Breeding the Species - Cover

Breeding the Species

Copyright© 2024 by DiscipleN

Chapter 4

Horror Sex Story: Chapter 4 - BUGS! BIG HORNY BUGS! Teen girls. (you've been warned) (extra warning: AI was used in the creation of this story. But I wrote the great majority, ~80%. Is this experiment worth it? You tell me)

Caution: This Horror Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including ft   Teenagers   Coercion   NonConsensual   Rape   Reluctant   Zoophilia   Post Apocalypse   Cuckold   Wimp Husband   Mother   Rough   Pregnancy   Size   Slow  

Steve, looking as if a bug might have knocked, opened the tunnel entrance, allowing the two exhausted girls in. The tunnel echoed their footsteps as Becky and Sarah, still damp with perspiration and viscous bug fluids, staggered through the hatch.

Ashley comforted Sarah with a hug. “It must have been awful.”

Emily’s voice trembled. “What happened to your clothes?”

Becky’s eyes flicked across her friends. She shook her head. “I don’t want to talk about it,” she muttered and shuffled towards the stores they had salvaged from the kitchen. The tang of mold and bug acid lingered in the tunnels.

The radio emitted a crackling buzz. Each news report was grimmer than the last. The army’s attempts to destroy the insect onslaught had backfired. The poisonous pesticides proved almost as deadly to humans as to the giant bugs! Women soldiers were being rushed to hospitals, their wombs hosting bug larvae that needed to be extracted. Becky’s mind flashed to the painful yet pleasure-filled experience of having her eggs removed by the hungry earwig.

She repressed the memory and focused on the present. Finding sustenance and refuge from the peril lurking above ground became her immediate priorities. After a quick meal, she wrapped herself in a warm blanket, lost in thought. The groups’ spirits improved when Emily discovered that ammonia from the kitchen’s cleaning supplies neutralized the bugs’ acid that slowly weakened the shelter’s hatches. “That’ll slow their progress for maybe a few more days.”

Exhaustion overwhelmed Becky, and she drifted off to an uneasy slumber on the hard shelter floor. Her dreams were haunted by the buzz of giant insects and the sensation of their probing appendages.

When Becky awoke, the news from the radio was dismal. The national guard had retreated from their town, establishing defensible zones sprinkled around Texas, leaving the kids’ town to its misfortune.

The pirate radio station was never heard from again.

Their somber reality was too much to deal with. Becky needed something to distract her. She felt a strange, empty ache within her womb, a lingering desire for the bugs that had once invaded her body. It was not a distraction that could help them.

Emily’s voice broke the silence. “My phone can use a charger in the library. We might be able to get a signal and call for help. If not, the wifi might be working, and we can send emails to people who might rescue us.” All of them wished they could email their parents and siblings.

The only Adam’s apple in the room, bobbed nervously when Steve offered to accompany Emily. “I can use the flamethrower.”

Becky considered his proposal. Steve’s reliability was always in question. Emily was far too clever to risk her alone with Steve. “I’ll go with Emily,” she decided, retrieving her proboscis sword and a large knife. Steve acted relieved.

The library tunnel was eerily quiet as they ventured forth. The faint buzzing of insects could be heard in the distance, a constant reminder of the peril lurking nearby. Emily limped slightly, her wounds still tender. Becky’s eyes darted around the tunnels, the memory of their close calls all too fresh.

The library was a mess - books strewn everywhere, evidence of the frantic escape of students who had sought worthless refuge. Emily located her phone charger and plugged it in with a sense of urgency.

The wifi was offline, and cell service remained dead. Emily disparaged loudly. “No!”

Suddenly, a giant male bee intruded into the library, its enormous eyes scanning the room. Its four wings beat the air. The pages of half open books on the floor, fluttered beneath its imposing presence. The girls cowered as the bee’s colossal penis swelled and extended towards them.

Becky’s terror was underscored by inexplicable arousal. She brandished weapons but found herself transfixed by the bee’s pheromones. “It’s okay, Emily,” she managed to say. “We don’t have any eggs.” She meant, to be fertilized.

The bee made its choice. With uncanny speed and dexterity, it mounted Emily who screamed when the beastly penis penetrated her tight pussy, its legs shredding her borrowed gym shorts. The sheer size of the intruder was beyond anything Becky had witnessed. This must be a drone bee, the male of its species.

A flatfooted spectator to this brutal violation, Becky paused in horror at her friend’s sexual subjugation. The bee’s phallus plunged and withdrew at a pace only an insect built for speed was capable of. Fortunately its appendage issued plenty of lubricating juices while it hammered bug cock into the screaming girl!

Emily’s screams evolved from those of pain to unabashed pleasure, as the bee followed its breeding program. Becky observed, guilt filling her heart. She want to act but a bee sting of that size would certainly kill one if not both. Only this bee’s stinger wasn’t visible. Did it even have one?

Acting on impulse, she rushed the bee’s pumping abdomen, from behind, stabbing her mosquito sword up the large body segment! The bee’s thrashing grew desperate as if it realized its mortal peril, but Becky persisted, hacking at the vulnerable tail with her knife until the insect went still. Its powerful mandibles ceased to clatter.

The bee’s relentless thrusting had stimulated Emily beyond endurance, and she orgasmed violently while the dying insect remained embedded within her. Becky’s felt envy at her friend’s ecstasy filled expression as she extracted the bee’s wilting member from Emily’s bug juice saturated slit.

After tending to Emily’s post-coital daze with a warm blanket, Becky’s eyes were drawn to her own bare sex. She felt an intense tingle between her thighs and reached down, found herself soaked. The sweet aroma of the bee’s cum tantalized her nostrils, and before she could ponder her actions, Becky used a finger to taste a drop from Emily’s pussy. It was an unexpected delight, salty honey on her tongue.

While Emily recovered, Becky searched the library offices for useful supplies. Her eyes widened at the sight of first aid equipment, grateful for any potential medical support they might provide. But her attention was soon diverted by Emily’s increasingly provocative behavior.

Emily had opened a large book, a lewd smile spreading across her face as she perused the pages. Without looking up, she let her fingers wander down to her sex, moaning softly. Becky’s own fingers found their way to her clitoris, and she lost herself in the moment, forgetting their dire situation for a brief respite.

Emily broke the erotic spell with a provocative suggestion. “Maybe a bee will come and fuck you, Becky.” Her eyes glistened with a lustful gleam as she imagined it. “I’d like to watch that.” Her fingers diddled faster in her sperm sodden pussy.

Becky’s cheeks flushed. She couldn’t deny the allure of such a proposition. The idea of being filled by that immense penis was irresistible. Fingering herself to orgasm, Becky was startled by Emily who also climaxed, their eyes locking in sync with renewed desire for bug sex.

As both girls came down from their respective peaks, an awkwardness intervened. Becky felt exposed and self-conscious, while Emily’s eyes darted between the graphic imagery in the book and Becky’s nude form.

Flipping through the book, their fingers almost touching, the girls’ eyes feasted on the informational images. Emily’s hand slipped back between her legs, and Becky couldn’t resist joining in. The moment was intense, primal, and their eyes met in a silent understanding.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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