The Death and Life of Becky Parker - Cover

The Death and Life of Becky Parker

Copyright© 2024 by Edward Pembroke

Chapter 12

Horror Sex Story: Chapter 12 - Becky Parker is a troubled teenager with suicidal thoughts. At her lowest ebb, she crosses paths with Edward and Edwina Pembroke, an outwardly unremarkable couple projecting an aura of compassion and empathy. Unfortunately, unbeknownst to Becky, the evil Pembrokes harbour disturbing and twisted inclinations towards her, exploiting her vulnerability for their depraved gratification.

Caution: This Horror Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/ft   Fa/ft   ft   Teenagers   Drunk/Drugged   NonConsensual   Rape   Romantic   Slavery   Teen Siren   BiSexual   Fiction   Zoophilia   Slut Wife   BDSM   FemaleDom   Humiliation   Rough   Sadistic   Spanking   Torture   Group Sex   Anal Sex   Analingus   Bestiality   Double Penetration   Enema   First   Massage   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Voyeurism   Water Sports   Foot Fetish   Revenge   Transformation   Violence  

The Pembrokes were enjoying a snowy wintry walk through the park with Lucifer.

“Do you ever stop and think, Edwina, what we are going to do in 20 years?” Edward asked, breaking the serene silence.

“What do you mean?” Edwina replied, slightly puzzled.

“I mean, the Becky situation. Are we going to keep her around until ... we retire, or one of us dies?” Edward’s voice carried a tone of genuine concern.

“Oh Ed. You worry too much,” Edwina said softly, taking Edward by the arm and giving it a reassuring squeeze. “Let’s just enjoy today, shall we?”

Edward sighed, letting himself be led by Edwina through the glistening snow.

“We are going to have to kill her, eventually, right”

“Ed! Don’t think like that!”

“Well, we can’t let her go. We can’t just keep her there forever. She is going to get sick...”

“When the weather is better we can drive her out in the boot somewhere to give her some air, don’t worry...”

“And what about other girls, what about Genevieve...”

Edwina’s whimsical look turned into a snarl. “That little bitch. Such a fucking goody two shoes. And the mother too. I’m not getting anywhere.”

“I’m sorry Edwina” Edward patted her on the shoulder. “I know how excited you were about the young girl. But we have Becky.”

“Yeah. We do. You seem to be spending a lot of time with her.” Edwina was suddenly frosty. “You’ve been taking days off spending the whole day there with her. And you still haven’t fixed all the video cameras up.

Edward was silent. He was scared of his wife’s mood swings.

“You need to be careful, Ed. She might seem like a cute little kitty, but she’s fucking dangerous. She could have us both locked up.”

“I am careful...”

“I doubt it! It’s probably a good thing those fucking Parkers can’t be kidnapped as well. If you want to be useful, I would have you rape that cunt, Eleanour.”

Edward’s eyes lit up. “You know you can rely on me haha, my cock is at your command.”

“Is it? You don’t get it up for me much more, that bitch underground gets it all.”

“Now, Edwina that’s not fair, look I promise I’ll make more of an effort but ... what do you expect, it was your idea to take her anyway!”

“I know, I know. Never mind.”

Edwina walked on. She was getting frustrated. She just wanted more victims but was drawing a blank. Her husband had gone from a sensible co-conspirator to a love sick puppy. She was getting jealous of Becky and was starting to wonder if the whole thing should have the curtain drawn down, with Becky being consigned to an early secret grave.

“Cheer up, Edwina, it’s your birthday next week. I will make it something to remember, OK?”

Edwina smiled. One year older. She never celebrated her birthday. When young, she never got invited to parties so she never dared hold her own.

Edward and Becky lay in bed together. Becky had grown used to his musk and liked to lie on his chest hair. She could relax knowing Edwina was not around to fear.

“Ed, I think it’s nice when we lie together like this. If Edwina wasn’t around, I think I could tolerate being your prisoner.”

“Don’t spoil it, Becky. She’s not doing so well recently.”

“What is wrong with her?” asked Becky. She hoped one day a prison psychiatrist might be able to answer the question.

“She is jealous of you. You’re so pretty. For me, you’re the girl who turned me down and now I get to fuck you. For her, you’re the girl who turned her down, didn’t invite her to parties, and bullied her.”

