Potential - Book Two - Cover

Potential - Book Two

Copyright© 2024 by EroticScribbler

Chapter 13: 1666 Beaver Dam Road

Coming of Age Sex Story: Chapter 13: 1666 Beaver Dam Road - A teenage boy's normal struggles growing up with his twin sister, a stepmother, and stepsister are complicated by his porn brain and pantie fetish, or at least that's what he thinks. There might be more to the story. Too bad his best friend's moral compass is broken. This is Book Two. There's also a Book Three over at Bookapy, along with Book One, which is also here. Help support great authors!

Caution: This Coming of Age Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   mt/Fa   Fa/Fa   ft/ft   Teenagers   Consensual   Reluctant   Romantic   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   School   Incest   Mother   Son   Brother   Sister   Daughter   Group Sex   Anal Sex   Analingus   Bestiality   Cream Pie   Exhibitionism   First   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Sex Toys   Voyeurism  

“Gloria,” Candy said, “Jayda’s on the phone.”

“Tell her I’m sleeping ... please,” Gloria said.

“What am I, your secretary?”

“If I had my own phone you wouldn’t have to--”

“Don’t start,” Candy said.

“But Mom,” Gloria whined, “Evan and Deana--”

“Had to wait, too. What would they think if you got to have a phone before they were allowed?”

“Deana would be happy for me. Evan, he could care less about a phone. Forgets his half the time anyway.”

“You want to talk to Jayda or not?” Candy asked.

Gloria sighed. “No, not now.”

After Candy relayed Gloria’s message, she returned to her daughter’s room. “You ready to tell me what happened?”

Gloria said, “No,” without looking up from the floor.

Candy sat down on her bed. “Sit, and tell me.”

“Mom, it’s no big deal.”

“Good, then it won’t take long to tell me.”

Gloria ploppeddown, facing her mother, but stared at her legs without saying anything.

“Honey, what happened? You and Jayda have a fight?”

“No, not really,” Gloria said.

Candy knew Gloria was about to spill the beans, she always did. “Go on, tell me why you came home mad.”

“All Jayda wanted to do was talk about Evan. She kept bringing him up, acting like she had a thing with him just because he rubbed lotion on her. She’s so stupid.”

“You know your brother isn’t interested in younger girls.”

“Still, I don’t want to listen to her going on and on about how cute he is and what a great massage he gives.”

“I’m pretty sure one day you’ll have an opportunity to have a crush on someone’s brother, so don’t be too hard on Jayda.”

“Only if I get some friends with cute brothers, and if Dad would let me spend the night at my friend’s house when they have a brother.”

Parents had to be an allied front, or there would be chaos and confusion, and they would lose respect. That’s what John told her. Candy never tried to go against what John said because that would lead to the kids getting in trouble and fighting. It was easier just to stand behind him and uphold his rules.

“Honey, you can spend the night at any of your friends’ houses.” It was scary to go against her husband, but the look on her daughter’s face made it worth the risk. Defiance was dangerous yet empowering.

“Thanks, Mom,” Gloria said.

“Be nice to Jayda. You know Evan isn’t interested in girls her age, so Jayda will be crushed at some point. Don’t make it worse for her.”

“I’m her age, Mom. It’s not like we’re kids.”

“No, you aren’t, but boys think they have an image to uphold. They worry about how things might look to their friends, and dating older girls ... well, it looks better. You’ll see, you’ll only be interested in older boys.”

“That’s stupid,” Gloria said. “I think if you love somebody, it shouldn’t matter what the age difference is.”

Candy couldn’t help but smile at Gloria. Her daughter had a crush on Evan, just like she’d had a crush on her older brother, Bobby. Shouldn’t she put an end to it? “You’re probably right, but that’s not the way it works,” Candy said. “Call Jayda in the morning. Good night.”

Evan had just ended his call with Jason, and he was mad. Of course, it was misplaced anger, but he wasn’t willing to admit he was pissed at himself. Nobody had been home except her. What if Candy really had been waiting for him? Then, what happened outside the bathroom door could have ended differently. Instead of laughing and saying she made her point, Candy would have taken him up to his room and made love to him.

That’s insane. She’s a woman, a grown-up, and your mother. So is Miss Tonya, and even though she isn’t my mother, she is Jayda’s mother, and she’s older than Candy. He was closer to Candy’s age than his father was. He knew he’d treat her better, love her more, hold her, and never let go. That meant if his father hadn’t married Candy, he’d have a better shot with her than his father would.

