The Death and Life of Becky Parker - Cover

The Death and Life of Becky Parker

Copyright© 2024 by Edward Pembroke

Chapter 6

Horror Sex Story: Chapter 6 - Becky Parker is a troubled teenager with suicidal thoughts. At her lowest ebb, she crosses paths with Edward and Edwina Pembroke, an outwardly unremarkable couple projecting an aura of compassion and empathy. Unfortunately, unbeknownst to Becky, the evil Pembrokes harbour disturbing and twisted inclinations towards her, exploiting her vulnerability for their depraved gratification.

Caution: This Horror Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/ft   Fa/ft   ft   Teenagers   Drunk/Drugged   NonConsensual   Rape   Romantic   Slavery   Teen Siren   BiSexual   Fiction   Zoophilia   Slut Wife   BDSM   FemaleDom   Humiliation   Rough   Sadistic   Spanking   Torture   Group Sex   Anal Sex   Analingus   Bestiality   Double Penetration   Enema   First   Massage   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Voyeurism   Water Sports   Foot Fetish   Revenge   Transformation   Violence  

Becky Parker felt the bars of her cage for the thousandth time. This couple was straight out of a nightmare. Would they kill her? Could she reason with them? What horrors lay ahead?

She had no way of knowing whether it was night or day or how much time had passed. The dungeon was plunged into darkness, but she could dimly make out the walls and the sordid environment around her. Her body ached from the ordeal she had been through. The room seemed heated, but her nipples still stuck out icily from the shame of being naked.

Her vagina did not stop hurting. She thought back to what she had believed to be a momentous decision on the bridge. What a fool she had been, a stupid girl. She had allowed this beastly psycho to trick her and pull her away from her family. Her poor family, she thought. What must they be thinking?

The air in the Parker mansion was thick with tension. Eleanor sat on the plush couch, a crumpled tissue clutched in her hand. Her normally vibrant eyes were red-rimmed and vacant. Gerald, his face contorted in a mask of fury, paced the room like a caged lion.

“You useless lot!” he roared at the two police detectives standing awkwardly by the fireplace. “A suicide note? You believe that tripe? Becky wouldn’t hurt a fly, let alone herself!”

Detective Miller, a grizzled veteran with a gut that strained against his too-tight suit, sighed. “Mr. Parker, we understand your frustration. We’re doing everything we can to find your daughter.”

“Everything you can?” Gerald spat. “That means nothing to me! My Becky is missing, and all you can offer are platitudes?”

Eleanour choked back a sob. “Gerald, please,” she whispered.

He ignored her, his gaze burning holes into the detectives. The suicide note was a cruel joke. Becky, their bright, bubbly daughter, had tried this before, he did not want to face the horrible reality that this time she may have succeeded.

“There has to be more you can do,” Eleanor pleaded, her voice trembling. “Look into her friends, her social media, anything!”

A Detective stepped forward. “We are, Mrs. Parker. We’re also checking CCTV footage, following up on any leads, no matter how small.”

“Then why can’t you find her?” Gerald thundered, his voice cracking with raw emotion.

“Mr. Parker,” Miller said, his voice calm but firm. “We understand this is a difficult time, but anything you can tell us, no matter how insignificant you may think it is, could be crucial in finding your daughter.”

Gerald looked from the detectives to his distraught wife, a flicker of doubt crossing his face. Both had a horrible feeling that their daughter had finally left them.

The Pembrokes awoke that morning feeling delighted with themselves. They both cursed their luck that they had to be at work that Tuesday morning. “God, I cannot wait to have a whole day with the bitch!”

Edward made a rough breakfast with some water. “We don’t want our guest to starve, but we want her to keep that slim physique!” they laughed.

They walked out into the shed, now connected to the house, and into the hidden stairwell down to the basement.

Becky jumped as her two captors walked into the room and the lights came on. Both were in dressing gowns, with nothing on underneath, their gowns falling open, casually revealing their nakedness.

The man seemed like a dumb oaf, blindly following the woman, who looked at Becky with the same relish as the night before. Her large breasts, chubby stomach, and the folds coming down over her hips were visible to Becky, who was appalled at the sight.

She had never seen anyone so naked before, other than other girls in the changing rooms at school. These large fat naked bodies were different, gross and frightening.

“Please,” Becky croaked, her voice hoarse. “I don’t understand why you’ve taken me. I’ll do anything, just let me go home.”

