Ashley’s Awakening - Cover

Ashley’s Awakening

Copyright© 2024 by ghostwritten

Chapter 4

Young Adult Sex Story: Chapter 4 - A teen girl spends all her money shopping and forgets to save some for the ride back. She gets help from two photographers who offer her a way to earn some cash.

Caution: This Young Adult Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/ft   ft/ft   Mult   Consensual   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Group Sex   Anal Sex   Cream Pie   Double Penetration   First   Facial   Oral Sex   Petting   Sex Toys   Squirting   Small Breasts  

(Prom Partying)

Ashley and Nikki grew closer from their experience that weekend. It wouldn’t be something they’d do often, just when the need arose, but it deepened their love and connection. It was also nice for Ashley to have someone to share her secret with, someone she trusted.

As the school year moved on, it was suddenly the weekend of the State Finals. Ashley and the rest of the team were on edge, nervous about how they would perform. As a senior, this was her last chance to win State, and compete in the Nationals. It was her dream to win this for the school before graduating.

She had mentioned to Rick and Scott about State in a couple of texts, but they were really busy lately. They just came back from a fashion shoot in Hawaii for a high-end clothing line earlier this week. She had filed the trip expense forms herself when they returned. She was still unofficially working for them when she could. They offered to pay her, but she declined. Her parents had access to her bank accounts so any online deposits would be spotted. She didn’t get to see them, so cash payments were also out of the question. Heck, she still had the cash they gave her hidden in her room. She only used it sparingly to buy smaller things she wanted.

The competition was to be held at a college stadium in the city. When they arrived, they all disembarked and headed for the locker rooms. There were teams from all over the State, so space was at a minimum. Ashley found a small corner and changed into her uniform, Nikki was close by, trying not to be trampled. As each school performed, the room got emptier which only raised the anxiety levels of those remaining. Finally, they were on deck.

The team piled up in the tunnel waiting to be called, excitement high and fear in overdrive. Over the loudspeaker, they were introduced. They ran out jumping and flipping towards their starting positions. Ashley found her mark and got set, but out of the corner of her eye she saw a couple of familiar faces. It was Rick and Scott, mixed in amongst the media reporters. She didn’t know how they managed that and didn’t have a chance to think about it. The music started.

The routine took over, she had it all memorized without even thinking about it. She jumped, flipped, and kicked, spreading her legs towards the guys as much as possible. When she could, she made sure to smile wide in the direction of the photographer pool. She even landed cleanly from her throw into a backflip. The music stopped and cheers erupted. Ashley performed as well as she possibly could have. The media folks called everyone over, they asked questions and names to put with pictures for local papers and web articles. Rick and Scott approached and pretended to ask her questions while subtly telling her how amazing she did. It took a lot not to hug them both, but it was time for the next school to perform so they had to clear out. Unfortunately, Ashley’s school only got second place. They missed out on Nationals. Ashley was disappointed but they all did their best.

The end of cheerleader also meant school was nearly done. Ashley still hadn’t chosen a college yet, which angered her parents. They wanted her to go to their Alma Mater in town for Law School, Ashley was still trying to convince them she wanted to go to business school. They were still controlling her life; she was to live at home until she graduated Law School otherwise, they weren’t going to provide any assistance. She was on of the best students in school with the highest GPA and that wasn’t enough for them.

They even refused to let her go to prom with a date. She had been asked by several of the popular boys but had to turn them down. She only ended up being allowed to go at all was by going stag with Nikki. They could go but had to be back at either Nikki’s or their home by 10:00pm and the call to confirm it. It was the best she was going to get so she agreed. Nikki didn’t mind either because, while she was asked, it was usually some loser thinking she’d be an easy date.

They went out the weekend before and bought nice gowns, Ashley used some of her cash to pay for it. They booked their hair, nail, and make-up appointments for the day of prom. If they couldn’t stay for long, they’d at least make an impression, even without dates. Then they would go back to Nikki’s for the night, probably mess around. She wouldn’t get laid, but it was the next best thing.

Three days before prom, Nikki’s parents decided to go away for that weekend to visit family. Ashley, now being the rebellious one, didn’t tell her parents of this change. She wasn’t sure what they would do, they let them stay together alone before. They seemed to trust Nikki more than their own daughter. Ashley thought this might be a perfect time to visit the guys and get laid after all. All she had to do was convince Nikki.

“Nikki, I know we were supposed to go to prom together, and we’ll still do that. But this is my chance to hook up with the guys again for a whole night. Please cover for me.” She begged.

“But Ash, I thought after prom we would ... you know, do some stuff.”

“I know, and I’ll make it up to you. I swear, whatever you want.”

“Whatever I want, eh?” Nikki smirked, a wicked grin, “Ok, deal. But whatever I want. No questions asked.”

