Ashley’s Awakening - Cover

Ashley’s Awakening

Copyright© 2024 by ghostwritten

Chapter 1

Young Adult Sex Story: Chapter 1 - A teen girl spends all her money shopping and forgets to save some for the ride back. She gets help from two photographers who offer her a way to earn some cash.

Caution: This Young Adult Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/ft   ft/ft   Mult   Consensual   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Group Sex   Anal Sex   Cream Pie   Double Penetration   First   Facial   Oral Sex   Petting   Sex Toys   Squirting   Small Breasts  

Author’s note: Sections of this story and premise were taken from Downtown with No Money Part 1 by Rydeordie467 from a different site. I have added a fair amount of my own content, and any future installments will be my own original work. Please leave any feedback in the comments or ratings. Thank you.

“Hey, Ashley said to the taxi driver she had just waved down.

Hi, where are you headed to? The man asked with a slight accent.

“Oakdale” The young brunette replied, as she set her shopping bags down and closed the door to the cab.

“That’s going to run you about 17 bucks” The man replied.

Ashley fumbled through her purse looking for some money. She quickly realized that she had spent all her money at the mall, leaving none left for the ride home.

“I spent all my money Sir; if you take me home, I promise I’ll pay you when I get there” Ashley said.

“If I had a dollar for every time someone has said that to me, I’d be rich. It doesn’t work like that honey” He replied.

“Please, I promise I’ll pay you” She pleaded.

“Sorry Honey, you can’t trust anyone nowadays” he said.

With that Ashley opened the door and swung her smooth legs out of the cab. The cool wind tickled her inner thighs as it sailed up her summer dress which came down just above her knees. She closed the door to the cab and walked down the sidewalk thinking of how she’d get home. Deciding it’s best to just call someone to pick her up, she reached for her cellphone. While trying to turn it on, she realized she forgot to charge it before leaving. She came across a payphone, she rummaged through her purse to look for some spare change. She didn’t find any and was kicking herself for not remembering to save money for a cab. Thinking of that, she suddenly remembered that she had left her shopping items in the cab. She quickly looked up and down the street but saw no cab. Ashley knew it was long gone and that she’d never find it now.

Not only am I stranded downtown, but the 200 dollars I spent on clothes is wasted, she thought to herself.

Ashley got herself together and decided to ask someone for some spare change. But just the thought of asking for spare change was so degrading to Ashley. Her family was pretty wealthy; she never thought she would have to resort to this.

She began walking through a nearby park. Her high heels clicked against the rough pavement of the park path as she walked. Ashley was an attractive young female. She was already coming along nicely. Her hips had begun to fill out, giving her nice, sensual curves which were brought out well by her tight, flower-plated summer dress. The dress was low-cut, which furthered the emergence of her blossoming B-cup bust. But her legs were probably her best feature. From beneath the dress, extended two long, creamy legs capped off by a tender butt which swung as she walked. Her 5’7” figure made them easy to notice. Her tan skin glowed in the late-afternoon sun as she searched for someone to ask.

Ashley walked through the park, looking for someone that looked nice, perhaps an old lady or something. As time progressed, she became impatient and decided to just ask someone. She saw two middle-aged men sitting on a bench and approached them.

Hi, I spent all my money shopping and don’t have any left for a cab, do you think I could borrow some change to make a phone call?” She asked.

“Well sure” One of the men said and looked through his wallet.

“What’s your name?” The other man asked.

“Ashley, what yours?”

“I’m Scott and this is Richard” Scott said, introducing his friend.

“Well, I’m sorry, I don’t have any change and my smallest bill is a hundred” Richard said.

“I only carry credit cards sweetie, sorry” Scott said.

“That’s ok, thanks anyways” Ashley asked.

“Hey wait, we could give you a lift” Richard said as she started walking away. “Where do you live?”

“I live in Oakdale” She replied.

“We could give her a lift, right Scott?” Said Richard as he nudged Scott.

“We sure could” Scott said with a smirk.

“Follow us, we’ll take you to the van” Richard said.

Scott and Richard seemed like nice enough guys, so Ashley followed them through the park and into the parking lot where they stopped at a blue van. Richard hopped in the driver’s seat and told Ashley she could sit up front. Ashley got in, crossed her luscious legs, and buckled up. Scott got in back and they took off. As they rode, Ashley told the two men her story. The men sympathized and made small talk as they drove on.

“So what college are you going to?” Richard asked.

“I’m not in college, I’m in high school” Ashley replied.

“Are you kidding me? Wow, you could pass for 20 or 22” He replied.