Of course, Evan knew he was trying to justify his feelings, but he thought about the day helping her peel potatoes. His mother had been in the kitchen, potentially waiting for him, without a bra. They shared an intimate moment while his arms rubbed her breasts and his cock touched her back. Had she expected him to follow her to her room? Evan shuddered and shook the thought off. Had one braless phenomenon tipped the first domino, triggering weeks of cascading delusion?

It had been like the rushing tumble of thousands of dominoes. The unexpected, unbelievable, and outrageous circumstances had raced ahead of Evan’s ability to make logical decisions. How much of this had he manufactured in his mind?

Evan wished Deana was home. He wouldn’t tell Deana what happened outside the bathroom door, that was his secret with Candy, but they needed to talk, needed to resolve the tension between them. Plus, having Deana there would make him stop imagining what she was doing with Rebecca. They probably weren’t really lovers doing the things he thought up, but he was still jealous. However, that was something else Evan would never admit to anyone, not even himself.

He stripped, got under the covers, and pulled his long pillow on top of him. He hugged it, pretending it was one of the women he was in love with.

Rebecca sat up in bed, turned toward Deana, and said, “Are you serious? I thought--”

“I know, I know, it’s kind of like your plan A, but I know Evan better than you,” Deana said.

“I’m sure you do.”

“I still can’t believe I’m talking to you about this.”

“Feels good not keeping it a secret, doesn’t it?”

Deana shrugged. “Yeah, I feel better not keeping it a secret from you, but it still scares the shit out of me to even be contemplating this ... ah, this--I can’t even say it. What’s going to happen to me when it’s actually happening?”

“Hmm, not sure,” Rebecca said, “but hearing you tell your mother we were having a foursome, and now hearing your plan C, makes me think I’ve finally completely corrupted you.”

“I know that look, Reb.”

“I can’t help it, your plan made me so horny.” Rebecca sat on top of Deana’s stomach.

“Your parents are home.”

Rebecca grabbed a pillow. “I’ll put this over your face and they’ll never know.”

Candy stood in the doorway to the adjoining office and said, “I’m getting something to drink. You want anything?” She took John’s grunt as a no and closed the bedroom door behind her.

When she reached the kitchen, Candy passed the light switch without flipping it up and let her robe open. She felt like a little girl sneaking a cookie from the jar, and it made her nipples buzz. What would John do if he caught her with her robe wide open where Evan might see her? Her pussy lips tingled and got warm. Candy turned the water on, knowing before a glass filled, her pussy would be wet. The cool edge of the counter on her skin made her gasp. She closed her eyes and put her hands under the water.

In Candy’s mind, Evan was behind her, they were supposed to be washing potatoes, but she was holding his big, strong hands. His arms were rubbing the sides of her breasts. He had to have known that, but did he know how her nipples reacted to his touch? Did he know his hard erection was pressed against her and that her pussy had automatically released its lubrication, preparing for what she wanted?

The potato washing hadn’t been planned, so she couldn’t have foreseen the resulting consequences, but she’d taken her bra off and worn a thin, tight shirt. That had excited Candy, just like having her breasts and pussy exposed now was exciting her. The look on Evan’s face would have been enough, but she’d let it go too far. He’d touched her where nobody except her husband should have, and he’d rubbed that thing on her. That planted the seed in Candy’s mind, and she’d nurtured it until it was a full-grown tree of fantasies. The only saving grace was that she hadn’t gone to his room that night.

Candy let her robe fall from her shoulders, imagining the look on Evan’s face if he turned that corner. Was she that desperate for attention? No, it wasn’t attention Candy wanted. It was affection, and appreciation, and love. Not like she got from a child, but the love a woman needs from a man. Evan was her little man.

Evan wasn’t coming around that corner and if Candy heard his door open, she’d grab her robe and flee. Disgusted with herself, Candy put her robe on and headed back to her tomb. Would any of this be happening if John gave her love and affection or at least a fuckin’ orgasm?

The night’s dreams had been plagued with race cars violently pulling and pushing Evan’s body. He stomped on the accelerator over and over again, trying to make the car go faster, yet Cindy still drove away from him like he was standing still. Every dream sequence ended the same way, with him hitting the wall, though none of those crashes woke him up.

Evan’s final dream brought a premature end to his sleep. In it, he thought he was at his house, coming out of the bathroom. It seemed to be a replay of what his mother had done yesterday when she was fucking with him. She was touching his shoulder, and he was afraid he was getting a boner, then he wasn’t sure it was his mother. Dreams are so weird, jumping from one place to another, merging and scrambling events, and swapping people without warning.

