Into a World of Shadows and Pleasure - Cover

Into a World of Shadows and Pleasure

Copyright© 2024 by Everflowing Fountain Pen

Chapter 2

Young Adult Sex Story: Chapter 2 - The Umbra Viventem, beings of strange and incredible power live in this world. With abilities that defy all human understanding, a regular young boy will fall head-first into a world of living shadows when he finds a young girl alone in a box. Love, power, and pleasure await as he learns about this strange creature and why she is so sexy and cute.

Caution: This Young Adult Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Mult   Teenagers   Consensual   Hypnosis   Mind Control   Romantic   Heterosexual   Fiction   Extra Sensory Perception   Magic   Sharing   MaleDom   Rough   Spanking   Cream Pie   Double Penetration   First   Food   Squirting   Tit-Fucking   Foot Fetish   Leg Fetish  

I woke up to a warm sensation. There was something warm and wet sliding back and forth across my dick. I felt something soft swirling around my dicks head. As I opened my eyes and looked down I saw locks of black silky smooth hair sprawling across my legs and Mistuki with her mouth on my dick bouncing up and down. I couldn’t know for how long she had been playing with me but I felt about ready to burst. Suddenly she buried her face into my crotch and I felt my dick penetrating deep into her throat.

I felt a tightness around my dick that was completely different to her pussy. I felt my orgasm about ready to burst out when I was hit with a different surprise. I felt a sudden suction pulling my dick deeper inside. Then I felt what seemed to be multiple tongues licking all along my dick.

Around the head, up and down the shaft, even directly licking into my urethra. I wasn’t sure how she was doing it. I didn’t fully understand what she was doing but the pleasure was overwhelming. My orgasm hit me hard and fast.

My hands found the back of Mitsuki’s head. I held her down as I fired shot after shot of cum deep into her mouth. My hips thrust up with each spurt. Finally the last of my orgasm passed and I let go of Mitsuki’s head. Her silky black hair slid smoothly through my fingers.

Slowly she raised her head. Her tongue gently licked me as she went. It slowly caressed me as she raised her head, her purple eyes shining as she stared up at me. Her silky black hair glides gently across my chest and stomach. Suddenly I noticed her tongue was still gently licking my head even as she hovered well over my dick. It was a good 3 inches long hanging out of her mouth as she showed me it was covered with my cum. She sensually pulled in her tongue before closing her mouth and making a show of swallowing. She opened her mouth again and her long tongue rolled out, hanging limply underneath. All the cum was gone.

Her erotic display made my dick twitch underneath her. I had forgotten Mitsuki could shapeshift. Possibilities started popping into my head as Mitsuki crawled up and rested above me. I knew there was a lot we needed to talk about. She wasn’t one for conversation but our connection seemed to have stabilized and after everything we needed to have a proper talk.

I was quickly distracted as I looked up at her, feeling such joy and satisfaction I felt her embarrassment rise. Her body’s porcelain white skin went red as her marks started dancing across her skin. She looked away as she tried to hide the smile beaming on her face. I felt a whirl of emotions as we both remembered what had happened. There were so many emotions and thoughts that we both didn’t quite know what to do. Within all those emotions there was no regret. No sadness. I guess there was no rush to have that conversation.

I wanted to keep admiring Mitsuki but an intense growl in my stomach demanded my attention. I realized I was famished. I didn’t know what the exact time was but it had to be late into the night. Most of Mitsuki’s powers weren’t effective during the day and her shapeshifting was one of those powers. We must have been here for at least 12 hours if not more.

Now that I was calming down I also realized the couch underneath me was very wet and rather cold. My skin was also caked with multiple now dry fluids that felt very unpleasant.

I could feel Mitsuki’s discomfort so her situation wouldn’t be much different from my own. Going home would likely cause issues so we just had to shower here. Thankfully I had built and installed a chemical shower in the facility. It wasn’t as good as a proper shower but it should get the job done.

