Misadventure at the Mall - Cover

Misadventure at the Mall

Copyright© 2024 by BiWriter

Chapter 1

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 1 - Two plumpers wind up having a piss filled lesbian encounter in a mall parking lot, leading to a wild relationship.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Fa/Fa   Consensual   Lesbian   Fiction   Anal Sex   Exhibitionism   Oral Sex   Squirting   Water Sports   BBW   Public Sex  

There it was, Saturday night and I had no date. My boyfriend and I had broken up a month ago, suddenly leaving my weekends free. It’s enough to make a girl pout! Fortunately I am self reliant and decided to spend the evening shopping.

I wore a sleeveless, soft white top that was quite low cut. My bra really lifted my D cups, showing off lots of my cleavage. I wore a loose denim skirt that came down past my knees, and soft cotton panties. I prefer the French cut style, sexy but comfortable. It was too hot for pantyhose, I just slipped on a pair of my most comfortable sandals.

Glancing in the mirror, I thought it wasn’t bad for a middle aged gal. OK, I admit I have the usual dings that go with age, slight tummy, boobs are big but starting to sag just a little, I guess my ass could have been a little smaller. Still though, I have lots of tit to show off, a pretty face, my skin is still soft and smooth, and my curly brown hair neatly done. Outfitted in my comfy clothes I headed to a big mall about 45 minutes from my apartment.

The evening went by quickly, looking in book stores, home decorating stores, and most of all clothes! I like trying on all sorts of clothes, kind of like playing dress up when I was a kid. My favorite store has very nice dressing rooms. Not the kind with half doors like bathroom stalls, but real doors that go into small rooms. Each room has a soft chair, three floor to ceiling mirrors that let you see yourself from all sides, and room to move around.

Even better, they don’t have the three outfit limit so many other places do, you can take a huge stack and spend forever. I’ve spent up to an hour in there before, not uncommon as many women do it. The service is great too, one of the sales ladies will actually come in the booth with you if you request it, helping you change and fetching you new clothes.

A couple of times, when I saw a lady who I thought attractive, I would get her to come in with me. I get a secret thrill out of being in my undies in front of another woman. That night I got really daring and asked a sales lady to help me with some sexy lingerie. You are supposed to keep your panties on while you try stuff on, but can take off your bra.

My sales lady that night was one I’d seen before. Her long black hair framed a pretty face that always had a big smile. She was a little shorter than I, and a little older too. She wasn’t a model type, like me she had a nice pair of tits, and her tummy and ass were a bit bigger than mine. But what I found attractive was her personality. She was always so friendly, with a huge smile on her face. Every time I came in she remembered my name and treated me like royalty. She happily agreed to come into the dressing room with me.

As you might guess I was already feeling horny from her seeing my bare tits as she handed me outfits. I tried on this one outfit I really liked, a one piece green number with high cut sides. I told her thought I liked it, but it was hard to tell with my panties sticking all out what the real effect was.

The sales lady looked around, then leaned in close to me. In a whisper she said “Well, I’m really not supposed to do this but ... well if you want to take off your panties I won’t tell as long as you won’t.” I could have creamed in my panties right there!

I slipped the straps from my shoulders, then gently slid the lingerie to the floor. I handed it to the sales woman, then slowly slid my panties down. I walked over to the chair and carefully laid them down. Fully nude now I returned to the sales lady, and took the outfit from her.

Again making a show of it, I put it on, then stood before the mirrors, admiring myself from all sides. I admit I did look pretty good. “What do you think?” I asked.

“Very nice. You look great. Really great. Um, that green is a good color.”

“Thanks.” I said. I then slipped off the outfit and handed it to her. I felt like a brazen slut, standing there totally naked in front of her. With my hands on my hips, I said something about trying to decide what I really wanted. We stood there, just staring at each other for a moment.

My nipples were rock hard, and I could feel the moisture between my legs. I have never been closer in my life to having sex with a woman. All she had to do was take one step forward, give any indication, and I’d have flung myself into her arms. My mouth was already anticipating sucking on the nipples that were straining at her blouse.

She was staring at me, her deep breath causing her breasts to rise and fall. I really thought she was about to jump in my arms.

Sadly, she turned and stepped away, hanging up the sexy green outfit. “Why don’t I leave you to some privacy, so you can decide.” She paused at the door, turned, gave me a big smile, and said “Take all the time you need.”

The minute she was gone I sat down in the chair right in front of the mirrors. My fingers dove into my wet pussy as my other hand brought a tit to my mouth to suck. In less then a minute I was orgasming, hot cum leaking all over my fingers. I licked my cunt cream off my hand, wondering if the sales lady tasted like that. It was not the first time I’d masturbated in one of these dressing rooms, but it was probably the most erotic.

I did purchase the green lingerie by the way, then left to do more shopping. The mall closed at 10, but an attached restaurant stayed open to 11. I stopped in for a late supper, which took forever to show up. I passed the time sipping water and reading an erotic novel I’d purchased in the book store.

By the time I got done eating and got out it was almost 11:30. The mall long since closed the parking lot was deserted, except for a few employees cars. My vehicle sat at the end of a row, all by itself in near dark. Fortunately the parking lot was wide open, so I felt safe going to my car.

As I walked the air was thick and humid, with a warm moist breeze. I could almost feel the rain in the air, and knew I’d better hurry. Bending over the trunk, I knew I was in trouble. But not from the rain, but a different kind of wetness.

Confession time. This is embarrassing, but I have a weak bladder. Very weak. I’m constantly wetting myself. Doctors say there’s not much I can do for it, so I’ve come to live with it and try to plan ahead. I’d been in such a hurry that night though I’d forgotten to go to the bathroom before I left the restaurant.

I looked around the lot, knowing I’d never make it home. Well, I’d been in situations like this before. Seeing I was pretty much alone, I figured I’d open my car door, turn out the interior light, then reach under my skirt and pull my panties off. Then I could hold my skirt out while I let my pee fall on the parking lot. Believe it or not, I’d done this sort of thing before, sometimes even in the middle of the day!

I closed the trunk, then opened the car door. I kicked my shoes inside, so as not to get them wet. I bent over, reaching in to turn out the dome light. Just as I clicked it off, I realized I’d waited a moment too long. I could feel the crotch of my panties get warm and wet as my piss flooded them.

I stood up, and let out a silent curse. I could see the dark spot forming on the front of my faded denim skirt. I let out a deep sigh. Well, I was already wet, and still had to whiz, so I did what I usually do. I just let it all go. I could feel my warm urine soak my pussy, ass, then run down my legs, puddling on the ground by my bare feet. I was looking at my wet skirt when I heard a feminine voice behind me.

“Are you OK?” I spun around to see none other than my sales lady looking at me with concern. All of a sudden I was just overcome by feelings of embarrassment. “I had an accident.” I managed to blurt out, then buried my face in my hands from humiliation.

She was a class act though. “There there baby, it’s OK.” She came up and gave me a big hug, even tough it had to get her wet too. She patted my back. “It’s OK. I have the same problem.”

I looked at her, a few tears still in my eyes. “Ruh ... ruh ... really?” I sniffled.

“Really. I’ve had a weak bladder for years. I frequently have accidents like yours. Hell, almost every night I wind up wetting the bed. But it’s just something I’ve learned to live with.”

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