“Creepy, but agreed; thanks, Nik.”

Ashley called Scott right away, telling him that she was going to be over after 9:00 on Saturday and stay the whole night. She’d be coming from prom and to be ready. They organized their plans; Ashley was going to call them first before she came over and then taxi over in her gown. They would have something for her to change into when she left the next day. Ashley was even more excited for prom now. What she didn’t know was that the guys were hatching a plan of their own.

The big day finally came, and it was off to all their appointments. Ashley even booked a waxing that morning so she would be extra smooth on her legs and pubic region. This was going to be a special night after all. Hair, make-up, and nails were all done by 2:00pm, plus Ashley’s extra stop. Nikki watched Ashley get hot wax poured on her then ripped off. That was not something for her, shaving worked just fine.

It was then back to Ashley’s to put on the gowns and pictures from her parents. When Ashley’s Mom asked about stopping off so Nikki’s family could get some shots too, they quickly responded that they would do that when they got home after prom. Ashley had already left a bag of clothes and supplies at Nikki’s for the next day. So far, everything was going well.

The celebration was at a golf course a couple miles away. It started at 6:00, but the girls didn’t want to be the first ones there, so they arrived closer to 7:00. Ashley’s Mom dropped them off and said to have fun but reminded them of the 10:00pm curfew. The two girls said goodbye and headed inside. It was a Hollywood theme, so there was a photo stand, and cardboard standees of photographers lining the entrance. Inside it was nice, monitors with famous people on them, music from famous films, and fancy, non-alcoholic drinks.

The girls mingled and talked to friends from the cheer team, some boys asked Ashley to dance to the anger of their dates. Nikki stood back and watched the scene, a boy she didn’t know asked her to dance which she accepted. It was a fun night, but Ashley knew the best was yet to come. At 8:30 she found Nikki and told her she was going to call Scott and let him know she was on her way. Nikki went with her; they stopped in the entrance way and Ashley made the call.

“Hey Scott, I’m just going to call a cab and I’ll be right there.” She said.

“No need, your chariot awaits. Just step outside.” He replied, in a British accent. Ashley walked outside to see a large black limousine outside, the driver holding a sign with “Ashley Thompson” on it.

“You can’t be serious!” she shrieked.

“It is prom, only the best for our date. Now hop in, the driver will take you here. See you soon.” He hung up the phone.

“I can’t believe they did this,” Ashley said to Nikki.

“That’s amazing, they must really like you.”

Ashley approached the driver, “I’m Ashley Thompson.”

“Ah, very good. Welcome madam. After you.” The driver opened the door for her. She got partway in.

“Thank you, sir. Nikki, I’ll see you tomorrow. Thanks again.”

“Where do you think you’re going without me? You are my date and I’m coming with you.” Nikki then climbed over Ashley into the car.

“You’re what? Are you crazy?”

“You promised me anything I wanted, and I want to go with you tonight. No questions asked.” Ashley looked dejected. She made that deal, and she didn’t see a way out of it. She’d be in trouble either way.

“Fine, you can come too. Let’s go driver.”

The driver closed the door and started the car, and they headed toward the studio, Ashley nervous about what Rick and Scott would say when she shows up with a tag-along. Nikki and Ashley didn’t speak the entire drive. Ashley wondered what her plan was here. Was she trying to stop her from having fun? No, she was going to have sex tonight. She decided she didn’t care if Nikki watched the whole thing.

When they reached their destination, the driver opened the door and helped them out of the car. They approached the entrance and found a note that read:

“Ashley, we’ll buzz you in. Please go to the main studio” – Rick and Scott.

What the hell were these two up to now? Ashley buzzed the door, and she heard it unlock. They both entered but everything was pitched black except a small trail of white flower petals illuminated by black lights. The trail twisted and turned around black curtains. Ashley and Nikki held hands as they walked, a little scared of what was going on. Finally, they were at the end of the trail. A glowing rope looked like it should be pulled. A little yank and it opened to reveal the studio covered in candles, a mirror ball, drinks, and Rick and Scott standing together in tuxedos standing under a banner “Happy Prom Ashley”.

Ashley nearly cried; she had to fight against it so it wouldn’t ruin her makeup. This was the most amazing thing anyone had ever done for her. She ran over and hugged them.

“I hope you like it,” said Scott, kissing her head.

“I love it, thank you!”

“Oops, and we have another visitor. Hello, miss, I am Rick, and this is Scott. Welcome.”

“Hello.” Nikki said nervously.

“Sorry guys, this is Nikki, my best friend who decided to come along for some reason.”

“Well, any friend of Ashley is welcome here,” said Scott, “Let’s get some pictures of you two in dressed like movie stars. You both look incredible.”