I reached underneath each of Mitsuki’s knees and stood up pulling her with me. As I carried her, princess-style towards the shower station she snuggled into my chest. Mituski stayed quiet, resting her head against my chest. I walked underneath the shower head and delicately let Mitsuki down. She stood in front of me, her breasts slowly rising and falling with each breath. Her silky black hair matted against her forehead, her purple eyes beaming with love. As we stood underneath the shower head I pulled her in close and kissed her.

It wasn’t a hungry, passionate kiss like before. It was gently, soft. As we kissed under the chemical shower I reached up and pulled the lever. We were both doused in gallons of water, washing away the remnants of the day’s pleasures. It only took a few seconds to get if not clean, at least more comfortable. As I let go of the handle the water stopped and Mituski stood there giggling.

It was a quiet giggle. So cute and simple. I loved it. As I felt her and my glee grow I started chuckling myself. It wasn’t long before we were both laughing together. The sound of her laughter was truly a rare treat that I was happy to enjoy and I felt her enjoy my laughter as well.

“It’s been quite a day” I chucked out trying to gain some control of myself.

“A good day,” Mitsuki said back. A wide smile covered her face.

I don’t recall ever seeing a smile like that on Mitsuki before. In the three years we had known each other she was always hiding her feelings from her face. Now her smile was radiant and mesmerizing. I couldn’t help but stare and Mitsuki quickly noticed. She covered her face with her hands as she turned away.

As fun as it would have been to continue, my stomach was getting hard to ignore. After putting on some spare clothes I kept in the facility, Mitsuki opened a portal back into town. She wrapped herself around me, tighter than before, and we headed out.

It turned out it was almost two in the morning so the town was dead silent. Most places were closed but thankfully one fast food place should be just about closing so I asked Mitsuki to portal us behind the store.

As we appeared behind the restaurant I saw a single car grabbing its order from the window before driving off. As Mistuki and I hid in the darkness of the moonless night we made our way to the front door. I felt her darkness envelop my body, hiding me from anyone who might pass by. It was a new moon so Mitsuki was at her peak.

As we got to one of the entrances it was unsurprisingly locked. I reached my hand to the door and a shadow stretched out from my hand and wiggled its way in between the door and its frame. Mitsuki pushed open the door and we both slipped inside. As I walked in Mitsuki unwrapped herself from me and shifted up onto the ceiling, her black formless shape spreading towards the different cameras in the building.

As she enveloped each camera it was left with a black paste that would keep them from seeing anything that happened here. The paste blocks out light and can make anything pitch black. It degrades in sunlight though so once morning comes any evidence we were here should burn away in the morning sun.

I made my way to the front counter and looked back to see two employees in the kitchen. A young man was in front of a soda fountain pulling out nozzles and wiping them down with a towel. He looked about twenty and, from his clothes, I knew he was a manager.

The other employee was a woman. She couldn’t have been much older than me. Maybe seventeen or eighteen. She wore a generic t-shirt regular workers always wore and jeans that fit tightly around her hips. She was of average height and noticeably curvy. Her breasts were perky and fit snug in her t-shirt which looked a size too small. The tight shirt hugged her sides and they curved down to her thin waist. Her shirt didn’t reach all the way down her to her hips leaving her smooth flat stomach and small cute belly button exposed. Her hips were wide and hugged tightly by her jeans. Her large tight round ass bounced as she walked around the kitchen emphasized by the tight jeans. She had large green eyes empathized by long eyelashes and long red hair tied up in two long braids that reached the small of her back. Her skin was pale but unlike Mitsuki’s porcelain white her’s was slightly tanned and covered in freckles. You could tell she was an outdoors type of person from the toned muscles on her legs. I watched as she was wrapping up leftovers with saran wrap, a look of complete boredom plainly on her face.

The plan was simple. Among Mitsuki’s abilities was the ability to place people into a dazed state. They wouldn’t be able to think or react to most things happening around them and wouldn’t remember anything that happened once they awoke later. It was a bit dangerous as too much stimulation or direct sunlight would cause them to awaken. Still, this wasn’t the first time we had done this and it rarely ever got messy.

