The Death and Life of Becky Parker - Cover

The Death and Life of Becky Parker

Copyright© 2024 by Edward Pembroke

Chapter 14

Horror Sex Story: Chapter 14 - Becky Parker is a troubled teenager with suicidal thoughts. At her lowest ebb, she crosses paths with Edward and Edwina Pembroke, an outwardly unremarkable couple projecting an aura of compassion and empathy. Unfortunately, unbeknownst to Becky, the evil Pembrokes harbour disturbing and twisted inclinations towards her, exploiting her vulnerability for their depraved gratification.

Caution: This Horror Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/ft   Fa/ft   ft   Teenagers   Drunk/Drugged   NonConsensual   Rape   Romantic   Slavery   Teen Siren   BiSexual   Fiction   Zoophilia   Slut Wife   BDSM   FemaleDom   Humiliation   Rough   Sadistic   Spanking   Torture   Group Sex   Anal Sex   Analingus   Bestiality   Double Penetration   Enema   First   Massage   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Voyeurism   Water Sports   Foot Fetish   Revenge   Transformation   Violence  

Eleanour Parker had spent her life playing and working hard. Now in her forties, she still had a spectacular figure. Clad in yoga pants, a tight vest top, a baseball cap, and trainers, she cut a sleek and attractive figure as she ran hard at 6 am, preparing herself for another busy day at work. With each stride, she pounded the quiet pavement, her thoughts focused solely on her work schedule and her beloved Genevieve, who now meant everything to her.

She did not pay any attention to the white van parked beside her, watching her.

“God she is amazing, but remember Emma Bradley? We don’t have a good track record trying to catch runners” remarked Edward Pembroke.

“I believe in you Ed, that’s why I want you to tackle her, like in rugby, and proper punch her, hit her, knock her her out. None of this soft shit. Knock her about then rape her, OK?”

“Sure we can’t bring her home afterwards?”

Edwina sighed, exasperated. “No, Ed. That bitch’s daughter is enough of a handful. That Eleanour is too ... intimidating, sorry. And she’s too old for us! If it was her daughter Genevieve then I’d say yes, but I just want this bitch fucked up.”

“And you’re sure I won’t get caught?”

“Not if you keep the ski mask on and wear a condom.”

“What if it comes off? It had happened with that blonde when we spiked those girls’ drinks.”


“Yeah, I never said at the time because those three guys raped her afterward, and we never heard anything from the police, but it ripped on my cock halfway through. She was a virgin, so tight!”

“Ed, you idiot, you should have told me!”

“What difference would it have made?”

“I don’t know but, God, just tell me everything from now on OK!”

Edwina thought again about their crazy scheme. Why was she so desperate to see Eleanour raped? It seemed crazy they would get away with this. But most rapists were either known to the victim or were opportunistic sex offenders living nearby. Edward had a clean record, lived nearly a hundred miles away, and had no reason to want to attack Eleanour. The idea he would plan this rape in this secluded area seemed fanciful, for what motive?

But what if Eleanour ran away, or took off his ski mask, or overpowered him?

“You know Ed, you were prepared to kill that red head at the beach, you’ve got to be prepared to kill Eleanour if she sees your face, or if she looks like she might get away OK?

The plan was to rob her, take her phone, rape her, then tie her to the railings and gag her, while driving away. Eleanour would break free herself in a few minutes, and it would be too late.

“I have seen how much this woman upsets you, Edwina. And for you, I would do anything. If you think this is a good idea and we will get away with it, I will do it, and don’t worry, I’ll kill her.”

“Good. And if the condom breaks, then, well we will have to bring her home with us, can’t have her walking to the police or lying around with your cum inside her.”

“I take it we kill her at home, then?”

“Yeah, then burn the body.”

“We might as well keep her for a few days, let her see Becky again. They might enjoy each other’s pussies with a bit of encouragement” Edward mused.

Edwina suddenly had the sick thought of slitting Eleanour’s throat in front of Becky. What had happened to her? She was now a full-blown psychopath, but yet it all seemed so rational. Eleanour had offended her, and insulted her, and sexually excited her. Therefore it was logical to have her raped and possibly murdered to cover up their tracks.

They drove around and double-checked there was no CCTV footage in the area.

The following day, Edwina and Edward were back and waiting, this time for real. “Will be nice to have a lie in” laughed Edward.

Never mind that, get your mind sharp, your dick hard, and your fists ready. Keep that knife handy too.”

Edward felt like complaining he was doing all the work. But sticking his cock into the delectable Mrs parker did not really feel like work if he got away with it.

Eleanour Parker had a secret that even the Pembrokes had not guessed. She was having an affair with her personal trainer Manuel, an Argentinian hunk.

On this morning, they were planning a rendevouz at a secluded spot on her run, safe from prying eyes, where hardly anyone ever went, certainly not at 6 in the morning.

