Assorted Flash Fiction Writings - Cover

Assorted Flash Fiction Writings

Copyright© 2024 by Chaon

Humanity’s allies are familiar with the terrans’ tales of Knights in Shining Armor

The battles on this rocky, desolate planet were not going too well, thought Third-General Harell. Sure they were holding off the enemy forces but they weren’t able to advance and casualties were way too high.

He had put in a request to his human allies on his left flank and the message they sent back was a bit confusing and Harell wondered why they would be sending ancient military forces. And where did they get knights all the way out here on the frontier of the war front anyway?

A renewed enemy attack took his mind off the absurdities of the humans for a while and he was very busy issuing orders to reinforce positions under heavy attack or trying to get the supplies where they needed to be. His troops were very good but as the commanding officer for this flank, he had to keep the big picture in mind and not get tied down with minutiae.

The enemy fell back to lick their wounds, almost literally in some cases, and the Third-General took time to communicate with his officers up and down the line, working out who needed reinforcements, who needed more medical help, who needed supplies and where the enemy may be massing to try and break through on their next attack.

A com-tech called out that the humans messaged their knights would be coming up behind their lines in 13 ghents, so that would be something though the Third-General didn’t know how or where to ask the humans to deploy their mounted knights. ‘Maybe they could harass the enemy when they withdraw after their next attack and use their speed to dart in and out without being bogged down in a skirmish.’

As spotters called out that the enemy was starting to mass for their next attack, a trooper came running in crying about something about the humans coming over the ridge behind the lines and whatever the troop was tryign to say was being lost in his babbling. Third-General Harell knew he would have to deal with the humans himself and walked out of his command bunker to deal with it all. What a hassle.

As he walked out of the well lit bunker, he walked into shade and his first thought was that the weather had changed suddenly and it was cloudy and maybe they would get rain. ‘Just perfect.’ Harell thought to himself before coming to a shocked stop and starting to look up.

Standing in front of his bunker was a massive machine shaped like a human. But a human at least 50 meters tall as the humans measured things. It was not just tall, but heavily armored and had a faint glow indicating energy shields were present. It didn’t have a lot of weapons but those it did have looked to be bigger than the main weapons on the heaviest armored vehicles currently in service with the Athren military. Hell that one weapon on the shoulder looked to be as big as a weapon on a frigate.

As Harell looked left and right, he saw dozens of these massive war-machines lined up behind the defenses and multiple humans scurrying around their feet and even on top of them.

“Greetings Third-General Harell.” A human commander said while walking towards Harell. “They are fantastic looking babies aren’t they? We just got these models last week and today will be the first time we will get to use them in combat settings as the techs were not quite happy with some of the sealing of the joints. Blasted dust is behind the delay.”

Harell couldn’t say anything for a moment as the shock was still going through his system but eventually he asked “What do you need from us commander?”

“When the enemy starts their next attack, we will be ready so I want your troops to open lanes through their lines so we don’t accidentally step on anyone and then you can advance in our wake to ensure we don’t get flanked. These babies are great but a couple hits to the back can still hurt us as we can’t see them coming and brace for the impact.”

“That will be perfectly fine Commander. We will be ready. But I thought you were sending mounted knights? That’s what the communications said.”

“Hahahahaha. Yeah we are sorry about that miscommunications. These are our new Knights. We did ride horses into battles over a thousand years ago and then we rode inside armored vehicles into battle and we even had armored suits we used and they were all knights in one form or another. These are just the latest versions and using all the knowledge we have from history.”

“Ah, thank you Commander. And there is the message that the enemy is coming so we had better all get ready for the battle. Good luck Commander.”

“Thank you Third-General, we will have fun today.” “Okay Knights, get into your Mechs and lets show them how the Knights of Terra wage war.”


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