Out came the cameras, Ashley was pretty used to this by now and just started posing and trying to look elegant in her gown. Nikki was a little lost, but just started copying Ashley and trying to follow the instructions called to her by the two cameramen. It was a lot; she did see how well Ashley took to it though and how she seemed to enjoy it. The moment was interrupted by Ashley’s Mom checking in on them. It must be after 10:00pm. Ashley said they were back at Nikki’s and were working on removing all the fancy clothing. Her mom then asked to speak to Nikki, who confirmed the tale. Once she hung up, they knew they were free for the night.

As the photo session wrapped up, Rick put on some music and offered the ladies some drinks. They pulled out a bottle of champagne, popped the top, and poured it into some flutes.

“Let’s toast! To beauty and wonderful friends, old and new.” Rick said eloquently.

The four raised their glasses and took a drink. It was the first time either girl had tried champagne. It tickled their noses and lightened their heads. They cheered some more and had another glass. Rick asked Ashley to dance, while Scott took Nikki’s hand. They each held each other close on the dance floor. Ashley reached up and pulled Rick’s mouth down for a kiss. Rick, remembering there was someone new there stopped after a few seconds.

“Ashley, we can’t. Your friend will find out.”

“Don’t worry, she already knows. I showed her everything,” pulling him back down for a deep soulful kiss.

Scott overheard this and asked Nikki, “You know everything? Really?”

“Yeah, Ashley came clean with me. I saw the pictures and watched the videos.”

Breaking away from Rick’s mouth, Ashley asked “Yeah, she knows. What I don’t know is why she’s here. She knew what I was planning on doing but came anyway. Why?”

“Isn’t it obvious? I want to join in today. It is prom after all, I want to learn like Ash did.”

“Are you serious? Is she serious?” Rick asked, dumbfounded.

“I am. Ashley please help teach me.” Nikki pouted, Ashley walked forward and hugged her friend.

“If you’re sure, then we need to get out of these dresses, so they don’t get ruined.”

Rick and Scott were immediately aroused and looked for some dress hangers. Unfortunately for the guys, the dresses were too cumbersome for a striptease act. The girls just unzipped, unhooked, and unfastened each other until they were able to remove the constricting clothing. Ashley was standing in just a pair of pink panties and breast tape, while Nikki was in white panties and a matching bra. Ashley walked behind Nikki, running her hands over her shoulders, down her arms and over her small breasts before moving to the front to undo the clasp, pulling the bra open. Ashley then kept her hands on the girl, moving her fingers down to the waistband of her panties and slowly pulled them down to her feet. Nikki was now on display to two strangers. They could see her tiny A-cup titties, topped with tiny pink nipples and her fiery red bush contrasted sharply against her pale white skin. Ashley had her do a slow spin to show off everything she had to offer.

“You’re beautiful Nikki, simply stunning,” said Scott, eyeing her young form.

“Indeed Scott, you are a very sexy young woman,” added Rick. He wanted to get his camera but didn’t think Nikki would be comfortable with that.

Ashley moved in front of Nikki, guiding her hands to her breasts to remove the tape sections. Nikki got the idea and then crouched down to pull off Ashley’s panties. Showing her freshly waxed pussy. Both girls were very turned on from exposing each other. It was now time for Nikki’s first lesson. Ashley called over Scott and Rick.

“Take off your clothes.” She didn’t need to tell them twice, and they stripped quickly.

Once they were naked, Ashley knelt down in front of Scott and motioned for Nikki to join her. Both men had huge erections which scared the small, inexperienced girl. She was now second guessing her decision.

“I’m going to show you how to give a blow job. Guys love it!” Ashley said, she traced her finger along his length, from the tip of the head, down his shaft, and to his balls. She loved gently teasing her guys.

“Ok, so get in real close Nik, and watch.” Ashley proceeded to kiss the tip of Scott’s dick, her tongue flicking out over the hole in the tip. She then opened her mouth and let it slide in, closing her lips and making a seal. She moved her head up and down, pumping the cock with her mouth a couple of times. Nikki couldn’t believe she was able to take that much in her mouth without gagging. Ashley then pulled back, letting it out of her mouth. With the amount of suction she had, it made an audible popping sound before bobbing around in front of her face.

“Now you try.” Nikki moved forward, looking at the first real cock in her young life. It was inches from her face now. She examined it. It was hard, long, and veiny. It had a mushroomy head and was covered with the saliva of her friend. While she was scared, she had already committed to this, so she brought her head closer, stuck out her tongue, and touched it against the head of the cock.

It tasted a little salty and also like Ashley. She closed her eyes, took a deep breath, and slid her mouth onto Scott’s pole. She got it just over halfway into her mouth before she had to pull back, gagging.

