The Death and Life of Becky Parker - Cover

The Death and Life of Becky Parker

Copyright© 2024 by Edward Pembroke

Chapter 15

Horror Sex Story: Chapter 15 - Becky Parker is a troubled teenager with suicidal thoughts. At her lowest ebb, she crosses paths with Edward and Edwina Pembroke, an outwardly unremarkable couple projecting an aura of compassion and empathy. Unfortunately, unbeknownst to Becky, the evil Pembrokes harbour disturbing and twisted inclinations towards her, exploiting her vulnerability for their depraved gratification.

Caution: This Horror Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/ft   Fa/ft   ft   Teenagers   Drunk/Drugged   NonConsensual   Rape   Romantic   Slavery   Teen Siren   BiSexual   Fiction   Zoophilia   Slut Wife   BDSM   FemaleDom   Humiliation   Rough   Sadistic   Spanking   Torture   Group Sex   Anal Sex   Analingus   Bestiality   Double Penetration   Enema   First   Massage   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Voyeurism   Water Sports   Foot Fetish   Revenge   Transformation   Violence  

Becky listlessly skipped around the bedroom. Hours spent playing with her hair, her piercings, counting her scars, counting the bricks on the wall, could not hide that she was going crazy in this prison. She was hearing voices more and more, imagining school, and family. More and more it felt like the world outside, before her kidnapping, had never existed, it was just a dream.

She was interrupted by the security door and the two figures of Edward and Edwina in their dressing gowns.

“There she is” grinned Edward. Even after six months, he couldn’t believe how cute and pretty she was, even after the beatings and deprivation. Edwina stared at her, with the familiar mixture of lust and hatred. This little bitch was a nice toy but she had outlived her usefulness.

Hours of passionate sex followed. Becky thought she was getting off lightly. Other than some heavy spanking and hair pulling, she had not been hurt. Her ass and pussy had gotten used to Edward’s cock and her oral skills were enough to please them both and avoid the need for physical chastisement to improve her performance.

On the mat in the middle of the dungeon, she was on her back. Edwina was crouched over her face, her knees pinning down her arms, looking down into her eyes as Becky licked her pussy.

Behind them, Edward had gathered her legs into the air and pushed back her thighs, exposing her pussy and asshole. He enjoyed the sight of the little crossbow nestled in the flesh between asshole and pussy, plucking playfully at it, before pushing his cock into her ass.

Becky moaned and continued lapping at the insides of Edwina’s musky feminine folds. Her arms were hurting from the pressure of her meaty legs pinning them down, and hoped that she would soon cum, she could feel more and more acrid juices flowing down her throat.

Edwina had drank several beers before coming down, and thought now might be an opportune time to take a piss. “Edward, darling, keep fucking her, I’m gonna take a piss ... down her throat, I hope I don’t distract you...”

“Oh ... hot! No problem!” Edward increased the pace of his fucking as Becky smarted at the burning friction against her anal walls, and the forthcoming flood of urine.

Becky detected a difference in taste followed by a gush of warm piss which passed into her mouth. She stopped licking as she tried to accommodate it in her mouth. Edwina squeezed her thighs together, preventing her from turning her head at all, then pressed her nose tightly shut with her fingers.

Every desperate attempt to swallow or spit it out was met with more piss, making it increasingly difficult to keep up. Terror gripped her as she felt the urine striking the back of her throat, her panic rising with each gulp and attempt at expulsion. The more she tried to push the urine out or swallow it, the harder it became, her efforts growing more frantic and futile as she began to feel herself losing the battle for breath.

She tried to appeal for help but only saw Edwina’s wickedly grinning face, visible between her two giant breasts, staring down at her. Every attempt to breathe now just made things worse.

Edward was lost in fucking her ass, and could only see his wife’s back, as her ass completely obscured Becky’s face. He could see the widening puddle of piss coming from beneath his wife and could feel Becky’s asshole dilate to welcome his cock even further in, which distracted him from the choking sounds coming from the mouth of the body he was fucking.

Becky started to lose her vision. The piss was still coming in and when she opened her mouth to breathe, it was flowing down her windpipe. The face of Edwina, her flabby belly and breasts, and the smell of her pussy and piss, would be the last things she would see and sense.

Edwina watched as the girl’s eyes started to roll back in her head. Just a few more moments and poor Becky would be dead from an unfortunate sex game. She would only ‘notice’ after her husband had finished cumming in the asshole of what would be a corpse.

