Potential - Book Two - Cover

Potential - Book Two

Copyright© 2024 by EroticScribbler

Chapter 15: Close Shaves

Coming of Age Sex Story: Chapter 15: Close Shaves - A teenage boy's normal struggles growing up with his twin sister, a stepmother, and stepsister are complicated by his porn brain and pantie fetish, or at least that's what he thinks. There might be more to the story. Too bad his best friend's moral compass is broken. This is Book Two. There's also a Book Three over at Bookapy, along with Book One, which is also here. Help support great authors!

Caution: This Coming of Age Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   mt/Fa   Fa/Fa   ft/ft   Teenagers   Consensual   Reluctant   Romantic   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   School   Incest   Mother   Son   Brother   Sister   Daughter   Group Sex   Anal Sex   Analingus   Bestiality   Cream Pie   Exhibitionism   First   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Sex Toys   Voyeurism  

An hour after Evan had left her room, Deana was still tossing and flipping her pillow, searching for sleep. Before she woke up, Evan had triggered the alarm and activated her defenses. By the time Deana realized it was her brother, fear had engulfed her. That made her angry, and she responded irrationally. How many times had Deana prayed it would be Evan? He had finally come to her, and she ran him off. Thank God for unanswered prayers.

If she had overridden all the ingrained emotions and welcomed Evan with a smile, Deana might have been able to implement plan D, ahead of schedule. Their father had probably been coming for her because Gloria wasn’t home. He would have walked in while she was giving Evan the very thing her father wanted to steal. The mean, angry part of Deana smiled at the thought. Fuck you, Dad, I’m giving my virginity to a real man, someone who loves me. Deana, of course, would never put Evan in that position. Now, she had to do damage control and make sure Evan wasn’t suspicious.

Deana closed her eyes and went back in the shower with Evan. The memory of her brother’s dick head jamming into her opening made her stiffen, but in her fantasy world, Evan’s cock glided into her body. She gave him the most valuable thing a girl can give. Evan was the only guy she’d give it to, and they could remember their special moment together for the rest of their lives.

Why couldn’t she be like Gloria and sneak upstairs, slip into his bed, and tell him she had a nightmare? Deana started playing out different scenarios in her mind. Half sleep took hold of her thoughts and built on them, then she entered dream world with Evan on top of her naked body.

Deana’s arm jerked. It was like when you’ve just fallen asleep, and suddenly you’re awake, except she hadn’t just fallen asleep. It was morning, and the remnants of her last dream made her swallow hard. She searched her brain for enough pieces to build a whole scene. Evan had been in her throat, she might have been choking, but it didn’t matter in the dream that she couldn’t breathe.

It amazed her how her mind could take slivers of past events and create a fantastic motion picture while she slept. A bit from the dirt road, the kitchen, the shower, and the basement workout all became a long night of Evan almost entering her, then a sudden shift back to them making out. She’d been denied what she wanted over and over again. Deana threw the covers back and looked at the underwear twisted around her ankles. What the hell had she been doing to herself? It’s time, ready or not, she thought and got out of bed.

In the shower, while her soapy hand moved over the coarse new growth, fear stabbed her in the gut. What would happen if her father saw that she had shaved her vagina? Didn’t she use to think only a slut would do that?

Once the steam cleared, Deana sat on the tub’s edge and looked down at the mirror she had propped up on the floor. She inched forward, her puckered ring came into view, and a whimper escaped her throat. Rebecca’s tongue had licked and plunged into that sensitive flesh.

The spuurrrup sound sent a chill up her back, but the creamy foam warmed her lewdly exposed crotch. Rebecca had practically done cartwheels, and Evan seemed to like it. She spread the white foam over her lips and along her slit, fighting the urge to finger herself. The razor settled between her silky brown flesh and her vaginal groove. She held her breath and watched the blade clear her skin. It made her dizzy with excitement. She panted while diligently removing every hair.

Deana wiped away the excess cream and stood. She rubbed her ass where the edge of the tub had been gouging into it, then stepped up on the toilet lid. The frontal view of her naked mound and the bald pussy lips between her legs excited her. She slid her hand down her stomach and over her mound. There was a slick line that made it easy for her finger to break the seal. She was ready.

