Assorted Flash Fiction Writings - Cover

Assorted Flash Fiction Writings

Copyright© 2024 by Chaon

Humans were quarantined because they were a warrior race

Fleet Admiral Kaalor’thez was sitting listening to the latest reports from the months long investigation into a new species discovered 2 years ago. The reports were frankly terrifying to him and he was wondering what his report back to the council would do.

As the last speaker finished their report, Kaalor’thez thought back on their orders to investigate the military potential of this species.

They had been given a bare bones report on their history and what the scientists had discovered about their growth as a species from diverging from their animals ancestors to their current situation of being very close to leaving their planet and entering the wider galaxy.

A persistence predator species with an omnivore diet was not exactly common in the galaxy, but something in this species made it so much more. Kaalor’thez had a momentary thought that it might be the fact that they were never a predator species at all but had developed into it.

He shook his head to get rid of extraneous thoughts and got back to work.

[1 year ago]

The fleet admiral received orders to form up an investigation fleet based on a moving space station equipped with massive computer systems and equipment capable of copying billions of minds and running simulations to determine how a species would react to various scenarios based on the military intervention on their planet.

The Saaarth Council had developed this technology to reduce military losses upon discovery of new species and deciding how to introduce the council to the new species. Do they introduce themselves as friends, or will they need to be subdued.

The supporting fleet units were a mixture of defensive units from dreadnoughts down to frigates, support freighters and manufacturing ships, entertainment vessels and even garbage collectors. Thousands of ships and a vast space station and all focused on a single species.

[8 months ago]

The fleet had arrived into the target species’ system and had taken up position behind the largest planet to hide as much as possible from detection by the natives. This planet was also a good source of fuel and other volatiles required by the vessels in the fleet. A nearby asteroid field further in system, was a source of metals and other materials they might need over the course of their investigation.

Scanning ships were sent in under full ECM to do flybys of the native planet and collect copies of tens of millions of their minds for the experiments. They were collecting these mind copies from all sections of the planet and covering as many different social groups or countries as the natives described them.

The differences in the various groups was not strange as they had seen many different species with the same fractures and groupings, and that is why they always copied minds from as many groups as possible, not just the most technologically advanced ones.

[6 months ago]

Fleet Admiral Kaalor’thez was notified that the collection of minds had been completed with 438,627,229 minds copied and uploaded into the stations’ computer systems and sorted into the various social groups and ready for experimentation.

Kaalor’thez gave the order for the various experiments to be started and he knew that it could take weeks to months to get results that could be trusted to determine the danger level of this species.

[1 week ago]

Kaalor’thez entered the meeting room and sat down at the command chair. He waited until everyone had found their seats and finished organising their reports before announcing the start of the meeting.

“Very well people. I was notified that we have verified reports on the investigations carried out on these Humans and that your conclusions have been accepted by the full team of researchers. We will start with the data from the current levels of this species and then start working backwards. Is that okay with everyone?”

Getting a series of agreements, Kaalor’thez pointed at the lead researcher to start.

“Admiral, we took ten million minds from social groups across their planet and data on their current level of military might and domestic access to weapons. We then ran scenarios of how they would react to an invasion of their planet in the associated social group areas.”

“There is quite a lot of inequality between the top and bottom of the groups regarding military might but even some of the lowest groups still had access to quite a lot of weapons that could do damage to our troops. We didn’t find many groups that didn’t have any access to any military weapons at all. Those were to be considered outliers and ignored at this stage.”

“Since this species doesn’t have any space worthy vessels, we didn’t worry about any space or orbital combat with our ships. They do have a range of missiles, a really surprising number of them actually, that could pose a threat to our orbiting vessels and any invasion force would have to be constantly scanning for launches and take appropriate action. If any of our vessels were struck by one of their missiles we could lose that vessel completely, so that danger is classed as extreme.”

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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