Pinhole, Higher Learning - Cover

Pinhole, Higher Learning

Copyright© 2024 by Fanlon

Chapter 18

“Coming!” a feminine voice from behind the closed door called out.

The voice was clearly higher in pitch, which meant whoever was behind the door was younger than Wendy. At least that was my guess.

Everyone in the room shifted to look at the dressing room. My eyes, however, moved to Caroline. She wasn’t watching the door. Her eyes were looking right at me, and she had a knowing smile on her face.

The moment when I heard the door handle turn seemed to last an eternity. That initial click stole my attention away from Caroline and my eyes, like everyone else’s, bored into the door on the far side of the room.

With agonizing slowness, the door swung open, and a figure tentatively emerged.

“It’s okay, don’t be shy,” Wendy spoke softly, but confidently, reaching her arm out, and waving for the new arrival to join her. “Everyone, I would like to introduce my daughter, Abby.”

There were a few muffled gasps at the announcement and no fewer hushed conversations. I just stood there wide-eyed and the revelation that a mother and daughter were going to pose together—nude.

The new arrival was wearing what looked like an incredibly soft and luxurious white robe when she stepped through the doorway and into the studio. Unlike Wendy’s silken garment, the one her daughter was wearing effectively covered every inch of her form from her neck down to her ankles. It immediately reminded me of those fancy white robes my mother always said she wanted to get when she saw them in movies.

Abby offered a shy smile to our group before hurrying over to where her mother was standing.

Once the shock of the whole situation started to abate, realization dawned on me with its full force. Now, I was kicking myself for not bringing my new camera. If there was ever a time to be able to shoot roll after roll of shots, this would have been it. Instead, I thought I was being smart bringing both of my tried-and-true pinhole cameras.

The reason was simple, the new camera never quite caught the scenes on film the way I saw them in my head. My pinhole cameras, however, always gave me that little bit more. It was obvious, even to the untrained eye. If you compared my gallery portfolio with the pictures I had taken with my new camera, it was clear where my talent truly shown through. Which is the exact reason I had chosen to only bring the cameras I did.

While I was still mentally berating myself, Wendy had already untied her robe and dropped it onto the floor. Wendy’s daughter, however, wasn’t quite so quick to expose herself to the group. From the way her eyes were flicking around the room in jerky, rapid movements, I thought she was about to change her mind about posing.

It took Wendy leaning in, whispering what I assumed were words of confidence, as well as Caroline coming over to join the duo in their discussion to calm the younger woman’s nerves. Whatever was said must have worked because Abby smiled, and I could feel the nervous energy in the room slowly dissipate.

Abby slowly untied her robe and slid it off her shoulders before letting it fall to the floor. You didn’t have to see the two models naked to know they were mother and daughter. They looked so much alike it was almost scary. Their faces had the same high cheekbones, with petite noses, and luscious lips.

Their eyes were both a lighter shade of brown than was strictly common and with the lighting we were all going to utilize, it almost made them shine a golden color. Their hair was the same color as well. Where Wendy let hers flow around her shoulders and down her back, Abby, however, had hers put up with two long wisps coming down at her temples that finished in a slight inward curl.

It wasn’t until my eyes took in the rest of their forms that I could see the main differences between the two. Wendy was the epitome of a full-figured woman. She wasn’t fat, not at all. Her chest was as large as I had seen on a woman, in person, which wasn’t saying much. The swell of her breasts was equally matched by the curve of her hips.

Abby wasn’t as large in either of those areas. Her breasts were impressively full and round, topped with brown nipples. The flare of her hips wasn’t as pronounced as her mother’s but was in perfect balance with her chest. Wendy’s breasts hung slightly due to their size, but Abby’s stood at perfect attention, only the barest hint of gravity taking hold.

The other major variance was that Abby had a very slim line of dark brown public hair above her sex while her mother had a fuller, wider wedge that topped her vagina. Wendy’s was still trimmed and not at all unruly, but she didn’t seem to favor the more minimal look Abby chose—not even close.

“Well, which pose should we start with?” Wendy asked, her arm wrapped around Abby’s shoulder, pulling Abby tight to her side.

Wendy looked just as comfortable standing in front of everyone naked as she had in her robe moments before. Her daughter, however, was obviously less at ease. She was naked, but she kept her arms in such a way to cover up what she could without being obvious.

The way she stood, her legs tight together and one knee slightly bent, hid the majority of her sex. Her chest turned toward her mother slightly, so her nipple was pressed into Wendy’s side instead of being fully exposed. Abby was still smiling, but I wasn’t sure if it was just nerves or what, and I knew she wasn’t completely comfortable, at least not yet.

So far, all the models we had shot up until this point were bombarded with potential poses right off the bat. Even when we had those two girls who seemed willing to do almost anything as long as it wasn’t extremely explicit, they didn’t garner as much attention as Wendy and Abby.

There was a sudden flood of potential ideas from the onlooking club members. Each and every one made Abby flinch a bit. Wendy just held her tighter to her side and laughed.

“One at a time...” Wendy grinned, waving her hands in an attempt to get people to stop calling out suggestions. “This isn’t a race. We have plenty of time.”

“Why don’t we start out with the basics, shall we?” Caroline said, moving away from the two nude women. “A basic side by side should work to start. Douglas dear, do you think we should start with the black backdrop or the white one?”

The photo shoot went by in a blur. Various props in the form of furniture were brought in for the two women to use in various poses. I pulled out the first of my two pinhole cameras and started moving around the room.

The lighting in the room was good, but the poses the group had asked for were lacking—something. There were aspects from all of them I thought would work well; some of them, extremely so. Still, they weren’t quite right, not if I was only going to get two shots at this. I was going to be incredibly selective.



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