With a new sense of urgency, she stepped down and went to work on her towel. It had to hang seductively at the hinge of her legs and groin. She left the bathroom a mess and tiptoed up the stairs. If Evan didn’t already have morning wood, he would after she was sitting on him. She eased Evan’s door open, stepped inside his room, and froze, staring at the empty bed.

At ten minutes to eight, Jason pulled into McDonald’s and yawned until they reached the order window. “Wadda-ya want?”

Evan finished his yawn and said, “Number one and two sausage burritos.”

“I assume you want coffee,” Jason said.

“Hell yeah,” he said, “then maybe I can wake up.”

“Maybe you shouldn’t have said we were starting so fuc--”

“Order when you’re ready,” the speaker squawked.

After he ordered and pulled forward, Jason finished, “So fuckin’ early.”

“It’s better than having to go back tomorrow,” Evan said. “I need to go to Gloria’s game before the races. Cindy’s gonna let me drive her car for hot laps. Maybe Dale will, too.”

“Don’t the sponsors pay to see the car do good in the race?”

“You wait,” Evan said, “you’re going to eat your words after you see me drive. I killed it during practice.”

“I hope you kill it again and don’t get killed. I don’t have any other friends who hook me up with a sweet hundred bucks for raking some leaves.”

Evan hoped Jason would still say that when he saw Miss Style’s yard. He took the drinks from Jason and said, “That’s what friends are for.” Even if Jason thought it was too much work, meeting Miss Style would compensate for any blisters on his fingers. He started getting their food out of the bag and thought about how to phrase his question.

Jason asked, “Where is this place, anyway?”

“You won’t know where it is, so go West. I’ll tell you when to turn,” Evan said.

“I might know,” Jason said.

“Okay, take us to Beaver Dam Road.”


“What, you been there?” Shit, Evan thought, he was going to have to pay for gas if Jason knew how far it was.

“Ah, no, no, I’ve never been there,” Jason said. “It sounds far. How far is it?”

“No, it’s not that far,” Evan said. “Take the interstate. We’ll be there before you finish eating all that food.”

“You’re paying for half the gas or my pit pass.”

“Fine, just drive.”

All of Deana’s urgency, excitement and determination turned to disappointment, then anger. She laid her towel down and stood next to Evan’s bed, right where she had been the morning she saw his erection move under the sheet. The fear she had felt while taking off her underwear and straddling his body could only be compared with how she felt the first time Rebecca made love to her. Somehow, she had overridden it and placed her pussy on her brother’s dick. Even through the sheet, she felt how hot he was. Her body responded automatically to the touch like it knew what she wanted before she knew. An insane desire consumed her fear and prevented a retreat, even when Evan was waking up. Today, without a sheet between them, things would have turned out different.

Deana laid on her back, opened her legs, and put Evan’s pillow on top of her. There was an instinctual desire to have a body on top of her. It was soothing and peaceful, and it gave her a safe feeling. She wrapped her legs around the pillow and forced it against her spread pussy. That was how she wanted it to be when her brother took her virginity. Would he smell her tonight and dream about making love to her, or would he have already done it?

Evan swallowed the last bite of his sausage burrito, gulped his coffee, and said, “You look pretty tired. Did you stay up late?”

“You’re the one drinking coffee,” Jason said. “I don’t know how you can drink that stuff. It’s nasty.”

“I like it,” he said. “When you’re up late, you ever go in your sister’s room?”


He had Jason’s attention now. “You heard me. Do you ever go in Becky’s room after your mother goes to bed?”

“Why wouldn’t I?” Jason asked. “If I wanted to, I would.”

“Would your mother get mad?”

“Huh ... why, why you asking?”

“My father got pissed, acted like there was something wrong with me being in Deana’s room after he went to bed.”

“Dude, you finally decided to listen to me and--”


“Why else would you be in her room late at night?”

“Same reason you might need to go in Becky’s room,” he said. “Anything, get something, leave something in there or maybe you need to talk to her. Not a big deal, right?”

“No, not a big deal,” Jason said. “Of course, if your sister was giving you head and your dad walked in, then--”

“Don’t be stupid,” Evan said. “I think he was tripping because I scared him, that’s all. I just wanted to make sure it wasn’t some brother-sister rule I hadn’t learned yet.”

“What were you doing in her room?”

“Nothing, really,” he said. “I was up working out, and I stopped in there because I saw Deana’s light on. She was sleeping, so I turned it off and left.”

