Taking Out the Trash - Cover

Taking Out the Trash

Copyright© 2024 by Zak

Chapter 6

I was halfway down when I heard movement in front of me. I pressed myself into the bushes that bordered the pathway. I could hear two voices, then I smelt weed.

It amazed me that someone would light up a spliff in the middle of a firefight.

I knelt and nestled the butt of my SMG into my shoulder. I saw the first guy, but I waited until the second guy was in view before I fired a three-round burst into the torso of the second lad. The first lad screamed and tried to get a handgun out of an old-school shoulder holster.

I nailed him with another three-round burst. Then I dropped to the floor as rounds flew past me. There was another lad with a handgun he had the gun sideways as these plastic gangsters did. I tried to count his rounds. Then his gun seemed to jam. I stood up and fired once, twice, three times. The lad dropped to his knees, his hands clutching his chest.

I fired again putting a round in his head. The gunfire on the beach got more and more intense. I started down the path. Luckily no more gangsters came my way...

When I got to the carpark it was obvious that the new gang, the ones who had come out of the woods, were more professional than Burhaam and his lads. I saw they were using covering fire to advance toward the beach.

I dropped behind a line of rocks and took off my rucksack. I peered over the rocks and lined up two lads who were creeping past a car ten yards to my left. I nailed them both with three-round bursts.

Then I turned my attention to three lads that were lying down covering fire. They all had Ak47s, but they were not well trained in how to use them. They were firing five and six-round bursts, I aimed my sights at the first lad and put three rounds into his torso. The next lad had not even had time to turn before I took him out with another well-aimed three-round burst. The third lad swung his gun my way, but his aim was crap, ten rounds hit the sandy ground ten feet in front of me and at the same time my rounds took him out.

More of the men that had been hiding in the woods were starting to creep onto the beach.

I took some of them out and then as I changed my mag I heard a noise behind me. Instinct took over, and I dropped and rolled to my right. Three men were running at me. One had a pump action shotgun.

He was my main worry, he started to bring the gun up to aim and I fired into his guts. He dropped to his knees and skidded toward me. The shotgun hit the deck and he clutched his stomach and at the same time, blood oozed from his mouth.

I grabbed my Glock and aimed at the next lad. Three shots took him out. Chest, chest, and head. The Third lad had sprinted at me, and he had his hand wrapped around my gun hand.

He was big and muscley, steroid big, gym big. His left hand held my gun hand, and his right hand punched me hard in the face. I felt a tooth loosen. He swung his arm away to get more power into his blow and as he did so his defences were lowered.

I smashed my forehead into his face. He staggered backwards at the same time ripping the Glock from my grip. I went for my knife. It was in my right hand now and he was on his toes and bouncing around. He swung a kick at my knees. I stepped left and back to avoid the blow. He swung a fist at my head I dropped to my knees and plunged the blade of my knife into his right thigh.

He screamed but at the same time threw a left-hand punch which bounced off my shoulder and into my chin. I ripped the knife free and stabbed him again, this time closer to the groin. He staggered backwards, my knife in his flesh. I rolled, grabbed the Glock, and put two rounds into his torso.

He dropped to the ground, and I kicked him backwards. I then grabbed my knife and wrenched it from his flesh.

I took ten seconds to get my breath back then gathered up my weapons. I shuffled back to the rocks that formed a wall along the side of the car park.

The car park was now much busier, the lads that had been hiding in the trees had now started to work their way down. The lads on the beach were still firing back up at the carpark but it was obvious that a few had been killed or they had run out of ammo as the firing was not as aggressive as it had been.

I saw three lads making their way toward a set of steps that led onto the sand. I lined them up and let rip. I fired twelve rounds and they all hit the ground.

Then I ducked as rounds started to thump into rocks. I had been seen and now I was a target. I dropped to the ground crawled five yards to my left and then got to my knees.

I lined up my sights and took out two more lads. One was firing an AK47 the other had a pistol of some sort.

They both hit the ground as rounds riddled their torsos. even before they had dropped, I had lined up my next target. A guy with a shotgun was the next to hit the ground.

I could hear an SMH chattering away on the other side of the car park and I knew that Curly was taking the fight to them on the other side of the bay.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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