I remembered in the past we had snuck into all kinds of places. Theaters, restaurants, military facilities, and my own home a few times when I needed to sneak in without my family noticing. Thinking about it I realized that would be necessary again today with how long I’d been out.

As I was lost in the past the young girl bent down underneath a table and started wiping away with a towel. Her ass was pointed directly towards her manager. As it wiggled back and forth, stretching out her denim jeans even more, I noticed the manager was wiping the same spot over and over his eyes staring at the girl’s ass. I could understand. From my position, I got a good look as well and it was impressive.

I didn’t want to make Mitsuki jealous so I tried not to look but my eyes were drawn to that shaking ass. Suddenly it hit me that they were both still acting normal. Mitsuki should have dazed them by now. Suddenly I felt a wave of giddiness and arousal. I realized the feeling was coming from Mitsuki. She was planning something.

“What was she up to?” I thought as I looked up at the ceiling. I watched her dark from sneak across the walls until she moved underneath the manager’s feet. Slowly a black tendril came out and gently wrapped around the manager’s ankle.

I watched as the manager’s light brown eyes, staring hard at his coworker, lost focus. His hands which were idly wiping away the same spot completely stopped moving. His brown eyes grew dark as he stared blankly forward, his arms weakly falling to his sides the cleaning rag fell to the floor. He mindlessly walked out into the dining area and sat in a booth, his expression never changing.

As I looked back into the kitchen I was shocked to see the young girl employee standing in front of me. A smile on her face, her hands behind her back emphasizing her large breasts in her tight shirt. I was concerned we had been caught until I looked into her eyes. Her eyes shined Mitsuki’s beautiful purple before the glow faded and the regular green eyes stared back.


Mitsuki had all kinds of powers that I was very fascinated with. Her portals, her shapeshifting, and even her ability to perceive anything in darkness. However, some of her powers concerned me. Powers that were not only dangerous but crossed a line of morality that I didn’t even know could be crossed.

Among these powers was her Mimicry. She could copy anyone she happened to come in contact with. Their appearance, mannerisms, personality, and even memories were perfectly recreated. After some experiments, I discovered it was different from her shape-shifting. She was connecting herself to another person and created a feedback loop between herself and her target.

When she first showed me this power I was curious and tried testing out its particulars. However, there was an issue with how she would affect her target. They would become impulsive and act out reacting to whatever Mitsuki was feeling at the time. When she was happy they would laugh hysterically, when she was sad they would wail and cry uncontrollably.

The effects it had on her were concerning as well. Her entire personality and mannerisms shifted to align more with her target and the changes would stick around. It would sometimes take days for her to go back to her normal self.

Eventually, I asked her to refrain from using that power at all as I was concerned by the effects it would have on her psyche. In the end, she agreed to avoid using mimicry.

I wanted to object to what she was doing and remind her of what we had discussed. Tell her to stop. But I couldn’t bring myself to do it. Mitsuki’s desires and my own were burning away my rationality.

“Well, what can I get for you tonight, hon,” Mitsuki spoke her voice sultry and heavy with desire.

“Mitsuki” I croaked out, trying to stop this.

“Mitsuki? Mister, can’t you read? My name is Marry.” She giggled, “See here.” Mitsuki pointed to the name tag on her hat.

“Now you look famished. So can I get it for you tonight?” Mitsuki asked, pulling my attention as her hands started squeezing her large tits.

“These nice big tits?”

She sang as she turned around shaking her ass and giving it a heavy smack. The sound rang out in the dark restaurant.

“Or did you want to enjoy my nice ass?”

“Mitsuki. We can’t ju...” I tried to protest before “Marry” leaned over the counter and grabbed me by the chin. She leaned in close, her eyes shining purple, her hand holding my mouth closed.

“It’s Me-Rr-Y. It’s rude to call a lady by someone else’s name, you know,” She whispered into my ear, “Now I’m gonna be taking care of you tonight, so what will it be, mister customer?”