Like clockwork, Eleanour appeared around the bend. Edwina sat in the van, armed with her own knife in case she needed to help her husband.

Edward was ready, his fleece, gloves, trousers, balaclava, ski mask all protected him from the cold and his condom was already on his rock-hard cock. Watching pre-recorded videos of Eleanour running had already got him going. In his hand, he held a nine inch serrated knife.

Despite the chill in the air, he was horny as hell. The thrill of attacking girls, the four attempts in the last year (Sheila Johanson, Amanda Falstaff, Emma Bradly, Becky Parker) had just made him want to do it more.

Eleanour Parker, in her yoga pants and sports bra, was running along the isolated path, completely unaware of the danger lurking nearby. All she was thinking about now was the handsome Manuel, waiting for her.

As she passed a large bush, a large masked man, clad all in black, sprang out with sudden ferocity and rugby-tackled Eleanour. She grunted, barely having time to squeal before Edward punched her in the stomach, knocking the wind out of her. Wheezing and desperate to scream for help, she saw him slash the knife toward her.

Eleanour, aware that her lover Manuel was close by, felt a surge of terror and wondered how to alert him. Her mind raced, searching for any way to signal her distress. She suddenly saw a van, parked nearby, and thought she saw someone inside and tried to wave, desperately trying to make herself scream to attract their attention.

Inside the van, Edwina watched, her face a contortion of fascination, hatred, and adrenaline. She clenched her fists, her eyes glued to the scene, willing her man on as he attacked Eleanour.

As he felt the strong, firm legs encased in the skin-tight leggings, an animalistic lust took over Edward. Brandishing the knife, he leaned closer, his voice a venomous hiss.

“Don’t say anything, you bitch. Keep your mouth shut and stay on the ground!” he snarled, through his mask.

Eleanour froze at the sight of the knife, the mask, and the powerful build of this animal behind the clothes. He reached down and yanked at the hem of her leggings, tearing them down to her ankles in one swift motion. In the process, he knocked one of her trainers off her foot. Eleanour’s mind raced with fear and desperation as she lay vulnerable on the ground, the cold air biting at her exposed skin.

Edward lost himself at the sight of the bare legs, the slinky black thong his only obstacle left. Edwina, watching, hoped Edward would yank that thong off and bring it home as a trophy. She grunted at the van window like an angry dog barking in a kennel, and did not notice the tall muscular latin runner approaching.

Edward took his hard cock out of his trousers, testing the condom. Eleanour cried quietly. “Please ... please don’t rape me, just take my phone.”

Edward suddenly grew angry. He had this bitch, but he was encased in plastic, his hands, face and cock. Why could he not cum inside her? Why not drag her home? He didn’t care if he had to kill her or not. He wanted his bare skin on this beautiful female body.

“Take your fucking knickers off, now” he growled, holding his knife in the air over her, ready to strike.

Trembling, Eleanour pulled them down, and Edward impatiently got to his knees, his eyes going from Eleanour’s terrified face, down her toned abdomen, to her pussy, the thin Brazilian strip above it leading to the tight cleft he was looking forward to blasting open.

Eleanour focussed on two things, his knife, and his cock, both about eight inches, each looking like they were going to pierce her very soon. She was shaking, both from the cold, and the knowledge this animal was going to rape her.

“Come on Ed!” Edwina almost cheered.

Suddenly, Edward’s world spun as he received a blow to the side of his head. Dazed, he looked toward the source and saw an angry face framed by black curly hair, a dark Latin visage, followed by a fist smashing through his ski mask.

“Manuel!” shouted Eleanour thankfully.

Eleanour scrambled to her feet, grabbing a rock, and joined in the attack on her would-be rapist. Edward let his instincts take over, swinging his knife wildly. He felt the blade make contact with their bodies, but the adrenaline-fueled fury of his opponents didn’t falter. Manuel landed another powerful punch, while Eleanour brought the rock down hard on Edward’s arm, forcing him to drop the knife.

Edwina was aghast as she looked on. If only she had a gun! She gripped her knife, would she be of any help?

But Edward soon regained the upper hand. Manuel was dripping with blood, his movements slowing. Edward turned to Eleanour, who was trying to rip off his ski mask. With a furious shove, he threw her to the ground and picked up his knife again. Manuel, gripping his side and now drenched in blood, watched in horror as Edward prepared to strike.

Summoning his remaining strength, Manuel lunged at Edward, tackling him with a desperate force. He managed to knock the knife from Edward’s hand, sending it skittering across the path again.

Edward, realizing he was outmatched, shoved Manuel off him with a final burst of energy and scrambled to his feet. He glanced back at the pair, his eyes filled with frustration and rage, before turning and fleeing towards the van.

“Fuck” shouted Edward as he got into the passenger seat. Edwina, who had the engine running, put her foot down and drove off before he had the chance to shut the door.