“Mm, was she naked ... on top of the covers?”


“Don’t pretend you wouldn’t get a boner if your sister, one of the hottest girls in school, happened to be naked. Fuck, I can’t imagine having to live with Deana, Gloria, and your mother. I’d be hard all day, every day.”

“That’s because you’re--”

“I’m not the one who made out with my sister. Has anything else happened since you two were--”

“No, nothing, nothing is going to happen, and if you kiss Becky, you’ll know it’s not a good thing.”

Jason didn’t say anything after that, and his expression was similar to the one he had when he heard Beaver Dam Road. Something was up, and Evan planned to find out what before the day ended.

The justification and motivation for getting the spy camera had been lost in all the psychological twists and turns it had induced. Candy had stopped questioning when or why she was using it, and her guilt only lasted until the window lit up with the voyeuristic images. What you don’t know doesn’t hurt you, Candy thought, and nobody would ever know.

Someone in a coma doesn’t know they’re like a dead person unless they come out of it. She didn’t realize the real Candy had been suffocated until Evan’s attention brought her back to life. The camera had jolted Candy into consciousness. Would seeing Sally nurse sneaky-peeky back to health? It was a scary thought. It might be better if the old Candy only had life in her secret world behind locked doors.

Deana’s early morning shave set the stage for Candy’s day, her work wasn’t getting done. The girl’s brazen act sent Candy’s mind back in time to her first shave. Of course, Sally was the instigator. Her big sister had walked into their bedroom and tossed her towel on the bed. It was normal for them to walk around their room naked, and it wasn’t unusual for her to secretly look at Sally’s body. It wasn’t the kind of body you got used to seeing, no matter how many times you saw it. Candy wasn’t sneaking a peek that time when Sally tossed her towel, she was staring. The thick, red mat of hair Candy was so used to seeing was gone. The hairless flesh was white, standing out as much as Sally’s giant tits and cherry-red nipples.

Sally caught Candy looking, smiled, and said, “You like it this way?”

Candy should have pretended she hadn’t noticed. “Yes, wow, it’s so different.”

“Feel it,” Sally said. “It’s smooth.”

It was, and Candy held it longer than she expected. Sally said, “Come on, let’s get yours done, then you won’t have to stare at mine.”

Candy couldn’t imagine her pussy without that triangle of strawberry-blonde hair. How embarrassed would she be if someone saw that she was bald again? “I wasn’t staring, but it’s hard not to notice.”

After Sally had undressed Candy, she said, “Come on.” Candy followed her sister.

“Why not in the bathroom?”

“It’ll be easier for me to see what I’m doing,” Sally said. “Don’t worry, nobody will see us.”

Candy sat on the kitchen counter, her butt hanging over the edge. It gave her a chill, and her nipples stiffened. Sally pushed her legs apart and placed a hot cloth on her crotch. Her sister would never force her to do anything, so Candy could have said no, but she didn’t. Candy worried about someone in gym class making fun of her, but the way Sally’s smooth, bald flesh felt under her fingers was exciting. Candy wanted to be like her sister in every way.

Sally tenderly and thoroughly spread the shaving cream. Candy held her breath and watched. Her pussy lips got hot and tingly. The cool steel sliced across her skin and left it naked, screaming with heightened sensitivity, like a clit at climax. Pressure started building deep inside Candy’s pussy. Sally grinned, and her fingers pressed down on Candy’s labia, flattening the swell for the blade to strip away her hair. Candy didn’t want to get aroused, but a climax fluttered on the brink of release. It might consume her if she yielded to it, and she’d slide off the counter and crash to the floor.

“Almost done,” Sally said. “Close your eyes.”

Candy did, and Sally rinsed the rag. The warm cloth wiped across her mound, around her thighs, and over her inflamed pussy lips. The restrained orgasm threatened to explode, and it would if her sister touched her throbbing clit.

“Voila!” Sally blew a stream of air on Candy’s bald pussy. “Look how big your clit is. It’s bulging. You’re about to get off, aren’t you?”

It was the middle of a bright summer afternoon, Candy was nude in the kitchen with her legs spread, and her sister had shaved her pussy, of course, Candy was about to get off. She opened her eyes and looked down. Sally was holding a mirror below her crotch. Candy had never seen her pussy from that perspective. If she spread her lips apart, she could look straight up into her hole. Candy wanted to cum, explode and watch her orgasm splatter the mirror.

