The Death and Life of Becky Parker - Cover

The Death and Life of Becky Parker

Copyright© 2024 by Edward Pembroke

Chapter 5

Horror Sex Story: Chapter 5 - Becky Parker is a troubled teenager with suicidal thoughts. At her lowest ebb, she crosses paths with Edward and Edwina Pembroke, an outwardly unremarkable couple projecting an aura of compassion and empathy. Unfortunately, unbeknownst to Becky, the evil Pembrokes harbour disturbing and twisted inclinations towards her, exploiting her vulnerability for their depraved gratification.

Caution: This Horror Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/ft   Fa/ft   ft   Teenagers   Drunk/Drugged   NonConsensual   Rape   Romantic   Slavery   Teen Siren   BiSexual   Fiction   Zoophilia   Slut Wife   BDSM   FemaleDom   Humiliation   Rough   Sadistic   Spanking   Torture   Group Sex   Anal Sex   Analingus   Bestiality   Double Penetration   Enema   First   Massage   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Voyeurism   Water Sports   Foot Fetish   Revenge   Transformation   Violence  

Becky Parker wondered if she would die like this.

A rough blindfold, scratchy against her skin, pressed over her eyes. It shielded her only from the dark abyss of the basement, itself shrouded in darkness.

Her arms were yanked back into a sickening hog tie contortion, bound impossibly tight to her ankles behind her. The unnatural position arched her back into a painful crescent, her lower spine screaming in protest as the front of her pelvis, the only part of her body touching the ground, dug into the rubber floor. Her legs, bound together at the ankles and then yanked back to meet her wrists in the horrifying inversion, burned with a constant, dull ache that occasionally flared into a searing agony with every slight movement.

The gag still pushed her jaw uncomfortably ajar, forcing a constant stream of saliva to dribble down her chin and soak into the floor.

The only movement she could make was to occasionally droop, turn, or hold her head up, but the view was the same, black darkness.

Hours of silence had passed. The pain in her sides and the blood in her mouth reminded her of what had happened.

Had she died? Had she killed herself? She had thought of it, she had hovered on the precipice. But she thought she had pulled back, surely?

She remembered seeing Mrs Pembroke, the last person she expected, and a man, and then the world had gone on fire.

What a strange dying thought, what an image. That mousy woman had been the last thing she had imagined before ... this.

But as hours dragged on, her mind cleared. She remembered more. She had been dragged inside a dark container, along rough ground, and then in a vehicle. There had been flashes of light, and a hand moving all over her body.

Then she had been carried inside somewhere. This place was so silent, that she heard nothing but her own rasping breaths through the gag.

The other thing which deeply disturbed her was that she was naked. She felt her bare nipples rub the ground when she keeled herself forward.

Her heart felt strained. She had no way of knowing if this hellish contortion would ever end.

Edward Pembroke felt as high as a kite, whistling away on the scaffolding. “You seem happy today, Ed. Won on the horses?” laughed his boss.

Edward went quiet; he needed to be inconspicuous. He had gone straight to work from tying up Becky and leaving her, careful to give himself an alibi and not appear to be having an abnormal day.

Edwina Pembroke had driven to work, having dieted herself on just a few strokes of Becky’s body. She was overcome with excitement, she could not believe that the teenage girl she had lusted over was now in her power, defenseless, naked, in her basement.

She had one appointment with a troubled teenage girl, who bore a similar resemblance to Becky. She spoke of her problems with her parents, but all Edwina could think of was how this girl would look naked, chains snaking across her body. She had to excuse herself, and masturbate in the toilets, trying to get the thoughts of Becky out of her head.

By late evening, both Pembrokes had got home. They embraced passionately as Ed came through the door to greet Edwina, who had been too scared to go down by herself. Neither of them had slept for 36 hours, but this was no time for a nap.

“Oh Ed. We did it. We finally did it! I love you so much!”

“Oh my God. I am so glad, I did this for you, Edwina!”

Edwina looked out the curtains. “Any news about her?”

“Nothing ... nothing yet...”

“That stupid girl,” said Eleanour Parker as she fussed over the house, getting dinner ready. “We have bridge night later; it’s going to look so bad if she doesn’t turn up. Where the hell is she? Genevieve, have you heard from her?”

“No, mummy,” Genevieve replied, looking worried. Her sister was never away this long without saying anything.