Edward chuckled, a low, guttural sound that sent shivers down her spine. “Anything, huh? That’s a tempting offer, little bird.” He circled the cage, his eyes glinting with something akin to hunger.

Desperation clawed at Becky. “My parents would pay,” she pleaded.

Edwina stopped, a cruel smile tugging at her lips. “Money? How utterly boring. All the money in the world couldn’t buy what we have down here right now.”

“You ... you’re just weak and pathetic. You preyed on me; I’m just fourteen! You sick fucks!”

An ugly snarl contorted Edward’s face. He lunged at the cage, the metal bars groaning under his grip. “Don’t lecture us, you little brat! You’re nothing but a fucking toy for our amusement.”

Tears welled up in Becky’s eyes as she realized appealing to their humanity was a lost cause.

The police were drawing a blank. There could be no doubt about the girl’s history of mental health problems. The suicide notes seemed genuine. The only mystery was, where had she gone? They could not trace her, but officers were poring over CCTV footage. Tips were flooding in after the TV and media appeals, but nothing substantial yet.

The Parkers both called in sick, they could not cope with the wretched reality of their missing daughter, dead or trapped somewhere. Genevieve stayed in her room, crying all day.

The Pembrokes arrived home after work, delighted and ready for another evening of fun with their new toy. Their cheer contrasted sharply with Becky’s misery. Hours of confinement had left her drained. Hunger gnawed at her stomach, sleep deprivation, and isolation were making her hallucinate, the brutal acts on her body made her body ache, and her throat was raw from whimpers and cries.

“You wanted to die an innocent young girl, Becky” taunted Edwina. “Instead, you are going to grow up fast down here. You see this...”

Edwina fished out a pair of red panties from her dressing gown pocket. “I swiped this from your room, one of the first times we met. You had no idea, but I have been dreaming of you for months.”

Becky felt sick as she recognized those knickers; she had wondered where they had gone. She was jolted by Edward’s hands coming from behind her, through the bars, and touching her hips. Startled, she tried to swat his hands away.

“NO! You don’t get to say no to us down here! We can touch you however we want!” Edwina angrily moved her hands through the bars and roughly groped her small tits.

Becky groaned, as four hands moved all over her, invading her, touching her all over. “Please ... please, I’m sorry, I will do anything, I just want to go home to my family...”

You don’t have a family anymore, Becky,” she said, the mock sweetness gone from her voice. “This is your family now. And in this family,” she added, her grin returning, a cruel twist of her lips, “we play by my rules.”

Edwina looked at Edward. “Ed, get her out, and let’s hose her down.”

Edward unlocked the cage and aggressively grabbed the frightened Becky, pulling her out. “Please, no ... I’ll do what you say; please don’t hurt me!” she begged.

“Shut up, you bitch!” shouted Edward. He dragged her to the shower and ran cold water all over her. “NNnnnnn!” Becky screamed as the cold water washed all over her. The rough fingers of the couple pawed all over her with soap.

She squealed as Edwina forced a showerhead up her back passage, filling it with cold water.

“Come on, you need to get used to this! you need to get used to everything, his cock, my cunt, this will be your life!”

Eventually, Becky could not help but force the dirty water out of her ass and onto the drain after the showerhead was pulled out.

“It’s a dirty job, but you’ll be nice and clean in a while! Then we can play!” Edward laughed as the girl flopped on the floor, and he had to drag her up by the hair to finish the hosing process.

“Now, let’s clean those lovely teeth!” Edwina brought a toothbrush and squeezed some paste on it. “Hold her Ed!”

Ed gripped Becky with a strong arm around her waist, and another above it holding her arms still. “Open your mouth, darling, let your mummy brush your teeth!”

Becky shut her eyes to avoid the leering eyes of Edwina as she scrubbed her teeth, feeling like a helpless child, which she was.

“All right, finally! Now we can begin. Now, let’s break out the bed...”

Edward set up the small bed in the middle of the dungeon, while Edwina rubbed Becky dry.

“Now Becky, I want you to kneel in front of us. Place your bottom back on your ankles, and keep your back straight. Put your hands on your thighs, palms facing up. Look at us! Yes, that’s good. Now, it’s time to explain your situation...”

Becky knelt down miserably, facing the two ogres.

“This was not an accident.” Edwina lectured her. “You see, me and Edward here, we have ... predilections for girls like you. We don’t have our own children, so you will be our daughter. You will call us mummy and daddy...” Edwina watched the look of horror and disgust grow on their victim’s face.