The floor creaked, Candy jerked, crossed her arm over her tits, and tried to close her legs. Sally’s boyfriend, Mark, was standing at the entrance to the kitchen, staring. Sally’s hands were on Candy’s thighs, holding them open. “Sally, Mark, it’s Mark, he’s there.” Candy realized she hadn’t heard the door. “You knew!”

“You like spying so much, I thought you’d like it.” Sally snickered. Mark was walking toward them.

“That’s different.” Mark was cute, and Candy had enjoyed watching him and Sally, but he was her sister’s boyfriend. Candy feigned resistance and shyness, but it was exhilarating having an older boy looking at her with desire in his eyes and a bulge in his pants. Sally wouldn’t ever let anything happen, but being admired by Mark was enough to send Candy’s mind into imaginary bliss.

“Do you like it?” Sally asked.

Candy didn’t know if Sally meant being spied on or being bald, so she didn’t answer. Mark said, “Yup, sure do.”

“Don’t get any ideas,” Sally said and started kissing him.

Candy’s naked sister was making out with her boyfriend, and her heart started thumping against her ribs. She had seen Sally give Mark a blowjob and watched them fuck, but always from a distance, with the view obscured by whatever she was hiding behind or under. How much would her big sister let her watch?

Sally’s lips were so plump and sexy. Her tongue was pink and snake-like, moving in and out of Mark’s mouth. Candy had hoped Sally was going to use her mouth on her freshly shaved pussy, but that didn’t seem likely, now. She was opening his pants. Candy could already see the purple dome of his cock pushing out. Her previously suspended orgasm was building again. She needed relief, needed to touch her smooth, tender flesh, open her lips, and thrash her pulsing bud, but she’d be embarrassed getting herself off in front of them.

Mark’s pants and underwear slid down his legs, and Sally’s hands wrapped around his boner. “My, my, you are excited.”

Who wouldn’t be excited, Candy thought. Her hand inched closer to her crotch.

“Is that why?” Sally asked and pointed at Candy’s pussy. “Are you thinking about my sister? Do you want to fuck her?”

Candy’s heart stopped. She was a horny little spy, but she was still a virgin. Mark’s dick suddenly seemed huge. Their sibling relations had been taboo up to that point, and even if they weren’t sisters, it would have been, but she didn’t want Mark to take her cherry. She was saving that for someone else. Didn’t Sally know that?

Mark didn’t answer. Candy thought he was asking himself the same question she was asking: is Sally serious? “Got ya,” Sally said.

Candy felt some blood return to her face. “I knew you were joking,” she said, then jumped off the counter. Her breasts bounced, and so did Mark’s eyes.

“Don’t leave,” Sally said. Sit right there. You can watch and get a good close-up view. Maybe that will get you over all your sneaky-peeky urges.”

Candy sat in the chair, Sally turned out from the table. It was one thing to hide and secretly watch people do naughty things, but being in the same room while they were doing them and having them know you were watching was frightening. The same scary excitement she had the night the power went out fluttered in her belly. Her parents hadn’t known she was awake, spying on their lovemaking. Didn’t that make it okay?

Sally’s loud, slurping mouth went down Mark’s cock, and Candy knew she wasn’t going to leave. She might even get up the nerve to finger herself in front of Mark and Sally and release the unbearable pressure.

Sally sucked hard and let Mark’s balls pop out of her mouth, one after another. He gasped. Sally stood, glanced at Candy, then asked Mark, “You think I’m a bad girl?”

Mark took off his shirt, and his muscled arms and chest rippled. “Yes, you’re a very, very bad girl, and you know what you deserve.”

“I think you’re right.” Sally bent over and put her elbows on the table. “You better punish me.”

Candy was next to Sally, facing Mark. She could feel Sally’s breath when she said, “I’m so bad, and I’m gonna get a spanking.”

When they were little, and their father or mother had to spank them, Candy would go to her room crying, but Sally always showed up smiling. Sally even played a game with their brother, Bobby, that ended with her needing to be spanked. Sally would tell Candy when they were going to play, then pretend to be mad when she caught Candy secretly watching. Sally was the exhibitionist, and Candy was the little voyeur, but what was Bobby’s role?

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