“Don’t try to force it, just take as much as you can comfortably,” Ashley said, “try again, and just relax your mouth. Hold on.” She waved Rick over in front of her. “See, like this.” She now took Rick into her mouth, demonstrating for her.

“Ok, I’ll try again. I’ll get this.” Nikki tried again, this time taking a bit less in her mouth. She sealed it up and started bobbing her head back and forth like her friend next to her.

“You’re doing great Nikki, it feels wonderful,” said Scott, encouraging her. She could feel his cock pulse and jerk in her mouth. It turned her on knowing she was giving someone pleasure. She moved a hand down to her slit and started rubbing.

Ashley pulled off Rick momentarily, “That’s my girl, suck his cock. Scott, let me know when you are close, ok?” Scott nodded, placing his hands on the head of red hair in front of him. Guiding the pace of the inexperienced girl. Ashley knew what she was doing with Rick and made sure to keep him from cumming too soon.

Scott called out, “Ok, I’m getting close Ash.”

Ashley removed Rick from her mouth again but kept a hand stroking him.

“Ok Nikki, do you feel how he is swelling in your mouth, that’s how you can tell when he’s close. Do you want to try swallowing his cum?”

This was the part Nikki was most scared of, drinking some guy’s bodily fluids, so she shook her head no, cock still lodged in her mouth. Ashley understood.

“Ok, when he calls out, he’s about to cum. Pull it out and start jerking him off with your free hand. Point it at yourself, guys love that, and it keeps the mess off stuff. You ready?” Nikki simply nodded, “Ok Scott, go for it.”

Scott took control this time. His hands went back to Nikki’s head and guided it up and down faster, careful not to go too deep into her mouth. When he felt his balls boiling and about to burst, he called out. “I’m going to cum!”

Nikki quickly removed his cock and started stroking. She felt it swell in her hand and start pulsing. Suddenly, a white liquid shot out and hit her right in the middle of her face, a second in the eye, and a third by her nose and mouth. The blasts got weaker, about seven in total, and covered her neck and chest in white goo.

Ashley, looking from the corner of her eye, saw her friend getting glazed by Scott and doubled her efforts with Rick. She increased her pace and used her tongue to tease his head. I didn’t take long to hear him laboring and his cock started to swell. She pulled it out quickly, gave him a few strokes and he groaned. She pointed his hose directly at her face and was greeted to an opening jizz shot between her eyes. She then targeted her cheeks, lips, and finally on her perky tits before he was finally spent.

Ashley wiped some cum from her eyes before turned towards her friend, still frozen in place, cum dripping off her. “So? What did you think of that? Fun, right?”

“It was, but also kind of gross. I didn’t expect there to be so much. I think some got in my hair too.”

Ashley looked, and there were some white streaks in her friend’s red hair. She’d help her clean that up a in bit. She moved over to her cream covered friend and kissed her. Nikki could feel their slimy bodies rubbing against each other. There was a strange taste on Ashley’s lips, which she figured was cum. Ashley pulled back from the kiss, licked some cum from Nikki’s face and kissed her again, making sure she learned what it tasted like. Nikki was still turned on, so she just let Ashley drip cooling cum in her mouth. She even started licking Ashley’s face and giving it back to her.

Rick and Scott stood back and watched the scene unfold in front of them. Two young, sexy girls were cleaning cum off each other and swapping it in each others’ mouths. When the two girls cleaned as much cum off each other as they could, Ashley suggested they take a shower to get the rest out of their hair and places they missed. Nikki agreed and was led to the big glass shower. The guys decided to let them clean off while they rested up for the next event. This was going to be a wild night for all of them.

Ashley turned on the water to the shower and waited for it to warm up. She looked at Nikki, who was looking around the large bathroom, and checked out her best friend. She loved her small, nearly flat chest, her red bush, and her cute little ass. Nikki was finally coming out of her shell too, just as Ashley had done her first time here. Ashley checked the water, and it was perfect, she grabbed her friend’s hand and led her into the now steaming shower. She pulled her close and they both kissed under the hot water.

While she was annoyed at first when Nikki decided to jump in the car with her, it felt nice to share this experience with her best friend. Now they were together and washing cum of their bodies and hair. Ashley lathered Nikki’s red hair with shampoo and Nikki did the same for her. Their hands ran over their bodies, soaping and scrubbing. As Ashley turned Nikki around to wash her back, she gave her a playful swat on the ass. Nikki yelped in pain and surprise, then smiled and returned the favor with a loud smack. They were both laughing and giggling but Ashley had a question for the redhead.

“So, how far do you plan to go tonight? There’s no pressure and you can stop whenever you like, but what are you hoping for?”

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