“Christ” Edward checked for wounds. “I dropped the knife.”

“It doesn’t have your fingerprints does it?”

“No, don’t think so. Fuck, where did that bastard come from?”

“Oh God, Ed, we need to get out of here!”

They drove for twenty minutes before Edwina stopped the van and let Edward take over. They hugged briefly.

“Sorry, Ed, I made you do it, if we go down for this, we both go down!”

“I love you Edwina, I don’t care, I will do anything for you.”

Eleanour was grateful to get her knickers and yoga pants back on and tended to Manuel. The cuts to his arm and side were not as deep as she feared.

“Oh my God, Manuel, thank you. Oh God, that man, he came out of nowhere, he was going to rape me!” Eleanour suddenly broke down in tears, shaking in fear.

“Don’t worry, Eleanour, he didn’t. We fought him off.”

“We should call the police!” Eleanour exclaimed, but then a thought struck her. She remembered her husband and the suspicions he harbored. An attempted rape, and what if the investigation revealed Manuel had saved her? Why was she meeting Manuel at this hour? She knew her husband had his suspicions.

“Oh ... God, ... maybe not yet ... Manuel, we need to get you to a hospital,” she said, breathing hard.

“Manuel, I don’t want my husband to know about us. God, for now, I don’t want the police to know...”

“It’s OK, I understand, but that maniac could target someone else.”

Eleanour felt awful and conflicted. “For now, Manuel, let’s get you to the hospital. You need care. We’ll talk on the way.”

Even through the shock and terror, Eleanour knew she could not report this to the police. She had to keep this quiet for the sake of her marriage.

The Pembrokes were quiet for the rest of the day. Edwina made her husband a full English dinner and nursed his injuries, which were pretty minimal.

“You’re still my hero, Ed” she purred. “That bitch still had a fright, you still got her knickers off. If it wasn’t for that fucking Paki, you’d have had her. I’m so sorry I never noticed him”

“It was bad luck Edwina, but we got away. I’ve thrown out those number plates. God, how many near misses have we had now? We are playing with fire, forget about being careful, we need to just count our blessings and not play these games any more.”

“I agree, Ed” Edwina cast a loving look at her man as she hugged him. “We have each other, and that little pussy downstairs, and we don’t need anything more.”

They both smiled and resolved to embrace their good fortune and not overreach themselves.

The next day, Edward had taken the day off, to hide his slight injuries from his colleagues. He chose to spend it in bed with Becky.

“So, are you going to tell me what happened with my mum?”

“Never mention this to Edwina, Becky, OK? You can probably guess because she is so quiet about it. Just don’t bring up your mother at all in front of her, and call Edwina ‘mummy’ remember.”

Becky was lying on Ed’s chest. He had just pounded her doggy style, and they were having a break. She knew that he would expect hours of sex today.

“Please, can you just tell me if she is OK?”

“Yeah, she is OK. She got away, didn’t she, the sexy little eel.”

Becky almost cried inwardly with relief. She rubbed her face into Edward’s chest to hide her smile.

“I still gave your mum a fright though. I don’t know if your dad has ever hit her, but the look on her face, itwas so different to her normal stuck-up look! I had her running bottoms down to her ankles, I even had her knickers off, oh Becky I was so close...”

Edward spoke about the affair like a sadly missed connection, not a brutal rape that had been thwarted.

Edward got out of bed and began to re-enact the affair in front of Becky, who remained naked on the bed, propped up on her elbow, watching him with morbid fascination. He moved with fervor, mimicking the earlier struggle as if he were a boy re-enacting a scene from an action movie. His gestures were animated, his voice rising and falling dramatically as he recounted the fight, his flaccid long cock waving about between his legs, the adrenaline still coursing through him.

Becky listened with horror as he spoke of how he had punched her mother, ripped her trouser and knickers off her, and was about to get his cock inside her when this mysterious stranger turned up.

As Edward excitedly re-enacted the three-way fight with him, Manuel, and her mother, waving an imaginary knife, Becky watched intently. She wondered who this hero was, silently thanking him in her mind. As she lay there, she prayed that one day someone could rescue her from her own hell, just as this man had saved her mother.

“Do you think my mum is OK, did you stab her?”

“Nah, I didn’t stab her, I stabbed that other bastard though.” Edward stuck his chest out with pride. “Do-gooding cunt. If I saw a man raping a woman, I’d let him get on with it. Bitches need raping, they do.”

His face changed, his cock started to grow erect. He looked at Becky, her piercings shining all over her face, making her look like some kind of alien slave girl, and thought back to the terrified figure of her mother, prone on the ground, face agape with horror, her pussy exposed.

“This is what I would have done to your mum if that cunt had not shown up!” And he pounced down on Becky, driving his cock inside her with one movement as she squealed with pain and surprise, and fucked her with a vengeance.

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