The soft, caressing hand continued down to his chest. Then, there were two hands massaging his sore muscles. It was just him and the hands now, but Evan was uneasy, knowing the owner of those hands shouldn’t be touching him like that. He looked down and saw the person’s feet and their calves and his growing cock, lifting the towel. Evan was afraid now. Why couldn’t he see the rest of the person touching him?

An index finger was tracing the hills and valleys of his flexing abs. Then, it followed the rim of his towel from hip to hip. It was about to fall, he couldn’t move, couldn’t grab it. Evan closed his eyes for a few seconds, then opened them to see his cock standing at attention, wobbling like a diving board that had just sprung back. He wanted to stroke it, wanted to finish what he had been doing, jerking off in a pair of panties. Hadn’t he just been about to cum in his sister’s panties?

No, he hadn’t. The hand was back, moving toward his dick. Evan was too afraid to look up and see who was touching him. The fingers circling his purple knob made him shiver. They traced a thick pulsing vein and wrapped around his shaft. His moan of pleasure embarrassed and shamed him.

It was weird seeing only a hand jerking him off. His balls were throbbing, on the brink of letting his load go, but Evan was holding it back. It was like when he was about to shoot cum all over Miss Tonya’s tits, it felt wrong. Past the point of no return, his balls jerked, but Evan was still desperately trying to make his orgasm wait. He stepped forward and wrapped his arms around thin air. His frantic, gasping breaths slowed. The thin air turned into warm, soft flesh. Evan held the smooth, round, meaty globes and pressed his erection against the moist skin. His mother’s naked body felt better than he could have imagined. Evan buried his nose in her hair and hunched his body, sliding his cock across her belly. He was ready to cum again. Everything was perfect except for the strawberries.

The smell ripped Evan from the best sex dream he’d ever had. It wasn’t unusual to wake from a dream about peeing and have to take a piss, but Evan had never woken up from a sex dream ready to cum. He was wide awake now, but he’d brought everything from his dream with him. The smell of strawberries, the warm flesh, the moist skin, the glorious ass in his hands, and a quickly approaching orgasm. How the fuck does someone wake up ready to cum?

Gloria was on top of him, and that wasn’t a dream. Her hot breath was on his neck, his nose was in her hair, and his hands were on her butt. Evan’s chest tightened, but not from fear. It was because of what had been missing during sex, love. Holding Gloria felt too good to do the right thing, or really, not do the wrong thing Evan wanted to do. Gloria put herself on top of his naked body. She knew about erections, had drawn them in perfect detail. If he could fall asleep again, Evan could finish without any guilt. His sister probably wouldn’t even wake up.

Material separated his sister’s breasts from Evan’s chest, but not his throbbing cock from her silky soft skin. Her stomach went in and out with her breathing, rubbing his dick head as it moved. The thick base of his cock pressed into Gloria’s pubic mound. Evan closed his eyes and heard Jason’s words, “At least you didn’t fuck her. Imagine you’d fucked your sister in your sleep.”

The evil part of Evan wished it had happened before he woke up so he couldn’t be held responsible. Now that he knew what might happen, Evan couldn’t go back to sleep. Gloria’s butt changed shape under his hands. Her muscles tightened and relaxed. She sighed, and her ass muscles flexed with more determination. The wet skin from his dream touched the ridge bulging from the base of his boner. Was his sister having a sex dream of her own?

The devil on Evan’s left shoulder told him to pretend he was asleep and see what happened. Then he realized his hands were helping his sister move. He could feel her stomach muscles tightening and arching her body. More of her wetness was sliding up his shaft. People sleepwalk, Evan thought, but do they sleep-fuck?

Gloria’s middle lifted, and silky flesh kissed the tip of his dick, then a warm wetness wrapped around the top of his cock. “Gloria.” Evan dug his fingers into her butt and prevented Gloria from impaling herself. “Wake up!”

“I am.” His sister lifted her head. Her eyes were bright, and her cheeks were rosy.

“Why are you--”

“Because.” Gloria flopped like a fish pulled from the water, and the head of his cock dug into the doughy wet flesh between her legs. Gloria’s cheeks flushed, and her eyes showed the same shock he felt. He could have--should have--thrown her off, but he didn’t. His cock bent and plowed through her slit, then lodged back between their bodies. “Ah,” Gloria sighed.