“You think so?” Ashley asked with a smile.

“Of course, you definitely could” He added.

“Have you ever thought about modelling?” asked Scott.

“Sure, I would love to, but my parents would never allow it” Ashley replied.

“That’s too bad because Scott and I are photographers looking for a test model to help us with our new photography set-up. The pay would be good, enough to make up for what you lost today,” said Richard.

“I don’t know. If my parents ever found out, I would be in so much trouble,” said Ashley.

“The pictures aren’t going to be used or sold to anyone. They are just to test out the lighting and camera set-ups. Make sure everything is properly balanced and just give us practice in the new space. I promise, only the three of us will ever see them,” said Scott.

“We could give you copies of the pictures if you’d like, just for fun, if you like them of course,” Richard added.

“Well, if you promise it’ll just be between us; sure, I’ll do it. I’d like to earn that money back, so I don’t get in trouble” said Ashley, a little nervous but excited too.

Richard and Scott exchanged glances through his rear-view mirror. A few minutes later Ashley noticed the van going off at an unfamiliar exit. A few minutes later, they arrived at the studio which Richard and Scott shared.

“Come on in” Scott said as they got out.

Ashley again nodded and followed them inside their place. Ashley was amazed at what a nice studio building they had. It was a refurbished factory building with high ceilings and various pictures of models all over the walls. Some of the photos were risqué, with women in little to no clothing but Ashley figured that was to be expected. She’d seen fashion and advertisements like that before, they just usually had something covering up more.

“You guys must be pretty rich” She said.

“We are pretty good with our money” Scott said with a laugh.

Richard offered her lemonade while she sat on the couch and waited to be told what to do. Richard and Scott went and turned on the lighting rigs. Ashley looked around, admiring everything around her, while she sipped her lemonade. She saw racks of dresses, bathing suits, lingerie, and other outfits, arranged by size.

“How’s the lemonade?” Richard asked.

“It’s good, thank you” She replied.

“Are you ready to get started?” Richard asked.

“Sure, what would you like me to do?” Ashley asked.

“Well, right now, what don’t we just do a few basic shots with you just in what you are wearing. Just to let us all get comfortable with each other and relax, ok?” Richard said.

“Sure,” Ashley said.

Ashley got into the position pointed out to her. It was a white backdrop and soft white lighting that seemed to make her skin glow. Richard took pictures of her just standing still, rotating ninety degrees to get her from all angles. Then directing her to raise her arms up and repeat the process. Meanwhile Scott would nudge and tweak the lighting rigs to ensure clean coverage.

In the beginning Ashley was nervous and tentative. Scott and Richard kept complimenting her and encouraging her, which helped to make her more relaxed. She started to enjoy the attention and the feeling of doing something her parents would disapprove of.

Scott brought out a black open backed chair for Ashley to work with. He and Richard switched roles, with Scott taking the photos and Richard supporting. They had her sit normally in the chair, then leaning back. They then had her sit reversed in the chair. This caused her dress to rise considerably, showing off her soft, milky thighs. Her little white panties were still covered but barely.

“Richard, why don’t you get in some of the shots as well so we can cover multiple subjects” Scott called out.

“Good idea, see what the lighting dynamic would be with multiple people” replied Richard.

The photos were simple enough. Ashley in the chair with Richard standing behind, then swapping places. Everything was pretty tame until Scott suggested Ashley sit on Richard’s lap. Ashley didn’t think too much of it. She was already entranced by the experience that she was just rolling with it. So, Scott sat down and Ashley sat across his lap, demurely, like it was a family photo.

“Keep it going guys, Richard put your arms around her and Ashley, back right up against him. Get really tight together,” said Scott.

Ashley got right up between his legs, butt wiggling against his groin. Richard’s hands went around her lower waist. The softness and the thinness of the sundress against his fingers. He could feel himself getting around by this girl. Scott then directed Ashley to spread her legs on either side of Richard’s, this caused her dress to rise considerably, but she was too lost to think about it. Richard ran his hands down her sides, ending at her knees, then moved them back up along the inside of her thighs until he hit the hem of her already raised dress, pushing it up even more.

His hands and fingers felt so good against her skin. The movements were soft and delicate but confident and directed. Her panties were now exposed to Scott’s camera, and he captured everything he could. Scott decided to change the set-up to see where things could go.

“Alright, this is great! Having fun Ashley?” asked Scott.

“Yeah, this is really fun. It’s getting a little hot though” replied Ashley.

“Ok, we’ll see what we can do about that. Richard, would you please change the chair to the couch.”