Around me, Mitsuki’s shadow spread all around the store. The windows, the floor, and even the ceiling was blanketed in her darkness. I felt her tendrils wrapping around my hands and feet holding me still.

I watched the restaurant grow dark around us. The manager sitting alone in the booth was swallowed by the darkness. His blank face stared forward, undisturbed by the shadows consuming him.

Suddenly, I felt myself being pulled over the counter by Mitsuki’s tendrils. As her darkness completely covered the store everything became hard to see. But I felt tendrils wrap around my chest pinning my hands to my sides. I heard a ripping sound as my eyes tried to adjust to the darkness. I saw pieces of fabric fall around “Marry’s” dark silhouette.

“Now, now, mister. You can’t be getting distracted when I’m right here.” “Marry” purred into my ear, her voice echoing in the dark empty kitchen.

As I was suspended off the ground by Mitsuki I felt “Marry” hugging me tightly pushing her large breasts into my chest.

“Now don’t worry, mister customer, I’ll give you everything you need.” Her sultry voice filled my ear as I felt my pants being pulled down. My hard dick popped free smacking into her wet swollen pussy lips. They were meatier than Mitsuki’s and I felt the softness envelope the top of my swollen dick. From the sides, I felt my dick sandwiched between her plump thighs. Her pussy lips dripping with her juices lubed up my dick as she rubbed herself on me.

“Mitsuki. We came here for food.” My voice croaked out. The pleasure and desires burning inside me being pushed back by the growls from my stomach. But “Marry” kept pushing. She started stroking my hard dick with her pussy. Up and down soaking it in her warm juices.

As I was overwhelmed by the pleasure of “Marry’s” pussy I let out a loud gasp, and when I did, I felt “Marry’s” lips close around mine. I felt her warm lips close around mine before she pushed something into my mouth. It was soft and formless with a somewhat familiar taste. I quickly understood it was food “Marry” had prechewed. “Marry” was feeding me.

I swallowed the food, too focused on the pussy rubbing up and down my dick to even try and figure out what it was.

It was smooth, soft, and meaty. Unlike Mitsuki’s, which was small and tight, this one felt meaty and soft, like an impossibly comfy pillow inviting me to be enveloped by its sweet embrace. I wanted to be embraced. To feel those meaty lips envelop my dick in their warmth but “Marry” had other plans.

“Well does it taste good?” she teased, “Or did you want something more juicy to eat.” Her giggling voice filled my ears as I felt her feed me another mouthful.

I swallowed again as I tried to shove my dick into Marry’s burning pussy.

“Now, now, sir,” she giggled, “you have to finish your food before you can have dessert.”

Marry gave me another mouthful of food, as I felt her hard nipples pressing through my shirt.

“Come on now mister. Gotta make sure this big dick gets all the energy it needs.”

As Marry kept feeding me she continued stroking my dick with her pussy. I felt myself grow closer and closer to my limit. More and more food kept being pushed into my mouth and Marry kept shifting above me. In between one mouthful of food, I felt a pull at my sides as tendrils snaked into my shirt.

Suddenly my shirt was pulled up and over my head and I was naked in the dark kitchen. Marry never stopped her pussy going back and forth across my shaft, and for each new mouth full she pushed her large tits into my chest. Her hard nipples rubbed into my chest.

“It’s good right?” Marry asked between mouthfuls.

“So good,” I responded, my mouth open and ready.

As I felt my dick ache from desire, Marry kissed me. No food this time, just her tongue caressing mine.

“Dessert time then!” Marry proclaimed with pure excitement. My dick pulsed in anticipation but then Marry’s pussy left my cock completely.

“Give me that pussy, Marry!” I demanded. I strained against my restraints again trying to grab Marry and fuck her good but I couldn’t break free.

“One pussy coming right up!” Marry announced as I watched the dark tendrils wrapping around her waist. As she laughed and giggled with glee she was lifted up and spun around in the air so her plump ass and juicy pussy were facing me. Then she dropped down her pussy lips covering my mouth.

The heat was almost scalding as her juices filled my mouth with a sweet and tart taste. It was the first pussy I had ever eaten and it was delicious. As I feasted on Marry’s pussy I felt her cheeks resting on my stomach.