Eleanour went into Becky’s bedroom and saw that her laptop was gone from her desk. Then she noticed a white envelope in its place. Puzzled, Eleanour opened the envelope and began to read the letter inside.

At that moment, Genevieve heard a scream and rushed over to her sister’s bedroom. She found her mother crouched on the floor, clutching the letter, her hand over her mouth, and sobbing uncontrollably.

The letter was a suicide note from Becky.

Edwina took a long bath shaving her legs, pussy, and body ready for sex. Perfumed and dressed in her nicest lingerie, she put on a little black dress. She had bought it on a whim for Edward in the bedroom but was too embarrassed to wear it out and about on account of her weight.

Dabbing her make-up on, she smiled at her husband. “Edward, I think you should put on that outfit ... you know ... the leather straps ... I think that will turn me on so much...”

“Goodness, Edwina. Do we want to frighten the poor girl?” He chuckled nervously.

Edwina’s eyes gleamed through her mascara and eyeliner. “I want her to be absolutely terrified!” she declared with a messianic fervor. “I want her to know what is going to happen, I want it to be in her bones from the start. I want it to be in her head before we even touch her!”

Edward felt awkward changing into the outfit, a BDSM outfit of black leather trousers and straps across his bare chest revealing a hairy rotund stomach.

“Ed, I want cameras in the basement eventually, we will need to be able to watch her. I’m going to bring my camera downstairs to record as much of this as possible.”

“Yes, yes” Edward tried to get himself ready - he was going to rape a defenceless girl he had just kidnapped. He had done this before, but this time, there would be no escape, not for her, and not for him. She would remain under their house, until the end...

Becky had tried rocking back and forth, and rolling onto her side, but couldn’t alleviate the pain. Her shoulder blades were going numb. After what seemed like a day, she suddenly heard the sound of steps and then the jingle of keys in a lock. She strained to listen, seeing nothing. The door opened, and she heard footsteps approaching—high heels and boots. She murmured in vain, hoping for assistance. Were these people here to rescue her or harm her?

She felt lights come on through her blindfold, and blinked behind it. A low murmur, too soft to decipher, passed between the figures ... and suddenly the blindfold was ripped off her eyes.

She craned her neck to look at the two people standing above her. The woman was a grotesque parody of femininity. Caked-on makeup, like a child playing dress-up, couldn’t hide the haggard lines etched around her eyes. Her overweight body was crammed into a black cocktail dress that screamed for mercy, paired with fishnet stockings that revealed the flesh at the top her thighs meeting in a black thong. The man beside her was dressed all in black leather, with semi bare chest. They both looked at her like she was a tasty treat.

“Welcome to your new home, Becky,” the woman purred, her voice dripping with something far more sinister than warmth. Becky barely recognised her as Mrs Pembroke. Becky blinked rapidly, trying to focus on her surroundings. This wasn’t a basement, not exactly. It was a meticulously staged nightmare.

Dim lighting cast dancing shadows on the red walls, adorned with chains and ominous cages. The air hung heavy with the smell of damp earth and something metallic. Fear coiled tight in Becky’s gut.

The police were very sympathetic to the Parkers, especially once they realized the stature of both Eleanour and Gerald. Officers combed the nearby areas but missed the rubbish pick-up that disposed of Becky’s electronic equipment. A missing person alert was put out on the afternoon local news, and Eleanour quickly styled herself to secure a short slot on a local news station.

It was impressive, given that Becky had been missing for less than 12 hours, but it was not enough. Becky had disguised herself well. Her taxi driver, preoccupied with his family, ignored the news, and no one who had sat near Becky recognized the girl on the broadcast.

The Parker family were frantic. Eleanour cursed herself for not knowing how and where Becky might have taken her life. Why had she not said anything?

Becky could not believe it. Her captor was Mrs Pembroke. She was barely recognizable—the same figure, but now ... sexy in a repulsive, unnatural way. The man looked ugly and terrifying, and she winced that he had been the man who had touched her, tied her up, and hit her.

Edwina observed the girl writhing on the floor, her slender body straining against the confines of the hogtie. The tendons in her legs and arms stood out prominently as she rocked back and forth, causing her small breasts to rise off the ground. Despite her fearful gaze, those bright blue eyes remained locked onto Edwina’s own.

