Assorted Flash Fiction Writings - Cover

Assorted Flash Fiction Writings

Copyright© 2024 by Chaon

Some human soldiers will occasionally throw themselves at an opponent while knowing they have no chance at defeating said oppone

The platoon of marines, or what remained of them, were stunned as they heard the final clank of the airlock as it released their ship from the pirate frigate that had found them and had clamped on.

The marines were still coming down from their battle highs after the intense fighting they had been involved in trying to defeat the pirate boarding parties that had overwhelmed the waiting squad at the airlock and started to spread through the ship.

[Moments before]

It was only by sheer guts and a hell of a lot of luck, that the defenders had been able to force their way to the airlock and cut down the pirates coming through at that moment. They were trying to close the airlock but the pirate ship had a local override running and unless that was shut down, it would stay open and allow more pirates to flood into their ship.

The 14 marines were looking at each other and trying to decide what their next move would be when a human marine suddenly stood up and ordered them to hunt down any pirates remaining in the ship and that they would take care of the enemy ship.

Before anyone else could react, they jumped into the airlock and started moving through the boarding tube clamped on. As they reached the far end, the squad heard a burst of fire and an explosion then the airlock started to close.

Now they started to shout for their marine buddy to get back but a shout was muffled by the close of the two airlock doors and then the detachment of the boarding tube in the emergency protocol for separating ships.

So now here they were still stunned by what had just happened and trying to work out what they should do when a battle message pinged on all their suits.

‘Okay guys. I am still here and I will be dealing with these pests, so you are to clear the ship and I will be back for dinner. Semper Fi.’

At the closing phrase registered, a growl started to be heard and then “SEMPER FI” echoed from the walls of the ship as marines all over the ship read the message and understood what they were doing.

As the platoon started to fan out in fire teams to clear the ship, they heard renewed firing echoing through the ship and the screams of pirates dying. They were not going to let down their buddy who was going to be back as soon as they dealt with the pests on the pirate frigate.

A sudden bright light and shudder was seen and felt from close by the ship and the marines growled again but low and even more menacing than before.

The remaining pirates did not have a good time and didn’t last long after that.

There was a place of honor at dinner that night as another marine was announced on a long range scouting mission.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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