“I never did anything to her.”

“You did mock her when she was supposed to be helping you.”

“Yeah OK. But she has more got her own back on me. And I’m 14, a child, it’s not fair.”

“I know love, life’s not fair. That’s what I learned a long time ago, the sooner you accept that, the happier you will be haha. Well, Edwina doesn’t think it’s fair she can’t get at your sister! You wouldn’t understand, you’re not like us, you don’t know what it’s like, to want to fuck someone, and you can’t! You can’t even look at them! Well, Edwina gets that when she was with you, and now with your sister. I think you have raised our expectations, she finds it hard to accept now that Genevieve can’t end up like you.”

“So she is going to give up on my family?”

“Yeah, probably. She is angry about it though. She wants me to rape your mum haha. She goes jogging, doesn’t she? Every morning at 6am?”

Becky cringed at the thought of this creep following her own mother.

“Yeah, well I think your mum’s hot, but I’m not into that kind of opportunity rape anymore. Not after I’ve had you down here. Just too many risks, all to stick my cock in your mum behind a bush for two minutes.”

The young girl could not believe the sociopathic language this man was using. She and her mother and sister were just meat toys for them to play with.

“I just can’t believe your dad never molested you. You sure he isn’t gay.”

“Ed, I don’t want to offend you. But not all men think of sex, and of hurting women, all the time.”

“Most of them do trust me. They just don’t have the balls to do what me and Edwina have done. Your dad sounds like he was a go-getter, and with two young daughters like you? Come on, how could he control himself?”

“Ed, you know your kind of thinking? Well, not all men have it, it’s not that common.”

Edward casually ran his hand along her back, down her tailbone, and into her ass crack. “Yeah, I guess. Your dad has your mum to satisfy him I suppose, but for me that would just make me want you more, you look so alike.”

Becky couldn’t believe how he never took offense, responding to her insults like a robot, even when she called him a psychopath and a deviant.

“Oh yeah, Becky, I need to tell you...” Edward got a little nervous about how to break this.

“It’s Edwina’s birthday this weekend and I have organized a bit of a surprise.” Becky’s heart sank, a celebration to Edwina could only mean misery and torture for her.

“Now, you need to be on your best behavior and your best performance. I really want Edwina to feel comfortable with just you in the dungeon, that she can hurt you without fear, without needing me there to back her up. If she feels safe, if she believes she can safely hurt you, then we won’t do anything drastic like slice up your Achilles or break your fingers, what about that?”

Becky thought of how hellish this ‘deal’ sounded.

“OK so it is important she enjoys her birthday. So we are gonna have the party down here. The first thing I want you to do is ... have you ever heard of Marilyn Munroe?

Becky had not, and dreaded knowing.

“She was this film star, sang “happy birthday.” So I am gonna have a cardboard box made with you in it, and you are gonna pop out at my signal and sing for her, I’ll teach you OK?” Edward was laughing now. “It’s gonna be so cool! I’ve got a special outfit for you as well!”

“Is Edwina not celebrating above ground as well?”

“Nah, fuck it we don’t have any friends. Who needs friends when we have you eh?” Edward laughed again, like a donkey.

“Anyway...” he went on. “I need to warn you. Because like I said, you can scream and cry, but you can’t make Edwina feel unsafe. So I am giving you a heads-up. The first present is a “cat o nine tails.”

“What is that?” Becky did not like the sound of it.

He smiled, clearly enjoying her discomfort. “It’s a type of whip, traditionally used for punishment. But don’t worry, it’s just for fun.”

Becky felt a shiver run down her spine. “Fun for whom?” she muttered under her breath, but he either didn’t hear her or chose to ignore it.

“It’s nine whips in one. Used to be used for discipline on ships in olden days. The real ones would leave you scars for life. This one, hopefully only for a few weeks, even if Edwina goes crazy with it, which, let’s face it, is probably gonna happen!”

Edward got up and started stroking Becky. He was getting horny, and licked along her back.

“Mmmmm so until the weekend I really gotta enjoy your hot little body ... it’s gonna be raised in welts for weeks after. All for Edwina! Women are so demanding...”