Richard removed the chair and replaced it with a black leather chair that looked like something you would see in a psychiatrist’s office. Sloped up on one side and no back. Richard laid down on the couch and pulled Ashley on top of him quickly. Ashley shrieked in surprise. They playfully continued posing, Richard always keeping his hands roaming around on her body.

One of his hands moved up to one of the straps on her dress and casually moved it down. Then he slowly did the same on the other side. Ashley barely noticed. Her dress slowly lowered down to her bra-covered breasts before she noticed.

“Hold on, I’m not sure about this” Ashley said, a little concern in her voice.

“You are doing great Ashley! You look amazing, don’t worry about it. Just think of it like you are in your bathing suit. When you think about it, there really isn’t much difference, is there?” said Scott.

“That’s true but are you sure no one else will see these pictures?” asked Ashley.

“No one but the three of us in this room,” said Richard.

“Richard and I will both be in our underwear if you don’t want to feel awkward. We can also double the pay to $400 since you are being such a big help,” said Scott.

“$400? Really? I suppose I could do that. You’re right, it is just like a bikini,” said Ashley.

Scott and Richard both stripped down to their boxers. They decided to switch roles again, so Richard grabbed his camera while Scott moved behind Ashley to remove her dress. Ashley felt his hands on her shoulders as he lowered the straps down one by one. Kissing her collar bone as he went. When both sides were down, his hands slid along her sides brushing briefly over her breasts. It continued down over her hips until he released it onto the floor. Ashley standing in nothing but her white bra and panties. The crumpled dress around her feet.

After a few profile shots of Ashley from different angles, Richard told Ashley to sit down on the couch to continue the shoot. He had her sit down first, then lay down across it. Next, he had her lie on her back on the couch with her legs spread as far apart as possible. Richard’s mouth went dry when Ashley did the full splits in front of him. He zoomed in close to see her panties stretched to their limits. He noticed a light pink heart on the top of her panties and a little wet spot between her legs.

“Your flexibility is impressive Ashley; how did you do that?” asked Richard.

“I’m one of the top cheerleaders at my school,” replied Ashley.

“I could imagine, must have your pick of the boys,” said Scott, enjoying the view.

“I would if my parents would let me date. I can’t do anything without their approval. They would die if they could see me now” replied Ashley.

“Don’t worry, this can be your safe space. Just let yourself go and be free of those restrictions,” said Richard.

“Thank you, you guys are the best. I feel so free here,” said a smiling Ashley, getting onto her hands and knees and striking a seductive pose.

“Scott, why don’t you get in there with Ashley. Get behind her and run your hands along her back,” said Richard.

Scott didn’t have to be told twice. His hands roaming from her shoulders, along her back and down to her ass. He leaned over her and planted a trail of kisses from the back of her neck down her back to her panties. Ashley could feel herself getting turned on by all this. Her skin was sensitive and could feel every hair tingle with each kiss. Ashley moved into an upright position.

Getting bolder, Scott ran his hands along her ass and around to the front of her stomach. Moving his hands up to pass over her bra covered tits to her neck. Ashley didn’t protest but did stiffen up a bit. He proceeded to reverse the action, going from her neck to her tits, lingering briefly before lowering his hands down along her stomach to rest above her panties. Richard loved everything he was capturing with the camera. Scott’s hands returned to her shoulders by way of her chest and tried to lower the straps of her bra. This snapped Ashley out of her trance.

“Woah, I don’t think I can do that. Underwear is one thing but being naked is another thing entirely,” Ashley said.

“I understand. I just thought we were having fun. It looked like you were enjoying yourself and figured we could take it to the next level.” Said Scott.

“And what’s the next level?” asked Ashley.

“Nude photography. As you can see from some of our work on the wall, we do a fair amount of that as well. It’s artistic work, not that smut online.” Said Richard.

“Plus, it pays better,” laughed Scott. Richard nodded in agreement.

“I’m scared to ask, but how much better?” asked Ashley.

“$1000, think about this Ashley” Scott said.

Ashley paused and looked to be in deep thought.

“All I have to do is take off my underwear?” She asked.

“And, you know, let us touch you a little. Mostly the same as what we’ve been doing” Scott said.

“No, I can’t” Ashley said.

“Ashley, I think you might actually enjoy it. There’s nothing more freeing than being naked. $1,500, my final offer. Just think of what you can do with that money” Richard said.

“I ... um. What’s going to happen to these pictures?” asked Ashley.

“Same as the others. Stay with Scott and me. You can have a set if you’d like, just like the other ones,” replied Richard.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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