His hands on her ass had her firmly pressed against his body, but his sister was still wiggling, pleasuring her clit. “Gloria, what are you doing? We--you can’t do that. You shouldn’t even be here.” He hoped his expression matched his words and not the desire he felt.

“Nobody will know,” Gloria said. “Dad already left for work and--”

“You still can’t do that ... I could have-- I almost did. Do you know what could have happened?”

“If I didn’t, I’d be pretty stupid,” she said. “What do you think I was doing?”

“I thought you were sleeping. Doesn’t matter anyway because I don’t want to.”

“Feels like it to me,” she said.

He wouldn’t convince her while holding her butt, so he let go, grabbed her shoulders and lifted her. Her knees came around and dug into his sides. Now she was sitting upright on his throbbing dick. Her T-shirt was tight, and there was a ridge from one nipple to the other. She’d have big melons soon, like her mother. He looked down. Gloria’s T-shirt was bunched around her hips, and her thick, curly blonde bush was framed between them. His erection was sticking out from under her crotch like the evil witch’s legs from under the house. His sister’s pussy didn’t look anything like he imagined it would when he had her panties on his face. She had a well-defined mound above her pubic bone and labia below it. Her pussy lips were spread open, clinging to his cock. He grabbed her hips and stopped her from rubbing on him. Could Jason have been right? “If you’re squirting in her panties, you must want to fuck her.”

“Jeez, Gloria, that doesn’t mean ... doesn’t mean anything. That just happens, and it can happen in my sleep. You almost made me--Never mind.”

“Like what you did on my leg?”

“What?” Evan started to feel like Deana was right, Gloria had him wrapped around her finger.

“It wasn’t your fault,” Gloria said. “I did it. I didn’t mean to, not at first, I guess, but it was under my leg, and it got hard, so I thought you liked it. I kept moving my leg until, you know, it happened.”

“Never mind,” he said. “This can’t ever happen again. Jeez, you’re my sister--my little sister.”

“Younger doesn’t make me a little sister,” she said. “I’m old enough, and if we were in our twenties instead of teens, nobody would even notice our age difference. So if we want to--”

“We’re not in our twenties, and you are my sister.” He had to end this before she talked him into something. “We’re not going to, and you’re not going to get in my bed anymore.” He didn’t want her to stop. “At least not without your clothes on.”

“Fine,” she said and got off the bed. “You said you’d give me anything if I showed you my drawing.”

Half of her ass wasn’t covered by her shirt, and Evan stared at it while she walked to the door. Didn’t look like a little sister’s butt. “I said anything I could give you.”

“So you can give it to Jayda, but not me? I guess you like her more,” Gloria said as she left.

Evan’s stiff cock wasn’t the reason he didn’t go after her. Gloria had turned into his teenage babysitter, Candy, and he didn’t trust himself to not do the wrong thing.

When Evan got to Miss Tonya’s, he went to the back door. There was always a chance she would want another massage. It wouldn’t meet his need like making love to Candy, but it would feel good and ease the pressure in his balls. It might also stop him from thinking about Gloria. He also wanted to find out precisely what Jayda said and let her know that if she opened her mouth again, he’d tell everybody what she did behind the dirt pile. He couldn’t wait to see the look on her face when she found out he knew. She deserved it, it was her fault he started wondering what Gloria looked like naked, and Jayda’s fault Gloria ended up in his bed that morning.

Miss Tonya answered the door in her bathrobe and invited him in. Images of his dick shooting cum on her face flashed through his mind, but the confidence he’d had on his way over there immediately left him. He had sex with her, yet she was still his mother’s friend, and that made him feel like a kid, regardless of how old he was.

Jayda walked into the kitchen wearing the same sundress she’d been wearing the last time he saw her and the same smug expression she’d had behind the shed. The one that made him want to strangle her. The bright yellow bathing suit under the dress was new, though, and Evan wished he didn’t know what Jayda looked like naked, at least not while her mother was standing in the same room. The circumstances couldn’t have been more wrong. A mother and daughter, the mother he had sex with, and her daughter, who he had considered fucking.

Evan gave Jayda a forced smile and turned his back to her. Miss Tonya was standing on the other side of the table from him. She leaned across for the sugar, and a significant portion of her tits spilled into the opening of her robe. After a few seconds, he looked away and saw that Jayda had noticed the titty show. His nervousness increased. “Ah, I’m going to get to work,” he said.

