Breeding the Species - Cover

Breeding the Species

Copyright© 2024 by DiscipleN

Chapter 5

Horror Sex Story: Chapter 5 - BUGS! BIG HORNY BUGS! Teen girls. (you've been warned) (extra warning: AI was used in the creation of this story. But I wrote the great majority, ~80%. Is this experiment worth it? You tell me)

Caution: This Horror Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including ft   Teenagers   Coercion   NonConsensual   Rape   Reluctant   Zoophilia   Post Apocalypse   Cuckold   Wimp Husband   Mother   Rough   Pregnancy   Size   Slow  

The night air was crisp and chilly. Becky led the others towards the nearby houses bordering the forest. The flickering light of one home guided them to its front door, which opened with a creak upon their knock.

A middle-aged man, naked, stood before them in a disheveled interior. “What are you doing out there!? Get inside!” Trauma has etched his once pleasant features. The interior was a mess - clothes strewn about, furniture askew, a few boarded windows, half abandoned attempts to clean stains that smelled of fear and despair. In the dim light, Becky noticed a woman slumped on the couch, her belly distended, constant pain giving her to whining and groans.

Becky sprang into action. She brushed past the man and hurried to the couch. The man followed but didn’t stop her. Unnatural movements rippled under the woman’s belly. “My name’s Becky. How long ago were you implanted and inseminated?” She could give birth to larvae at any moment!

“I’m Liza.” She groaned and clutched her stomach. “Not two weeks ago.” Liza squealed, “It feels like they’re about to hatch!” Her husband froze with fear. “Oh God...”

The wife screamed, and two tiny creatures wriggled out of her slime dripping vulva, their slick bodies leaving a trail of fluids behind.

The woman watched them with horror! A third issued from her body but got stuck halfway out. “-so many more behind it!” Liza cried out!

Becky’s stomach lurched at the sight, but she grasped the slippery creature and pulled with all her might. “There’s probably too many trying to get out at the same time, like a log jam.” The stuck larva slid free but was crushed in the process. Two behind it plopped out in succession, their tiny bodies squirming on the floor.

Liza screamed and strived to keep breathing!

The next two slid out without less agony, but the one after got stuck. Clearing it from her vulva, allowed the remaining larvae to slip out like soft, gray turds. The woman had a strong climax which surprised them all! Her body convulsed from the intense experience.

“I would have died without you!” She seemed to find peace, eyes closed.

The two which Becky pulled out, soon stopped moving, dead. The dozen survivors squirmed and inched across the floor, no doubt looking for nutrition.

Liza sobbed in relief, her body trembling. When she gazed upon the writhing creatures on the floor, Becky felt a strange warmth towards them, almost as if they were helpless puppies rather than the offspring of monstrous bugs.

“Henry get something for these kids to eat.” The drained mother pointed weakly at Steve. “You, Boy, go with my husband.” She tried to sit up but groaned instead. “I’m Ms. Wesley, but call me Liza.”

Henry bore scars from multiple bug bites. He recovered from his shock and ushered Steve to the kitchen, leaving the women, young and old, alone in the once, opulent living room.

The girls stood gaping at the bizarre scene, stunned by what just happened and too disgusted by the squirming larvae to speak, except for Becky. “Liza, I-I panicked and did what I thought best. I don’t know anything about giving birth! What should I be doing now?”

“Nothing.” Ms. Wesley says. “I was prepared to have them all eat their way out and die. I didn’t want to be eaten alive by them after giving birth. I thought would be hundreds of much smaller monsters!” She sobs! “Today I think they were battling inside me, eating each other until only these remained, two big to be eaten. It was awful!”

Becky’s eyes darted around the room. The larvae were crawling towards Liza, who seemed captivated by their movements, yet repulsed at the same time. One of them climbed onto her ample right breast and latched onto her nipple, drawing a soft moan from her lips.

Becky’s breath hitched at the sight, a strange excitement coursing through her veins. “They seem to like you,” she commented, unable to tear her eyes away from the surreal scene.

Liza’s eyes widened in horror and disbelief. “Get them off me!” She attempted to dislodge the suckling larva, but her efforts only seemed to encourage it further. Another creature climbed onto her other breast, and Liza’s moans betrayed her fear and pleasure.

“Oh my god! It’s drinking your milk!” Becky was astonished. Something about the bizarre turn of events and how the two creatures suckled the worn out woman, turned her disgust into warmer and fuzzier feelings about the larvae. “Th-they look so helpless.” She whispered. Kneeling down, she picked up one of the squirming larvae and gently placed it against her own nipple. To her amazement, the tiny creature began to feed, its soft mouth sucking hungrily. A warm sensation spread through her, and Becky’s nipples hardened as she felt a trickle of milk escape. “I’ve got milk.” She turned an astonished face to her friends.

“Maybe it’s because you were implanted and fertilized, if briefly.” Emily suggested. All the girls had been, and soon they all followed suit, cradling the larvae and offering their breasts as sustenance. Their eyes glazed over in pleasant delirium as the creatures fed, their small bodies wriggling contentedly.

“I ... I wish a bug would come and...” Becky trailed off, her voice thick with desire. The words hung in the air, echoing through the room.

Emily spoke up, her voice soft yet resolute. “Me too.” Ashley and Sarah echoed their sentiments, their faces flushed. The larvae suckled vigorously, their tiny forms swelling slightly as they fed upon the milk.

Liza’s eyes darted between the girls, their shared desires to be implanted and fertilized compelled her sympathy. “Henry trapped the pill bug that impregnated me,” she coughed. “It’s in the basement.”

Just then, Henry returned with a tray bearing soup bowls and slices of toast smeared with jam. Steve trailed behind him, looking uneasy. The larvae continued to feed, their little bodies writhing in apparent delight. Liza’s husband turned to stone, unable to process what the women were doing.

“We’re nursing them.” Becky explained as a simple matter of mercy. She took a bowl of soup and a slice of bread and began eating while she kept an eye on the basement door. Her pussy wanted something filling too.

Becky’s stomach rumbled as she ate, but her lustful gaze remained fixed on the basement door. “Steve,” she said, her voice laced with urgency, “There’s a pill bug down there. We should check on it.”

The boy’s face paled, and he stood resolute before the entrance. “You can’t go down there, Becky. It’s too dangerous.”

Her delirious eyes clear for a moment. “You’re right. You can’t trust us knowing there’s a bug in the house.

“I beat it with a crowbar, but only managed to force it into the basement after it-” Henry sobs and takes food to his wrecked wife. He helps her to eat. He tries to remove the larvae nursing on Liza, but she smacks his face! “No! They need me!”

“This isn’t right! You’re only making more monsters!”

The larvae drank from their breasts voraciously and seemed to enjoy the milk! Bulges developed as their little guts filled up with sustenance meant for humans.

Sarah piped up as if in a trance. “I was just thinking, what if the bugs ignore you when you’re feeding larvae?”

Becky dismissed the idea as foolish and teased Sarah. “You’re just worried that bugs won’t fuck you while your feeding these cuties.”

Steve complains anxiously. “There’s something wrong with you all! Your minds are turning horrible slimy worms into cute little critters.” He took a defensive stance at the door to the basement. He resolved himself to be vigilant against the girls.

Sarah closes her eyes and smiles. “But they feel so good feeding from my tits!” The group ate the rest of their food, but the women asked for more. Emily tells Henry, “Mr. Wesley, you should rest and eat plenty of liquids.” Those giant mosquito bites mean they drained a lot of blood from you.”

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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