“We planned your kidnapping very, very carefully. We have a lot of experience, we have done stuff that should have got us both locked up years ago. So you know you are in good hands haha!”

Edwina was in her element and was now playing with Becky’s hair, and stroking her face.

“We wanted a pretty girl of our own. A sex slave to take care of all our desires. We chose you, and you made it all so easy, talking to me online, faking your own suicide. Do you remember nearly losing your pedant when you went swimming? Well, it was very easy for me to put a tracker into it, we knew where you were all the time!”

“You moved around that park fairly quickly though!” laughed Edward cheerfully, as he stroked his cock, just a foot from Becky’s face. “We had a good workout keeping up with you and finding you!”

“Yes,” sniffed Edwina “we nearly missed you. If you actually had decided to kill yourself, you wouldn’t be here, it would have been too late for us. Instead, I am guessing you hesitated, at that spot, for ages. Well, that was your fatal mistake. Maybe you will soon wish you had jumped off that bridge!”

“I am happy you are here though!” Edward was laughing as he moved around the girl, admiring her petite form, running his hands over her back, and under her ass, running a finger along her crack as Becky gasped.

“I scanned your diary with my phone when you left me at our session, and I hacked into your laptop. Maybe next time, pick a better password than your dog” gloated Edwina. “Did you enjoy your birthday party? At that restaurant? Me and Ed, we were watching you, that was when we decided we had to have you, that little dress you had on, you little whore, you were asking for it...”

Becky was horrified. Her world had gone from being an introverted self-absorbed girl, to a sex slave, forced to bare her body for these freaks, and stolen away from her family.

“Down here, your life will be with us. You can choose whether to try to enjoy it. But you will serve us. Your body does not belong to you anymore” Edwina licked her lips. “It belongs to us, to do with it what we want. You do what we tell you, or you get hurt, that is the golden rule. Sometimes, we are going to hurt you anyway, because we want to, but if you just obey us, if you do whatever we want, then you can have a relatively pain free life.”

Edwina leaned into Becky’s face. “You think that pain is something from being sad and lonely and not being understood by your rich parents. Down here, you will get pain like you won’t fucking believe. It will be a great motivator.”

Edwina tried to kiss Becky, who pulled away. Edwina slapped her hard across the face. Becky tried to hold her face, but Edwina pulled her hands away.

“Get those hands back on your legs. Do not move from that position! You see, you broke the fucking rule already. I want to kiss you, you don’t stop me, you kiss me back. This time, I want to feel your sweet tongue in my mouth. Have you ever been kissed before?”

“No” murmured Becky, shaking and breaking out in tears.

“Good, well, you will get plenty of kissing down here, and plenty of sex. So come on, open your mouth.”

Becky shuddered as she felt the older woman’s mouth explore her own, the warm wet lips moving smelling of coffee assaulting her taste buds. She fought the urge to throw up.

Edward and Edwina dragged Becky to the bed. “Good girl, we are learning fast,” said Edward. “Now, we are going to go on the bed and have fun. Just remember, I know you’re scared, but we really haven’t hurt you yet. We will need to hurt you to motivate you; it’s just a matter of time.” She looked at her sternly. “As soon as you refuse to do something or try to stop us doing something to you, then the punishments will start ... OK baby?”

Becky pleaded, “Yes ... yes ... please, I don’t want to get hurt.” Edwina teased her, “Oh, I think you will refuse us something. I’m sure you can imagine something. Me and Ed ... well, we’re a little past our prime, and I don’t think you’re into women are you?”

“I ... can try,” Becky replied. “I just want to do what you need.”

Edwina laughed. “I hope so! I’m just realistic. Ready to eat my pussy then?” She walked over to a shelf holding canes and whips. “I’m going to keep this cane next to the bed. It’s win-win for me, you see; I like hurting girls.” She had an evil glint in her eye now, one which Edward loved.

“It’s up to you, how much of a beating you are going to get. Get on the bed; you lost your virginity last night, but now, we are going to spend hours making love.”

Becky steeled herself for what was going to come. She had to stay alive, she had to just get through this. She had no choice. But their bodies ... she couldn’t do this. But, she had to...

She forced herself to think of something else, to put her mind outside of her body. She tried to think of herself at home, in bed, watching a porn movie, but not in it. But she could not hide from the smells, the taste, the sensations of bites on her beck, her buttocks, her breasts.

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