“You don’t want breakfast or something before you start?” Miss Tonya asked.

He would definitely like the or something. “No, ma’am, I already ate.” Evan lied.

“Too bad,” Miss Tonya said. “You still got that lay ... out I gave you?”

Had she emphasized that word? No, not in front of her daughter, Evan thought, it was my imagination. “I got it right here,” he said and patted his pocket right next to his dick. “It shouldn’t take me long to finish.”

“Let me know when you’re done. I have some information for you. Could be more work,” Miss Tonya said. “Oh, and of course, I’ll have to pay you.”

You could just fuck me again, Evan thought. “Great, that’d be great.”

“Evan, are you coming to our games?” Jayda asked. “You know we’ve got a big tournament. Gloria’s gonna be mad if you don’t.”

“Probably,” he said, wondering if Gloria would still want him there.

When Evan stepped into the dark shed, he stuffed his hand down the front of his pants and unbent his dick. For a split second, he considered pulling it out and jerking off, but that was a new low he wasn’t willing to stoop to, not yet, no matter how horny he was. Evan got the shovel and went across the yard to where all the shrubs and plants were bunched together. He knew nothing about gardening, but how hard could it be to dig a hole and stick a plant in it?

It wasn’t appropriate, but his parents weren’t here to say anything, and Miss Tonya had seen him naked, so Evan removed his shirt and extracted the crumpled piece of paper from his pocket. It had the names of all the bushes and plants and a map of where Miss Tonya wanted them. He got busy checking the tags and separated everything into groups. He wasn’t going to rush, but he did hope to finish and get paid while Miss Tonya was still wearing her robe. Hopefully, Jayda would go sit on Alex’s face again.

He was studying the layout one more time. “Evan.”

It was apparent whose voice it was, but he hadn’t heard the swoosh of the back door or the screen door clank shut. He looked around and spotted Jayda behind the shed. “What?” he asked.

Jayda answered by motioning with her hand, and he started walking. When he reached the shade, the cooler air reminded him that he wasn’t wearing his shirt. “What are you--”

“Are you mad at me,” Jayda asked.

“Yes,” he said. “Why did you tell Gloria we--”

“I didn’t tell her anything,” she said. “She got mad at me because I asked her a question about you.”

“Really, you asked a question, and she came home thinking we had sex?”

“What, she’s nuts,” Jayda said. “I definitely didn’t tell her that. Is that what she thought because I told her you gave me a massage?”

That was what he had assumed, ‘ ... give it to Jayda’ meant. “I thought you said you wouldn’t tell her about that?”

“I didn’t tell her I wasn’t wearing anything or that you were spying on me while I was peeing,” Jayda said.

Did every girl have the ability to flip a situation so he became the one who did something wrong? “I wasn’t spying,” he said. “What did you tell her?”

“I knew you were watching me, and I wouldn’t have told her anything if she wasn’t acting stupid. I asked if you mentioned seeing me when you were working, and she overreacted. I didn’t even tell her you promised to do a better job ... to finish my massage. I swear she was acting like you’re her boyfriend or something.”

Of course, she was, Evan thought. Gloria had a crush on him, just like he had on Candy. A stupid boy in love with a woman, wanting her to love him like her boyfriend, not her stepson. His heart had been broken, but Evan didn’t want to break Gloria’s. “Whatever,” he said. “If you knew I was watching, you wouldn’t have done it.”

Jayda filled her lungs, and her nipples responded to the material’s caress. There wasn’t a bright yellow bathing suit under there now. “Why not?” she asked. “You liked it, didn’t you?”

Evan had, and he wouldn’t mind seeing it again, but he didn’t believe her. There was no way a girl would do something like that if she knew she was being watched. “I didn’t promise you anything, and I don’t believe you. Prove it.”

“Did to,” Jayda said. “I think your exact words were, ‘If your mother isn’t home and you’re out here naked, we can finish,’.”

She was either bluffing, or Jayda was bad beyond her years. “I think you’re full of it.”

“I will,” Jayda said. “I swear, but if I do, then you gotta finish what you were doing.”

If she pissed again, that would be a bonus, but what he wanted was for her to get naked. Maybe it would make him stop wanting to see Gloria’s tits. “What about your mother?”

“She thinks I went to Alex’s house, and she’s taking a shower anyway. That’s plenty of time for us--”

“She’d wonder where I went if she looked outside.”

“We’ll hear her, and you can walk back over there. She’s not going to ask what you were doing back here. Probably think you had to go.”

