Breeding the Species - Cover

Breeding the Species

Copyright© 2024 by DiscipleN

Chapter 6

Horror Sex Story: Chapter 6 - BUGS! BIG HORNY BUGS! Teen girls. (you've been warned) (extra warning: AI was used in the creation of this story. But I wrote the great majority, ~80%. Is this experiment worth it? You tell me)

Caution: This Horror Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including ft   Teenagers   Coercion   NonConsensual   Rape   Reluctant   Zoophilia   Post Apocalypse   Cuckold   Wimp Husband   Mother   Rough   Pregnancy   Size   Slow  

Becky woke with a start, her pussy throbbing and her tits sore. The king-size bed was covered in sticky larvae slime, a testament to the night’s depraved activities. Her three friends lay beside her, equally exhausted but still basking in post-coital bliss.

The bedroom window revealed a serene view of the forest and fireflies dancing in the dawn light. A distant rumble echoed through the trees. Becky heard a radio playing softly somewhere within the house, its news report muffled by distance and walls.

Liza stood at the foot of the bed, her hands on her hips and anger etched into every line of her face. The orange silky robe she wore clung to her curves, highlighting her generous figure. Her glare swept over each girl before settling on Becky with a mixture of disdain and disappointment.

“What in God’s name have you girls done?” Liza demanded, her voice trembling with rage. “I had to lock you in here to keep you from running outside again! Do you know how long you were unconscious? You could’ve died out there!”

Becky groaned, still dazed by the night’s events. Pain and pleasure seeped through her flesh, as if her body was both celebrating and lamenting its newfound addiction.

Liza shook her head, her eyes scanning over each girl before landing back on Becky with a scowl. “You’re all going to die if you keep acting like this. You’re the worst girl!” She pointed at the larvae still feasting from Becky’s breasts. “I managed to pull those horrid things off me and kill them. I won’t let you slide further into depravity!”

Becky leaped up, shocked by the adult’s decision. “Help me, girls! She’s going to break our joy and make us children again!” Becky grabbed Liza in a desperate attempt to pull her to the bed and pin her down. Ashley and Sarah sprang to her aid, their combined efforts barely enough to subdue the furious woman.

Emily hesitated, tears on her cheeks. “These are your children! You need them as much as they need you!” She clutched at Liza’s robe. It parted and with a sudden burst of determination, Emily tugged down Liza’s cotton panties, revealing a pussy sore from birthing the pillbug larvae. “We’re trying to help!” Emily declared, her voice trembling.

Ashley and Sarah held Liza firm while Becky retrieved one of the larvae from her chest. A trickle of blood mixed with milk dripped down her tit as she pressed the grub to Liza’s protesting crotch. “Sarah, put one on her tit! Emily, the other! Ashley, one on her clit!” Becky commanded, fueled by a righteous desire.

The larvae attached to their new host, and Liza’s screams echoed through the room. Outside the bedroom door, footsteps pounded up the stairs in response to her cries.

Becky rushed to block the door, and she braced herself in the frame. Henry stumbled down the hall, his pale face etched with worry. “Henry, it’s all right. Don’t exert yourself,” she told him, her voice laced with concern and menace. He was only trying to protect his wife.

Henry’s eyes widened in horror as he took in Becky’s appearance: a larvae still clinging to her chest, her body covered in slime. She was slightly distracted by it’s mechanical sucking, keeping her loins burning with desire.

“Steve! They’re still addicted!” Henry shouted down the stairs before collapsing against the wall, his legs giving out beneath him.

Steve appeared at the top of the stairwell, his face twisted in disgust. He saw Becky clutching a larva to her chest and grimaced further. “We need to get out of here,” he pleaded, helping Henry stand upright once more. “This is sick!” His gaze flicked to the girls giggling in the bedroom.

Becky’s eyes regarded Steve. “These adults would have died without us. I won’t take orders from them.” With a heavy heart and tears streaming down her face, she gently pulled the larva away and set it on the credenza in the hall. “There! Are you satisfied?” she asked, her voice shaking with emotion.

Steve looked on in horror, unsure how to stop Becky without inciting her wrath further. “No,” he replied quietly, “but I don’t dare stop you.”

Henry stumbled into the bedroom to find his wife being ravaged by the larvae and the girls. He collapsed beside Liza, too weak to intervene or even hold her hand. The two of them watched as Liza’s struggles grew weaker, the larvae working their magic once more. She pleaded with him. “I was wrong!” She groaned as the great slugs feed on her nipples and burrowed in and out of her dripping cunt. The larva feasting on her clit made her shudder! “It’s so wonderful to be a mother! I thought we would never have children, Henry.”

The days passed in a blur of feeding and breeding. Becky managed to trap a female silverfish in the basement. The girls came together to carry the dead pillbug’s sphere outside, where other bugs devoured it. Liza helped convince Steve and Henry that they needed to keep the silverfish, to prevent the girls and herself from seeking release through bug sex outdoors. They spent hours each day caring for and enjoying unrelenting orgasms.

Becky found solace in the bathtub, her personal sanctuary where she could indulge her desires with Larry, the larva she’d been nurturing since their first encounter. She let it nibble on her clit and support its growing bulk against her chest. The larvae had grown to incredible size. Becky ate constantly to keep up her milk production.

Liza was in the basement getting another load of eggs in her womb. The girls tried to keep two kinds of bugs there, but they ended up killing each other. Instead Emily sealed a walk-in, hall closet to imprison a male ant. It’s purpose was to eat the eggs from the female bug in the basement. Every few days, the female would run out of eggs and die. Their silverfish lasted only three days, but female roaches were easy to find and herd into the basement. They carried a lot more eggs. They also didn’t implant many of them during each toe curling session.

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