“Sorry mister customer, I’m gonna have just a little taste.” Marry moaned softly.

Slowly she rubbed her cheeks gently across my stomach. Her tongue caressed around my belly button.

As I feasted on Marry’s succulent pussy my dick ached with desire. Marry kept playing with my stomach as I drank all the lush juices leaking out of her pussy.

“YES! Mister customer, please make sure to savor every bit of your meal!” Marry exclaimed as I felt her pussy juices gushing more and more. Her moans grew louder and louder as I felt her pussy start convulsing around my tongue. “YES! N ... N ... Now mister customer. As ... As a special treat for being such a good customer. I ... I have a special drink, ju ... JUST FOR YOU!”

Marry’s meaty thighs pressed against the sides of my head as more and more succulent juices dripped out of her pussy. She pushed her lips tight into my mouth trying to get me to drink every drop. As I licked up the last of her juices her pussy was lifted away from my face. I tried to stretch my tongue to reach her succulent depths again but it was gone.

I looked above me and as my eyes fully adjusted to the darkness I saw Marry hanging above me. The dark tendrils holding her up wrapped around her breasts playing with her nipples. Another snaked above her pussy playing with her clit. My dick twitched as I saw the erotic display.

I tried to grab my dick but my hands were still stuck to my sides. I felt on the verge of cumming with the slightest touch.

“Did you enjoy your meal, sir?” She purred in my ear in between my heavy breaths.

“Marry...” I moaned out.

“Oh! I see you have a nice big tip for me.” She moaned out as she was lowered onto me.

Marry moved her pussy lips till they covered just the head of my dick in their wet warmth. Slowly she lowered down and her meaty lips enveloped the tip of my throbbing dick.

“Shit, shit, shit,” I panted, my cum rising from my balls as I reached my climax. My body convulsed and pulled against the tendrils of darkness holding me up. My hips desperately tried to push me deeper into Marry’s wet folds.

“Come on! Come on!” Marry cheered, her voice filled with glee and poorly controlled giggles. “Give me that Nice Big Tip!”

As I felt the tip of my dick be massaged by her warm folds, I couldn’t hold back anymore and exploded. Burst after burst of my cum shot into Marry’s pussy as it sucked it all in. I strained against my restraints to go deeper but was held in place as I shot my cum into Marry.

“Oh, there’s so much!” Marry moaned. “Such a big, generous tip!”

As the last of my cum shot into Marry’s waiting pussy, she lifted herself up and my dick’s head popped free. I was still hard and throbbing as Marry’s pussy started leaking my cum.

“Oh, mister customer.” Marry moaned as she kissed me. Her tantalizing body hovered above me. My dick still hard and throbbing.

I wanted that pussy.

Needed that pussy.

Marry’s teasing had driven out every shred of sanity I had. And I couldn’t take it anymore.

Something inside me roared and the darkness holding me up was ejected away. Dark tendrils launched themselves at Marry and she was pulled against a kitchen wall. Smacking hard into it with a loud thud her face shifted from glee to complete shock and confusion. The darkness started to form itself into ropes and coiled itself around her.

It wrapped around her legs pulling them up, exposing her cum filled pussy. It wrapped around her arms holding them over her head, around her breasts squeezing them tightly, and around her neck pulling her tight against the wall. As I watched her be bound more and more I realized the form the darkness was taking.

Kinbaku. A Japanese style of bondage of creating intricate patterns by tying knots around a woman’s body.

The form wrapping around Marry was a variation of 「M字開脚吊り縛り」or Hanging M, open leg binding. Normally her hands would be behind her and her neck wouldn’t be touched but this was different. The ropes were created from my will and desires. They took shape based on my whims and thoughts.

“Wha...” She started to speak but a dark tentacle forced its way into her mouth.

I watched as the tentacle rammed its way into Marry’s mouth. As more grew from behind her and grabbed at her hard nipples, her ears, her armpits, and even her feet and toes.

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