This girl has thought of everything, he thought, but does she want me to finish the massage or something else? “Okay, go on, do it.”

“You promise you’ll finish?”

“Yeah, I promise.” Evan still had his doubts, but he was getting excited.

Jayda turned toward the shed, lifted the front of her dress, leaned back and nothing happened. He stared at her tan thighs, thick brown bush and the fingers grasping her mound. The first burst startled him, then the power of the flow increased and piss was splashing off the wall. He watched without speaking until the last drops fell, then said, “Wow.”

“Told you,” Jayda said.

One way or another, Evan planned to wipe that smart-ass expression off her face. “You didn’t bring any oil?”

“I got it right here,” Jayda said and took a small unlabeled squeeze bottle from her pocket. “I need a good massage, like the one you gave my mother.”

If you knew what kind of massage I gave your mother, you wouldn’t be saying that. “All right, as you wish.”

“I didn’t bring anything to lay on, so we’ll have to do it standing up.”

Evan loved her choice of words and wanted her naked, soon. “Better take that off.”

Jayda handed him the bottle and lifted her dress over her head. Evan stared as if it was the first pussy he’d ever seen. His brain took in the details and tried to compare them with what he had seen of Gloria’s earlier. He looked away from Jayda’s crotch, and her tits amazed him as much as the first time. Their brown caps covered half of each cone and grew with Jayda’s nervousness or excitement. She moved a few feet from the wet grass and said, “We don’t have much time, so start where you left off.” She faced the shed and pushed her ass back.

The tiny brain in Evan’s pants pulsed with endorphins and dopamine while he considered where he’d left off last time, two inches from her pussy. He got on his knees, and Jayda arched her back, tempting him with more of her butt. He took the bait and sucked a chunk of flesh into his mouth. Jayda’s muscles tightened, but she didn’t pull away.

“Oops,” he said and poked the purple mark on her right cheek, “better not tan naked in front of your mother.”

Jayda glanced down at him and said, “I’ll try not to.”

Her answer didn’t confirm Evan’s suspicion, but it did spawn more fantasies of Miss Tonya and Jayda getting naked together. It was unlikely and bizarre if they did, yet it was exciting to think about. He took the cap off the oil, and the smell of almonds made him dizzy. “This isn’t baby oil.”

“I brought massage oil,” she said. “I got some from my mom’s room. Didn’t you use that on her?”

Did she know, or was she trying to find out? “I did, I rubbed it all over her.”

“Mm, I wish we had two hours and a bed to lay on.”

Jeez, if Jayda had seen what he was doing with her mother, that must mean she expected more than a massage. He squirted some sweet almond sex sauce on his hands, rubbed them together, and started on her calves. She moved her feet apart and placed her hands on the wall. It looked like she was surrendering, giving herself to him. This wasn’t a game of truth or dare, Jayda wanted him to do whatever she let him do. His hands slid to the back of her knees, then up her thighs. He rotated them, his thumbs slipped across her inner thighs, snapping over her tendons. She exhaled, and he shoved upward, lifting the round orbs of her ass. Her cheeks parted, and he found the only tan line on the girl’s body. It ran the length of her ass groove, across the pink bud of her anus, and stopped at her pussy. The angle of her body and the fullness of her cunt made it a big target that would be easy to slide into from behind.

The education Miss Tonya had given him was fresh on his mind, but what would she think if she knew Jayda might be one of “ ... the young tight ones...”? At least she’s probably not a virgin, he hoped and kneaded her ass with his oiled hands. His thumbs swooped down into the valley and grazed her asshole. She groaned when they passed the edge of her pussy lips, but he didn’t touch them. He’d make her wait and get her hot, wet, and horny.

Jayda was breathing heavily and moving her pelvis like she wanted more. He wanted to give her more, much more than the massage she asked for. Was it his pride that made him want to get her off better than any of her girlfriends ever had?

He turned her around and chanced a glance up the front of her body. Her nipples were inflamed, bulging from the mounds on her chest. The fear he thought he might see in her eyes wasn’t there. She was staring with what he assumed to be expectancy. He wanted to shove his face in her crotch, but that would be rushing things.

On the way to his feet, he paused at Jayda’s ski jump tits. A darker brown ring marked the start of her nipple, then it was light brown the rest of the way to the pointed tip, which was dark brown again. He sucked the whole tit into his mouth and circled the silky ring with his tongue.

“Mmmm, that feels good,” Jayda said, putting her hands on his head.

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