Breeding the Species - Cover

Breeding the Species

Copyright© 2024 by DiscipleN

Chapter 1

Horror Sex Story: Chapter 1 - BUGS! BIG HORNY BUGS! Teen girls. (you've been warned) (extra warning: AI was used in the creation of this story. But I wrote the great majority, ~80%. Is this experiment worth it? You tell me)

Caution: This Horror Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including ft   Teenagers   Coercion   NonConsensual   Rape   Reluctant   Zoophilia   Post Apocalypse   Cuckold   Wimp Husband   Mother   Rough   Pregnancy   Size   Slow  

Becky Marshall came to, her amber eyes flickering groggily as they adjusted to the dim light of the school bathroom. The cool tiles felt soothing beneath her, but a nagging sensation pricked her. Her head ached in time with her pounding heart, and a faint pungency lingered in the air.

Reaching around, her hand struck a can. Bug spray - she barely remembered. Becky sat up, her light brown hair falling messily around her shoulders. She took stock of her body.

Black shorts, tattered and torn, hung off her hips, revealing the lacy edges of her cute panties slightly askew. Her red shirt fared worse, its fabric dissolved in places, exposing her training bra and the swells of her budding chest. Becky nearly panicked when she realized what caused the damage.

In front of her stood a giant female bug, its grotesque form blocking out what little light entered the stall. Becky’s breath caught in her throat as she beheld the horror. Its carapace shone with a sinister gleam, and a long, thin ovipositor dripped a sticky fluid, but the vile stomach acid that had disintegrated her clothing had come from its mouth. The bug was licking its mating appendage, an unsettling sight that sent shivers down Becky’s spine.

She remembered snippets of what had happened. A buzzing fly had pursued her relentlessly, and had knocked her down and out after getting a dose of poison. But how much time had passed since then? Her memory felt hazy, like a dream that evaporates upon waking.

Becky’s eyes darted to the can of bug spray, her fingers tightening around it. With a swift movement, she aimed and sprayed the creature’s face - again. The insect reared back, its antennae twitching in aggravation. Becky seized this opportunity to bolt from her hiding place, sprinting naked into the school hallway, cold air pricking at her exposed skin.

But her respite was brief. The bug recovered with remarkable speed and took to the air, chasing her with renewed determination. Becky’s sneakers pounded against the floor as she ran.

The hallway echoed with the screams of terrified students. Becky recognized some of them as classmates, but the horror that unfolded before her eyes was surreal. Giant mosquitoes feasted on the blood of boys and girls, their proboscises buried deep. Other kids lay unconscious or worse, their clothes in tatters. The luckier ones still ran, seeking refuge in classrooms or bathrooms, but the huge bugs seemed everywhere.

Determined to help, Becky changed course, hurtling herself at one of the mosquitoes. With a vengeful cry, she knocked the blood-drenched creature off balance, freeing a classmate caught beneath it. Its weapon tore free, and Becky seized the mosquito’s proboscis. She howled and broke the yard length needle off of its bug-eyed face. She then brandished the slick, vile instrument like a primitive weapon.

Her impromptu sword raised high, Becky swiped at a cockroach which emerged from the shadows, catching it off guard. The roach hissed and scurried back, its antennae quivering. But another threat appeared behind her - the fly that had pursued her earlier. Its grotesque ovipositor glistened with sinister purpose. It vomited foul liquid which splashed her midriff.

Becky’s shorts and panties were dissolved in an instant, leaving her utterly vulnerable as the fly’s extended member thrust into her young sex, knocking her over, landing on an unresponsive body, once more knocked out but briefly this time. She woke to the sensation of eggs pulsing into her womb!

The pain was excruciating, but Becky fought back stabbing the fly in its right eye. She could feel the unwelcome orbs pack within her, their uncomfortable bulk waiting for a male fly’s sperm. But she had not yet learned that fact about the human-breeding, giant bugs. The huge fly buzzed into the air.

Behind her the classmate she’d freed from the mosquito, struggled to her feet. Ashley was a tall, curvy girl with dark hair, a girl Becky recognized. “Ashley!” she shouted, her voice echoing off the walls. They hugged briefly which caused both of them to wince from their wounds.

“What happened, Becky? You’re naked!” Ashley yelled, her own uniform strained against her ample figure. She seemed relatively unscathed, apart from where the mosquito had briefly pierced her.

Becky could only gesture feebly towards the fly as it buzzed around menacingly. “I—I think it implanted something inside me,” she wheezed but handed the bug spray to her classmate. “Use this. I’ve got this needle. It’s like a fencing sword.”

Ashley tracked the hovering fly and sprayed the insect. Becky was in poor shape to fight alone. The fly flew away to recharge its mating potential, leaving Becky to stagger supported by Ashley’s arm under her shoulders.

“We have to get out of here,” Ashley searched the chaos for safe harbor. “But to where?”

“Let’s go to the storm cellar. Maybe it’s safe there.” Becky’s feet stumbled along the floor as they hurried down the hall. The storm cellar was a legend - true but had never needed using and was forgotten by most of the school.

Ashley kept up a steady stream of encouragement as they pressed on through halls in chaos. Giant bugs scurried over screaming middle schoolers and dead teachers. The air grew thick with the sickly sweet smell of blood and insect vomit.

Through the commotion, Becky spotted a couple students cowering in a nook, under the stainless steel water fountain built there.

Among them crouched Emily, a girl from Becky’s science class, her uniform stained with fresh blood. Her leg wound was severe, the dark red fluid still seeping from the bite mark, despite her attempts to stem the flow.

Becky’s gaze shifted to the students around them who fared much worse. Some were restrained by female praying mantises, their struggling bodies held down by spiked forelegs while the bugs violated them. She recognized Ms. Johnson, their science teacher, being raped by a monstrous mantis. The images seared into Becky’s young mind.

She shook her head to clear it. “Emily, can you walk? We have to get out of here!”

Emily nodded, her body numb. She had to believe she could, or face certain destruction of mind and body.

The boy huddled next to her seemed uninjured. “I’m Steve. I’ll do anything to get away!”

“Steve, help Emily walk.” Becky ordered, her voice taking on a new authority. She brandished her makeshift weapon, the mosquito’s proboscis, against a lusting weevil. “We’re going to the storm cellar.”

With Steve’s trembling assistance, Emily got to her feet, supported as she limped towards the emergency shelter. Ashley and Becky fended off opportunistic bugs with poison and sharp pointy thing.

The storm cellar door was barely visible, painted over without care for its purpose, a potential sanctuary from the horrors sometimes ignoring them, sometimes trying their luck against the small band. Becky turned the handle, pushing the door open with a creak. She sighed with relief. A musty smell wafted outwards, and the group filed inside, shutting the door firmly behind them and baring it from within.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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