Assorted Flash Fiction Writings - Cover

Assorted Flash Fiction Writings

Copyright© 2024 by Chaon

Ever since Humanity entered Galactic Society the term Uppies has been infectious and popular among children

Drallity was walking through the station in boredom and looking for some friends to play with. Her parents were busy and the vid didn’t have anything on that was interesting, so she decided to walk down to the hub and see if any of her friends were also bored and maybe they could think of something, anything, to do to get rid of the boredom.

As she walked into the hub, she started to hear squeals, grunts and shouts of laughter coming from a section of the hub that had a large crowd all looking at something. It sounded interesting so she wandered over and was working her way through all the adults looking at what was in the center.

When she got to the front of the crowd she saw an amazing sight of a bunch of other kids surrounding a tall, imposing figure of an alien that she hadn’t seen before. It was almost twice as tall as the adults and that made it three times her height. And as she looked on, she noticed it would bend down and pick up one of the smaller younglings that were crowded around it’s legs.

As they picked up the younglings, she heard the squeals and laughter she heard before and she realised that it looked like a wonderful thing to happen.

As the larger alien put the latest youngling down, the small ones around it started chanting “Uppies, Uppies” until it selected one and gently grasped them in it’s large paws and raised it up over it’s head and waved it around for a couple seconds and then put it down again and patted it on the head as it let go and turned to another youngling calling for the ‘Uppies’.

She noticed a couple of her friends to the side so she sidled over and quietly asked “Hey, what is that? And what is it doing?”

“Oh hi Drallity. That is called a Human. They just arrived on the station a couple rotations ago and was wandering around looking at things when a young Greth fell over in panic due to it’s size. It gently picked up the Greth and soothed it until it’s dam came out to see what happened. The Human apologized and handed the Grethh youngling to it’s dam and it laughed at being so high. The Greth dam was shocked to hear it’s youngling laugh and it asked to be picked up again. The Human did so and more younglings started coming over for being lifted up and they were told it is a game called Uppies in the Humans language.”

Drallity was no longer as bored as she was before as she spent half an hour watching the Human play with the assorted younglings of the station. Eventually the Human plead tiredness and told the remaining younglings that they would be on station for a few more weeks and they would play again, but now they had to go home and rest.

Drallity saw that soime of the younglings were sad at the loss of their new playmate but she had a thought. She turned to Kelvor and whispered “How about we give some fo the younglings Uppies ourselves? We aren’t as tall as the Human but we can lift the younglings up for a bit. Do you think they will enjoy it with us?”

Kelvor was shocked to hear this but was happy to try and defeat their boredom too. “Sure, lets do it.”

Drallity called out “Younglings, we may not be as tall as your big playmate, but if you want Uppies we would be happy to play with you.”

The crowd of younglings looked at each other and then suddenly Drallity, Kelvor and the rest of the larger teens were swarmed by the younglings all calling for Uppies.

The Human was still standing there and they called out “Okay kids, the most important thing to remember with Uppies is to be safe and make sure the younglings are safe and happy. Don’t let any of them get hurt okay?”

“Yes.” Drallity and the rest called out and started to lift up the younglings around them.

At this, a new game was introduced to the station and spread. The older teens were happy to have their boredom defeated and the younglings had new friends to play with. The attitude of the station was happier and the Human was happy to find that they were accepted by most beings on the station due to their care and gentleness with the younglings.

Future Humans found a much happier station when they arrived and their surprise to hear and see the younglings playing Uppies was always a bit of a shock.


The source of this story is Storiesonline

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