With a final instinct, unable to move any other part of her body, Becky bit down on Edwina’s labia.

Edwina screamed, and jumped off Becky and fell onto the ground holding her vagina in her hands.

Edward was shocked, he looked at Becky, her head moved to the side as her hands went to her throat. Her eyes were bulging out she was coughing up piss and phlegm and heaving to get air back into her lungs.

Edward took his cock out of the girl’s ass and went to his wife’s assistance.

Edwina was still in agony, hands between her legs. “That cunt!” She bit me!”

“SORRY!!!” Becky knew what had happened. Edwina had tried to kill her. She had to appeal to Edward. “I was going to choke to death, I was going to die, I’m sorry I didn’t mean to hurt you ... mummy...”

Edward inspected his wife’s pussy. There was no blood, just a little mark. It was nothing compared to the punishment that Becky got almost every day.

“Oh dear, Becky why don’t you kiss mummy’s pussy better eh?”

Edwina was furious. “Ed, you fucking stupid cunt! You always take her side! That bitch bit me, what are you going to do about it?”

Edward just wanted to get his cock back inside Becky, he hated these arguments. “Come on Edwina, it was an accident.”

“An accident! That bitch took liberties! You are too soft on her! You spend hours down here with her. She’s a fucking slave! What the fuck do you talk with her about? Do you think this girl loves you or something? She would kill us both in the blink of an eye!”

“Edwina, she’s just a slip of a girl, look why don’t you just give her a few strokes of the cane...”

“Oh you fucking bet I will!” Edwina stormed angrily to the side of the room and took out a cane. “You! Cunt! Bend over that bench now!”

Edward rolled his eyes. He really loved Becky’s smooth tight buttocks and now they were going to get ruined for a week again.

“Don’t be too hard on her, Edwina.”

“FUCK YOU ED!!!” Edwina swung with all her might at Becky, who did not have time to bend over. She curled up to protect herself and the cane snapped twice as Edwina hit her again and again.

Then Edwina burst into tears as Becky cowered in fear and pain.

“You always take her side, Ed. We are a team. She bit me, and you stick up for her. it’s not fair.”

“There, there.” Edward took Edwina in his arms, and patted her on the back, as she buried her tears in his chest. He looked at Becky with reproach, as if it was all her fault.

“What can I do to make things better?” Edward whispered to her.

Edwina thought and smiled to herself.

“I want to shave the bitch’s hair off.

“Her pussy is already smooth.”

“I mean the hair on her head, dumbass.” Edwina gazed up at Edward, smiling and catlike. “I want her to be bald.”

Edward looked at Becky and sighed. She was so pretty. Her hair would take a year to grow back. Yes, it would be interesting but he was bald himself, he knew it was overrated!

“Please, Ed, it would mean so much to me...”

Hours later, Edward was back in the sex dungeon completing the clean-up of piss, sweat, bodily fluids, and human hair. He gave himself a reward, more sex in Becky’s bedroom.

His fingers drummed happily on Becky’s bare cranium as she sucked on his cock. He ran his nails across her bald skull, in awe. “I’ve never seen a bald girl before, not like totally bald, like me...”

The cool air brushed against Becky’s scalp, and the tingling sensations of Edward’s drumming fingers were unnerving and humiliating. Her long, cascading curls, which she had loved and taken for granted, had been cut cruelly away from her.

“Feels gay, feels like I’m getting a blow job from a boy!” Becky continued sucking on his cock, trying to get over the loss of her hair. But his cruel fingers and mocking tone did not stop.

“Your head is so shiny I can almost see my reflection on it!”

Edwina had laughed her head off, calling her a freak and an alien. This felt like it was close to the end, surely. Her hair had been such a part of her. The tattoos and the markings, the scars, the degradation had all been awful. But the loss of her hair felt like her personhood was being demolished.

As she swallowed Edward’s cum, he exhaled and pulled her up beside him.

“Don’t worry Becky, you are still pretty enough to fuck. We can get you wigs anyway.”

“But Ed, mummy doesn’t like me, I think she wants rid of me.”

Edward was coming to the same conclusion.

“Don’t worry Becky. I’m not ready to say goodbye to you yet. All the hassle we went through to get you, and all the hassle with your mum and those other girls, I will remind Edwina how lucky we are to have you! Hair or no hair, I see girls on the street every day and just want to fuck them, and I can’t! But with you, I can do anything! It’s such a relief to have you, Becky.”

