Assorted Flash Fiction Writings - Cover

Assorted Flash Fiction Writings

Copyright© 2024 by Chaon

That’s not a death world. This is a death world Meeting other death worlders always ends up with a competition

It was a grimy saloon in the area just outside the spaceport and many travelers and crew would drop in for an intoxicant, food or just to pass time waiting for their next lift off. The attraction was cheap drinks, decent food and the plethora of deathworlders who all ended up at Class 14.

No matter what time of day or night it was, there would always be a collection of deathworlders drinking, eating or just chatting away with a scattering of interested parties watching on and satisfying their curiosity about the various deathworlders who would pass through.

This night, there was a discussion going on between a Drell, a Shabreth and a Grasth, about which one of their home planets was the worst deathworld and would kill anyone who visited without adequate protection and knowledge.

The Drell was going on about how their home planet was the worst and most dangerous because it would have earthquakes that would strike without warning and bring down buildings not constructed to sufficient safety protocols. The quakes would happen two or even three times a year and unfortunately kill dozens of Drell even with the best protections.

The Grasth said that the Drell planet was bad but the Grasth home planet was worse. They had giant storms that would form over their oceans and build in power and then travel hundreds of miles striking any settlement in it’s path and destroying structures, flooding the land and killing or injuring hundreds every year. They would see 5-6 of these storms build up every year and causing damage that would be dozens of miles wide when it hit land.

The surrounding listeners shuddered to hear of these storms and the Drell nodded that it was a very dangerous planet too. But not quite as deadly as it’s own, because you could escape from a storm.

The Shabreth listened and then spoke up. Your homes are bad but our home planet is much worse. We have twin disasters that happen. In our vast forests we see huge fires that happen and last for days and burning through hundreds of hectares of life giving forest. We can’t defend against it so we can only run away from them but too many fail to get away. Hundreds are killed each year from the fires.

Everyone shuddered at this story. But the Shabreth wasn’t finished. The other disaster we have is in our vast glittering deserts where the winds blow for days at a time, we see vast sand storms build up and drive high and wide walls of sand for hundreds of kilometers and they can dump meters of sand on the structures and land they cover in their driving song.

Everyone shuddered at the stories of these three deathworlders. Most listeners couldn’t think of living on a planet that was so set on trying to kill the people who lived there.

As people were discussing which planet was worse, someone from a corner muttered something in a drunken tome and the people around him went quiet. The three at the table all looked over at the figure and all they could see was a large figure slouched in the shadow of the corner.

“What did you say stranger?” the Drell asked.

The stranger sat up slowly and then muttered “Amateurs.”

he three looked at each other and then at the corner where the stranger was sitting and the Shabreth stood up and said “What do you mean? Our planets have killed tens of thousands of our planet over the last decade. That makes our planets some of the most deadly deathworlds known.”

The stranger sat up fully at this and then stood up and came into the light and everyone was shocked. The stranger was a human. The only known race to come from a level 15 deathworld.

“I called you amateurs because what you are describing a normal day on Earth. We have earthquakes that destroy complete cities and kill thousands or tens of thousands. And we see thousands of earthquakes every year. We have hurricanes and cyclones that are hundreds of kilometers wide that kill hundreds to thousands or more and we see dozens of them a year. Our wild fires burn and destroy thousand of square kilometers of forests and land and can destroy towns and villages. We lose thousands to them as well and tens of thousands of fires of all sizes every year. Our deserts have storms that carrying millions of tons of sand for thousands of kilometers. We have tsunamis of dozens of meters tall that can wipe away cities and villages and kill tens of thousands.”

“Your worlds are deadly but our world is the deadliest known world found so far. And we are looking for a world that is livable but classed as level 16. We will find it one day and we will tame it.”

“That is why you are amateurs. You haven’t tried to tame your worlds yet.”


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