Becky felt terrified of this, scars for weeks? A whip with nine tails?”

“Why can we not do what we did for your birthday? Sing and dance...”

“Oh we can do that too...” By now his mouth was moving along her spine, licking from her buttocks to her neck. “But Edwina’s thing is hurting, she likes to hurt you. I try and control her, but it’s her birthday!”

Becky shuddered. “OK, what is the other present?”

“The other present, well that is 12 little studs, piercings. I got her a piercing kit.” Edward spoke like he barely cared, his tongue now flicking between her buttocks at her pussy.

“No, Ed, please you bastard! You hide behind her, you are an animal like her!” Becky had pulled away from him and was now hiding under the covers.

Edward’s temper rose, and he pulled the covers back. With a sudden, fierce movement, his hand lashed out, the slap connecting with Becky’s face with a sickening, sharp crack. The force of the blow jerked her head to the side. Her hand instinctively flying to her cheek, already throbbing with pain. She could feel the skin swelling, the tender flesh bruising under her fingertips.

Before she could recover, Edward seized her arm and yanked her forward. Becky’s world spun again as she was pulled over his lap, her stomach pressing into his bare thighs. His hand clamped down on her back, pinning her in place, and then the first spank landed. The sharp crack of hand against flesh sent a jolt of pain shooting through Becky’s body. She gasped, her eyes widening in shock and hurt. This was not playful. These were meant to hurt.

Again and again, the spanks came, each one harder than the last. Becky wriggled like an eel, her buttocks burning under the relentless assault.

“Don’t you dare forget what you are! Becky, you are here to serve me and Edwina!” He threw her off onto the floor and stood over her.

“You try and take advantage of my kind nature. Edwina was right, I need to be more careful! If I hear you bad mouth me, or Edwina again, I will beat you myself, I won’t just let Edwina do it!”

He opened up the bedroom door with the key and stormed out. As he got to the security door, he put on his clothes. He softened slightly as he looked back and saw the poor girl lying on the floor beside her bed, in the fetal position, one hand consoling her ruby-red buttocks, the other holding her face, as she cried into her hand.

“I’m sorry Becky. That was for your own good. You are going to be hurt worse tonight, and you will have to take it, for your own good. Whatever you do, don’t talk back to Edwina like you did with me. And from now on, no more calling us Ed and Edwina OK? It’s mummy and daddy. Now I hope you behave yourself for ... your mummy’ss birthday party, and then things can get back to normal, OK?”

Becky sniffed but didn’t answer.

“What did I say?” Edward raised his voice, angry that he had to be so authoritarian towards the young girl. Why would she not just obey and do as she was told?

“Yes, daddy, I will be nice to mummy.”

Edward grinned. “Good, now remember I did you a favour giving you a warning. When you see the cat o nine tails, and the piercings, remember to act surprised, you aren’t supposed to know!”

Becky cried after he left, pounding her hand against the floor in frustration. There was no fairness down here, no rules other than whatever cruel game made those bastards happy. She could not take much more of this. If she could not kill them, she could kill herself, or maybe even take Edwina with her?

Edwina and Edward went out to a nice restaurant for her birthday. They were drinking wine and enjoying the atmosphere.

“Fancy a dessert, my darling?” Edward was playing the gentleman.

“Yeah, but not here, I fancy a nice peach, not quite ripe, but fresh...” Edwina dipped her tongue in her wine glass while leering at Edward, and they both giggled. Having a cute sex slave at home was the perfect antidote to wanting to go out and spend money.

Becky was lying asleep, her eyes stinging from the tears, her right eye now swollen and red, deading the event to come. When the security door opened, it was just Edward.

“Hi Becky! Quick, we are home. Edwina is getting ready upstairs, I am gonna get set up here!”

He brought Becky out of her bedroom and told her to clean herself, in and out. “And make sure there are no hairs anywhere, you know we don’t like that!”

Becky hated the cold water. “Ed, will you ever get warm water down here? It will help with the shaving.”

Edward was playing with a box and came over, exasperated. “Call me daddy, for fucks sake. Can you not follow orders without being slapped around?” His face was like thunder and it scared Becky.