Edward turned to face her.

“Do you like me, Becky?”

“I would like you, Ed, if you liked me, really, and not just as a piece of meat.”

“Haha, well I definitely like you as a piece of meat...” his fingers playfully pinched at the piercing between her eyes. “But I just don’t believe a girl like you will ever like me, so we have to do this...” he gestured around the dungeon.

Becky held on to him. “Please, protect me, will you?”

Edward kissed her on her bald head and smiled. “I will do my best, my little one.”

Suddenly, the security door opened. In came Edwina, followed by Lucifer.

“What the fuck, Ed. Why are you in bed with her, all lovey dovey!”

Edward panicked and got out of bed like he had been caught cheating on her.

“Sorry love, just taking a reward for cleaning up.”

Edwina was angry again. She did not feel comfortable being alone with Becky but would love to spend time in bed with her. “Why can’t I do what you are doing?”

“You can if you want...”

“Oh yeah and let her bite me again! She’s fucking dangerous Ed! You didn’t want to break her hands or her feet, so I have to fear for my fucking safety!”

Edwina spat venom at him. Becky wanted to hug Edward for protection but knew that any sign of affection towards him might anger her even more.

“Edwina, we’ve just shaved her hair off, and you’ve caned her...”

“I want to play with her now, by myself. I want you to tie her up for me!”

Edwina had taken her dressing gown off and was naked again, her arms folded, waiting for Edward’s response.

“OK, OK,” Edward still lived by ‘happy wife, happy life.’ I can tie her legs together and tie her wrists behind her back and tie that to a collar, she won’t be able to move much...”

“Can I open her legs?”

“Yes, as wide as you want, my darling.”

“Good” said Edwina. “Go on, do it.”

Edward kissed Becky on the top of her bald head, then led her over to the wall of the dungeon, out of the caged bedroom, and attached cuffs and a connecting string between her ankles, restricting her movement to only about a foot apart. He tied her wrists behind her back and clicked a collar around her neck. Then, using a cord, he secured the cuffs between her wrists to the collar, tightening it so much that her arms were pulled up painfully, her shoulder blades straining under the tension.

“Now Becky, you be a good girl for mummy OK? Play nicely!” Edward kissed her and smiled, looking into her eyes, as if to say ‘good luck.’ Becky trembled and a tear came out of her eye, pleading with him to stay.

After Edward departed, Edwina kissed Becky passionately. She wanted this to be her final sex session. She licked and kissed all over the teenager’s body, inhaling her, trying to create memories of this wonderful body.

She sucked on her nipple ring, her facial piercings, and her pussy piercings. She wondered if these would be plucked from her corpse, or if they should just burn her and take the piercings from the ashes.

Despite her fear and pain, Becky worked hard to give Edwina the best orgasm she could with her tongue, using all the tricks and knowledge she had gained over the last six months. She knew her pussy like a map, and her tongue detected her familiar G spot, and she watched her flabby belly vibrate as she came in her mouth.

“Hmmmm, it’s good now that it is just us girls, huh Becky?” Edwina smiled demurely at Becky. “You know when I first met you, I thought you were the cutest girl ever.” She massaged Becky’s breasts while staring into her eyes. “I wanted you, but I’ve wanted many girls. I could never have dreamt this would happen. Having you here, it’s been the greatest thing, even better than being with Ed...”

Becky kissed her in response and thought that maybe, just maybe, Edwina might be softening.

Lucifer was with them the whole time, wagging his tail.

“Now, Becky, I want you to suck Lucifer and let him fuck you. I want to watch. It’s raining really hard tonight, so we haven’t given him a walk.”

Becky was determined to do anything. This was a fight for her life, she could feel it.

She crawled over to Lucifer on her knees, feeling the tension in her shoulders increase as the cord pulled her arms painfully upward to her neck behind her back. Each movement was slow and deliberate, her knees scraping against the floor, her balance precarious due to the limited range of motion in her legs. This drew the mirth of Edwina. “Haha, you look so cute like that, baldy!”

Becky cringed at the name, even more so when the surprised Lucifer lapped at the top of her skull, puzzled at this human’s sudden lack of hair.

“Haha” Edwina laughed. “Lucifer is wondering where the fuck your hair has gone! Now, kiss him!”

Becky could taste the sour dog food on his breath as she stuck her tongue out, opened her mouth, and let Lucifer’s giant tongue explore the inside of her mouth.

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