shoulders and into the short, fine fur of her back that he loved to caress so much. He noticed she had a few small coins and bells woven into her fur on the sides of her head and they sent small chimes into the air as she moved.

Finally the meal was finished and Chatril asked “Did you enjoy my meal Shaun? Would you love to continue to eat further hunts?”

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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