Two boxes were covered in wrapping paper and left on the ground, then he towelled Becky off and used black masking tape to cover her body, her nipples, and her private parts with strips. “Looks amazing, I saw this in a porn movie, don’t take it off!”

Becky looked down at the black strips sticking to her thighs, pussy, back in ornate designs. She then looked at a large cardboard box, wrapped up to look like a present.

“Right, get in and stay in and be quiet. When Edwina, I mean mummy, comes in, I will eventually say “And now for your first present!” And then you come out, all sexy, and sing that song, OK?”

“Yes, daddy” Becky swallowed. She wished she could go outside of her body for the next few hours, this was going to be hell.

“Remember what I said, Becky. It’s very important that mummy has a nice birthday party. Don’t defy her or make her uncomfortable, just deal with the pain, and be polite and submissive, OK?” Edward cupped her chin and looked meaningfully into her eyes.

“Yes ... yes, daddy. It will be hard but I will do my best.” Tears were falling from her eyes, taking a longer route around the swelling on her right one, the skin turning dark.

Edwina had changed into a pink and black basque, with a matching thong, suspenders stockings, and black high heels. She looked at herself in the mirror, frowning at her midriff, and pushing up her large breasts. She would love to have Becky’s slip of a figure. Well, she had the next best thing, she could play with it anytime she wanted, and damage it if she so pleased.

She was surprised to come down and see Edward, in his dressing gown, naked underneath, beside a large present box, with wrapping paper and bow on top.

“Where is Becky?”

Edward grinned at her and winked. “It’s a mystery! First, let’s have a seat on the sofa, and have some wine, my birthday lover!”

“Oooo Ed you have gone to a lot of lengths for my birthday!”

As they sat back and fondled each other, kissing on the sofa, Becky was tightly packed into the box. She was still suffering from the blow to the face, even the spanks to the bottom. She dreaded the pain to come.

“And now, Edwina, your first birthday present!”

Becky tensed at the signal and started her performance.

Edwina laughed as the top of the box fell off, and a sexy girl, covered in black masking tape stretched along her skin, started to dance, sexily, while rising to her feet.

“Happy birthday to you...” Becky crooned, her voice breathy and trying to be seductive, as she danced sultrily. Her eyes locked onto Edwina’s, a glint of terror in her eyes. “Happy birthday to you...”

Edwina couldn’t help but marvel at Becky’s performance, captivated by her every move. Meanwhile, Edward watched, utterly thrilled by the display.

“Happy birthday, dear Mummy...” Becky sang the last line with a croak in her voice, betraying her unease. “Happy birthday to you...”

Edward applauded. Edwina did too, and noted with pleasure and a little wonder that Becky had a growing black eye.

“Seems like Becky got her own present, I wonder who that black eye was from...” she glanced at Edward, nudging him and giggling.

“Haha yeah, well, Becky was getting a little cheeky!”

“Haha, Ed you old devil!” Edwina hugged and kissed her husband. She was secretly thrilled to see that Edward still wanted to beat Becky up, she had got worried he was falling for her, this was proof she was nothing but a slut to him. He would never dare so much as raise his voice to Edwina.

Edwina jinked over to Becky, now standing awkwardly in the box. “What is this, masking tape? Looks very pretty...”

“Yeah, thought you might like it, a bit different to the stuff we put her in normally...”

Edwina ran her hands up and down Becky’s skin. Edward looked at the soft white flesh, knowing it would soon be marked for weeks.

Suddenly, Edwina ripped off a piece of masking tape from Becky’s tit. Her breast was stretched out and Becky thought for a horrible split second it would be torn out!

She screamed as the feeling of pain hit. Edwina giggled and playfully reached for more tape. Becky doubled over and hugged her body with her arms. “Please, don’t, I can take them off...”

Edwina stopped giggling. Edward broke off from his wine drinking. “Becky, obey your mummy!” he shouted firmly.

Becky remembered, and stood up stoically, her eyes shut, as she felt Edwina reach for more tape, and yank it off. Each time it hurt, leaving deep red trails, and each time Edwina laughed. By the end, Becky was covered in red rashes where the tape had been. “Clean that up, bitch” was all Edwina said to her, as the girl gathered up the tape from the ground.

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