Edwina lowered herself to Becky’s level, her knees coming up on either side of the girl’s head. As Edwina’s stocking-clad thigh brushed against Becky’s face, the girl’s eyes widened with shock as she faced the thin fabric of Edwina’s panties facing her. The scent of womanhood filled her nostrils, igniting a distaste and fear as she stared at her crotch.

Edwina reached up and played with her hair, then ran a lazy hand down her spine until it rested on Becky’s buttocks. The muscles there were taut from the strain of being bound in such an uncomfortable position.

“My, you have a wonderful body, Becky. I wish I had been like you at your age.”

“God, Edwina, I think we need to clean her, she has pissed herself ... maybe more.” Edward wanted Becky to be clean before he launched himself at the vulnerable teenager.

“Yes ... Ed let me do it, I will shave her as well down there.”

Edwina cradled Becky’s face in her hands as she brought her nose to hers. “You will think of me as a new kind of mummy, I will take care of you and make sure you are nice and clean for us. Now, remember to be a nice obedient girl, OK?”

Edward could barely contain himself. “God, she really is gorgeous, well picked Edwina, well picked!”

Becky’s face was slick with tears, saliva, and sweat as she continued to struggle against her bonds. Her jaws remained prised wide open by the gag. Her face was tipped up by Edwina’s fingers to face the older woman’s eyes. She couldn’t believe that this was the same shy woman who had counseled her just a few months earlier.

Edwina took hold of a small hose and shot a jet of cold water onto her body, leading to mumbled shouts from her gagged mouth. Edwina loved how her body vibrated and shook but barely moved overall, despite her obvious discomfort. She showered the unpleasant detritus from her body and into a drain in the middle of the floor.

Edwina untied Becky’s ankles, letting them flop to the ground. The girl groaned in pain as she felt the blood rush back into her legs. Her upper body collapsed down as if from a tightly wound spring so that her face hit the floor, and she tasted blood in her nose from the impact.

Edwina rubbed and massaged Becky’s buttocks, spreading them apart. She couldn’t resist the animalistic lust that overtook her and plunged her face between Becky’s legs. Her tongue traced along the girl’s crack before biting down on one of her buttocks, causing Becky to moan in pain and weakly kick against Edwina.

“Careful Edwina” Edward cautioned.

Edwina grinned wickedly, her eyes wild with lust. “This little bitch is like a weak little kitten!” She clawed at Becky’s sides, feeling each rib as her fingernails bumped along on their journey from her armpits down to her hips, eliciting more muffled grunts from the gagged girl. Ed handed her the razor. She flipped the young teenager onto her back on top of her mashed-up arms and wrists, and eagerly went to work shaving the slight stubble on Becky’s pussy.

Becky finally got some feeling back in her legs. This woman had her bare legs and pussy spread wide, completely vulnerable.

Becky weakly tried to bang her thigh against Edwina’s face, but the older woman just smiled and bit down hard on the inside of her thigh. Becky grunted in pain as Edwina looked at the mark she had made, seemingly satisfied. “Now Becky,” she said with a smirk, “you might as well get used to this.”

She ran her hand over Becky’s smooth mons. “You don’t want to be a hairy woman do you, Becky, you want to be our special little girl. That’s who will be down here.”

Edwina slipped her fingers over Becky’s pussy, its slim labia such a contrast to Edwina’s meaty lips.

Edwina ran her hand over Becky’s torso, marveling at the strained stomach muscles as the surface of her tummy rippled in and out like a wave, running her hand up her rib cage and over her small perky breasts., “God,” she said with awe as she continued to touch Becky’s body. “You are so pretty.”

Becky looked down in horror at Mrs. Pembroke’s twisted face, her made-up middle-aged face grinning with malice. Becky wasn’t into women anyway, but she felt an equal horror at the sight of the ogre of a man staring down at her.

Becky shut her eyes tightly as she felt Edwina’s tongue reach her pussy lips. At first, it was tentative, but then Edwina furiously licked and sucked on her tight virgin pussy, forcing her tongue inside of it.

Edwina ate like this was her last meal, savoring every nook and cranny of Becky’s insides. She brought her index finger to the girl’s hole and pushed inside, watching as her head rose again and thrashed around. Despite the squashing sensation from Becky’s slim thighs, it didn’t stop Edwina from doing anything. She merely licked her way back to Becky’s pussy and sought out the poor girl’s clit, wondering if she had ever found it herself.

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